royaldeceit · 2 months
╼ ༺ :||          She'd gathered enough that she'd taken residence in what was possibly his bathtub. Strange land dweller habits until she had been made aware long ago they stunk as bad as dead fish washed ashore. Tay must silently been suggesting she leave so he could bathe.
Rising higher that she may pull herself from the porcelain tub's ledge, she bid temporary farewell to the comforting water and braced herself for the tumble onto the floor- nothing uncommon or too wounding for merfolk really. More water followed after a brilliant iridescent tail with an unceremonious flop onto the ground.
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Daneil reached out for a nearby towel. "Just... give me a moment, and I'll leave you to bathe."
Cautiously looking him over, Daneil relaxed and finally pulled herself to the water's edge. "You're the owner? I suppose Rouge told you what I am."
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“Partial shop owner. Alongside Rouge,” he clarified.
Turning to shuffle through one of the nearby drawers, he continued on.
“She told me your name is Daneil.”
His search revealed a comb, as well as a few bottles and towels - each neatly tucked under one arm.
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“Mine is Tay.”
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royaldeceit · 2 months
╼ ༺ :||          There was no faith in contracts. Well acquainted with the selfishness and deceit of others, this place drew in those many of those pleasure seekers. Even if it was precisely why such a ship would provide coverage as the last place they'd think to look. She'd learn what she could from the other dancers aboard.
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Daneil did have questions, but shook her head for the time being. There would be time later when crossing waters further from the coast.
Yulin took the bracelet, opening a drawer and placing it there before turning to jot down notes on one of the many papers atop her desk.
"Our dancers are not to be touched without consent," she stated clearly. "Anyone who breaks that rule is introduced to the sharks."
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"They sign a contract before they board, so there's no wiggling out of it either," Cai mused, scratching under Cat's chin. The feline purred in agreement.
"Do you have any other questions?" Yulin asked, her gaze sharp as she regarded the other.
Were there nothing further, Dani would be taken with Cai to her new quarters.
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royaldeceit · 2 months
She watched him scoop a few more spoonfuls into his mouth, understanding those monsters had surely been detrimental. Now everything was slowly killing him... right? Eyes briefly flashed onto his collar.
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Daneil was, unfortunately, concerned and entirely serious with what followed:
"Didn't you try normal food?"
He didn’t have the heart to completely ignore her.
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“I ate a lot of monsters.”
But that was the only further explanation he’d give.
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royaldeceit · 2 months
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Daneil inclined her head towards the curtain falling back into place where Rouge had been. In all her years, privacy was a matter carelessly tossed into the wind for all the attire she to be dressed in for public and private appearances. Nowadays it took quite a bit for any bashfulness, but a quirked smile appeared at the gesture nonetheless.
Shifting the newest top across her shoulders, Dani pulled her hair free and smoothed out the comfortable fabric. Perhaps Tay and the others would approve as she did. But until Rouge returned, she'd focus on trying out the offered accessories.
👕 (Dani without, for Rouge?)
send in an '👕' (or shirt if the emoji doesn't show) to walk in on my muse while they're shirtless - still accepting
Her eyes landed on Dani for less than a second, immediately flickering away to give her privacy.
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"My apologies, I didn't realize you were in here," she nodded with still averted gaze. "I will come back when you're finished."
If she noticed the mark on the other's back, nothing was said. Not yet, at least.
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royaldeceit · 3 months
╼ ༺ :||          Freely wiling. The flash of confusion may have been brief, but there was a stare of processing that information, almost as if she had no idea what a job actually entailed. Having a choice in matters without them being a necessity in some form or fashion seemed foreign, but Daneil, even if momentarily zoned out, retained sensibility to understand the other work this ship needed.
Slipping the band from her wrist, she delicately placed it in the vice captain's hand. "I'll dance. If chores must be done, then I can do those as well if need be."
Daneil paused and hesitantly asked, "Are your dancers well protected?"
Yulin's gaze flickered to the bracelet before returning to Daneil's face.
"Our operation employs only those freely willing. If it's a job you desire, you can work under one of our dancers until you have been assessed," she explained with a steady stare. "But we also have need of cleaning and cooking. Clothing repair. Other chores."
She held out her hand.
"For now, though, the bracelet shall buy you passage for three weeks. We can discuss other payments later, if you remain here after that time."
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royaldeceit · 4 months
╼ ༺ :||    He'd left her there with Dani staring after him, unsure how exactly to accept, or deny, this invitation. Surely this wasn't the killer that slaughtered her assailants just days prior, the same that laughed maniacally strewing a battlefield's worth of blood seeping into the soil. She understood well varying sides of a person, and so the hesitancy remained.
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....still, she was hungry.
A tab wouldn't sit well with her constantly on the move. (And the lingering thought of owing someone, when they could desire anything for payment well after.) Instead of trailing after his shopping, Daneil wandered away near where the beggars would beckon for coin, taking place of one that had just gathered his earnings and departed. Still within eyesight of the market stalls, she'd gather payment for his meal the best way she knew.
Arranging her scarf into a bowl-like shape upon the ground, she lifted her head with a foreign song filling her lungs and a gentle sway as she herself was lost in the beautiful emotions from its tantalizing lyrics.
By the time his shopping was finished, perhaps there would be enough profit for the meal and then some.
"You can open a tab," he shrugged, wrapping the fish up and depositing it into his basket.
Honestly, he didn't really care if she paid him for it or not.
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"First though, I need to pick up some vegetables~" he hummed. Without waiting for an answer the skipped off towards his next destination - in this case, a stall just down the street - and started perusing the wares there.
The first thing that caught his eye was a head of lettuce. He held it up, turning it all about to check its condition with a thoughtful 'hmmm'.
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royaldeceit · 4 months
How Attractive Are You From 1-100?
Daneil, your attractiveness is 17.
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Conflicted, but okay?
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royaldeceit · 4 months
╼ ༺ :||          Straightening, it seems they'd delve right into business. There was only a single blink from such cold demeanor, but at least it was more tolerable in comparison towards the wide-smiling captain.
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"As I've told your captain, I can provide a bracelet." At mention, Daneil revealed a bangle of pure gold catching the lantern's shine unto Yulin- which happened to be one of her remaining accessories she'd absconded with. After a brief moment, she let the gold fall back into hiding beneath her sleeve. "And if it doesn't suffice, by trade I sing and dance. Perhaps that is more preferred with your ship's operation?" Unfortunately.
The woman didn't look impressed. She stared Daneil down with a gaze icy enough to match her starkly white lipstick, lips quirked downward into a subtle frown.
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"Right. What can you offer our crew, in exchange for the space," she questioned without hesitation.
To the side, Cai and his feline companion merely observed - the former leaning against a nearby wall, while the latter seemed to have gotten distracted by the swaying lantern left to cast light over the room.
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royaldeceit · 6 months
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There were talks of sunglasses, so I ended up giving Dani some shades~
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royaldeceit · 6 months
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You think it's easy You think I don't wanna run to you But there are mountains And there are doors that we can't walk through I know you're wondering why because we're able to be Just you and me within these walls But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see That it was hopeless after all No one can rewrite the stars How can you say you'll be mine? Everything keeps us apart And I'm not the one you were meant to find It's not up to you It's not up to me When everyone tells us what we can be How can we rewrite the stars? Say that the world can be ours Tonight But I can't have you We're bound to break and my hands are tied
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royaldeceit · 6 months
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Forgot this was sitting in my drafts.
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royaldeceit · 6 months
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Dani is celebrating the spring equinox with its celebratory song and lively dance.
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royaldeceit · 7 months
╼ ༺ :||    There was more she wished to poke at and learn. Blue insides could mean other fish with organs stained green, violet, yellow. Quite literally a rainbow of possibilities. And there may have been other animals as well!
Answering his offer for a meal, her stomach did the begging where her lips fell quiet. Her muted growl forced her hand's return and the mackerel mouth to draw back into place. She couldn't deny the desire now. Especially when that grin told her he may very well insist she eat.
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Daneil's hands swept towards the pouch beneath her cloak where a few pieces of coin remained after some prior dealings the day before. Not knowing what he might charge for the meal, she found it only fair to warn him. "I don't have a lot of coin presently."
All the while Tor allowed Dani to remain, even as he reached out to exchange coin for the fish.
"This, is a Ramuran Mackerel," Tor explained with a wide grin - holding it out for Dani to see. If she wanted to take it and get a closer look, she was welcome to.
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"They come from the Ramuran Strait. Because of their diet, they're a striking blue on the inside," he casually explained. "Potent flavor, too~ So they don't need many seasonings. Makes for a good travel food~"
Not that he didn't find plenty of ways to cook extravagant things even while on the road. Still, simpler foods were good to.
"Just watch out for the bones," the fish seller added before turning away, off to tend to some boxes in the back of her stall.
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royaldeceit · 8 months
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And then if I put something here....
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0 notes
royaldeceit · 8 months
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royaldeceit · 9 months
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*spying marshmallow roast from a distance*
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royaldeceit · 9 months
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Dani says F my life.
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