ruckus-readings · 6 years
April Fools pranks aside, the eighth novel is uploaded and ready to go! 
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ruckus-readings · 6 years
After a lot of work, I can finally reveal my surprise project - an audiobook of me reading the brand-new manga volume by Shinta Fujimoto! Forgive the speed at which I’m reading at points, it’s so action-packed that I got excited and went a little too fast. 
I’m very happy that I could meet the goal I made for myself, to have this out by the time April started. Give it a listen and let me know what you think!
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
I had this finished by Christmas, actually, but I got too busy to upload it. As of now, I’m in the middle of recording #9, and editing for #8 is underway. I hope you enjoy it!
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
Sooner than even I anticipated, here’s book 6! I’ve gotten most of 7 recorded, and I’ll work on editing while I wait to be able to record the rest. This is a pretty short book with a lot of cliffhangers, but hopefully I’ll be able to get the next one done and not keep you waiting too long!
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
The true experience of audio editing: listening to ten marginally different variations of a single short phrase and trying to eke out which slight shift in tone sounds most impactful as the words themselves lose all meaning
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
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Remember this post? I finally got around to exporting the audio. 
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
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More fun voice visualizations! 
On the far left is Firo, with his measured tone and clear enunciations. Middle is Isaac, loud and bombastic with drawn-out sounds. And on the right is Miria, high and chirpy. (I can always tell without fail when I&M are talking, even without listening through the section. Their visualized speech patterns are that distinct!)
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
edenavari replied to your photo “ruckus-readings: Editing down the audio sometimes makes for some...”
i don't get it these look exactly the same
I think I see where you’re confused. The difference is between the left and right segments of audio, not top and bottom, which are just there because it’s a stereo track.
The left section shows higher peaks in volume, sharper syllable sounds illustrated by clear breaks in the phrase, and overall more aggressive-looking visualization. The right section is much quieter and shows almost no variation in tone, and the syllables do not break up the phrase nearly as aggressively as the section on the left.
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
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Editing down the audio sometimes makes for some fascinating comparisons in how different some of my voices are. Here’s my loudest, roughest, chew-up-and-spit-out-every-syllable voice (Gustavo, left) contrasted with my smoothest, calmest, impossible-to-edit-between-words-because-everything-flows-together voice (Luck, right).
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
The fourth novel is up and ready to go! I’ve currently got all of book 6 and most of book 7 recorded already, so now that the semester is started I’ll buckle down on editing. Enjoy!
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
Sorry for the radio silence, folks. I had a minor panic with the project that was just resolved today. Description below the cut, if you’d like an update on what happened and how the project is progressing.
I’ve been using the free time this summer to record as much as possible. One of my roommates is particularly easily irritated, and she’s gone until the end of the summer, so my goal was to build up as much raw audio as I could while she was out. Then, once the semester starts up again and she comes back, I would work through the editing for the books I’d built up, and go back to the slow-paced recording that I do while she’s out for class.
About a month ago, I tried to start editing one of the book 4 chapters I’d recorded back in April, back after I’d recorded book 5. It had multiple points where the audio glitched and skipped words in the middle of lines, and the whole line had to be re-recorded. I was terrified that I’d taken up too much memory space with raw audio, and that everything I’d recorded after that (about 3 and 1/2 books) would be gradually filled with more and more glitches and skips, and it would all have to be redone.
I decided that the only way to check would be to try to edit the most recent chapter I’d done, somewhere in the middle of book 7. Whether it was intact or full of glitches would be the deciding factor of how I progressed from there. I couldn’t record any more until then, because it might have been worse than pointless. And then the sound on my laptop malfunctioned, making it impossible to hear what I had recorded, so I was stuck on both fronts.
Last night I fixed the audio problems with my computer. Today I edited the latest chapter. There were no skips, no glitches, no issues of any sort. The project is back on track and I plan to keep recording as much as I can. With luck, I can start getting into book 8 before the semester starts. 
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
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It's nice that you're trying to help, really, but your purring is drowning out the rest of the actual book.
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
Here’s the version of the blooper reel from 2001, this time with background music. I personally like this version more, but I edited away the bloopers that relied too much on background noise. 
Full transcript behind the cut!
Mile and Naiza... (puts face in hands) Mile. And Naiza. Oookaaay.
*static sound*
Czes stopped and looked back, his flace.... his flace?
*static sound*
Tears began to flow from Sylvie’s eyels... Sylvie’s eyels?
*static sound*
But Elmer’s flile... Elmer’s flile?
*static sound*
Showing the villagers how the flesh slid black... slid black. Dammit, that’s the best line, too!
*static sound*
The hard, flat light in Maiza’s light.... “the hard, flat light in Maiza’s light” is what it says but that’s probably not how I’m supposed to read it.
*static sound*
Thanks to that, though, they’d been easily able to discover the device that moved the stairs. Thanks to that, though, they’d easily been able to discover the device that moved the stairs. Shelves. Not the stairs. I’ve said that twice.
*static sound*
For long minutes, the Czes..... the Czes? It’s the car!
*static sound*
He hid in a tree behind the next..... He hid in a tree. He didn’t do that.
*static sound*
You fell into the sea, so you weren’t eaten (computer notification chime)
*static sound*
Ah, mm, I’ll contact you if I see Denkuro, of course (computer notification chime) *small sigh* Ah, I’ll contact you if I see Denkuro (computer notification chime)
*static sound*
Those who had gone to earth (computer notification chime) in order to hide from Szilard’s hunger.... Would my computer stop telling me updates?!
*static sound*
(phone buzzing) Who’s calling me? I don’t have friends!
*static sound* 
They have come in a strange thing... (Car engine noises) Really, car? Really?
*static sound* 
Well, it’s raining. I hope that doesn’t pick up on the audio. (becoming fed up with waiting for potentially loud noises to stop) Oh, well.
*static sound*
(Sylvie’s voice) I’m sure Maiza doesn’t mind that you’re.... Why did I say it like (Elmer voice) Maiza? She’s not Elmer.
*static sound*
(What was supposed to be Elmer’s voice but with a chipper American accent) I see you two’re doing just fine! That was... I don’t know what voice that was.
*static sound*
(Trying to pronounce the half-silent French “r”) I still had a lot of g(r)owing to do. I still had a lot of g(r)owing to do. G(r)owing. What is with the French “R”? Why does it have to sound like that?
*static sound*
(Messing up on the exact same sound) It’s al(r)ight. It’s al(r)ight. It’s al(r)ight. Al(r)ight. AAAAALLL-RRRCCCHHHIIIGHT! ...what am i doing?
*static sound*
(In a posh English accent for some reason) She didn’t do a thing to hurt them, but.... She’s not English, she’s French!
*static sound*
oh boy, Elmer time. (Preparing the worst Cockney-ish accent I’ve ever heard) SMOILE! c’mon Sylvie, you’ve got to SMOILE! I’ve got this accent, this is a terrible accent! Why? Why is anyone still listening to this? SMOILE! Okay, there we go.
*static sound*
 They couldn’t expose their new homunculi to the outside word right at ronce.... Right at ronce. (Scooby-Do voice) Right at ronce, Raggy.
*static sound*
 Phil is all the same person. (In ridiculously different tones) Person, person, person, person. How do you say “person” like Elmer.
*static sound*
Ah, and of course nix on Phil going back, too. That’s not even worth considering.... Dammit, was that Elmer’s voice, even?
*static sound*
Now, I suppose things moight be different... why did I turn into Elmer?
*static sound*
(sounding bored out of my wits) So. You are Elmer’s companion. That is a TERRIBLE voice, what did I do with that???
*static sound*
The three visitors no longer prodded Master Elmer for... oh this is, this is Phil reading, not me.
*static sound*
(In a generic voice) “Surprised, eh? Or are you just homesick for the outside world?” A voice said from behind.... oh, that’s Elmer, that’s not the Peddler.
*static sound*
(In Bild’s mournful tone) I don’t like using the word to describe humans, but I guess you could say they’re being recycled. That was Elmer, not Bild, dammit!
*static sound*
(Bild’s voice again) I can’t say that it’s not just mimicking and learning human behavior to survive, but... DAMMIT THAT WAS ELMER AGAIN!
*static sound*
And a strong, arrogant look about him as he stood.... Dammit, that was not supposed to be in Phil’s voice.
*static sound*
But even more than that dislike, I (stomach grumbling) fear losing this world! Could you hear my stomach just then?
*static sound*
(Felt’s disbelieving voice on discovering the corpse of his father) ...Father? ...Phil? ...(stomach grumbling) You could definitely hear my stomach there.
*static sound*
Then cocked his head to one side curiously. THIS WHOLE BOOK! I swear, I... the only possible reaction anyone has is to cock your head to one side curiously!
*static sound*
The decorations Elmer had prepared... I gotta take a drink of water.
*static sound*
Gazing around... water.
*static sound*
I am st... I am talking way too fast tonight, I gotta sloooooow doooown.
*static sound*
Seeing as how the entitywhichadgrantedzimordittita
*static sound*
The moment he’d stepped into ze.... BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH
*static sound*
The truck sped down the night road like a cannonball. MAN I LOVE THAT CHAPTER!
*static sound*
It looked like more the sort of place that birates...... Birates? (chuckling) Birates. Bi pirates. Let’s write a book about that!  Moving on.
*static sound*
(Voice filled with false cheer) Aaand the roommates are home, so it’s time for me to take a break!
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
Went with no background music on this one, due to suggestions that the background music made the actual bloopers hard to hear. I’ll be posting a version with background music in a day or two, along with music-less version of previous bloopers. 
As always, transcript under the cut. 
Mile and Naiza... (puts face in hands) Mile. And Naiza. Oookaaay. 
*static sound*
Czes stopped and looked back, his flace.... his flace?
*static sound*
Tears began to flow from Sylvie’s eyels... Sylvie’s eyels?
*static sound*
But Elmer’s flile... Elmer’s flile?
*static sound*
Showing the villagers how the flesh slid black... slid black. Dammit, that’s the best line, too!
*static sound*
The hard, flat light in Maiza’s light.... “the hard, flat light in Maiza’s light” is what it says but that’s probably not how I’m supposed to read it.
*static sound*
Thanks to that, though, they’d been easily able to discover the device that moved the stairs. Thanks to that, though, they’d easily been able to discover the device that moved the stairs.  Shelves. Not the stairs. I’ve said that twice. 
*static sound*
For long minutes, the Czes..... the Czes? It’s the car!
*static sound*
He hid in a tree behind the next..... He hid in a tree. He didn’t do that.
*static sound*
You fell into the sea, so you weren’t eaten (computer notification chime)
*static sound*
Ah, mm, I’ll contact you if I see Denkuro, of course (computer notification chime) *small sigh* Ah, I’ll contact you if I see Denkuro (computer notification chime)
*static sound*
Those who had gone to earth (computer notification chime) in order to hide from Szilard’s hunger....  Would my computer stop telling me updates?!
*static sound*
(phone buzzing) Who’s calling me? I don’t have friends!
*static sound*
(Car engine noises) Wow, do you mind?
*static sound*
They have come in a strange thing... (Car engine noises) Really, car? Really?
*static sound*
(Siren noises) (sarcastically) Yaaaay! Sirens!!!
*static sound*
(Car engine noises) SHUT UUUUUPPP
*static sound*
(Car engine noises) Get your muffler checked!
*static sound*
(Neighbor’s dogs barking) Doggies, please be quiet.
*static sound*
Well, it’s raining. I hope that doesn’t pick up on the audio. (becoming fed up with waiting for potentially loud noises to stop) Oh, well.
*static sound*
(Sylvie’s voice) I’m sure Maiza doesn’t mind that you’re....  Why did I say it like (Elmer voice) Maiza? She’s not Elmer.
*static sound*
(What was supposed to be Elmer’s voice but with a chipper American accent) I see you two’re doing just fine! That was... I don’t know what voice that was.
*static sound*
(Trying to pronounce the half-silent French “r”) I still had a lot of g(r)owing to do. I still had a lot of g(r)owing to do. G(r)owing. What is with the French “R”? Why does it have to sound like that?
*static sound*
(Messing up on the exact same sound) It’s al(r)ight. It’s al(r)ight. It’s al(r)ight. Al(r)ight. AAAAALLL-RRRCCCHHHIIIGHT! ...what am i doing?
*static sound*
(In a posh English accent for some reason) She didn’t do a thing to hurt them, but.... She’s not English, she’s French!
*static sound*
oh boy, Elmer time.  (Preparing the worst Cockney-ish accent I’ve ever heard) SMOILE! c’mon Sylvie, you’ve got to SMOILE! I’ve got this accent, this is a terrible accent! Why? Why is anyone still listening to this? SMOILE! Okay, there we go.
*static sound* 
  They couldn’t expose their new homunculi to the outside word right at ronce.... Right at ronce. (Scooby-Do voice) Right at ronce, Raggy.
*static sound* 
  Phil is all the same person. (In ridiculously different tones) Person, person, person, person. How do you say “person” like Elmer. 
*static sound* 
Ah, and of course nix on Phil going back, too. That’s not even worth considering.... Dammit, was that Elmer’s voice, even?
*static sound* 
Now, I suppose things moight be different... why did I turn into Elmer?
*static sound* 
(sounding bored out of my wits) So. You are Elmer’s companion. That is a TERRIBLE voice, what did I do with that???
*static sound*
The three visitors no longer prodded Master Elmer for... oh this is, this is Phil reading, not me.
*static sound*
(In a generic voice) “Surprised, eh? Or are you just homesick for the outside world?” A voice said from behind.... oh, that’s Elmer, that’s not the Peddler.
*static sound*
(In Bild’s mournful tone) I don’t like using the word to describe humans, but I guess you could say they’re being recycled.  That was Elmer, not Bild, dammit!
*static sound*
(Bild’s voice again) I can’t say that it’s not just mimicking and learning human behavior to survive, but... DAMMIT THAT WAS ELMER AGAIN!
*static sound*
And a strong, arrogant look about him as he stood.... Dammit, that was not supposed to be in Phil’s voice.
*static sound*
But even more than that dislike, I (stomach grumbling) fear losing this world! Could you hear my stomach just then?
*static sound*
(Felt’s disbelieving voice on discovering the corpse of his father) ...Father? ...Phil? ...(stomach grumbling) You could definitely hear my stomach there.
*static sound*
Then cocked his head to one side curiously. THIS WHOLE BOOK! I swear, I... the only possible reaction anyone has is to cock your head to one side curiously!
*static sound*
The decorations Elmer had prepared... I gotta take a drink of water.
*static sound*
Gazing around... water.
*static sound*
I am st... I am talking way too fast tonight, I gotta sloooooow doooown.
*static sound*
Seeing as how the entitywhichadgrantedzimordittita
*static sound*
The moment he’d stepped into ze.... BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH
*static sound*
The truck sped down the night road like a cannonball. MAN I LOVE THAT CHAPTER!
*static sound*
It looked like more the sort of place that birates...... Birates? (chuckling) Birates. Bi pirates. Let’s write a book about that!  Moving on.
*static sound*
(Voice filled with false cheer) Aaand the roommates are home, so it’s time for me to take a break!
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ruckus-readings · 7 years
The fifth installment in the series is ready to go! Some of the more observant among you might notice that 5 is finished before 4. Don’t worry, you don’t need to have read book 4 to understand what’s going on in this stand-alone book. If you’re not sure whether the books past the TV adaptation are worth reading, I highly recommend trying this one. All-around, it might be my favorite out of the whole series.
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ruckus-readings · 8 years
i had to pull out the mic and recording booth box because my raw recording of one chapter of 2001 was missing exactly 3 and 1/2 words from the middle of the recording. It just clipped from one word to three later. In the middle of a sentence.
Where did they go. Who took them.
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ruckus-readings · 8 years
Update to anyone who’s been following my audiobook project: I’ve changed everything to ruckus-readings.tumblr.com. The old URL will take you to an empty blog now.
It was brought to my attention that the publishing company had chased down a different voice actor for attempting to make audiobooks of another series they published, so i’m moving my operation underground. I’m not going to post anything in the main tags, or even use the titles of the books or series if I can help it. All of the update and announcement posts have been deleted as well.
Nothing about the files or their location has changed, nor has my intent to read through as much of the series as I possibly can. This project is the most fun I’ve had in a fandom for quite a while, so they’d have to do a lot more than that to stop me.
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