ruskayas · 1 month
some of u on this website are incredibly weird about donation/ven.mo/p.aypal links etc
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ruskayas · 1 month
EMERGENCY ICON COMMISSIONS. hi all — despite having two jobs and working literally every single day, i am still struggling to pay my mortgage, so i've decided to start up some emergency rpc icon commissions because i'm over a month behind on my mortgage which is over $1000 a month and with that, regular bills, and medical expenses, my account has been negative almost every single day. i'm pretty desperate, so i'm flexible with prices, but here's what i'm thinking as a baseline for now —
base icons cropped/resized to your liking: - 100 base icons: $5 - 200 base icons: $7 - 300 base icons: $10
edited icons either with your psd or a psd i create that matches your style, etc., including blockquotes: - 100 edited icons: $10 - 200 edited icons: $12 - 300 edited icons: $15
i can also make graphics and promos, etc. and those'll probably go for like $5? idk man i'm desperate. i'll be accepting payment via paypal. if you're willing to help me out at all i would appreciate it more than you can imagine. you can reach out to me via dms on @helenekuragina or on discord at helenekuragina.
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ruskayas · 3 months
yelena somehow loves chappell roan
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ruskayas · 4 months
dialogue prompts from manhunt by gretchen felker-martin.
can you not crack jokes right now?
you make me feel so delicate.
never be where they can find you.
when was the last time you spoke to another person?
i want to feel safe again. just for a little while.
i would give anything to slap you right now. just once.
other people aren't safe.
i hate myself in ways you can't imagine.
there's a place for you, if you want it.
you see what you want, not what's in front of your nose.
i don't want you to go.
these people won't protect us.
telling yourself what to feel is a brick wrapped up in silk: it looks pretty, but it hurts the same.
finally some good fucking food.
nothing worth doing is easy.
this is a real pinterest board of a place.
you look like some lost character from a donna tartt novel.
i don't know what i did. i keep going over it.
i don't want to remember anything.
i don't want to get up. i want to kiss you.
is this the kind of place where people disappear?
i don't like this. i don't like any of this.
it's not that bad, once you get used to it.
i'm always uncomfortable where there's money.
can you hold me?
you're being so selfish right now.
do you even care how i feel at all?
you have to own your power, believe in it.
i wish i looked like you. i love looking at you.
college is where they teach you to get an npr subscription.
what's going on? i dreamed someone was screaming.
don't tell me you love me. i won't believe you.
we've got to stop meeting like this.
i haven't had a friend in a long time.
you always could've done something. you were just afraid to be uncomfortable.
it's so much easier to drink than it is to think about tomorrow.
it can get rough, but we're a family, too.
i love you. i want to go where you go.
i don't care if you love me, as long as i get to be with you.
how did you disappoint your parents?
thanks for asking me to stay.
everything i've touched since i met you has turned to shit.
i was a bad friend to you.
can you kiss me? please?
i love you so much, you stupid bitch.
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ruskayas · 4 months
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ruskayas · 4 months
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“I’m beginning to feel totally cut off from the world.”
The Others (2001) dir. Alejandro Amenábar
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ruskayas · 5 months
Here's a website where Palestine GoFundMes are vetted and shared that you can send out to people. The url is gazafunds.com
Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
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ruskayas · 5 months
bledyshka -> ruskayas
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ruskayas · 5 months
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sarah gadon in all my puny sorrows (2021)
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ruskayas · 5 months
okay but your yelena is literally so perfect like i dont write or anything (sometimes fanfic to cope with trauma usually natasha or yelena or character poetry poetry about a character) but the way i imagine yelena is exactly how you write her like in my head shes like that so seeing this blog makes me happy like especially the not attractive thing bc i said that on twitter last year and they started talking about florence like this is about comic yelena pls
wowow i haven’t written anything in so long but this is still so nice to see !! thank you for the love
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ruskayas · 9 months
I see the sun, and if I don't see the sun, I know it's there. And there's a whole life in that, in knowing that the sun is there.
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky, from The Brothers Karamazov, 1880
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ruskayas · 11 months
I know you aren’t as active as once, but we used to be mutuals, and every so often I find myself coming back to your Yelena, and though it’s been years, I’m still in awe. Forever a member of loving on your Yelena, Yên’s Natália, and Rika’a Carol. The Holy Trinity of my jaw hasn’t moved from the floor since [insert year].
ahhh this is so nice to see, thank u so much angel this made my day/month/year etc etc <3
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ruskayas · 1 year
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Rainer Werner Fassbinder - Fear of Fear (1975)
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ruskayas · 1 year
Tell your acephobe friend ylvudova it's more than just the one panel maybe they should read Yelenas comics again all her appearances tell her to stay in her lane and focus on Natasha and lesbiphobia before she speaks on what is and isn't acephobia coming from a trans woman who identifies as lesbian people in the rpc are talking about her someone posted on twitter and now there's a whole discussion about it so she should probably apologize thats all i have to say
@vlyuvdova please stay in your lane and read all the comics again and stop focusing on lesbiphobia please
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ruskayas · 1 year
ur yelena isn't very good no offense you don't have her voice mannerisms your headcanons aren't even original i feel like you must've made her for a friend not because you're passionate about her or accurate and it has nothing to do with the aroace thing i feel like you don't even want to be writing her not to be mean but do what you enjoy so if you don't enjoy writing her don't force yourself to
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ruskayas · 1 year
« someone else has been here. » it’s stated as a fact, not even the hint of a question mark adorning my sentence as my eyes point to the direction of natalya’s fridge. absentmindedly, the sound of my boots can probably be heard throughout the entire apartment as i approach the dining room, and my nose detects something different in the air. i have been cautious my entire life— or so i like to believe; my first intention is never to accuse her, no. we both understand our relationship as something more than a transaction. it’s complicated, but also fairly simple. i look at her & she looks at me and we seem to speak a thousand words a minute without the need to use our voice; but her secret weapon will emerge from the emeralds of her eyes before i can even take one more step forward. i swallow hard and my throat becomes sandpaper thick; and as her magnetic field stops me on my own tracks i ask myself one simple thought : ‘is she aware she’s doing this?’
the atmosphere feels heavy and blurred with the spirit of inquiry inside my head, i want to ask her so, so many questions. i am eager to know, perhaps even desperate to solve the problem that i am creating myself. « so . . . who was it? » thumping intensifies on my chest, but i am not crazy! i know a discrepancy when i feel one. my feet decide to move once again, this time towards her & her presence made of iron. i swear i can feel her breath. « go ahead, natushka. »
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ruskayas · 1 year
❝ where i'm from, you journalists are always the butt of the joke. ❞ my nails remain as chipped as they were a week before, dark blue polish bits contrasting with the pale hue of my palms. while i attempt to concentrate on the woman before me, i cannot shake the hairs on the back of my neck standing up as the new york city breeze looms. something seems to be off about her, but not off enough to feel dangerous. off in the sense that she seems to speak the same language as me; the quiet language, the one that isn't verbal. i wonder if she can feel it too, but asking her would be way too uncertain. ❝ not that you wouldn't know where i'm from. i am confident you know exactly the answer, right? ❞
that's where i get for being way too careless in recent years, i'm afraid. blame it on the blatant lack of will, my touch-and-go habits i developed right after— well, after it all. ❝ was it a coincidence meeting you here, or not? ❞
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