Hey Mad! I've been a big fan of your Rire blog for a while, and I was wondering how you got as popular as you did? I'm trying to start my own ask blog and I'm finding it hard to get people to ask me questions, so I can't keep the blog up (since, yanow, that's how you keep an ask blog running). Any advice? (Also I love you and I hope you feel less stressed soon!)
Thank you so much, anon! @rireslittleplaythings is more successful than I ever thought it would be and I’m so glad people actually enjoy my portrayal of him.
Further answer under the cut because this might be a long one:
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The ad for murder but its like one of those sex ads you see when pirating movies n such. Hot singles alone in their house in your area! Click here now! Join Slaughter House today, only those with great killing skills can make the top ranks
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Start Murdering Today!
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BUY NOW! MURDER! are you bored? Murder! Are you having trouble sleeping? Murder! It only costs the little dignity and etnic beliefes you ever had! :D call now at 666-murder-666!
What about murder is undignified? You’re probably doing it wrong.
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Hello yes Rire it's me again! :0) How do usually cope with stuff when you're feeling upset or angry? If you ever do get that way?
I don’t tend to get that upset or angry. Whenever anything gets a little bit too frustrating however, I find that revenge is a wonderful palate cleanser.
Something’s upsetting you? Someone’s not as fun as you’d hoped? Just bored? Kill it.
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“You’re... something. Your eyes are very pretty, I’ll admit that. So... you’re a demon?”
Is this your way of flirting? Because it’s honestly laughable.
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free me from this prison of glass you infernal demon
Oh hush up. You’re so ungrateful.
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Ok so i dont really know how this works yet but hi im new and i wanna know how do you feel about new people
New people are more fun, granted, but what I’ve always admired is dedication.
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Rire, you’re a gallon of water and I’m really fucking thirsty
As far as I’m aware, it’s rare that most of you aren’t thirsty.
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smash that rb if you know a boy that is just so fucking handsome
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Oh yes, I have forgotten to say that your name means Laugh in French ! -That little Frenchie anon who wish you a good evening again, and maybe see you some time later ~
If you’re lucky.
Or unlucky. Depends on how you want to see it.
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Rire, My health has been kind of crappy lately with a lot of chronic issues popping up can you say something to make me feel better?-🦊
Bodies come and go. Death comes to you all, and when it does, I’m sure you’ll be able to look back on all this and laugh.
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Bonsoir Rire, j'ai entendu dire que vous parlez un peu de français ! Je trouvais ça intéressant venant de vous. Etant moi-même française, je ne vais pas mentir que cela à attiré encore plus mon attention sur votre personne. J'espère que je ne vous ai pas dérangé durant une quelconque activité ou autre ! Bonne soirée ~
Très peu. Cela fait quelques années que je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de le parler.
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wow i cant believe he said this canonically
right in the game
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rire help i think i accidentally destroyed the government again and i need help getting rid of the witnesses
Don’t need to get rid of the witnesses if you just change your appearance. Plastic surgery is far easier than finding every witness and killing them.
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If you want.
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i, for one, accept you as our new demon overlord
I love all your little displays of submission. It’s sweet.
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