roleshirked · 10 days
"there are observable biological differences between men and women that unfairly advantage men in a world designed by and for men" DOES NOT MEAN "women are inferior to men" or "women aren't good enough to keep up with men"
It means we have to account for those differences in the name of equity and equality - which doesn't mean women need ~special treatment~ or kid gloves, it means we have to remove barriers to equal opportunity.
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roleshirked · 10 days
I love how vkei MAINLY has 2 sides like guess which one takes a bath in rose water and which one brought ket in highschool
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roleshirked · 10 days
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Photos of Jewish butch lesbian icon, Hannah Gluckstein from Brighton Museum’s Gluck: Art & Identity exhibition.
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roleshirked · 15 days
Why does there need to be validation?
If you like to wear makeup? Okay but it's not feminist to do so.
If you like to shave? Okay but it's not feminist.
Everytime a woman speaks on how these things are damaging to women as a class you always get people whining and crying about their individual choices.
This isn't even talking about why no one takes even a second to question why they want to shave, and why do they want to wear makeup.
If everything is feminist than nothing is.
It was a psyop to make feminism lose it's teeth and the people who've read an ounce of theory are "terfs" and "swerfs".
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roleshirked · 18 days
post-modernism and philosophy lovers are some of the most insufferable people on the internet, jesus christ
questions for the gendies: when you remove the female body from the definition of woman, what else remains besides sexist feminine stereotypes?
when a male says he identifies as a woman, what exactly is he identifying with? you can’t identify with a organs you don’t have, so what is he actually identifying with, if not sexist feminine stereotypes?
and how is it progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes is a woman? is it not more progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes… is simply a feminine man?
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roleshirked · 18 days
tumblr fanartists after drawing their favorite anime character fat black with a binder stretchmarks severe acne and a hijab: enough activism for today
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roleshirked · 23 days
The games I listed are based on Serebii’s list of “Main Series Games”, but you’re more than welcome to take side series games into consideration for your vote
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roleshirked · 26 days
Hey, this is the anon from a while back that asked about making a gender critical fandom blog. Here it is, lol: https://www.tumblr.com/geecyfandom
It's a confession blog, so if anyone wants to pop over and rant about genderists in their fandom, the ask box is officially open.
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roleshirked · 26 days
I consider it my life's work and obligation to become more conscious of my programming, especially concerning shame, so that I don't unconsciously pass it into other women. I know a young woman who was once very embarrassed to have tampons visible in her car and shuddered at the word "menstruation." That's a normal, medical term for a natural process of the female body. I asked her if she would be embarrassed to be seen with toilet paper in her car (which relates to another natural function) and she said, "No." When I asked her what then was so shameful then about menstruation specifically, she laughed and said, "Ugh, don't even say the 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥!"
Look at the way certain cultures of men send their women away to live separately while they're on their cycles, as if they're unclean and unfit to even breathe the same air (and obviously "useless" for sex, so what's the point of having them around at all, right?) That's an extreme example of the contempt they hold for women, but nearly all men are disgusted and embarrassed by the topic and by seeing unused tampons and pads. It's no wonder that women worldwide have shame over this normal, healthy aspect of their female bodies.
We're made to feel ugly and unacceptable 100% of the time unless we're doing things like removing body hair and wearing makeup, and we're made to feel absolutely 𝘱𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘥 for 1 week a month; 3 months a year. This poor woman clearly has been made to think that, and if I were less vigilant in recognizing programming, I would have absorbed that message myself instead of rejecting it. And then I too would go around acting as if it's something to be ashamed of and to hide at all costs, because "what would men think?" (I don't give a DAMN what men think, incidentally.)
And another thing: it really burns me up that we're instilled with all this shame, usually based around what men do and don't find sexually appealing or beneficial to 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮, and then we just go on upholding that shame for the sake of the jerks who instilled us with it rather than rebelling against it. WAKE up, examine everything you've been taught to be ashamed of about yourself (especially if it's a female-specific thing), and revolt against it with your entire being in defense of your own honor.
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roleshirked · 28 days
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flirting and teasing
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roleshirked · 28 days
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roleshirked · 30 days
It’s never been libfems saying “trans women are women” that bothers me. Sure. Call yourself whatever you want. Seriously. I’ll call you whatever you want, too.
I started to question things when libfems (usually cis women themselves) started telling defining me. “You’re cis because you were afab and identify as a woman.”
But… I don’t. I never have. Being a girl always meant a list of things I couldn’t do that my brother could. And the older I got, the more it meant fear. Knowing that there were men out there, everywhere, who would take pleasure in hurting me. Would pay for it. Would pay to see pictures of it.
I never chose this, I never wanted it, I don’t identify with it, I don’t feel comfortable with it. If I could snap my fingers and have a male body every time I left my apartment, every time I rode the train alone at night, I would do it. Not because I have a problem with my body, but because the world does.
Of course it’s offensive to me to suggest that I was made for this—not just my body, but my soul/mind/wherever you think gender lives. That I suffer misogyny not because I was born with a female body, but because I was born with a female mind.
Maybe I would identify as nonbinary if I’d ever spoken to a woman who felt differently. But I haven’t. I don’t know any women who ~feel~ like women, inherently, in their hearts.
We are all human, and we have a pretty much infinite range of personalities, and I don’t see any reason at all that we should group those personalities into categories called “gender”, particularly given that those categorizations have been used to justify the oppression of female humans for centuries.
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roleshirked · 1 month
florida hatsun miku i do not mkae the rules
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roleshirked · 1 month
it is less the playing along with it (a social nicety i give to many people, for example religious folk) that bothers me and more the expectation that i Must, and that there are consequences if i Don't, and those consequences extend beyond just the reach of their specific reality.
a christian asks me to pray with them. i do not. they call me a heretic. this means nothing to me and has zero social consequences.
a gendie asks me to call them xir. i do not. they call me a terf, and this can ostracize me from ~80% of my friends at best and lead me to losing my job at worst.
the difference is that (most (sane)) religious folk don't really expect me to believe what they do. there's no social foul in us walking parallel but distinctly different lives. whether or not i pray with them doesn't bear on their reality at all. we can even have sane and relatively pleasant cooler talks about our different walks of life! and because there is zero expectation, i may be more inclined to respectfully indulge them should it arise - i dated a christian once. i went to church with her every sunday, for example.
but if i do not they/them the they/them, i am suddenly crashing their world around them, have committed the Most Heinous of Sins, and every Queer (tm) person in a 15 mile radius must be alerted. i have Broken the Expectation, and in so doing have unleashed the unglorious wrath of the most privileged 22 year old with an amazon wishlist full of children's toys and lube whose biggest problem in life is policing thoughtcrimes 24/7. and because of all of that, i'm not really inclined to play along.
we make compromises socially all the time for the people around us, that isn't new. it's this foregone expectation that is new, imo
the whole "gender identity" trend is so pathetic and annoying. a bunch of weirdos playing pretend. and yet they're treated like a terminal alzheimers patient like "just agree with everything they think is true, otherwise they'll be soooo distressed and its just not worth it to remind them of reality, it would be so cruel and pointless because their brain doesn't work" except instead of an old person who actually tragically can't understand reality anymore, they're some 22 year old with an amazon wishlist full of childrens toys and lube.
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roleshirked · 1 month
No one calls men “they”.
If a man’s presentation is feminine enough, they call him “she”, because they assume he identifies as a woman.
“They” is only used for androgynous women who are perceived as not being female enough. It’s used by people who assume that a woman who doesn’t perform femininity must not identify as a woman.
It’s not progressive, it’s a way of othering women who already feel out of place and misunderstood within the patriarchal system. It’s misogyny hiding under a veneer of kindness and liberal values.
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roleshirked · 1 month
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roleshirked · 1 month
Not to be inflammatory but transwomen have committed more violent crimes against females than female have committed against trans people of both sexes. Which really should give one pause, because while the number of those crimes are relatively small on both sides women make up 49-51% of the population depending upon country, whereas transwomen only account for like 1-5% of male people in any given country. How is that tiny population continuing to predate upon this huge population and maintain the perception they are the ones at risk?
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