rightdominancesblog · 3 years
Imposing population control is one of the most debated issue nowadays. It’s not even a taboo now. To be able to come up with a better understanding about the matter, let us first define what does it mean to impose:
IMPOSE verb im·pose | \ im-ˈpōz \ imposed; imposing Collegiate Definition transitive verb 1a: to establish or apply by authority impose a tax impose new restrictions impose penalties b: to establish or bring about as if by force those limits imposed by our own inadequacies — C. H. Plimpton 2a: PLACE, SET b: to arrange (type, pages, etc.) in the proper order for printing 3: PASS OFF impose fake antiques on the public 4: to force into the company or on the attention of another impose oneself on others. Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
We should not impose population control. Here’s why:
Many of the advocates of population control argue that the fewer the population the wealthier the people of the county is. That is not true. In 1979, Deng Xiaoping together with the Chinese government introduced the ‘one-child policy’. It was introduced due to the fact that the population was rapidly growing. The count was about 979 million people. 38 million members of the Communist party were told to use “patient and painstaking persuasion” to teach the population how important it was to practice family planning. Many people believed that the said policy was effective in curbing poverty rate. It was successful but not in reducing poverty. It was successful in its goal of reducing the population. After years and years of the experiment, 600 million Chinese were lifted out of poverty. Journalists loved to sensationalise the idea that the one-child policy was the key factor. However, looking at the economic history of China, they managed to open their trading system. This is what economists call as economic liberalization.
In 1978, Deng Xiaoping introduced the new economic reform. Due to this more freedom, Chinese individuals lifted themselves out of poverty. The Chinese people were able to grow their businesses and boost their entrepreneurship. After decades of the experiment, did the one-child policy really helped? ‘Yes’ is the answer for those people who are the number one factor in driving the propaganda. Unfortunately, it’s the opposite that is true. Many lonely men weren’t able to marry because most of the victims of forced abortion were female offspring. This is not even something to be proud of. This is an outright attack towards women masked as family planning. The people in the rural areas and even the cities are suffering from the shortage of manpower. Due to the ageing population, China is having a crisis of maintaining their production in the market. The truth to the matter is that most of the wealthy countries liberated their economies. They have a stable system to sustain the needs of every people.
In the United States, which is the strongest country in terms of economy and military, things are not getting good either. Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion facility in the country was strategically placed on minority areas. The narrative? To help the black community get out of poverty. The truth? The goal is not to reduce poverty but to reduce the black population and the poor population. Erasing the poor from their own places is not a way to help them. It is a way to eradicate them. Many people don’t realize that they’re not actually helping, they’re getting rid of those people who are suffering. Now how do we know that the minorities were really targeted? Here’s a quote from Margaret Sanger, the founder of the nation's leading abortion supplier, Planned Parenthood: "We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the negro population.". Basically this is racism. There is no reason to eradicate the population since there is no reason also to boost population growth around the world. Many people are choosing to have fewer children. In fact, the peak of population growth was decades ago already. It happened because of the fact that the child mortality rate was too high before. In the modern times, this is not applicable anymore due to the fact that life has now improved way better than any point in history.
Now, we’ll go to the climate argument. Advocates of imposed population control think that one way to reduce carbon footprint is to reduce the feet who create them. This is true, every individual is contributing to the carbon footprints being released to the atmosphere. However, what are the main reasons for this? We all know that there’s a huge production of oil and coal around the world. Oil and coal are being used in our everyday life from transportation to domestic usage. Is there an alternative for that? Sustainable technologies. If only every person is contributing to the development of sustainable technologies, the world would be a better place especially in the future. There’s no need for population control. It is not climatically necessarily to eradicate people from the earth. In fact, with proper education and clean intentions, more people would have a great impact in future developments. More architects would have a great contribution to sustainable and green architecture. As a conclusion, imposed population control is not climatically, medically, economically and ideologically necessary.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of page. Website. http://xxxxx
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