royaljewellake · 2 months
So for the past 6 months I have been trying to manifest a new job. I’ve done everything that I could think of when it comes to it. I’ve redid my resume 3 different times. I’ve applied to multiple positions at different places. I’ve applied to the same place multiple times. I’ve gotten clear on what I think that I want when it comes to my career. I’ve let go of the negative emotion and feelings that I had towards my current job ( I started having panic attacks at the thought going to work most days and I work my way through it). I tried to live in the end. I’ve tried gratitude. I’ve tried subliminals. I’ve tried visualizing. I’ve tried robotic affirmations in different tones. I’ve taken breaks to live my life and not be in desperate energy in wanting a job( and no thoughts of my job went through my mind) I’ve tried everything that I could possibly think of. At this point I’m starting to feel like that job title that I’m going for is just not for me. Because at every turn I’m being rejected for the job ( I’m in a job field where there will always be a job-health care). I’ve even thought about moving out of state or out of the country just to get a fresh start. At this point I’m just done. I feel so lost. I don’t want to be at my current job( at least not full time) but I also don’t know where to go or what path to take.
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royaljewellake · 1 year
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royaljewellake · 2 years
Happiness Will Come To You.
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royaljewellake · 2 years
“In front of my mother and my sisters, I pretend love is cheap and vulgar. I act like it’s a sin– I pretend that love is for women on a dark path. But at night i dream of a love so heavy it makes my spine throb.– I dream up a lover who makes love like he is separating salt from water.”
— Salma Deera, “salt”  
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royaljewellake · 2 years
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Spoiled Wife
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royaljewellake · 2 years
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royaljewellake · 2 years
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royaljewellake · 2 years
My manifestations
Things I am happy to say that I have manifested:
1) My new car - 2022 Mazda 3 sedan - it has all the features that I wanted in this car. Fully paid for and straight off the lot 
2) My dream house - I have been making Pinterest board for years for what I want in my house. After finalizing what I wanted I was able to manifest it. It feels so nice to live in the house that I have wanted
3) My husband - the absolute love of my life
4) Zero debt - I used to have credit card and student loan debt, but now I have none of that.
5) Financial abundance  
6) My trip to Japan - I had a great time there. I had been wanting to go for a very long time. While I was there I was able to meet some great people and make some new experiences
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royaljewellake · 2 years
My Manifestation Journey
So I have been on my manifestation journey for a long time. Long before I even knew that I was manifesting things into my life. I have seen and tried all the methods that I have found in my search. Sometimes it felt like I was either doing too much or too little. To affirm everyday or only to affirm when you think about the topic. To use candles, to journal, to assume, or to use your imagination. And there is nothing wrong with the methods mentioned. Some work for certain people. But at some point I realized that having all the methods at once can be confusing. After listening so many people’s advice on how to manifest it confused me and my spirit. I felt all over the place wondering why it was not working . At times whatever method I choose it felt like it was working because I received something close to what I was manifesting. However, at some point I had realized it was maybe that thing that  manifested was close to what I wanted. It was neither exact or better than what I was manifesting (because when I manifest I have the thought of what I want or better coming to my life in a good way). There were time when I would see people would talk about a state they would enter to know that their manifestation was coming. I tried to avoid that topic because I know for myself that I would try to force myself into that state. Giving my self anxiety because I’m pushing myself into a place where I was not ready to be in. I also found myself to limit what I manifest into certain time frames. For example, I would tell myself that I’ll manifestation buying something when I can manifest $80. I know that for some, you have to start small to get to the bigger things. But for my self it was a limit. I had it realize that what I wanted was mine and the only people that stopped me from having what I wanted was myself. So I took some steps that worked for me. Here they are:
1) pick one method - the internet is filled with people giving different ways to manifest. pick a way that feels right to you. something that feels stress free and easy to use. Test it out. Just because someone says that it is easy to use does not always mean that it will be easy for you and your life style. Don’t force it.
2) make a list - when we manifest we often have limiting beliefs both conscious or unconscious. Explore who you are as a person. write down what you want, the old beliefs that you had, and the new beliefs you have .
3) Take your time - I think that we often try to rush ourselves when it come to manifesting. Yes, we do have the ability to manifest something in the snap of our fingers. But when you first start out watching the 3D world for movement can still play a part in how you manifest. Persist in your desires. We all have a starting point. Not everyone is ready to start manifesting in 48 hours and that ok. 
4) start with the small things - I know above I said that now I manifest what I want or better. But there are times when I have to recenter myself in the way that I manifest. Its also a good way to start things out with little pressure to move onto something bigger and better. For example, when I first started consciously manifesting in a way that benefited me there was a car that I wanted. Not going to lie at first I was not confident consciously or in my subconsciously. so I started out small. first I started by manifesting seeing the car brand on the street. Then I went to manifesting seeing the car that I want. so forth till I got what I wanted. and now my mind is in agreement that I can manifest big things with little effort
overall my message is to find what works for you and make sure you take time and not get overwhelmed by all the messages people send out about manifestation. You got this!!!!
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royaljewellake · 2 years
bestie one sec,
think of a desire you have.
whatever desire that came up first in your mind, is the one I’m talking about. got it? okay.
whatever that desire is, you’re about to receive it BITCH!! I am so serious!! 🧚🏾‍♀️🦄 I can see into the future obviously 🙄💅🏾 congratulations boo!!! cheers to you 💕
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royaljewellake · 2 years
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royaljewellake · 2 years
your personal way of manifesting 🫐
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to find your own favourite way of manifesting (that will be naturally the best one for you, simply because you enjoy it the most) take a look at who you are and what you enjoy doing outside of the law. then find a way to put those activities into loa context.
if you love music, create playlists that embody your desired life and listen to them
if you love meditating, go for the void
if you love stories, find books/tv shows that have the vibes of your desired life and project yourself into them
if you love writing, write your own stories with your desires
if you love baking, take this kinda witchy approach and see every ingredient you're adding into the dough as one of your desires while the bowl is your life
if you're competitive, try loa challenges and put set dates for your manifestations to motivate yourself
if you're chill and can't be bothered by anything, simply know that your desires are yours
if you love drawing, draw yourself living your dream life
if you love tarot, create your own rigged readings where you pull out just the cards you want
if you love astrology, rewrite your birth chart and give your placements the meaning you want for them to have
if you're religious, pray to your god(s) and know they'll bring your desires to you
if you're a daydreamer, daydream and know that its real
find your own way cuz that will be the smoothest one for you. everything works. don't force yourself to do anything that doesn't sit right with you. manifesting is supposed to be fun, not a chore.
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royaljewellake · 2 years
law of assumption reminders :
Dont ask other people to manifest your dream life for a you, you already have it, so why would you ask that? + its YOUR dream life, get it yourself, you control YOUR reality and they control THEIR reality, not yours.
Again, you do NOT need high vibrations, the universe, scripting, methods, the void, subliminals, challenges and strict rules to manifest. YOU make your own rules, YOU choose, its YOUR reality. This are just tools, you don't need them.
No, you don't need to affirm all day . its optional. If it feel like a chores, stop it. If you like it and it works for you then great! Do it! But remember, you already have it!
STOP affirming for things you don't want. Act like you have your desire, talk like you have your desire , think like you have your desire. Caus u do have it.
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royaljewellake · 2 years
You're getting distracted again. Focus on the goal, finish the mission.
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royaljewellake · 2 years
Are you manifesting and tired of waiting for your shit? Try these tips 💋💋
Are your affirmations worded the way YOU talk? Saying “My face is so so sexy and perfect” or “I have tons of money” is probably going to work a lot faster for you than saying “I love my symmetrical facial features” or “I am aligned with receiving abundance and prosperity” if that’s not the way you talk ☠️💜 When you say affirmations in your own words you’ll feel a lot better, it will feel a lot more natural and your subconscious will accept the affirmations fast AF 💗
Are you checking the mirror or 3D for results? If you are STOP THAT! You wouldn’t be checking for something you already have so you’re just prolonging getting your results every time you do this 🤷🏻‍♀️ Trust me, I affirmed for MONTHS that I have thin barbie doll arms while checking the mirror every 30 minutes to see if they changed AND THEY NEVER DID ☠️ I finally stopped checking the 3D for results and on the second day of not checking my arms changed dramatically 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 So don’t ever check the 3D !! You already have what you want 💓 Checking just reinstates you don’t have it and keeps you at ⬛️ one
Are you living in the 4D? You need to live in the 4D 💭💗 You can’t affirm you have something but then react to every unwanted thing you see in the 3D and expect to see a change 🤔🖤 I don’t care if you look in the mirror and see the complete opposite of your dream face, I want you to live inside your mind and say “I’m the prettiest girl in the world, I already have my dream face 😇💕💕” LIVE INSIDE YOUR MIND
Write down your rules and repeat them every day ~ Your rules can be anything from: I manifest instantly, no matter what I get everything I want, I manifest instantly the very first time I affirm, I get everything I want just by wanting it, the 3D changes instantly for me, write down your rules in your own words and than read them multiple times a day and THEY WILL come true, manifest being a master at manifesting and manifesting will be even easier for you 💗 💗 💗
Last but not least .. discipline your mind. I don’t care how annoying it is to flip your thoughts and affirm you have what you want even when you see the opposite. If you really want it, YOU WILL DO IT
Follow these tips and there’s NO WAY you won’t get what you want. You just have to apply them 💜🪄✨
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I learned these tips from Sammy Ingram 💜 💜 💜 I started watching her videos and I like her a lot 😇💜
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royaljewellake · 2 years
I'm sorry you had to bottle up all your feelings inside in order to function. I'm sorry that's what you had to do to survive in a time where stopping to take the time to feel and express them would have had severe consequences.
I'm proud of you for making it though that time, but I need you to stop suppressing your feelings now that you're here.
Your feelings are important. They are not bad. They are not here to hurt you. They're here to tell you what you're experiencing, and you need them. So take them out of their boxes, please. Use them.
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royaljewellake · 2 years
What I've manifested by changing self concept and state of being through affirming, persisting, and knowing manifestation is instant:
My dream home
Ideal appearance and massive confidence
Being the pinnacle of health
I always had an amazing self concept when it comes to academics but I've now manifested never dropping below my 4.0 GPA
My ideal jobS, a part time one that I'm doing now before I graduate university and another already lined up for me when I graduate next year
Never having to worry about money ever again
Pretty much being the best at everything I do (skills in cooking, dancing, writing, and pretty much everything lol)
Mental health recovery, being happy all the time ( got rid of emptiness stemming from BPD and depression)
All of this was done by simply changing my thoughts, knowing the moment I changed my thoughts I didn't have to do anything to "get my desires" because manifestation is instant and the 3D just presented me with what I knew to be true.
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