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Operating System Comparison
Hey guys bingo cat here so today, I'm doing another operating system comparison: video, I'm comparing Windows, 7 Professional versus windows, 10 professional, both 64-bit now bingo cat. You may ask: why would you even make a video like this, comparing windows 7 and comparing Windows 10 as like apples and oranges, right, they're, both really good operating systems, and there isn't entirely a clear winner on which one is better, and not only that but Windows. 7 and Windows 10 are both so popular, so why would I compare it and my answer to that question is why wouldn't you compare it if you have the chance, I have Windows, 7 Windows, 10 running in VMware. I give them the exact same settings and accept the hard drive size just ignore that all right so keep in mind Windows 7 specifications.Â
If you want to run Windows 7, the minimum requirements are a 1 gigahertz are faster 32-bit or 64-bit. Processor 1, gigabyte of ram for 32-bit operating system or 2d device, or in for a 64-bit operating system, a 16 gigabyte, hard drive space or a 32-bit operating system or 20 gigabyte, hard drive space or a 64-bit operating system and the minimum requirements for Windows. 10 are drummel, please the exact same now. I find it really cool that the minimum requirements for Windows 7 and the minimum requirements for Windows 10 are literally the exact same because this was released in late 2009. This was released and mid 2015. So you know a good 5 and 1/2 years, where computer hardware definitely developed and increase, and these still both have the exact same specifications so as a result on Windows 10 for the most part, you can actually run this on some pretty old technology, like I've seen Videos of people running Windows 10 in 2005, computers. I find that amazing anyways, let's go to in turn both of these operating systems on, and so you know, even though I started out windows 7.Â
First, it actually booted up later than Windows. 10 - let's type in my super-secret facinated here now. The first thing I want to point out in both operating systems as a user interface definitely looks a little bit different. The concept of both operating systems as far as the user interface goes, is about the same right. That boots you to this desktop right with the test score at the bottom of the desktop and various icons. You can click in the bar and both have the recycling bin by default on the desktops right and so yeah Windows 7 uses something called the windows. Aero theme: what Windows Aero basically does is it's a thing that allows you to give you this fancy pterence parent effects like behind the windows and behind the taskbar right when Windows 10 uses something called flat design. It was originally called Metro by Microsoft and Windows 8, but they scraped it for the modern look and now I don't think, there's even a name for the UI of Windows now, but for all intents and purposes this is a flat design user interface.Â
Now they allow you to keep the transparency in the task work and the Start menu like that in Windows. 7 actually rip this out in Windows 8, but they added it back and understand and for looks very nice now. The icons you notice in Windows 7 are straight from Windows, Vista or the icons of Windows 10. On the other end they're brand spanking it. So I'm going to go ahead and open up the default web browser on both the operating systems. Windows 7 is updated to the latest and greatest Internet Explorer browser. I, the initial, build of the Internet. Explorer 11 was released in 2013 and was released for Windows 7 and Windows 8 and Windows 10. It comes with a brand spanking new web browser called Microsoft edge. As you can see this, this browser, since its brand new, looks not exactly like Internet Explorer but they're both great browsers, but this uses a newer layout engine, so there's a better chance I'll display web pages more correctly than in Internet Explorer 11 over here.Â
Oh, the other thing about edges that it is designed to be used with a touchscreen as well as a keyboard or mouse sense edge, is still working progress browser it does not have a lot of features like Internet Explorer. 11 has like support, for you know. Plugins and extensions edge at the current moment in time doesn't support any extensions at all. Let'S dive into the programs list for both doctor rating systems, the default programs list that is so Windows 7 comes with. Let'S see desktop gadget gallery, which is desktop gadget is pretty mystic gadgets. It'S basically what allows you to have stuff like a CPU meter, a slideshow. What else is there basically just cool nifty little teeny, tiny programs on your desktop that provide you with real, up-to-date information of stuff? You want to know like. Let'S say you wanted to know the weather right.Â
You could just place a weather gadget here and all immediately tell you what temperature it is outside now: Windows. 10, even though it doesn't have gadgets anymore. It does have the live tiles here in the Start, menu which do almost the exact same stuff as the gadgets on the windows. 7 desktop Windows. 7 comes with. You know. By default, when I release it came with Internet Explorer 8, but once again it can be upgraded to 11. It also comes with Windows DVD maker by default, and you can watch DVDs by default now, windows.Â
10. It doesn't even allow you to watch DVDs by default. Like DVD playback is not supported in Windows 10, which to some people one might seem really ridiculous, because DVDs are still have a lot of uses right, but to a lot of other people, newer computers aren't coming with DVD drives and with the rise of Internet services. I don't really see any reason to use DVDs anymore personally. Windows 7, also like if you open accessories that comes with normal Windows, stuff, like calculator, notepad paint, remote, desktop the run command and Windows. 7 was actually the last version that, if a classic windows day games this, I call it like solitaire and etc.Â
This version of Windows 7 doesn't actually have it, because this is a professional version but and other versions of Windows 7. It does have it when it's done. On the end of their hand, this is a professional version, but it does come with candy crush soda saga anyways. So as far as other stuff comes, it does um. My personal opinion, Windows 10 comes with a lot of bloatware. Like the apps, don't really take up much resources, but I really don't need Microsoft. Money installed by default, in my personal opinion, like all the stuff that Windows 7 had installed by default, had a very useful point. As far as I go, I don't want to use Microsoft, money right, and so some of these apps Microsoft lets you uninstall, but there are other apps in here like phone.Â
This is not a phone, so I don't need the phone app. Unfortunately, I can't uninstall it at all: hey as far as default. Apps out Windows 10 includes includes 3d builder calculator. Calendar camera I do like, like calculator, for example, is basically more or less just an updated form of the calculator that was included in Windows 7. I mean it can do almost the exact same stuff. This UI, though it's just newer now as far as Start menus for both the operating systems goes, they look fundamentally similar except over here. This is basically the Windows XP Start menu, which was also the Windows. Vista Start menu. What this does is it provides you shortcuts to various parts of your computer and over here is just basically a program, so it's like this is recent programs, and this is all of your programs.Â
Windows 10 is a little tiny bit different as far as links to frequently accessed parts of your computer goes it's down here and it's barely honey, but if you want more links, just right-click on the Start menu and there there on this is most used. Programs on like they also suggest your programs basically ads in the Start menu, but you can turn off ads in the Start menu and that's good. And then you click your all apps list and you can scroll down. This is pretty much like the same way. You could scroll down your list of Windows 7. Now, looking at the various settings in each operating system, Windows 7 for the most part comes with one place. You can view all your settings for your computer.Â
That'S just the traditional windows control panel now by default. It opens you in category view, which I actually don't really like, because it's you have to dig down in all of these categories just to get to this setting you want, I always prefer the large icons or the small icons view, because you can basically see almost All that configurable settings on your computer at one single time, Windows 10, on the other hand, comes with two places. You can change your settings. It comes with the new and improved settings app, which I like the Settings app except there's. No way to view all your settings at once, but other than that I, like the settings up, the user interface is so much better than a control panel. In my opinion, Microsoft.Â
I believe once this to replace a control panel, but they haven't finished migrating it over. So you also have to use a separate control panel, sometimes which is still there and still looks the exact same as I did in Windows 7. But it is extremely confusing where the go sometimes because of reasons like this, I don't even try and go into a control panel or Settings app and windows tend to change the setting I just type whatever I want to change into the Start, menu and hope set. If finds it, instead of me having to manually hunt for it, let's talk about the Windows 10 privacy issues that Windows 10 is famous for not Windows. 10 is famous for supposedly collecting more telemetry than Windows 7, and all that means it's basically just collecting data on how you use your computer, which, depending on your it, can be a good or bad thing now.Â
First of all, I just want to point out that there are updates automatically get installed to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. That turns on a lot of telemetry by default and more or less provides the exact same telemetry and data tracking. That Windows 10 has now. The other thing I want to point out is that Windows 7 since day one would and can collect telemetry about you. Telemetry could be as simple as Windows 7. When a program crashes it going to want to sum his crash data to Microsoft, and you going yes now: Windows 10. All that is basically turned on by default, so yeah, essentially, Windows, 10, gives you less privacy than Windows 7. But it's try to see. Concerns are definitely blown out of the water. Now the general concept of Windows 7 was basically Windows. Someone was a very conservative operating system in comparison to almost any other version of Windows ever released, except like maybe Windows, 2000 and Windows me.Â
The got entire goal of Windows. 7 was a fix. The messes that Windows Vista made Windows Vista was a buggy and slow and unsecure operating system for the first year of its life until got the first service, fax and so Microsoft didn't make that many major UI changes to the operating system. I'M not kidding they kept it almost the exact same where Windows 10, on the other hand, wasn't afraid to change a UI at all Windows. 8 UI was such a drastic departure from Windows 7 that Windows 10. They tried to make it more Windows, 7 ish, and so yet the entire goal of Windows 10 is. This is a version of Windows to be used on all your devices, Microsoft. You want to see the use the exact same version of Windows 10 on your phone and on your tablet and on your computer and that's very cool yes, mate.Â
Now, Windows 7 on the other end, was only designed for desktops and laptops in mind. It does have a touch mode, but its primary goal wasn't to increased amount of touch users using Windows 7. Now it's there just in case someone wanted screen windows 10. On the other hand, you could say that Windows 10 was almost designed with touch in mind, like their new web. Browser, for example, is extremely easy to get around just using a touchscreen, so yeah, if add, to choose which one I like better Windows, 7 versus Windows. 10. I would say it's a really tough decision. You know what, because Windows 7 was fantastic for its time. It'S a really polished product.Â

At the same time, this was released about seven years ago, and technology has changed quite a lot since seven years ago. Hence, Windows, 10 Windows 10 has stuff that Windows 7 will never have. It has its own app store, for example, when they're seven does not have that. I love Windows 7 could says because it's a complete, fully polished product Windows 10, on the other hand, is a little bit less polished than Windows 7. Hence the dual settings and control panels mishmash nonsense, but if I had to choose one I like better, I would choose Windows 10, so yeah. That was today's video thanks for watching guys. Hope you guys like this video. If you didn't, please tell me why and goodbye you, youÂ
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