saboddicted · 5 years
To everyone that has tried to reach me through Tumblr for MMD related stuff
Sorry, I just forgot Tumblr existed lmao I really don’t use it very often and I most likely won’t be responding to anything in here. I’m available through YouTube and Twitter!
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saboddicted · 6 years
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saboddicted · 6 years
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saboddicted · 6 years
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Boku no Hero Academia Season 3, Episode 17
↪ Todoroki Shouto
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saboddicted · 6 years
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saboddicted · 6 years
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todoroki shouto + fire
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saboddicted · 6 years
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I love how everyone is shocked at Bakugou’s score and then you just have Todoroki
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“it’s too early for this”
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saboddicted · 6 years
Here’s some quality todo
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saboddicted · 7 years
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Isn’t he just BEAUTIFUL!?
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saboddicted · 7 years
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Boku no Hero Academia S3 [PV #2] || Airing April 7, 2018
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saboddicted · 7 years
The Boku No Hero Academia Season 2 Vol. 8 BluRay/DVD comes with a special Drama CD featuring Bakugou and Todoroki getting caught in a mess with a villain as the rest of Class 1A goes shopping without them. I translated the bulk of the drama track and summarized a few parts! Enjoy~ EDIT: If for some reason the audio is not working, you can listen to the audio here!
The drama track starts off with a villain approaching Tomura and Kurogiri telling them that he will destroy the students of U.A. Academy. He then leaves, and Tomura and Kurogiri muse on the villain’s words before we cut to Deku narrating the beginning of the track. Deku: After our finals were over, in preparation of the forest training camp, we went to the nearby shopping mall to prepare. However, Kacchan and Todoroki-kun did not join us. Since socializing with others isn’t something Kacchan does, Todoroki-kun did not join us because he went to see his mother that day.
Todoroki: Oh, hey sis. It’s me, Shouto.  I just met up with Mom and am on my way home. She seemed okay and even laughed while we talked. Okay, got it. I’ll be back by evening. See you.
Todoroki *to himself*: Oh? Is that Bakugou? Todoroki: Bakugou!
Bakugou: What do you want? Why are you talking to me randomly, you half and half bastard?
Todoroki: Why didn’t you go shopping with the others?
Bakugou: You think I got time for that shit? I said I wasn’t going after all. Why do I have to force myself to be friendly with those dumb shits and hang out with them? They’re just stepping stones for me to stomp over to become the number one hero! There’s nothing else I want to do with them!
Todoroki: But it looks like you’re pretty close with Kirishima.
Bakugou: Are you blind or something? Just where exactly are you looking, bastard?
Todoroki: Oh? I see, sorry for talking to you. I’ll go home now. See you.
Bakugou: Sounds GREAT, hope you fall and die on the way home!
Stranger: Hi, uh, sorry for randomly striking up a conversation, but do you two happen to be in the Hero division of U.A. Academy?
Bakugou: Wha?
Todoroki: Yes, that is us.
Stranger: Oh thank goodness! I’m so glad I did not make a mistake. So nice to meet you. I’ve been wanting to meet a hero from U.A. Academy for so so long!
Todoroki: Why is that?
Stranger: Well, I told someone that I will cause a blood bath to the U.A. students so…
Todoroki: What?
Bakugou: You asshole, are you a freaking villain?
Stranger: I myself do not think so, but I suppose from an outsider’s perspective, then yes, I am.
Bakugou: Well, I’m just going to have TO FUCKING KILL YOU!
Todoroki: Stop it, Bakugou. We can’t use our quirks outside of school, especially not to harm people. If we’re found out, we could be expelled.
Bakugou: What the fuck is that shit? There’s a fucking VILLAIN RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!
Todoroki: But even so, it’s against the rules. Let’s get out of here and contact the cops and pro-heroes!
Stranger: No, you can’t do that! I will be breaking the promise to the person I said I would do this!
Todoroki: Let’s go, Bakugou.
Bakugou: Hell fucking no!
Todoroki: It’s fine, let’s just go!
Bakugou: Don’t fucking touch me! *pushes Todoroki*
Todoroki: What the? My hand!
Bakugou: Can you stop fucking around and let go of me? Wait…what the? I tried to push off this half and half shit but my hand can’t come off of his chest!
Todoroki: It can’t be…is it because of that guy’s quirk?
Bakugou: If you touch something, you can’t let go of it??
Stranger: Why yes indeed. That’s MY doing! A quirk that causes shame- the Untouchable. If I target someone and they either touch or are surrounded by something else, they get stuck to them until I stop the quirk.
Todoroki: So we’re stuck?
Bakugou: This stupid villain quirk is something that’s hard to go up against or something?
Villain: Ah of course. It’s a quirk that is almost impossible to go up against. However, there is an even more formidable part to it.
Bakugou: What the fuck you talking about? You just said that you can hold this quirk against anyone as long as YOU can, but that means all we gotta do is just make you stop using your quirk. Are you fucking stupid? Imma KILL YOU!
Todoroki: Stop it, Bakugou! Stop moving!
Bakugou: My body is stuck I can’t!
Villain: How beautiful! It seems like you two are in a lovely dance with each other! Oh that’s right! To commemorate such an occasion, I want to take a picture! Now then, smile everyone! Cheese~ *snaps picture* This is such a nice picture! To think that two students from the U.A. Academy would just come out and dance with each other after school- it’s a sight you rarely see! Oh but what’s this? Hm, you two seem a bit too stiff with each other. I want to see BIG SMILES!
Bakugou: This fucking villain!
Todoroki: Seriously stop moving, Bakugou! The more you move the more we’ll be stuck like this, all according to his plan!
Villain: Well, everything is already going according to plan! For example, if I just take Todoroki-kun’s left arm position like so. *takes his arm* And then place it on Bakugou-kun’s back like this! Just a touch~
Bakugou: You asshole!
Villain: Muahaha! It really does look like you two are dancing now! But you still look so stiff! Oh I know! I’ll just have you two get even closer! I’ll have you embrace Bakugou-kun’s back even further!
Bakugou: I’m stuck. Get the fuck off me, Half and Half!
Todoroki: I would if I actually could!
Villain: Oh yes! YES! This is so good! So very very good! Instead of looking like you’re dancing, you two look like you’re in a lover’s embrace, striking a vigorous pose of passion! How truly beautiful this looks!
Todoroki: Stop taking pictures!
Bakugou: Cut it out, you shitty villain!
Villain: No, I can’t stop! I absolutely cannot stop~
Todoroki: Bakugou, listen up. Our feet are not immobile yet. When the time is right, let’s run into that alleyway there.
Bakugou: Yeah, let’s melt this little shit’s quirk.
Todoroki: Okay. We’ll run in 3, 2, 1.
Bakugou & Todoroki: 3…2…1!
Villain: Oh by the way, I entangled your legs too, so you’ll probably fall.
Todoroki: Still stuck.
Bakugou: This bastard, causing us to get stuck even down to our feet!
Villain: See? That’s what I said, right! There really isn’t anything that can go against my quirk! To be frank, there quite possibly is no quirk scarier than mine! For example, if I were only to just take out a handgun and point it at you, well, you’ll be finished! The End! HAHAHA oh come now, don’t worry about that! I wouldn’t do such a thing, besides I’m quite queasy when it comes to blood.
Bakugou: Oh yeah you freak?
Villain: That’s why instead of killing you, I’ll just torture you!
Todoroki: What do you plan to do with us?
Villain: Well, how about this? I’ll take Todoroki-kun’s head and have you inch closer and closer to Bakugou-kun! Slow and smooth…MUAHAHA! Don’t you think this will make for a lovely photo? I sure do! Oh, but it would be selfish of me to just indulge in this alone! Maybe I’ll post this on an anonymous forum online and let everyone see this beauty!
Bakugou: Stop it, you perverted freak!
Villain: Oh no, in this case YOU’RE the perverted ones. The peculliar situation you are in will be captured, uploaded, copied and spread all across the world! Even if you continue onto the path of becoming pro-heroes, these photos will forever eat away at your soul! No one would want to believe in heroes who do such perverted things out in public!
Todoroki: I see, so you have done this to many different people and put them into these types of situations.
Bakugou: Damnit! This fucking bastard!
Villain: Oh yes, that’s something people always say. Since I have this type of power, many call me a villain and avoid me. But I just can’t stop this. There’s no way I want to stop doing this~
Todoroki: Fine, then do as you please.
Villain: Excuse me, what?
Todoroki: Take however many pictures you want then. You want us to smile too, right?
Bakugou: Da fuq?
Todoroki: Just play along.
Villain: Are you surrendering?
Todoroki: No, I will never give up on becoming a hero. I’m just saying you can take as many pictures as you’d like! So what should we do? Do you have a request?
Villain: No, I can’t do that! I can’t just let you do that. You have to struggle more! You have to be completely covered in defeat!
Todoroki: You sure are honest, I guess.
Villain: Yes, that is the only way that can satisfy me! I never tell lies.
Todoroki: That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.
Villain: Now then, show me more struggle! More shame! Fill my heart with this!
Todoroki: Bakugou, be patient.
Bakugou: What the?
Todoroki: We’re going to headbutt this guy. Let’s go!
Villain: No! No no no, this is not how it’s supposed to go down!
Todoroki: He stopped his hold on us! We can move now!
Bakugou: Get the fuck off me!
Todoroki: We’re finally free.
Bakugou: Damnit. That took way too fucking long.
Todoroki: We were saved by his honesty.
Bakugou: Nah, he’s just an idiot.
Villain: Nooo! My perfect models!
Bakugou: Just who the fuck are you referring to as models, you damn pervert? I’m going to kill you!
Todoroki: Bakugou, don’t use your quirk.
Bakugou: Why the hell are you still talking about that shit?
Todoroki: Bring him down without using your quirk WITHOUT trying to kill him.
Bakugou: Goddamnit. Okay fine, I’ll go ahead and try…I’ll just hurt you 500 million times more!
Villain: Um…500 million times more?
Bakugou: Prepare to die, you shitty villain! DIEEEEEE!!!!!
Villain: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!
After the encounter with the villain, the scene cuts to Tomura and Kurogiri, and Kurogiri tells Tomura that the villain that said he was going to defeat the U.A. students messed up and was instead defeated himself. Tomura says that he will never forgive the stupid students at U.A. and that it’s all All Might’s fault. He will end All Might if it’s the last thing he does.
Deku then comes back with a quick narration of what happened between him and Tomura at the shopping mall, and he ends with the lines, “We would never have guessed that the League of Villains was only getting started, and our peaceful trip to the forest training camp will be rudely interrupted by villains who will do something unthinkable. *cue Season 3*
T/N: I CAN’T WITH THIS DRAMA TRACK IT IS PURE GOLD LOL. Consider this though: Kirishima in place of Todoroki, what would happen? Purchase the Season 2 Vol. 8 BluRay/DVD here! EDIT: I saw some replies to the post in regards to why it’s “perverted” in the BNHA universe to see Bakugou and Todoroki in that compromising position, and it has nothing to do with them both being guys. In Japan, PDA is super super uncomfortable to those around them because of whatever reasons. You rarely see PDA between couples because it’s kind of an unspoken rule that you only show affection at home (stupid rule, but whatevs). Even hugging is sometimes kind of frowned upon, which I personally think is the stupidest thing ever but meh Japan. So by having Todoroki and Bakugou look like they’re making out or doing some intense PDA like rutting against each other out in the open where everyone can see, it’s super embarrassing because it makes them seem like exhibitionists, which is kind of uncomfortable for the general audience I guess LOL. It has nothing to do with the fact that they’re two guys.
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saboddicted · 7 years
The Boku No Hero Academia Season 2 Vol. 8 DVD’s Drama CD is hilarious, and there’s a funny clip when Todoroki asks Bakugou about why he isn’t shopping with the others. I’ll translate the rest of the Drama CD soon!
Todoroki and Bakugou didn’t go to the Shopping Mall with the others because Todoroki visited his mother in the hospital and Bakugou was being…Bakugou. Todoroki then sees Bakugou walking outside) Todoroki *to himself*: Oh? Is that Bakugou? Todoroki: Bakugou!
Bakugou: What do you want? Why are you talking to me randomly, you half and half bastard?
Todoroki: Why didn’t you go shopping with the others?
Bakugou: You think I got time for that shit? I said I wasn’t going after all. Why do I have to force myself to be friendly with those dumb shits and hang out with them? They’re just stepping stones for me to stomp over to become the number one hero! There’s nothing else I want to do with them!
Todoroki: But it looks like you’re pretty close with Kirishima. 
Bakugou: Are you blind or something? Just where exactly are you looking, bastard?
Todoroki: Oh? I see, sorry for talking to you. I’ll go home now. See you.
Bakugou: Sounds GREAT, hope you fall and die on the way home!
T/N: The full drama CD will be up later! Excuse me as I cry about the fact that Bakugou didn’t exactly deny that he and Kirishima were close HA…HA HA…
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saboddicted · 7 years
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© JELLY BEANS | Do not edit.
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saboddicted · 7 years
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saboddicted · 7 years
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♧ authorized reprint for tumblr // artist:     IMJAYU   /   good morning~
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saboddicted · 7 years
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cmmssn for @purpleravenlily
thank you!
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saboddicted · 7 years
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Ochako Uraraka ☆゚. ウラビティ ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪
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