sagaciousdevil · 5 months
Aphrodite, *to Hera*: You can tell me your secrets.
Aphrodite: I mean you absolutely shouldn't. I'll use them against you...
Aphrodite: But technically you can.
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sagaciousdevil · 5 months
Aphrodite: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration*
Persephone: Stop that.
Aphrodite: This pen isn't working.
Persephone: And? How would you feel if I banged you on the table?
Aphrodite: *grins*
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sagaciousdevil · 5 months
*Aphrodite seeing Persephone after her act of wrath*
Aphrodite: Darling that is not what I meant when I told you to slay
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sagaciousdevil · 2 years
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sagaciousdevil · 2 years
Honestly? I'm a coward. I never engage in fights I'm not certain I'll win. So I may be your punching bag now, but the day I plant my feet and meet your eyes is the day you run.
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sagaciousdevil · 2 years
there is no greater confidence boost than a good pair of pants
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sagaciousdevil · 2 years
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 took me a second ngl
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this is still so funny
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sagaciousdevil · 2 years
Me? cheat? i reread our favorite messages when i miss you
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sagaciousdevil · 2 years
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sagaciousdevil · 2 years
Those Damn Eyes
Written for the August 2022 Discord Drabble Challenge. Prompt: Shiny. Wordcount: 231.
Read on AO3
It was those damn shining eyes. Those eyes that sparkled with joy whenever Zabini told a joke. Those eyes that gleamed with mischief whenever Malfoy and Parkinson were plotting something. Those eyes that became so bright whenever he managed a difficult spell. Those damn bright silver eyes.
Harry told Ron and Hermione so, but they looked at him like he had gone insane. Dull grey, they said. They couldn't see what Harry saw: the light, the brightness, that twinkle that made Malfoy's eyes the most beautiful eyes Harry had ever seen.
"Can you shut up already about the ferret's eyes? I think I'm going to puke," Ron said.
"But don't you see how pretty they are?"
"At least you didn't use another synonym for 'shiny' this time. I was starting to think you had learnt a dictionary by heart."
"Shut up, Hermione! Just… look at him!"
The three of them turned to the corner where Malfoy was talking with his friends. And Harry wondered once again how he managed to look like that, so absolutely gorgeous.
"I still can't see it," Hermione huffed.
"He's in love," Ron shrugged.
"Malfoy's in love?" For some reason, the thought made Harry's insides twist.
"You, you idiot! You're in love with Malfoy!" Ron almost shouted while Hermione sniggered.
"I'm not in love with… How dare you say… It's Malfoy!"
And yet… those damn bright eyes.
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sagaciousdevil · 2 years
Temples are built for gods. Knowing this a farmer builds a small temple to see what kind of god turns up.
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sagaciousdevil · 2 years
Pansy: All I want is for someone to say: I love you, I accept you, and I fear for my safety around you.
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sagaciousdevil · 4 years
wear your favourite outfit with your tallest shoes. order that ridiculous drink and ask the server to add espresso. run that extra mile and see the river. make your favourite breakfast and add more flavour. clean your room with ghibli music in the background. do your homework with your feet on your desk. live life to its fullest extent, but don't push off your responsibilities. find your balance. dont settle for mediocre. take care.
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sagaciousdevil · 4 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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sagaciousdevil · 4 years
Isn’t it crazy how women are supposed to be in their 20s their whole life.
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sagaciousdevil · 4 years
Bathrooms that are empty are liminal spaces. You shut the door to the bathroom, take a breath, check yourself out in the mirror, and stay in the strange, echoed silence, the half drowned bass, or the muted chatter. You take a beat, or 20 seconds, or 6 years to recharge 2% of your social battery. Empty bathrooms are liminal spaces.
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sagaciousdevil · 4 years
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