riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
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Request: Yes / No 
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Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Harry Potter x Fem!Lupin!Reader 
Word count: 4190 (Probably could have gotten to the torture party quicker, but I just had to add backstory lol)
Warnings: Torture obviously, and Dobby’s death
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
A/N:  Bingo card made by @slyttherins​
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Love? or Friendship? Prince Chess x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Cursing
This means a dream or memory 
Summary: You are helping Prince trump and Shuel collect hopeless energy as for Prince Chess, Ari, Min, and Suha are collecting Hopeful energy. But what happens when Prince Chess Saves you from drowning on Jeju Island?
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Y/n Pov:
It was an ordinary day. Me and Shuel are trying to convince Prince Trump to collect Hopeless energy but he is not cooperating.  “Prince Trump Queen Canopy will not be very happy if we don’t collect Hopeless energy”. “Mao he’s too busy focusing on Ari Jin.” “That’s it fuck you Prince Trump we have a job and you aren’t doing it okay, well anyways me and Shuel are going to get Hopeless energy are you coming?” “No, I’m going to go see Ari also I quit I don’t want to do this Hopeless energy I will help get Hopeful energy.” With Prince Trump left. “Shuel we will get your fiancé back.” As I was walking home I saw Ari and Trump laughing and talking she was also with Suha, Min and a Blue flying Hamster. I decided to follow them and I hear that Ari and Trump are a couple. I decided to call Shuel and she was pissed I mean I would to if my soon to be husband was dating some other girl. I was trying to be quit but then I bumped over a glass bottle and I ran and hid. 
Time skip
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I told Shuel and she was yelling like no tomorrow. I swear I was scared. 
Shuel Pov:
I was mad Ari Jin was always Ari Jin. “Y/n” “yeah Shuel?” “We are going to Jeju island with Ari and her friends” “Ok but what about Trump?” “He will want to collect Hopeless energy when we have succeeded our mission.”  I decided to pack Mao. As we settle on our seats on the plane I sat next to Trump and Ari was the window seat next to Trump. As the plane shook we were in a giant rainstorm. There was a man and he was rude but also forgot his medicine. I decided to make a mess in the kitchen but then I saw y/n heading in the same direction so we both messed up the kitchen and we took a lollipop and gave it to a boy 5 years old. Of course Ari had to ruin the plan. I was trying to get hopeless energy from Min’s Cousin. We landed on Jeju island but before I thought I saw Prince Chess. y/n doesn’t know Prince Chess. She was my friend when were in Flowering Kingdom. 
Time skip:
  y/n pov:
I was sitting in the back of the bus and I saw a man wearing a mask and a hat. Who wears that stuff in this weather. We went into the house. We were all going to the beach but I didn’t feel like it. So, I stayed in the house and took a nap.
I was in a cabin and I saw my mom and dad and my mom was  so pretty but they didn’t want me. “We must get ride of y/n” Is what a man said to a women. “why she is our daughter” “I know but she is not a boy I wanted a boy” “NO!! I will keep her then and I will raise her you can leave but I am not leaving her alone.” With that the memory faded and I was in a room with toys and playing with a ball. “y/n time for your beating” “What are you taking about” “It is your fault my husband left you were supposed to be a boy but you aren’t and now you remind me of him and you will pay I am mad and pissed.” “ Mommy I’m sorry how can I fix this?” “You can fix this by leaving and never coming back ever I don’t want to see you ugly face and hope you can find a boy when you are older who will love you and listen to you... but wait that will never happen because you are a disgrace.”  I ran and ran I was only 5 years old. I was running and was backed into a corner by a Dragon.
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It was huge and I wanted to eat me. I got out of the corner and I was running and running but then I tripped and fell I was also near a cliff. 
“AAAAHHH” I woke up screaming and sweat dripping off my face. I might have screamed too loud because I saw a boy my age come running into my room. He looked familiar what he was the the guy on the bus with the mask and hat. “Are you ok miss?” “yes” “So what was the dream that made you wake up screaming?” “Oh nothing not even a real dream so...” “What do you mean not even a real dream?” “Oh I mean like the dream won’t come true.” “Oh well sleep well.” “Thanks” He left and I was sitting here thinking about the dream then remembered the dream was my past. The truth is I might look brave and strong but I’m not I have feared of loving and being loved. I even live in fear all my life I have no hope in finding love and I had hope back home but that was lost because when I told the boy I loved him he just laughed and ran away. 
Prince Chess pov:
I was standing outside of y/n’s room and I could sense hopeless energy. I ran to find Suha, Min, and Ari also Trump. I told them that nd Shuel was there she was surprised herself. Ari, Min, and Suha transformed and ran to y/n. They entered the room and y/n was reading a book. She looks really peaceful. They talked to her than y/n blew up and said she doesn’t need help with anything that she is a human that has problems everyone does. I looked out the corner of my and saw Shuel smirking evilly. Then night came and I hear yelling and someone screaming help. The I saw y/n drowning but she is trying to keep her head above water. I didn’t work because she was going down in the water. I swam in and grabbed her brought her to the shore. She wasn’t breathing so I had to give her CPR. She was coughing up water and was freezing cold. I took her to a little cabin I found and laid her down trying to get her to wake up. She did and she was super confused on where she was and what happened. I told her and she thanked me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I got to know her and I realized my feelings because I liked her. 
Time Skip:
We back at school and I decided to tell her I liked her. “Hey y/n” “Oh... hey Chess” “ Umm... I wanted to tell you that umm.... I really like you” “There’s no need to feel embarrassed I really like you to.” Then I kissed her, she kissed back. I finally got the girl of my dreams. 
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Forbidden Love  Sweet Pea x Fem! Reader
Warning: Cursing, abuse
Summary: You live on the Northside and you are the smartest one in the school. People call you the nerd and you just don’t mind.  But what happens when the south siders come to Northside? Will fall in love with Sweet Pea or Will he have to earn your Trust? Read to Find out. 
Sorry it’s long
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 No one pov:
It was like any other day y/n got up and got dressed in black skinny jeans, white shirt, black leather jacket with roses on the back of it with white convers and a red choker. Yes, I know what you are thinking “Isn’t she the nerd of the school?” and yes she is but she has a great sense of style. As she heads to school she walks alone because she has no friends because no one wants to be her friend. As she walks she notices that there is a commotion in front of the school as she enters it. What she sees is very shocking... She sees Southside Serpents at Northside High. (a/n not sure if that is the name of the school but oh well back to the story.) Y/n sees Cheryl and Reggie trying to get the serpents out of the school.
Y/n pov: 
As I walk down to see what is going on I see a very tall Serpent and can I just say he is fucking hot. As I was trying to figure out how tall he was Reggie puts his arm around me and calls me babe. “REGGIE I AM NOT YOU “BABE” WE ARE NOT DATING SO QUIT TRYING”  I forgot that the serpents were standing there and everyone was looking at me. Eventually the bell rang and we had to head to class. Thank god bell I thought I would die I thought. As I enter class I see 4 of the serpents there. “Okay Class we have new students joining us today... Their names are Sweet Pea, Fangs Fogarty, Jughead Jones, and Toni Topaz.” “Mrs. Morgan” “Yes miss y/n” “I was wondering when the paper is due” “Well first was that appropriate when I am introducing the new students?” “No” “and second it is due in 3 weeks but since you Miss y/n wanted to interrupt me it will be due in 3 days. Lets hope you have 5 pages.” “Mrs. Morgan?” “YES... Miss y/n” “I already finished the paper and I have 10 pages.” The teacher tells me to turn it in and as I walked to the front of the class everybody was staring at me. As the lesson continues I just wonder why the Serpents are here like what happened at Southside high? Then a kid named Josh starts to make noises and was interrupting the class and sked the question on my mind. “Mrs. Morgan?” “Yes Josh?” “Why are the serpents at our school?” “Well their was a fire at our old school and is still going and the firemen can’t get it to burn out.” The girl with pink hair answered. “Well have you tried to close the windows?” “what?” “Did you close the windows?” “No?” “Well the there is your problem” “What are you talking about” “If you don’t close the windows the fire will keep going and when the windows are closed and put a wet blanket or towel and then start to spray it with water then the fire will start to go out.” “Sorry about her she is the dork of the school or maybe a firefighter” Josh told them I just took the book off of Sweet Pea’s desk and threw it at Josh’s head. “She is also a loner” “You better keep your mouth shut if I were you Josh because did you know my mom is a police officer and I wouldn’t her to know what you did to me July 4th now would we?” “no... Well I really don’t mind I mean it’s not my fault you don’t have a boyfriend and will never get one also you know the consequences if you tell.”
Sweet Pea pov: 
“No... Well I really don’t mind I mean it’s not my fault you don’t have a boyfriend and will never get one also you know the consequences if you tell” Is what the boy said to the girl with the black leather jacket with roses on it. “Oh you better shut up Josh you were the one who was trying to get me to be your girlfriend and you were also the one who raped me for not being yours” Woah is all I could think because she was raped and no one knew? “… it must have slipped oops” “You better shut your mouth we made a deal and you know what happens when you spill the secret?” “well...I didn’t mean to let it slip Josh you are the most horrifying person yet” Where in the world is the teacher? SMACK What the hell. “huh... did you just hit me Josh?” “what do you think?” As I was watching this the girl just kick him where it hurts like hard and he went to the ground she started to kick him and punch him then I saw a women police show up. “Y/N!!” “MOM!” “What do you think you are doing?” “Mom I don’t know anymore...” “y/n you are turning into your father” “what do you mean?... Oh I know what you mean now” “We will discuss this at home in the mean time Joshua you are going to Jail for sexual abuse.”  I watched as y/n went to the back of the class but before she did she handed me back my book. “Sorry for taking it” “It... It’s fine” why did I stutter am I afraid of her? 
Time skip:
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I watched as she got into a really expensive car and the same women police officer was in the front of the wheel an she got into the passenger seat.
Y/n pov:
As me and my mom enter our house she tells me I need to take a breather. You see when I was younger my dad was abusing my mom I tried to stop him but that didn’t work because then he started to abuse me, then hell broke loose you want to know why well it was because my dad was a ghoulie and everyone at the school didn’t know well except for Mike but he left for New York and I used to be good friends with Jason Blossom and Cheryl Blossom but then Cheryl became popular and know I am alone again also because Jason had died. I also don’t have a boyfriend was because h used to abuse me as well so what Josh said was and wasn’t true. “Honey!!” “Yeah mom?” “I invited some people over” “Oh okay... Do I have to come down?” “yes I want you to meet them okay” “kay” as I walk down stairs I see the Serpents. And DAD!?!?!? “Mom what is dad doing here??” “well sweetie he came back to apologize” “NO!!!” “What do you mean NO” “WELL HE WAS THE ONE WHO ABUSED ME AND YOU MOM AND WHEN HE LEFT I WAS AT PEACE I HAVE FUCKING SCARES BECAUSE OF HIME THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU LET HIM BACK IN OUR LIVES.” “LOOK Y/N” “DON’T... DON’T LOOK ME DAD OR MAYBE I SHOULD CALL YOU RICHARD” “What is going on m/n” “look F.P my daughter has ghoulie blood in her which means she is turning into her dad.” “oh sweetie we can be a family again” “NO.... I don’t want to be like you don’t you understand I hate you and I hate that you think that I will let you back into my life like you did nothing” “You were supposed to be there for me but you weren’t you let me down and now I have trust issues because of you” “Oh honey I was there for you” “NO YOU WEREN’T IF YOUU WERE THEN WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I WAS BEING ABUSED OR RAPED BY JOSH” “I TOLD HIM TO RAPE YOU Y/N HE WAS FOWOLLING ORDERS BECAUSE I NEW IF YOU HAD GHOULIE SIDE IN YOU THEN YOU WOULD BREAK” “maybe I don’t want you as my dad anymore then” “y/n don’t...” “no F.P I know what I want in my life and Who and the person I don’t want back in y life is you dad so get the hell you and go back to where ever you were, and don’t bother coming back”
3 Months later:
I started to like one boy and his name is Sweet Pea. yes I know I shouldn’t but he is so tough and he is fucking hot. I am also good friends with Toni, Juggie and Fangs. As I was walking to school I saw Betty all over Sweet Pea and he seemed comfortable then I realized one thing I’m jealous. I go over to betty and yell at her and say I saw him first and he was mine. As I figured out what I just said I ran to the girls bathroom. Betty came in and said “I don’t like him y/n I was trying to make you jealous because he also likes you to he was trying to find a way to get close o you to gain your trust.” “Betty he already had my trust” “How?” “after the fight with my dad I ran out of the house... I was running and running then I stopped because I couldn’t run any faster. I then realized I was in the southside these men came up and tried to attack me because they were drunk just in time Sweet Pea saved my life and from then on I started to crush on him. but before that we talked for a while and I trusted him to keep my secrets and my life story and he never told anyone and he also took me home” “Well then y/n you need to tell him how you fell.” “yeah you’re right” As the day goes by I find the courage to tell sweet pea how I feel. “Hey Sweets?” “hey y/n What's up?” “Oh I wanted to tell you that I think I love you” “That’s good news” “Why?” “because I think I love you to” then he did some thing he kissed me I did not respond immediately but when I figures what he was doing I kissed back. 
Part 2???
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Unforgettable moments  Reggie x reader a/n ~ f/n~ friends name I also take requests Warnings: Cursing
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No one pov:
Y/n goes to school with Reggie. Luke, Alex, and Julie. She was like the nerd she didn’t like to sing in front of people but she had a great voice. Carrie was like a friend to y/n she was there for her when her dad left the family for some other lady. The dad and y/n were like peanut butter and Jelly they were really close y/n thought her dad was more than a dad she thought of him as a brother and a friends she  would be able to talk to him no matter what. The mom and the dad were close to but then when y/n turned 6 years old the dad left and before he left her mom and dad fought a lot. 
Y/N Pov:
I am now 16 years old and i am in high school I have a crush like any other girl in the school on one of the band members of Julie and the Phantoms. I like Reggie but he doesn’t even notice at all I wonder why he is always around f/n but who knows maybe my friend is lucky she has had a crush on him for a while since they came to the school. “Y/N!!!!” “What?” “You will never guess what happened” “well what happened” “I was asked on a date” “with who” “Reggie!!” “Oh... that is great”. 
Time skip to f/n date:
no one pov:
Y/n was helping her friend find an outfit and she went with Denim  jeans
a/n: Ignore the shirt but your friend is wearing the shoes in the picture 
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with a blue shirt with a white lacy shirt underneath. 
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F/N went on her date.
Reggie Pov:
I really like f/n but then again I wonder if she likes me i mean we have been friends since we came here. “Hey f/n” “Yes?” “I was wondering if you would like to be my Girlfriend?” “I would... Love to be your girlfriend!!” “Great” “I should start heading home” “I can walk you home if you like?” “I would like that” Well that was very successful she is very pretty I really hop we last long. As I walk her home I look at a room in the house and I see a figure dancing to Julie and the Phantoms. “Reggie!!” “Reggie” REGGIE”  I was interrupted by my thoughts when f/n called my name “I’m I sorry was distracted” “It’s fine” “I’ll see you tomorrow f/n” “see you tomorrow Reg” 
Time skip to morning: 
Y/N Pov:
My friend told me that her and Reggie are a couple and that broke my heart I get up an get dressed in a Red and black Plaid with black jeans I obviously tied the plaid shirt. As I enter the school building I see f/n and Reggie sitting on a bench cuddling. I cant believe it but I am jealous and I am not usually a jealous person what is wrong with me I can’t believe it but I wish that was me. As I was thinking about it I went right into class. As I was about to sit f/n called over Reggie and told me that the seat was taken and that i had to sit somewhere else. I sit behind her. “Hey f/n who was that you were talking to?” “Oh nobody. Why?” “Just wondering” “Oh okay” I can’t believe my ears did she just that I was a nobody?? As the class ends I head over to Carrie. “Hey y/n what happened” “Not much..” “I know you what’s wrong” “F/n called me a nobody ever since she got a boyfriend I have...” “Since when did f/n get a boyfriend” “Since last night” Oh... well I am having  sleep over you should come” “Thanks I will think about it” “No probe” “Hey Carrie?” “yeah y/n?” “If you ever got a boyfriend would you ever push me away?” “Y/n I would never we have been friends since we were born you are like a sister to me” “Thank Car” 
Julie pov: a/n ~ I know finally
What did I just hear f/n has a boyfriend I need to know who it is and well I am happy for f/n she is my sister so why not. “Hey sis” “Hey Jules” “Who is your boyfriend?” “How did -” “I over heard Y/n talking to Carrie” “Oh... don’t be mad but it’s Reggie” “Why would I be mad” “Also you two are really cute together” “Thanks Jules” As we were walking home I saw y/n and Carrie laughing and walking up to Carries house. So I ran over to them and started to yell at y/n “You are the worst friend ever F/N told you she had a boyfriend and all you do is just ignore her she has been with you no matter -” “NO! I told her I was happy for her and all she does is give me the cold shoulder she may be your sister but me and f/n are not like me and Carrie” “Oh please y/n you know nothing about f/n” 
No one Pov:
“Oh please y/n you know nothing about f/n” Little did they know Reggie, Luke, Alex, Carrie, and F/n were watching.  “I do know stuff about F/n she has a boyfriend named Reggie, She loves to sing, she loves to be herself no matter what type of people are around and I also know she is being distant from me I tried to sit next to her in math today and she was talking to her boyfriend Reggie and said that I was a nobody I helped her through your mom’s death and she treats me like Shit I try so hard to play it of Julie but she seems to not need me anymore.” “I don’t care how she treats you Y/N she is still going through the heart break about our mom and today is our Mom’s birthday” “That Julie is Bullshit F/N told me when your mom’s birthday is and I can tell you it is not today. I would rather be with Carrie she understands me way more than anyone would she knows what i am going through and she is there for me and i am there for her that is how friendships work you are there for each other but no I was always there for f/n I need to talk to someone who will acutely listen to me. I need someone who will wait until I am ready to talk f/n has never done that for me it has to be all about her so I’m sorry you only listen to your sisters side of the story.” As y/n is about to walk away with Carrie Julie says something that hurts y/n feelings. “Wait Y/N my sister never liked you in the first place she only cares about her family and her boyfriend.” “Thank you for the truth I don’t need anyone except for Carrie from now on.” 
Later that day at Carrie’s
Carrie and y/n walk to Carrie’s house. “Hey y/n” “Yeah Carrie” “I can cancel the sleep over if you want and you can stay over.” ‘Thanks but are you sure” “ Yeah you are more important than Julie, Reggie, Luke, Alex, and f/n.” “You are the best Carrie” They continue to walk but at the Molina’s house hold there is a lot of tension. “Hey f/n” “Yeah Jules” “are you okay” “Yeah what she said hurt” “You guys have been friends for a while now” “Julie I know but she has been friends with Carrie since they were little” 
Reggie pov:
What I just witnessed was terrible. F/n was never y/n friend she was just using her to get more friends and now I just can’t imagine why I am even dating f/n. I now figured out I know nothing about f/n. “Hey f/n I am going to go now” “NO” “Why” “BECAUSE I AM HURTING AND ALL YOU CAN THINK ABOUT IS GOING HOME AND NOT BEING HERE FOR ME, ME REGGIE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR HOME!!!!!!” “YOU KNOW WHAT F/N WE ARE OVER.” “What Reggie what have I done wrong” “You are not there for your friend y/n what she said from math class was right I see you guys together smiling and laughing you should be their for her not the other way around relationships go both ways your friend or ex - friend are supposed to supporting each other so f/n we are over” “Fine I don’t need you anyways Reggie” “Come on Alex, Luke” 
Luke POV:
What I just witnessed outside and in the house was messed up f/n and Reggie were together for 3 days what world are we living in. But yet again what Reggie said was right. “Guys do you hear that music” “yeah” “Alex you hear it” “Yeah lets go figure it out.” 
No one POV: 
Luke, Alex, and Reggie hear music coming from Carrie’s and they walk up to a window and see Carrie and y/n dancing to “Dance Monkey.” 
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Carrie sees Luke, Reggie and Alex she tells y/n she will be right back.
Carrie Pov: 
Me and y/n were dancing but as I was spinning I see 3 boys from our school oh I wish I knew there names. Wait I do weren’t they Luke, Reggie, and Alex I don’t know. “Hey Y/n” “Yeah Carrie” “I’ll be right back” “Oh were are you going” “Oh you know to get some sun” “ Oh ok I am going to get some water and make some popcorn” “Ok” I walk outside and walk right behind the 3 boys. “What are ou doing here?” I must have scared them because they just jumped and start to stutter. “Well we heard music and came to check it out.” “Wait your Reggie dating F/n right?” “Um... yeah” “Oh well why aren’t you at her house?” “Because we broke up” I started to laugh because they just broke up man that is funny. “Why are you laughing?” “Because they have only been together for 3 days” “Hey Carrie what’s taking you so long?” “I need more time” “Oh why are they here” “Well because they saw us dancing” “Why is Reggie here?” “Wait do you don’t mind that me and Luke are here?” “No are you the ones dating f/n” “Well no” “But Reggie shouldn’t be at her house?” “Well him and f/n broke up today” I answered y/n before anyone else could then I smiled at Julie’s friends. 
Reggie pov:
I am blown away y/n is beautiful and she is strong and not scared to speak her mind I can’t believe what I am about to ask. “Hey y/n” “yes Reggie” “will you go out with me?” “What... but what about f/n don’t you still like her?” “No she was mean but know that I figure it out I like you more than f/n... So will you go out with me?” “Yes... but can we keep this a secret for know” “Yeah I agree you know let f/n get over our break up” “yeah...When and where is the date” “Saturday and a surprise but I will pick you up at 6:00 P.M.” “Okay” Yes I got the girl of my dreams. “See ya y/n” “Bye Reg” 
Date Night:
No one POV:
Reggie and y/n goes to the amusement park and have a blast. But all ends when Reggie and Y/n run into Julie and f/n. 
Part 2?
send me ideas and repost if you want a part 2. 
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
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Shawn has an amazing voice!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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Never related to something so much😍
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Found Love Part 2
Warnings: Swearing
Y/N - Your name 
M/N - Moms name 
D/N - Dads name 
Enjoy the story I take requests so please send them to me and I will write it for you. I will take request for anything like Riverdale and Once Upon A Time.
Summary: You dies or at least you think you die, But What happens when you mom tells Carlisle that you are special? Keep reading to find out.
Newt x Fem! Reader
No one pov:
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As the waves crash above the shore you are under the water. The Police are trying to find your dead body or at least they think you are dead, but little did they know and you know you are a special person you can breath under water. as the days went by no one could find y/n it was like she disappeared. Soon enough stopped looking for y/n because they gave up. But M/n would not stop until she found her little girl even if she is dead she just needs to see her one last time. 
M/N Pov: 
I have just remembered one thing that my daughter can do she can......
Breath underwater. I must tell Carlisle.
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At the Cullen's 
I drove all the way to the Cullen’s house “Hello someone open the door please” no answer “Hello anyone home?” still no answer they should be home by now it is 12:00 in the Afternoon. “He..” “M/N what are you doing here?” Carlisle asks me. “I am here because well... where are your kids?” “They went out Why?” “Because my daughter can breath under water I never told her so I know she is not dead so we must go out on the ocean and look for her I know she is still alive and she must be freaking out because I never told her and she has no idea and I’m pretty sure I already told you that it’s just hard for me to think about that because she got from her dad her dads name is D/N and he left when she was really young when D/N left us.”  I left when he said that I should get some rest and that he will help me later.
Y/N Pov: 
I opened my eyes and is super confused also I have no idea what is going on. Am I dead? Where am I? Why am I not dead? HOW CAN I FUCKING BREATH UNDER WATER? All these thoughts are going through my head and I am super confused. 
Where is my mom? “MOM... MOM...MOM” who am I kidding she won’t hear me al the way out here. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” “GO AWAY SHARK” I must swim as fast as I can that shark is huge looks like the shark from JAWS wait I need to swim away fast.
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wait why is the shark going away? But then I feel something under me it was the shark and he is swimming towards the shore. The shark is trying to help me come to think of it riding a shark is kind of fun. My mom rushes over to me “are you ok” “yes, Hey Carlisle” “Hey kiddo how are you” “Good...… How's Jasper?” “Happy” “Good...Mom can we go home” “Sure sweetie” “Thank you Carlisle” “What are friends for” “You sound like someone from Highschool” I tell him. As we head home my mom tells me I have to go back to school. I tell her everyone is going to be super confused as to why they see me in classes and hallways. “Sweetie I already asked Jacob to act like he saw you and saved you and he said he would I even told him that you had special abilities and he said he already knew from they way your eyes change colors from e/c to a water blue color when ever you drink water.” “Oh ok then that is settled” As we get home I see the Cullen’s at our front door even Jasper. Emmet was the first one to come and hug me I obviously hug him back. Then Rosalie told me she was thankful that i am alright. Edward just said I was a fighter and patted my head. Alice smiled and waved and was about to hug me but I shook her hand instead because of she was also doing behind my back she was my best friend. Then came Jaspers turn... “Hey y/n glad you are okay” “Yeah... that it can I get in my house now because Jasper you are kind of in the way” Alice of course had to stop me. What doe she want. everyone went to wait in their car as for mom she went to work. “Hey y/n how are you doing?” “Been better” “Look me and Jasper without you getting in the way ok so just be happy and all the shit stuff friends do for friends” “Excuse me!! IF YOU WERE MY FRIEND YOU WOULD’VE TOLD JASPER TO FUCK OFF BUT NO YOU HAD TO FUCKING NOT IT WAS ALL ABOUT FUCKING YOU ANYWAY YOU WERE TO STOP HIM FROM DOING THAT TO ME AND YOU DIDN’T YOU ARE NO LONGER MY FUCKING FRIEND ANYMORE ALICE FUCKING CULLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!” “SORRY FOR TAKING SOMETHING THAT NEVER BELONGED O YOU ANYWAY HE’S MINE NOT YOURS HE...” “IF YOU DON’T REMEMBER HE ASKED MY OUT AND LOVED ME BEFORE YOU AND NEVER SAID IT ALSO I AM HAPPY FOR YOU AND JASPER I TOLD HIM THAT WHEN HE BROKE UP WITH ME FOR YOUR JELOUSE FUCKING ASS YOU ARE THE WORST FRIEND AND BESIDES I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO E BY MY SIDE NO MATTER WHAT BUT NO I WAS A BITCH TO THINK YOU WERE EVER A FRIEND TO ME ALSO ROSILIE IS A BETTER FRIEND SHE NEVER KNEW THAT YOU AND JASPER WERE GOING BEHIND MY BACK TO MEET UP TOGTHER AND I THOUGHT YOU OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD NEVER USE ME FOR SOMEONE THAT WASN’T EVEN YOURS BUT YET AGAIN I WAS WRONG YOU ARE THE BITCH I MEET THE FIRST TIME I BUMMPED INTO LONG AGO WHY WOULD I EVER THINK A BITCH WOULD EVER CHANGE WELL ANSWER SHE WOULDN’T IT WAS ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOUR ASS ALL ALONG WASN’T IT? ” I was crying at this point. As I was about to go into the house Alice said one more thing that caught me off guard. “I’m sorry but I’ve loved Jasper way longer than you’ve had know him for and we are happy together.” “Alice if you were really sorry you... you would never done  this to me... don’t talk to me ever again... also i hope you get your heart broken like mine soon because I am feed up with you getting every fucking thing you desire... Goodbye Alice Cullen” I ran into the house and into my room.  And cried all night that my makeup even more ruined. 
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Time skip:
I head back to school everyone is happy to see me well and okay. I just have meet the cutest boy ever and his name is Newt super hot and I enjoy being around him.
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Tonight is out date and I am excited. “Hey y/n” “Oh hey jasper” “Um I want you back because I miss you and I mi...” “Sorry mate but I have a date with her tonight” “Oh who are you” “Oh sorry I’m Newt” “I’m Jasper, little advice Newt take good care of her don’t lose her never” “I don’t plan on it Jasper she is the best thing that happened to me so I will take good care of her on her good and bad days” 
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I decided to go with a simple plaid skirt white tank top and a black leather Jacket and Checkered Vans. 
Skip time:
I am know out of high school nd living a happy life with Newt and have two dogs a cat and a little girl that is 5 years old and a little baby boy The girls name is Lilly and the boys name is James. 
Enjoy the story I take requests so please send them to me and I will write it for you. I will take request for anything like Riverdale and Once Upon A Time. 
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
So old but makes it look better!!!!!!!!
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“ Peyote Puffer “ 1946 Indian Chief © RSD Roland Sands Design
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Lost love
Jasper Hale x reader  Warnings: Heart break, swearing, suicide, death 
f/n - friends name 
m/n  - moms name
Summary: You have a crush on Jasper and you are in math class with him then over time ou become friends the become a couple. What happens when Jasper starts to fall in love with Alice Cullen? 
a/n: You are Jaspers mate by the way
no one pov:
It was any other school day and as every day you sat in the back of math class and admired Jasper. Little did you know that there was a seating chart. You were sat next to the one and only Jasper Hale.
As you sit down the teacher takes attendance. Jasper sits next to you and holds out his hand and introduces himself. “Hi I’m Jasper, Who are you?” “I know..... I mean well you are in my class and then you go to english...... I mean i don’t stalk you or anything” you stutter. “I am y/n” “Nice to meet you y/n” As class ends you walk over to your friend Angelia. Then you guys head to your next class. 
Skip to Lunch
You sit with your friends Angelia and you best friend f/n. You and f/n go to your last class which is science 
Skip to end of school day
a/n: I got lazy
Y/N pov:
I was walking home and also thinking about the thought of sitting next to Jasper everyday is a dream come true but then again he didn’t even know who I was and that hurt. I just reached my house and it is big. I moved to forks when I was in 6th grade a because my mom and dad got in a fight then they got a divorce and my mom got to keep me. We used to live in New York but my mom thought it would be better if we moved to a smaller and quieter town. I open the door “Mom I’m home!” no answer “Mom!” Still no answer where is she? Then I see a note on the counter. It says:
Sorry I am not home I have a really busy shift at the store and won’t be home till’ midnight snack is in the microwave and I ordered pizza for you should be there at 7:30 p.m. 
Love mom
“Well I was looking forward to movie night but I guess never get your hopes to high anyways I have homework to do.” You say to no one but yourself. The pizza came and I was hoping I would be able to see mom before I went to bed but oh well. 
I get up and get ready I put on a black jeans a white shirt and a red leather jacket with a black choker. I was running late again and accidently ran into some one and it was none other that Jasper Hale. Edward just glared at me “You should be more careful” “It’s not like I ran into you is?” He just scoffed and the others just walked away with Edward. “Idiot” I whisper to myself. 
Math Class
Jasper pov:
I see y/n enter and I wonder if she was trying to start a fight with Edward we all know how that would’ve worked out. She is my mate so maybe I should talk to her maybe not well I don’t know yet. “What are yo thinking about” she is human but very quit walker. “Not much just math” As class starts I wonder if she has feelings for me because I do her I watch her all the time when she walks home and I just want to know what she smells like. “Jasper” “Jasper” “Jasper’ “Jasper!!!!!” “What” “The teacher called on you to answer the question” As I answered the question I was also gathering up all my courage to ask y/n out. At the end of the day I walk up to y/n. “Hey y/n I was wondering if we could go out” “YES!!!!!!!!!!!!” “I mean yeah sure” She is adorable.
Y/N pov: 
I thought I would die right there and then. I have a date with Jasper I said as I walk home since it was a half day and I also did my happy dance.
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The neighbors were looking at me and I don’t care I HAVE A DATE WITH FUCKING JASPER HALE.  I am so happy. 
Date with Jasper
I am so excited wait what am I going to wear. I finally decided what to wear and I decided to wear a light blue dress with pink heals and a white bag.
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“Mom I am going on my date!” “Ok honey bye have fun love you” “Bye Love you too mom” As I exit the door I see Jasper waiting outside and he opens the car door for me. On the date we go to a fancy restaurant and I eat a Pizza, the weird thing is that Jasper did not eat anything. “Did you already eat” “yeah” “Oh well I am done you ready to go” “yeah just let me pay” “No I can pay I am the only one who ate so let me.” He drives me home and asks me the question: “Y/n will you be my girlfriend I...” Oh My God YES!!!!” 
Time Skip
It has been a couple months since I started to date jasper and he has become very distant from me I ask him if he is okay and if he wants to talk but he just gives me the cold shoulder. As I enter Math class early I see Jasper there talking to Alice. It has been a couple days since I’ve seen him with Alice at first I didn’t mind but now I am concerned. Now it is the weekend and I am waiting for Jasper because he said he wanted to talk to me about something. I hear a knock at the door and answer it. “Hey Jas you want to come in?” “No I am breaking up with you” “oh so soon huh?” “yeah” “How long?” “A while know” “Who?” “Alice, look I’m sorry I don’t love you anymore I...” “How long have you loved me for!?!?” “The second month we were together” “YOU DIDN’T BOTHER TO TELL ME AND EXPECT ME TO JUST SAY IT FIRST JASPER I AM DISAPPOINTED AND I TRIED TI KEEP OUR RELATIONSHI TOGTHER BUT NO YOU HAVE TO GO BEHIND MY BACK TO SOME OTHER GIRL AND I AM JUST SUPPOSED TO EXPECT THAT!!!!!!!!!!” by now we are both yelling the neighbors could hear us I’m pretty sure “WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DID TELL YOU” “NO YOU DIDN’T YOU JUST SAID I LOVE .... I LOVE YOUR HAIR STYLE TODAY” “I LOVE YOU JASPER AND you should be happy with whoever.” “Thank you y/n” “Wait Jasper” “Yes y/n” “Do you... do you love her.... love Alice?” “With all my heart goodbye y/n” “Goodbye Jasper” With the last goodbyes I close my door. I run up to my room and cry my eyes out how could he do that to me I finally got just as fast as I lost him. \
Jasper pov:
I am going to be happy with Alice I know that and I now can be with a vampire and not my mate a human. “Hey Edward, What’s going on guys” We heard you and y/n arguing” “She had a million thoughts in her mind like” ”She was an idiot to think you would ever love her.” “Well I have Alice and I can be happy” “Yeah me and Jasper will be happy forever” 
Y/N pov:
I am done with the world and I am done with being sad. I have been missing school. “Honey look you need to go back to school” I know” “sweetheart you need to also eat can you eat something please” “Yeah sure whatever” “Mom?” “yes sweetie” “does the pain ever go away?” “No the pain never goes away and that just means that you still love him and when you see him the pain just increases.”  As night came I decided one thing to do to make the pain go away and I must do it tonight. I wrote a letter to my mom. 
I walk out the door quietly and head to the cliff of La Push. 
M/n pov: 
I walk down the stairs to see a note on the table:
Dear mom,
I am so sorry but the pain is too much just know I love you with all my heart but the pain must go away. By the time you read this I will be gone already. Please say goodbye to the Cullen's for me and my friends and also my dear dog Peanut.
Love your daughter Y/n
No she no no no she wouldn’t would she I must find her immediately. I get in my car and head to the Cullen’s house. I bang on the door. Carlisle opens the door and his children come down to. “Is my daughter y/n here” “No Why would she be here” “I was thinking she would want to talk to Jasper” “look m/n she is not here how do you know she was gone” “Well I was walking down to the kitchen to get some water and I saw this note on the counter.” “I need help she is going to kill herself because of her heart ache” “We will help find her don’t worry” “Kids” “Yeah Carlisle” “Get you shoes” “Why” “Y/n going to kill herself” 
no one pov:
Y/n made it to the cliff she jumps. The Cullen’s and her mom are to late. “My baby girl she’s gone forever” is what her mom says. everyone looks over the edge and they see her she is floating on top of the water then she starts to sink to the bottom. 
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The funeral has come and everybody was there even Jasper and Alice.
Jasper pov:
Why do I have to be so stupid she was the best girlfriend I have ever had and I blew it and now she is gone. I have was the one who led her to do this and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. 
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
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Jughead: Sweet pea no.
Sweet pea: Sweet pea yes.
Toni & Fangs: Sweet pea no.
Sweet pea: Sweet pea maybe.
Y/N: Sweet pea no.
Sweet pea: Sweet pea no.
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Reblog this if it’s 110% alright for me to randomly strike up a conversation with you, right here, right now.
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
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I am speechless the guys are so HOT!!
I was busy thinking ‘bout boys
Boys, boys
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I was busy dreaming 'bout boys
Boys, boys
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Head is spinning thinking 'bout boys
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I need that bad boy to do me right on a Friday
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And I need that good one to wake me up on a Sunday
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Reblog this if it’s 110% alright for me to randomly strike up a conversation with you, right here, right now.
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Archie: What are you gonna bring?
Jughead: My negative attitude and sparkling personality.
Archie: Seriously just bring Betty.
Jughead: Why?
Archie: Because she is your girlfriend and you should just bring her.
Jughead: Well why can't I just be me I am an incredible person.
Archie: Sure you are like for example when you left us for the serpents you are a terrific person.
Jughead: .......
Archie: ........
Archie: Fine just bring what you want.
Jughead: Thank you!
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
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Younger version of Jughead and Archie has me in tears😂😭😂
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