richietrashman · 3 years
Reblog if your muse is Bisexual
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Other pride-flag bubbles for your muses: [LGTBQA+] [Ace] [Aro] [Panromantic/-sexual] [Grey-Asexual] [Demi-Asexual] [Gay] [Lesbian] [Transgender] [Intersex] [Agender] [Genderfluid] [Nonbinary]
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richietrashman · 3 years
You want to get to know my mun better?
Want to hear me ramble and post about my interests?
Check me out at @smolmccartney
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richietrashman · 3 years
Guilty As Charged- MUN EDITION
Have you ever stalked another blog? If so, why? (I.E: Quality of their writing? The MUN just seemed like a nice person? etc.)
Have you ever sent a hate anon to any of your mutuals?
Have you ever started drama?
Were you ever roped into drama that you didn’t want to be part of?
Have you ever checked your mutual’s blogs, even if you know they’re offline, and liked their old ic/ooc posts?
Do you have favourite blogs?
Do you have favourite threads?
Do you have favourite ships?
Have you ever promised drafts but ended up secretly lurking on your dashboard instead?
Have you ever sent yourself anons?
Have you ever let your drafts build up?
Have you ever sent anon love/compliments to your mutuals?
Have you ever been jealous over a ship a mutual of yours and another mun have with their muses?
Have you ever stalked the ship of another mun?
Have you ever been intimidated by somebody based solely on their writing alone?
Have you ever been late on replying to ooc messages/dm’s?
Have you ever deleted a sent ask?
Have you ever gotten so invested in a thread?
Have you ever turned interactions with another muse away for reasons?
Have you ever followed a blog solely because you like the FC they’re using?
Have you ever unfollowed a blog? What were the reasons?
Have you ever blocked somebody? What were the reasons?
Have you ever mentioned another muse in a thread despite them not being in the thread?
Have you ever not read the rules on somebody’s blog?
Were you ever supposed to do something productive but instead spent all that time doing replies on Tumblr?
Have you ever faked a story on an ooc post?
Do an influx of ooc posts on a blog annoy you?
Do you have a group of tumblr friends that you consider as close friends?
Have you ever forgotten to write up a promised starter for somebody?
Have you forgotten to reply to a starter or ask meme?
Have you ever deleted unfinished threads?
Do you find yourself practicing favouritism with certain blogs/muns/threads?
Have you ever fallen asleep while replying to threads?
Have you ever cried because of a thread?
Have you ever found yourself unconsciously doing the facial expressions that your muse is doing while you write?
Have you ever thought about deleting your blog? Why?
Have you ever written a thread by just ‘winging it’?
Have you ever broken any of your own rules?
WILD CARD (Ask anything you want!)
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richietrashman · 3 years
reblog this to hand a bouquet of handpicked flowers to whoever you rb it from
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richietrashman · 3 years
"Well we take baths and showers together all the time, just thought maybe... we try something different." For a moment, he was worried that Eddie really didn't like it, just because he had put effort into something didn't mean Eds was obligated to like it, he thought.
But reassurance came as Eddie held him closer. He loved making Eddie feel protected, in a much different way than his mother used to. Her overcoddling was more for her own satisfaction, as it was with Munchausen's By Proxy, but Richie's was sincere, and he would rather die for Eddie a million times before he'd let him feel unsafe.
"Which time? I thought I did that a lot." He chuckled. "God I was such an asshole back then." He returned the soft kiss under the bright moonlight. "Sucks that it wasn't like it is now, about our feelings and shit. At least now we don't have to worry about..." he stopped himself as his sentence was about to get real morbid real quick. "Yeah... We were so fucking dumb, huh?"
Richie had planned this whole vacation for a while now, which was actually pretty unlike him; he was never much of a planner but Eddie was, so when it came to things like this involving Eddie, he did his best to plan it out.
Countless hours scribbling ideas on paper for what they could do and where they could go; despite technology having made great advances since he was a kid, Richie planned and processed things better when he actually wrote them down physically on paper.
All that time planning had led to this moment, and the one thing he hadn’t been able to plan: The water really WAS really fucking cold.
All of his body heat seemed to seep into Eddie, which he didn’t mind. He lost himself in the intimacy of the moment until Eddie asked the question.
“It’s more intimate, I thought. And romantic…” he began. “Fuck, this water’s cold! Come here…” He held Eddie closer to him, to keep him warm and hopefully keep himself warm in the process.
“You know what else is intimate? A warm bath. Or a shower.” He huffed out, simply because it was within Eddie’s nature to always complain about things before he got to actually doing them and enjoying them. He did find himself blushing a bit, because it was sweet that Richie was even trying to be intimate and romantic. He couldn’t be mad at him for that, especially because Richie wasn’t the type to ever take anything seriously. Eddie was a hopeless romantic, but he tried to tone it down, because he knew Richie just…wasn’t that type. 
He smiled as the other held him closer, wrapping his legs tighter around him, nuzzling his face into the side of Richie’s neck and letting out a sigh as he shivered. “It’s fine, it’s fine. Our bodies just have to get used to it. Soon the water will feel warm, and it’ll feel colder to get out.” Because science. Besides, he liked Richie holding him this close, he felt secure, and it was pretty romantic that more that he thought about it. 
“I do like this. It….reminds me of when we were kids.” Because despite everything that had happened with Pennywise, there were definitely good times when they were kids, too. Times they’d swim around in their little white briefs, playing chicken, splashing each other without a care in the world. “Remember that time you almost drowned me in the quarry? I could’ve murdered you after.” He laughed lightly, pressing their foreheads together, before giving the other a soft and gentle kiss. “We were idiots back then. Constantly flirting with each other and wanting the other’s attention, but too scared to admit our feelings. How dumb.” 
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richietrashman · 3 years
The fact that he had applied to become a camp counselor mainly stemmed from his parents, while they adores their son and loved when he was home from college, also wanted him to do something over his summer break that wasn't sitting in his room, glued to his video games and eating junk food all summer.
He had hoped that his application would be rejected or "lost", but sure enough, to Richie's dismay and his parents' delight, he got accepted and now had to pack.
As he walked into the campgrounds he could see other people his age moving things into cabins. He just had to find his, unpack, and hope that this Stanley and William weren't too boring or uptight.
At least he had his Nintendo Switch, he thought as he found the cabin, and entered seeing the other two young men inside.
"Is this the cabin with the all-nude strip joint under the floor?"
@brokenwings1989 @scribedhorror
Summer Camp was definitely not somewhere that he ever thought that he’d end up spending his summer. He had seen a pamphlet for counselors needed on his college bulletin board and decided to try something different. That had led him to applying and (much to his surprise) becoming a counselor for a bunch of kids.
Stanley was staring at the rather large sign to the camp, lips twitching. It was a few days before the camp opened to the kids. This (according to the head of the camp) was to get the counselors to get to know one another. To get to know their cabin mates. The cabin he was assigned to was a cabin of three instead of one of the cabins for four. He was kind of glad for that.
Stan would rather have only two cabin mates incase they were just as loud and wild as the excited children would be. He could handle two easier than three. Plus he knew that he was likely to have moments because of his OCD and he hated the idea that things could turn sour for himself if they had issues with his issue.
The Uris male was thankful that he had found the cabin easily enough. He was tired by this point of carrying the bags he had with him. Stan stepped up the stairs and checked the door. Unlocked. Were they supposed to be unlocked or was one or both of his cabin mates already there? He pushed the door open slowly before sliding into the entryway. “Hello?” @scribedhorror @richietrashman
Scholarships only covered so much, but the cost of living was still high especially in a city like New York. He had the promise of income — sort of — through the publishing company that was looking at his drafts, saying that they liked what they saw and that they would be looking to publish his first novel with an advance for another one if it did well. The problem was that didn’t help with today. He had only finished his first year of college, but he was always looking towards the future.
The idea of a summer camp was fun to him, and the bonus of meals being taken care of as well as not needing to pay rent for the duration the camp was open was definitely appealing. He had driven himself up in his old blue truck, unable to wipe the grin off his face as he arrived on the grounds of the camp, eager to get settled and start having fun. Bill also had hope that the fresh air and the scenery would be good for his writing. Plus running around with a bunch of kids all day might allow him to make his body tired enough to get some solid sleep. If not, at least he knew there would be plenty of ways to keep himself busy.
He reached the cabin seemingly before the other two guys he was going to be sharing it with did. A shock, really, since he didn’t think he had ever been early to anything in his life. Bill had tossed his bag haphazardly onto a desk chair, caring more about where he could write than where he could sleep. He did one far more often than the other, after all. In the middle of pulling out his notebooks and pens — and some pencils to sketch — he heard the door creek behind him and blue eyes turned to see who it was.
“Hey!” Bill called back, smiling as bright blue eyes met the other male’s from across the room where he was making himself at home by the window. “If you’re Stanley or Richard come on in and get settled. I’m Bill,” he introduced, approaching with his hand extended in a friendly manner. “William according to the schedule, but none of my friends call me that.” And he figured that if they were going to live with each other for the next little while, they might as well get comfortable.
@richietrashman​ @brokenwings1989​​
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richietrashman · 3 years
SO I am a big fucking dumbass.
Here I am wondering why nobody's been posting, messaging, or tagging me here and it turns out...
Tumblr notifications were shut off in my phone settings.
Music to fit the mood:
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richietrashman · 4 years
Always felt like I needed to protect Eds, even when I didn't consciously think about it.
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So cute
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richietrashman · 4 years
     This is an open invitation for you to throw your muses at mine in a flirty, frisky, steamy or casual setting that borders into the category of NSFW. Never be scared of sending me things, I don’t bite!
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richietrashman · 4 years
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Eddie: You’re always horny. Richie: Only when I’m around you, babe. Can you rub my back? It’s really sore. Eddie: You’re not fooling me with that one again.
→ Reddie: Perfect Disaster Soulmates (2020)
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richietrashman · 4 years
Tumblr Peeve: Not being able to follow blogs as Richie and only as my main (so if SmolMcCartney follows you, that's Tumblr exposing my fucking identity.)
Not that I really care about that, it's just confusing when I'm replying/following/sending an ask to something meant for ol' Richard and it puts my main name instead.
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richietrashman · 4 years
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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richietrashman · 4 years
My man is a cute feral ball of anger.
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#gay disaster
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richietrashman · 4 years
Get to know my character through an ask!
🍰 - What is their favorite type of dessert or sweet? 🐢 - What type of animal would they keep for a pet? 🐙 - They are crossing the ocean. What are the circumstances and how did they get there? 🌎 - If money were no object, where would they live and what would they do with their life? (Ex: entrepreneur, playboy, philanthropist, etc) 🎂 - Do they celebrate their birthday? 🎓 - Are they well-educated? 📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in their mailbox.  How does your character react?  Who would it be from? ⌚ - Is your character punctual or procrastinator? 💰 - Your character just found a fat sack of gold on a bench. What do they do with it? 👙 - Is your character trendy or do they just not give a damn? 🎠 - Your character is at the carnival.  What kinds of rides or games do they check out to entertain themselves? 🔮 - Your character is having their future told by someone pretty shady. Do they call the fortune teller out or just roll with it? 🎃 - What is your character’s favorite holiday? 🎶 - What would your character say about your personal taste in music? 💒 - Does your character want marriage or a lifelong commitment? ♓ - Hey baby, what’s your sign? What would your character’s zodiac sign be and what qualities do they carry to make them fall under that sign? 🚼 - Does your character have or want kids? ⚠ - What has your character almost done that made someone talk them out of or convince them not to do it? ♿ - Is your character in some way handicapped? (This includes physical, emotional, and mental.) 💊 - Is your character on medication?  If so, why? 🌞🌜 - Is your character an early bird or night owl? What makes them that way? 📚 - Does your character read? 📓 - If your character keeps a journal, what is the most secret thought they keep in it? 📰 - An obituary for your character was found in the local paper this morning. What did it say? 💢 - What frustrates your character more than anything? ✌ - Your character just made a trespass against someone else, how would they go about righting it given the chance?  Or would they at all? 🍴 - What is the absolute worst meal your character has ever eaten? Were they verbal about it or did they just not say anything? 🍜 - Carnivore/Pescatarian/Vegetarian/Vegan/Other? What kind of diet does your character have? 💋 - Your character was just kissed by someone they can’t stand. Why and how did it happen? 😇 - What was your character’s last good deed? 😁 - Someone just tripped and fell in front of your character.  Do they laugh or help the person up? 😨 - Your character just broke wind in public. Do they try to hide it or own up to it? 😍 - Your character’s lust object just passed right by them. How awkward do they get as they try to make conversation? 😒 - “Ugh!  Not him/her/them/it again.” How does your character react to annoying people? 😂 - Your character is moved to tears. What’s a kindness that another showed to them? 😄 - What has ever made your character laugh so hard that they almost passed out? 😈 - What’s your character’s favorite cuss word? 😏 - Is your character having a dirty thought right now? 🍺 - Cheers! What is your character’s favorite alcoholic beverage?  What was the last thing they got smashed off of? 💫 - Your character is suffering memory loss after being knocked unconscious.  What happens afterwards and how did it happen? 💡 - What is the best idea your character ever had? 💍 - Does your character wear any type of jewelry? ⛪ - Is your character religious or spiritual in anyway? 🎱 - Your character and a talking raccoon walk into a bar… 📼 - An interrogation tape emerges regarding a recent interview with your character.  What are they being questioned for? 👟 - Is your character into personal fitness?  If so, what’s their exercise routine? 📺 - What would your character’s favorite TV show be?  What’s their favorite genre?
🍀 - Does your character carry a good luck charm? Do they believe in luck?
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richietrashman · 4 years
Holy fuck I've been productive tonight. I replied to the two threads with @inhaledlies I've needed to respond to and introduced myself ooc too.
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richietrashman · 4 years
Richie's hormonal teenage boy brain immediately conjured up an image of Eddie lazing effortlessly, in nothing but a t-shirt and boxers, which hugged his body just enough to give an idea but still leave enough to the imagination. And then came the filthy, dirty ideas of what he would want to do - which Eddie's apparent innocence only made more enticing - starting with pulling those boxers off with his teeth...
He snapped back to reality realizing he may have been silent just a little too long. He fought every urge to make a blatant sexual comment and instead went with a joke.
"Unless you *want* to hang out with me practically naked..." he smirked into the phone receiver. "But yeah, I'm bored as shit, Stan has synagogue, Bill has to do shit with Georgie and I figured you might be available if my loving wifey Sonia allowed it." He mused.
Richie’s heart lit up like a million suns when he heard Eddie’s voice. He was glad he wasn’t there to see the big dopey grin he was wearing, laying on his bed, phone in hand, acting like some teen girl from a shitty romantic comedy losing her mind over the school jock.
“Yeah, decided to give my love of my life a break.” *So I could talk to the REAL love of my life…* he thought to himself. Then, that good old disgusting humor came out again. “So what are you wearing, hot stuff?” He was both using the humor as he always did, to deflect, but he also was trying to gauge how Eddie would react to such a comment, from him of all people. Worst case scenario? Do what he was best at. Play it off as one of his MANY jokes.
“I’m sure she really appreciates it.” He rolled his eyes, and he was sure that Richie would be able to hear that from his tone alone. Sonia was always disgusted by Richie Tozier’s behavior, and half the time, that was what made Sonia keep her only son away from the trashmouth. He didn’t want another reason to be scolded that Richie was bad news, that they shouldn’t be friends, that he was corrupting her son. But, Eddie was always on his best behavior in front of his mother. If she knew the way he spoke around his friends, his mouth would be washed out with soap. 
At the question, Eddie blinked, because he wasn’t used to things like that. Despite being a teenager, it wasn’t like he went on dates, or even focused on relationships. He didn’t know this was a stupid sexual pick up line, so he didn’t give Richie as much of a reaction as the other probably wanted. “Um, nothing really.” He shrugged, before leaning against the wall, twirling the phone cord around his finger as he stared at the ceiling. “I was reading comics when you called, so uh, a pair of boxers, and a t-shirt? Figured I’d be lazy today.” He nodded, though of course, Richie couldn’t see that either. 
“Why, should I get dressed? Did you want to hang out or something?” He glanced around the corner, his mom sitting and watching her soap operas again, Eddie moving back into the kitchen. “I don’t think mom has any reason to keep me home today, so I should be able to.” 
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richietrashman · 4 years
That's why it suits you so well, Stanthony. @brokenwings1989
Stan is trolling Richie tonight. @richietrashman
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