rubythearc · 4 years
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rubythearc · 4 years
Your name: Shauna Davis
  Chosen Universe: (pick from the list provided)    Universe Earth
  Character name: Ruby
  Blog Title:
  Design elements:
 Explain your inspiration for the design: When I was a child, I joined a group of kids who were apart of a conflict resolution team. Many times, children may not know how to deal with trouble or conflict. Being a part of conflict Resolution meant that I was personally involved with finding solutions to problems at school.
  Describe (photos, links to websites, audio, video etc. used) I chose a picture of a little girl crying because it shows that children can be vulnerable at times.
  Background color used: Blue
  Blog Entries: (3 post minimum- total 300 words)  
  Blog Post 1:
 Heading of post: A Bruised Reed
           Can humanity come back from the brinks of despair? Uniting in the midst of war and revolution has never been easy. As far back as history goes the world has dealt with tyranny, plagues, and mediocrity. Will we prevail and live to fight another day? Can a bruised or damaged reed still play beautiful music? Well, many people are hurting and misguided but there is evidence that survival does avail out of the faint of heart. Everyday people who are broken rise to become wonderful productive members of society.
           Not only do people deal with personal struggles, but they also must endure problems that surround them daily. Many would argue that superheroes have it easy. They have agility, superhuman strength and an array of weaponry to use at their disposal, for instance, the Special Olympics are filled with people who were expected to fail because of their disabilities, but instead they become relentless and overcome. They when gold medals and shame their critics.
           Everyone has their own cross to bear. No one is exempt from trials or tribulation. It is not the problem that should make the difference, it is how an individual deals with the problems of humanity and their own personal pain. I realize one individual cannot solve problems for the whole world, but it takes a collaborative effort, so that means everyone should lend a hand.
           Using discretion and wisdom is important and can lead to positive choices. Awareness does play a factor and leadership in politics where people have power holds great significance. Change does not happen overnight. Patience can relieve an anxious heart and motivation will increase productivity. When you seek a solution, it shows. Other’s will get involved because the world is constantly changing, and people look to leaders for direction. Villains will not conquer our world. We must stick together if we are going to get anything done. Once again, the population is facing something that seems greater than goodness. Evil is running rampant, but it will never overcome good. The darkness will never win.
  Blog entry 1:
  Blog Post 2:
 Heading of post: The Journey
   Blog entry 2:
           I tied the purple bandana around my head. After swinging my backpack over my arm, I felt the weight of my backpack adding extra pressure on my back. My tank top was soaking wet with sweat from the hot sun beaming down on me. Slouching, I bent down to pick up a torn paper. My curiosity peaked as I read the headline. Earth has Never seen an Asteroid of this magnitude. I thought to myself about disasters and how it had devastated the population. I knew I could not solve every problem, but I was sure I could use my powers for good and make a difference.
           As she walked down the block, I saw a man and woman arguing. “Kevin why didn’t you get the stuff.” Mary stared at the bag Kevin gave her. Looking intensely into his eyes she yelled. “All of it better be here.” Suddenly, Ruby ran across the street. She went up to the woman Mary grabbing the bag and snatching it away. Mary swung at Ruby wailing and crying. Ruby retrained her. Kevin ran as soon as he saw Ruby’s strength. She took out her cell phone and dialed 911 with the other hand. She told them about the situation. There was a drug dealer selling drugs to kids in the community. Ruby was not afraid of danger. The police thanked her for her heroism and asked if she wanted a reward for taking down a major criminal, but she said no. “Give it to someone who needs the money.” Ruby said.
 Blog Post 3:
 Heading of post: The Future
 Blog entry 3:
Ruby lived without regret. She gave her all when she helped others. Is the saying success is different for everyone relevant? Does it hold significance? Many times, when she looked at life and situations that happened, she explored resolutions that would be a direct result of her living up to her own expectations. When she saved someone’s life, she was completely humbled because she respected the fact that no one is promised tomorrow. She knew she was still growing and respected the process of becoming the best superhero.
           She ran across a lot of villains, yet she still was learning why they made the choice to do what was not moral. She knew of the murders they committed and the mayhem they caused. There eyes were filled with evil. There was no restoration. She knew they lacked integrity and goodwill. Every villain will have there day she would think sometimes. It is just a matter of time when and where they will have to deal with their own faults.
           She was happy that throughout her life she tried to do what was good. She had to deal with her own heart ache as a child and even as a young adult, but she chose to overcome the pain and heart ache. She lived on the street as a teenager. She had to teach herself everything. She gave herself retribution and promised herself that she would not be a victim of her circumstances. Even though it was not easy she paid her dues. There was a time when she wandered aimlessly but now, she was a heroin.
    **** End Copy Deck ****
 Reflection assignment- Write a brief 100-150-word reflection focusing on your creative process.
(explain why you made the choices listed above)
           I chose to explain why Ruby chose to be a heroin. She knew she had a purpose, but she purposed nothing. She never went on a whim or thought she was inadequate. Her journey started off rough considering her mother and father abandoned her and left her for dead. They cared more about drugs and partying than they ever cared about her. She did not see the forest from the trees until she reached adulthood.
           One day, something grabbed her attention. A young boy she saw on the news was acquitted for murder charges. The police admitted it was a mistaken Identity. She was glad he did not have to spend time in the penitentiary, but she knew it was still unfair. He would never be the same she thought and probably was traumatized. I brought back painful memories for her, but she quickly put it out of her mind. She felt the same injustice he felt. Life was not fair, but you must move on and make the best out of the cards you are dealt as an individual.  
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