rosehealthlineworld · 4 years
A humble individual is full of clarity,in our soul, body,mind & work.
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rosehealthlineworld · 4 years
I have covered you with my hands.Isaiah 51:16.
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rosehealthlineworld · 4 years
A strong core will improve your technique , strength ,stamina & compliment everything you do.
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rosehealthlineworld · 4 years
Core issues.
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We are back again with a pinch of health.It is very well said by a football coach-Lou Holtz that “Ability is what you are capable of doing.Motivation determines what you do ,and attitude determines how well you do it”.If we have ability to do something defenitely we can reach towards our goal to motivation .
So lets look foward towards the CORE issues ;
What exactly do you mean by core ? by defination the core of a human body consists mainly of the belly& the mid and the lower back area and peripherally includes the hips,the shoulders and the neck .
You may have heard that its inmportant to have a STRONG CORE in order to move powerfully and with good posture. But why is it essential for the physical well being ? the core contributes to the strength in the centre of the body,especially the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the lower  back.It initiates each and every movement we make. Why work the core ? 
Because ,it gives you the strength to properly use the body mechanics to do activites like getting up from a chair ,walking ,lifting ,& carrying objects more efficiently .Having a strrong core also protects the spine from injury & improves blance ,reducing the risk of  muscle strains & falling . 
The best way to take care of your core is to make it a habit to exercise your core muscles.Especially for those who sit most of the time on a chair continuously.A simple way to do it would be to place your hands on yourlower abdomen and gently draw the abdominal musclesin and up.Do the same while placing your hands simultaneously on your lower backas you lift up your abdominal muscles.you will feel your lower back muscles react and spine lenghtening.Thats the feeling you want during normal movement i.e,sitting,walking etc.
A weak core makes you pron not just to injuries but also fatigue,hence it is essential to have a strong core as you all will breathe more easily , your posture will improve and you will look & feel better.
Healthy alphabet : ‘B’ Banannas ,Baked beans , Bean sprouts, Brocoli, Bread/butter, Beef ,Blackberry etc.
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rosehealthlineworld · 4 years
Your feelings become your problems .
Ruach Philip
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rosehealthlineworld · 4 years
Raise your words ,not your voice .it is rain that grows flowers ,not thunder.
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rosehealthlineworld · 4 years
Living Healthy .
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Hey guys , How are u all ?Hope & believe  to be in pink of health & cradle of wealth . As due to this pandemic many of us are going through health issues & many questions regarding are disturbing everyone today  Physically , emotionally & mentally .So lets know something regarding health and fitness.
What is health & fitness ? Do they go hand in hand ?Do they depend  wholly on our daily diet or on our workouts ? Yes ,there  are  many such unanswered questions. 
Its the  state of complete physical , mental &social wellbeing of an individual .Its not about just being healthy &keeping the weight off .Its about feeling good &enjoying your workout & nutrition .
Luckily today,there are a wide range of computerized,state of the art machines to fit every need .As a lifestyle management philosophy , it encourages one to incorporate simple habit modifications such as A 2 km run or grooving to your favourite chart buster daily should take care of your  workout .And if speed is not your thing ,practising yogasanas can be a great alternative . In fact ,even small changes such as chewing slowly while eating reap big results .Bottomline ,a balance of a healthy diet & workout leads to a fit & happy living .
So friends,come on ,lets just sweat away all the sickness ,worries, &tensions out of our lives through this pinch of knownledge which i think  everyone of us needs in todays busy & hectic life.
Being healthy & fit isnt a fad or a trend . Its a lifestyle.
Healthy  Alphabets : lets start with :  A - apples , avacado ,asparagus ,almonds ,& Allspice, amaranth.
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rosehealthlineworld · 4 years
God has a perfect plan for us.He never does it all at once,just step by step because he wants to teach us to WALK BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT.
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