ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
Week 10
I don’t believe I have achieved the adequate learning objectives this week, leaving my CAD work to the last minute meant I missed out on the opportunity to 3D print, I decided rather than not submit anything at all I would have a go at painting and finishing a foam sculpture I had made as I believed this would be a challenge.
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I had difficulty getting rid of all the imperfections and should have bought some sort of filler to get rid of divots, I think the white colour went well at accentuating the organic form of the model
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I really enjoyed this exercise but was disappointed in myself for neglecting this task and not completing the actual task given. If I had my time again, I would make sure to not leave this task to the last minuet and make sure that I create my 3d model on time. I learnt that certain paints dissolve foam so I used acrylic paint as it does not contain any solvents that would melt the foam. I learnt this through the document provided detailing how to finish the models we made, this document was very informative and helpful.
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
Final reflection
During this term of studying sketch modelling online I have learnt a lot about the course and about my own learning habits. My understanding of the design process has improved drastically mainly in the areas of sketching and 3-dimensional model making on the computer and with physical materials. I now understand multiple orientations and methods to use when creating engineering drawings, I can create concise sketches that communicate design form. I also now understand the order of operations involved in making 3-dimensional foam models. Throughout this term every exercise has helped me on my learning journey, and I have enjoyed being able to learn new things.
Moving forward I will implement these newfound skills and understanding in the design process of my future design projects. I am especially excited to make contemporary sculptures using the 3D printers as I was amazed by the incredible organic forms, I was able to make using different manipulation techniques on Auto desk's 3D max
I believed I performed reasonably well as a reflective learner as I found I often knew exactly what I could have done to improve my work. I did find the student to student commentary to be useful and appreciated people’s honesty when giving critical feedback and felt that I learnt a lot from their comments on my work.
Overall, I found the reflective learning useful but at the same time preferred the voice of others when receiving feedback. I always found myself behind throughout the course and know I need to work on time management, I think the relaxed workout and straightforward nature of the new online structure allowed me to slack off, I believe I would of done much better with on campus uni but recognise that everyone is in the same boat and that the real reason my work for the term has been subpar to my own potential was my lack of commitment and poor time management. Using this I am going to put in extra measures next term to ensure I stay on top of my work and fulfil my potential.
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
Week 9
This week I feel as though I met the learning objectives for this week, I struggled with some of the object manipulation but still managed to generate a few different forms
I enjoyed playing around with the manipulation of 3D forms, it was quite satisfying to be able to manipulate a shape to such an extreme degree, I disliked the fact that the program was so different to any I had used before but this didn’t last long as I found satisfaction in progressing through and learning the program.
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If I had my time again, I would have made a different bottle shape in fusion. The shape would have been different to allow for a better outcome once manipulated, I found the shape I made did not improve when I used the manipulation tools.
The most important thing I learned where the basic controls, selection tools, panning and zooming as all of these allowed to me to be able to learn more complex parts of the program, I learnt these controls through tutorials and through trial and error.
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
Week 8
For my 3D fusion model decided to change my design, the student to student feedback I received was valuable as it provided me the insight to create a more curved and organic shape.  I believe I have achieved the learning objectives for this week as I was able to produce the new form that I had visualised.
The connection of the main curved body and the lid went well as I could connect them with ease, I had difficulty with filleting the edges of the shape and had to go back and modify the original sketch and had to fillet the shape in a certain order to avoid errors.
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This week I really enjoyed exploring my favourite aspect of model making visualisation. I found visualisation very satisfying as you could create a 3-dimensional body in a matter of minutes, this allowed for lots of quick and easy changes which would have taken a lot of time with a foam model. I did not dislike anything this week. I am really pleased with my model and would not do anything differently
The key things I learned where filleting technique, and extrusion as well as initial sketch design. I figured out these through trial and error over many attempts
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
Week 7 - Physical Model Making
The dust from the foam is very fine and since I do not have a workshop, I decided to go outdoors to complete this task.
I collected the offcuts in an old laptop box that I had placed underneath the foam as I sculpted it.
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 Using just the standard Stanley knife I could cut the bottle to the desired outline; upon reflection it would have been easier to have a sort of hack saw to do this part. The process of cleaning it up and finishing It off I found to be very satisfying. Upon reflection I am glad that I made a small assortment of tools using skewers sandpaper and hot glue as they made sanding certain curves much easier.
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Overall, I learned that drawings can never really communicate the full design, things such as ergonomics and appearance are only truly understood once a model has been made, this is why I found this week’s activity so insightful.
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I enjoyed working with foam so much I made a little sculpture out of it, the skills I learned through the bottle making where very useful in application to my sculpture.
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
Week 4
Activity 1 : I found the beginning of this task the easiest but got a little stuck on some of the angles, i did some googling and quickly found the solution, in the end the extra bit of research really helped me out and allowed me to create a nicer drawing 
Activity 2 : I found this task the easiest of the 3 which came back to bite me as I decided to go straight to pen, I made a few mistakes and had to restart, upon reflection i should have taken more care or traced in pencil before 
Activity 3 : Until this activity i was not fully aware of the massive effect that the ellipses had on the regularity of shapes in perspective, i failed to execute this perfectly and upon reflection should have taken more care , I decided to borrow the layout from a  fellow classmate and this turned out to be a good idea as the complexity allowed me to practice multiple skills in doing so. 
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
Secondary Auxiliary Views:
I found the first part of this task quite simple but quickly found myself caught on the , the orthographic-projections and how to layt them out correctly. I went online to find tutorials which i found understanding in , apon reflection this was a good desicion and improved my final work.
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
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Week Three - Section and Auxiliary Views
This week’s exercise involved applying third angle orthogonal projection, section views and auxiliary views. I found it harder this week, but it was a great learning experience.
when doing the initial sketching i rushed through it and as a result my drawings ended up being slightly off with some parts longer and shorter than the actual measurements. My understanding of the auxiliary view was a bit off and after reviewing other students work i believe than my way of projection was not the correct way, however i still left it in as i want to receive feedback on it and what i did wrong rather than just copying another students work.
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
Week 2
In week 2, we explored third angle projection in engineering drawings and AS1100 Standards. During the online lesson, we where given the task to draw an object in third angle projection by first creating a shell to help guide us through it.
Step 1 was easy, and involved the construction of a box with the bottom missing that was to go over our chosen object. I chose sticky-tape as it was the first thing i looked at when tasked to find an object. constructing the box helped ease into the process and alleviated confusion.
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Step 2 involved figuring out which side and angle would go where and how i would line them up. this took me a couple attempts and i learned to go slow 
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Step 3  is my (mediocre) attempt to complete a third angle engineering drawing. My spacing on the page could of been improved and the title box was a bit sketchy, i could of made the dimensions clearer but overall i was pretty happy as it was my first drawing that i have done of this kind. 
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
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Week 1 Refection:
The first three exercises where reasonably easy with the challenge lying in efficiency and perfection. 
For exercise one i drew the circle first and then calculated the dimensions of the triangle so that it would fit perfectly inside the circle whilst remaining equilateral , this proved the hardest challenge of the exercise for me. Upon reflection i believe it may of been easier to construct one triangle first , draw the circle around it then draw in the final triangle. This way i could’ve achieved perfection in a more accurate and simple manner. 
For exercise two i drew the inner circles and then split the whole shape into quarters from this it was only a matter of using my ruler to create a uniform thickness to the shape (5mm for straight lines 10mm for curved). I then used a curved pencil sharpener to create the curves inside the quadrants. Finally i traced over the object in pen and rubbed out the pencil. Upon reflection i believe i should of been more careful drawing the curves as they came out uneven with stop and start marks creating wide points in the line. 
For exercise three i created the shape by repeating internal triangles of base 6 squares and hight 5, i then used the shape to trace and cut out the rest. I found this task the easiest. 
Overall refection 
in future i will focus on the accuracy of my line work when creating curves and pay closer attention to the efficiency of my process and the order in which i create the drawings. with that being said i enjoyed the task an look forward to more in the future. 
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ruben5264409-blog · 4 years
Hi i’m ruben, in my spare time i surf ,paint and sculpt. I was drawn to industrial design as i believe it is the nexus of the arts and engineering. 
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