rweiss · 13 years
This is pretty cool! Love this stuff!
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rweiss · 13 years
I Need To Go Here Now!
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rweiss · 13 years
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rweiss · 13 years
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rweiss · 13 years
Here is Thierry Henry's goal from his first game playing for his former team Arsenal while on loan with the team. The goal was the only goal in the FA Cup game against Leeds United. It's awesome to see world class players like Henry playing in the MLS. Let's get more!
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rweiss · 13 years
How Life Should Be.
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rweiss · 13 years
I just bought one of these. Cool watches. Great cause! FlexWatches
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rweiss · 13 years
Half Way Through My 1st Semester.
It's official. I have made it half way through my first semester of law school. I actually don't know if this is the real half way mark, but because all of my midterms are either taken or turned in, I'll count it. I get a lot of questions from friends and family as to how things are going in law school. The most common one is get is how hard it is, so here are my answer, so far...
This question is really tough to answer. I would have to say that I was pretty freaked out coming into law school. It's not as bad as I thought it would be yet it's not a walk in the park either. I can honestly say that spending the last 3 years of my life in the work force has helped me look at school like a 9 to 5 job, with loads of overtime. Even if my class doesn't start until 1 in the afternoon, I still make sure I'm in the library early in the morning to study. That goes the same for classes that get out around 2. I still stay in the library until 6ish. So, is it hard? I'd say it's hard. Lots of work, but it is doable. To me the hardest part is the non-stop constant work. I never feel overwhelmed with too much work, it's just that it's non-stop. I like to think of law school work like "Water Drop Torture". 1 drop isn't bad. 10 drops aren't bad, but keep the drops going on forever and you'll go crazy.
That being said, I'll give you some insight as to how I'm not gong crazy. The first thing I do is I constantly remind myself not to worry. So many people are scared and nervous when they start out in law school that they stress themselves out and things go badly. In fact, these people who are super stressed out, stressed me out in thinking that there was something wrong because I wasn't stressed out. I kept on having to tell myself to do my best and things will work out. Yes, I might not be top of my class, but in the end as long as I did the best I could do, I'll be happy.
The second thing is be nice and social to all. It's really easy to get into a small click of friend who talk smack about other. I'll be honest, I've been apart of it. But ultimately you never know which one of your colleagues will be working at that job you want or know someone that could help you get a job. There is too much on the line to make a wrong impression, which brings me to my next point. 
First impressions are everything in law school. Lots of people talk about what they should wear around school and what not wear. I don't necessarily think that's important. Be the nice guy willing to help out and don't do anything dumb and people will respect you.There are many people in my classes who are considered people you don't want to be around, study with or be seen with. You don't want to be one of those people because when finals roll around and no one wants to study with you, you'll have a hard time. 
The next element is key!!! Get a study group!!! It is honestly the best way to learn. I cannot tell you how much I've learned from fellow students, which I know for a fact have helped me on my midterms and will help me on future exams. Being able to talk out what you learned in class will help you to not only pick up things you may have missed, but solidifies the information in you brain.
Lastly, have fun. Get out on the weekends. Watch some TV. Play around on Facebook. I personally have to get my mind off of school for a bit. I realize there are some law student who don't do anything but study, study, study and in the end, they probably get the top grade. But I'm not writing this for them. I'm writing this for everyone else. You have to find your  "de-stressor" otherwise you'll hate your time in law school.
On that note I still have a ton to learn during this process and I've realized it's not just learned how to apply law. It's learning how to manage yourself in every aspect from time management to social management to stress management and many more. Like I said in the beginning. It's hard, but it's doable!
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rweiss · 13 years
They're the best!
About a year ago I wrote a blog post explaining why the MLS Supporters' Shield was the most important trophy to win in Major League Soccer. Well it still is and I'm happy to say that the LA Galaxy have won the Supporters' Shield once again! This makes them the best team in Major League Soccer for the 2011 season. Congrats to the team and lets try to get Becks the MLS Cup this season to shut up all the haters.
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rweiss · 13 years
Clint Dempsey is amazing!
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rweiss · 13 years
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rweiss · 13 years
Steve Jobs speaking at Stanford's 2005 graduation. He will be missed.
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rweiss · 13 years
Context is now king! @garyvee discussing the Context War. Very interesting and exciting stuff!
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rweiss · 13 years
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rweiss · 13 years
First Month of Law School
As many of you know my life took a drastic change, for the better, in the last month. I went from working a nine to fiver and only really having to worry about getting home from work to see an important soccer game to spending ninety percent of my day studying the law. I'll be honest, I was pretty freaked out that this would be so stressful and so hard that I'd want to die. Ultimately, it is stressful and it is hard, but at the end of the day I may feel drained and tired, but it feels great. It's one of those things where I strive to learn and understand. If I don't get something, I don't just give up and hope for the best, I go and figure it out.
I'm only a little over a month into this crazy walk in my life. I've met some amazing, interesting, smart and fun people. I'm learning from some of the brightest minds in law and at the end of the day I can truly say this was a great decision. 
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rweiss · 13 years
I hire people that are brighter than me and then get out of their way.
Lee Iacocca
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rweiss · 13 years
Christ the Redeemer.
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I found this photo and for some reason it speaks to me. For one it's an awesome picture. In fact any photo of Christ the Redeemer is epic looking but throw in a soccer stadium and you've got me hooked! I love how the stadium looks like a halo over Christ the Redeemer.
What's ironic about this picture is the neighborhood in Rio between Christ the Redeemer and the Maracana Stadium is one of the most violent, dangerous neighborhood in all of Brazil. It's considered to be a war zone by many, where the drug lords control the area and occasionally the Brazilian government send in troops to fight them off.
Yet with all the problems in that neighborhood this picture brings me peace in thinking that even though people are dying there and drugs are flourishing, Christ is there for innocent people who have to deal with this.
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