ruins-crumbleton · 3 months
Some recent paintings I did!:
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I'm not a professional artist and do not claim to be. Please be nice, I'm just a person who likes to do art. Hope you enjoy. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Painting #1:
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Painting #2:
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━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Sorry I've been kinda dead on both my Tumblr accounts. Hopefully I get back into it and can post more content soon! More content will come eventually! Stay Tuned! Stay Safe & Stay Spooky! ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
0 notes
ruins-crumbleton · 5 months
Sheep Mc's Adventures: #02
Similar posts: #01
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
I'm not a professional artist and do not claim to be. Please be nice, I'm just a person who likes to do art. Hope you enjoy. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
My drawing:
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My reference:
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ Feel free to comment or reblog! Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby! ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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ruins-crumbleton · 6 months
Sheep Mc's Adventures: #01
Similar posts: #02
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
I'm not a professional artist and do not claim to be. Please be nice, I'm just a person who likes to do art. I plan to do more of these, just like drawing Sheep Mc tbh. Hope you enjoy. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
My Drawing:
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The reference photo:
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ Feel free to comment or reblog! More is coming soon, so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby! ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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ruins-crumbleton · 6 months
Random Digital Art:
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
I'm not a professional artist and do not claim to be. Please be nice, I'm just a person who likes to do art. This is something I made real quick for a future idea I have. Hope you enjoy. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Meet Chad Becker!
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This is just a rushed rough draft, and not my best work but oh well. Btw it's meant to be more eerie or creepy than attractive so. Anyways Chad Beckers a yandere Gym Bro obsessed with you, his gym crush, more than he's obsessed with health and fitness. He's your gym soulmate whether you want him to be or not.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ Feel free to comment or reblog! This was rushed and is definitely not my best work, maybe I'll draw it better someday. Anyways more content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Spooky!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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ruins-crumbleton · 7 months
Random Horror Drabble:
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! To this adventure! apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
"how did it end up like this? What did we do to piss the gods off this much?" These are the questions Ruins has asked himself since the end began. The priest had watched as devilish monsters rose from the cracks in the earth that formed when earthquakes started all across the world. Armies across the world tried to fight the monsters off, but it really didn't seem to have an effect, the monsters seem endless. Ruins has tried to find some religious solution, has waited and waited for the angels to come down and scoop those worthy out of the situation..but it still hadn't happened. The priest hadn't given up yet, even as he watched the community he was trying to protect be picked off one by one by the monsters. Ruins was alone now, having long lost everyone either to them dying or being separated from him by the monsters. The priest was running aimlessly, praying for salvation, begging to be saved from the damnation around him. He hadn't seen any humans or any of the monsters for an uneasy amount of time, he was trying to plan the best move. He ran from alley to alley as quietly as possible, avoiding the streets as they are filled with empty cars that block the way, and trash has scattered the streets, it is being blown around by the wind. Ruins decides he wants to get to the biggest chapel in his city, so he traverses through the alleyways as silently as he can. Everything's going fine and Ruins has no troubles for about 10 minutes, but then he hears some sounds coming from ahead of him in the alleyway. The sounds make Ruins stomach churns, it sounds like bones being crunched and by the quiet sobs he hears, he assumes the person is still alive while the monster is eating them. Ruins hides behind a dumpster and peaks around the corner, watching as the monster moves to head out of the alleyway and onto the street, dragging the body with it. The priest only catches a small glimpse of the monster but it's enough to remind him that hell has really risen. The monster has a grotesque form, large and lumpy looking, but lanky and agile looking. The monster is dark colored a midnight black color almost, so dark that the monster is easily able to camouflage in the shadows. Of course the most terrifying part of the monster was it's razor sharp teeth and its clawed hands. The monster is dragging the person it has been eating behind it as it walks, the person is a girl, the monster has eating most of both her legs. The girl sees Ruins hiding, the girl reaches out in the direction of Ruins as if asking for him to come and save her, he sees her mouth move but no words come out so he just assumes she's asking for help. Before he can really react the monster has her dragged out of sight, both her and the monster exiting the alleyways. Ruins lets out a shakey breath, clutching his rosary beads tightly in his hand as he mummers a quiet prayer, praying the girl is given peace and salvation. Ruins takes another shaky breath before he takes a wobbly steps his heart is pounding in his chest, his mind is racing, he feels like he could hit the ground, he's absolutely terrified. Hell on Earth is way worse than any hell that had ever been described to him. Ruins takes a few deep breaths, before the priest continues on, sneaking his way through the alleyways in the direction of the largest chapel in the city. That was his only plan, where else was there to go? What else was there to do other than pray to the gods for forgiveness of humanity?
It takes about 20 more minutes but eventually Ruins comes to the chapel he's been trying to reach. Ruins looks at it from across the street in the alleyway he's in. His heart pounds against his chest and his stomach drops at the idea of having to cross the street, but the priest had already come this far, he needed to try and reach the chapel no matter the costs, what did he really have to lose anyways? Ruins looks around thoroughly trying to spot if any monsters are nearby, he was honestly hoping he'd spot one and have a reason not to cross the street..but he doesn't spot any monsters. Still he stalls, fearfully not wanting to cross the street, he felt like it'd be a wrong move, like he'd become a sitting duck, his strategy had work so far, he shouldn't go against it and cross the street. Despite his gut screaming at him not to, Ruins goes to cross the street, just wanting to get to the chapel to pray. Ruins gets halfway across the street when he hears a bunch of loud low rumbling, almost growling sounds. It's not long before he watches grotesque twisted devilish monsters emerge from the shadows. He looks around for a direction to run in, but he quickly realizes he is surrounded. With a defeated sigh he holds his rosary beads tightly, muttering one last prayer, praying it'll be quick and that salvation will come afterwards. As the monsters get closer and closer, Ruins accepts his fate, a bittersweet acceptance and the optimistic outlook that he'll be able to ask God his questions soon. Like why? Why did no angels come to save anybody? Why did he let devilish monsters roam the earth with no intent to help? The monsters get close enough, attacking him all at once, the pain is immense, Ruins can feel every bite and rip of flesh, his bones being crushed in the monsters jaws. Despite the unimaginable pain Ruins is experiencing, he thinks solely on the moment he gets to the afterlife. The opportunity to meet the maker he's worshipped his entire life, and ask that maker what humanity did wrong. Eventually Ruins begins to grow weak, his eyes shut on their own, his breathing shallowing until eventually he takes his last breath. Ruins life flashes before his eyes and then he expects to be greeted by a bright light, but all he sees is darkness. ...as he walks around in the darkness he can't help but sigh...great another test from the gods.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Kinda rushed the end because it's late at night and I'm tired but I hope you enjoyed it. Anyways more content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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ruins-crumbleton · 7 months
Random Digital Artwork of mine:
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I'm not a professional artist and do not claim to be. Please be nice, I'm just a person who likes to do art. Hope you enjoy. ♡
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My ArtWork:
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It's a little wack but practice makes perfect.
I had an inspiration picture for the outfit idea, but I lost it. My bad. :/
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ Feel free to comment or reblog!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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ruins-crumbleton · 9 months
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
My writing:
Random OC Horror Drabble,
My art:
Digital Art:
Sheep Mc's Adventures: 1, 2,
Random Digital Art: 1, 2,
Random paintings: 1,
My other accounts:
Obey me Fan Account
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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