saitorakemaruza · 4 years
Marko turned around, he appeared to be chewing some gum, wearing some fairly concealing clothing too.
“Huh...sorry buddy, I’ll just get out of the way.”
He walked off, hands in his pockets, going around a corner where jack could no longer see him.
[ @markotennessee ]
                                          ꧁↠☽《†》☽↠ ꧂
Jack had been going to his favorite spot for awhile now. A park not too far from his hideout… Though it appears someone was there before him. How unpleasant. Jack stood behind the stranger, a smile crossing his features. 
It would be too easy to kill the bastard… 
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But that thought vanished, and he let out an inaudible sigh. “Hey, how long are you going to be here?” Jack questioned, annoyance running through his tone. “I like this spot to myself. It’s even right next to a pond! How many places have ponds anymore?” 
New York was a city, and nature wasn’t always that easy to find. That was annoying in itself. 
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“Alrighty pal, catcha laters!”
And with that, he walked off into the opposite direction, towards the hotel he mentioned.
The chuckle club, a humble little spot in the state of Michigan, nice little bar to the side, a bright n beautiful stage smack dab in the middle, and a southern sounding gentleman on said stage. His name? Saitora Kemaruza, reciting a usual stand up routine for the half drunk audience below, allowing laughter to spill out of their booze smelling breath.
“So then I said to mama ‘Ey Cmon now, that’s not what a kangaroo is for, that’s a giraffes job!’ Crazy gal mama is sometimes I tell ya, this other time-!”
Everything was going as planned, just another mini hotspot in his state wide tour, with a fairly decent audience.
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“Yeah thanks man, nice to meet someone cool like you, you ever need me I’ll be at the bed bug hotel, room 204, we can go out for drinks or whatever, on me!”
He smiled, completely ignoring Mich at this point because in his mind, her pathetic behaviour wasn’t worth his time.
The chuckle club, a humble little spot in the state of Michigan, nice little bar to the side, a bright n beautiful stage smack dab in the middle, and a southern sounding gentleman on said stage. His name? Saitora Kemaruza, reciting a usual stand up routine for the half drunk audience below, allowing laughter to spill out of their booze smelling breath.
“So then I said to mama ‘Ey Cmon now, that’s not what a kangaroo is for, that’s a giraffes job!’ Crazy gal mama is sometimes I tell ya, this other time-!”
Everything was going as planned, just another mini hotspot in his state wide tour, with a fairly decent audience.
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“Aight aight, my apologies, I got a bit high horsey, sorry bout that.”
He put his hands up, admitting to his faults and apologising sincerely for them.
“Didn’t mean to make yas angry ma’am, just wanted to prove my point through bad means, my apologies.”
The chuckle club, a humble little spot in the state of Michigan, nice little bar to the side, a bright n beautiful stage smack dab in the middle, and a southern sounding gentleman on said stage. His name? Saitora Kemaruza, reciting a usual stand up routine for the half drunk audience below, allowing laughter to spill out of their booze smelling breath.
“So then I said to mama ‘Ey Cmon now, that’s not what a kangaroo is for, that’s a giraffes job!’ Crazy gal mama is sometimes I tell ya, this other time-!”
Everything was going as planned, just another mini hotspot in his state wide tour, with a fairly decent audience.
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“To be fair if anyone’s sensitive it’s you, kickin that guy for no good reason than to just ‘blow off steam’ gettin shouty n rude over a simple remark I made, that’s, rather sensitive of yas ma’am.”
He said, looking Mich in the eye, he was calm and composed, doing his best to keep his tone soothing and relaxed.
The chuckle club, a humble little spot in the state of Michigan, nice little bar to the side, a bright n beautiful stage smack dab in the middle, and a southern sounding gentleman on said stage. His name? Saitora Kemaruza, reciting a usual stand up routine for the half drunk audience below, allowing laughter to spill out of their booze smelling breath.
“So then I said to mama ‘Ey Cmon now, that’s not what a kangaroo is for, that’s a giraffes job!’ Crazy gal mama is sometimes I tell ya, this other time-!”
Everything was going as planned, just another mini hotspot in his state wide tour, with a fairly decent audience.
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“Yeah, it’s tough to help people when throughout their life they’ve been treated unfairly by cops n shit, so it’s understandable why he’d run, n I bet the poor feller has like, a legit reason to be stealin shit, I’ve prolly been in his shoes before considerin my upbringin.”
He sighed, clearly displeased by the poor treatment mich gave the guy.
“Oh to answer your question, I’d prolly just release the prisoners falsely equited, cause it seems our American justice system loves the mass incarcerate some peeps.”
The chuckle club, a humble little spot in the state of Michigan, nice little bar to the side, a bright n beautiful stage smack dab in the middle, and a southern sounding gentleman on said stage. His name? Saitora Kemaruza, reciting a usual stand up routine for the half drunk audience below, allowing laughter to spill out of their booze smelling breath.
“So then I said to mama ‘Ey Cmon now, that’s not what a kangaroo is for, that’s a giraffes job!’ Crazy gal mama is sometimes I tell ya, this other time-!”
Everything was going as planned, just another mini hotspot in his state wide tour, with a fairly decent audience.
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“Yeah bro, how much is ya parole? Legal fees?”
As he took the wallet back from the thief, he took some money out to offer the pickpocket payment for his legal fees, he seemed oddly sympathetic to someone who just robbed him.
“Maybe I can Getcha a drink after ya get outa the cell? Got any college debt? Need an agent?”
The chuckle club, a humble little spot in the state of Michigan, nice little bar to the side, a bright n beautiful stage smack dab in the middle, and a southern sounding gentleman on said stage. His name? Saitora Kemaruza, reciting a usual stand up routine for the half drunk audience below, allowing laughter to spill out of their booze smelling breath.
“So then I said to mama ‘Ey Cmon now, that’s not what a kangaroo is for, that’s a giraffes job!’ Crazy gal mama is sometimes I tell ya, this other time-!”
Everything was going as planned, just another mini hotspot in his state wide tour, with a fairly decent audience.
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
He sighed, rubbing the temple of his forehead with his fingers out of stress.
“Look let’s, just move on from this alright? Anymore hecklin I’ll just get security to kick ya out.”
“Yeah? Well at least I’m not some borin, snobby adult who don’t see the fun in life old man!”
It seems the Kiddo was really being defeated in this argument.
“… Listen here you lil’ fuck, you take that back.” 
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Jack grumbled, eyeing the other down with an annoyed expression. “I’m not even an adult yet you moron! So the fucks you’re saying make no sense, pea-brain maggie.” 
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
The show proceeded to continue for about 20 minutes, focussing on humour about animals and their treatment in factories and businesses. After those 20 minutes passed, he hopped off stage, and waved Saphira over to the bar, saving her a stool and all.
He looked at her impressed, marvelling at her talent.
“My oh my, you’ve got a great job n talent there madam! You deserve a drink! Want a drink? I’ll Getcha one after the shows done!”
Saphira nodded, thinking of getting something strawberry flavored. “That’d be so nice! Thank you!” She went over and sat down at one of the tables and continued to watch the show. 
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Hopefully it doesn’t get boring… 
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“Oh trust me, I’m always a safeguarder of my wallet, right in-“
He confidently patted his left pocket, then his right one, then his left again, it was clear something was wrong, and after half a minute, he sighed.
“Okay maybe I’m not the best guard in the world, it may be my wallet ya sis got there”
The chuckle club, a humble little spot in the state of Michigan, nice little bar to the side, a bright n beautiful stage smack dab in the middle, and a southern sounding gentleman on said stage. His name? Saitora Kemaruza, reciting a usual stand up routine for the half drunk audience below, allowing laughter to spill out of their booze smelling breath.
“So then I said to mama ‘Ey Cmon now, that’s not what a kangaroo is for, that’s a giraffes job!’ Crazy gal mama is sometimes I tell ya, this other time-!”
Everything was going as planned, just another mini hotspot in his state wide tour, with a fairly decent audience.
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
He looked at her impressed, marvelling at her talent.
“My oh my, you’ve got a great job n talent there madam! You deserve a drink! Want a drink? I’ll Getcha one after the shows done!”
“Well missy, my name is Saitora Kemaruza! Saito for short, I’m a comedian! My jobs to make peeps laugh, what’s your job?”
He smiled, seemingly a sweet and genuine guy, not very offended by her blunt questioning or attitude.
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“Oh my job?” Saphira cooed over the words, thinking aloud as the moments passed by. “I also like to make people laugh and smile! Though I wouldn’t say that’s my job. I like baking! I would say that is my job.” 
Saphira then folded her hands together and put them right in front of her person. 
“Makin’ and bakin’, yep!” 
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“Oh trust me D, every show? I thank mama before n after, at the minimum I give the gal a Skype or discord call.”
He smiled, recollecting all the times he spoke to his mother, lavishing every second of it.
The chuckle club, a humble little spot in the state of Michigan, nice little bar to the side, a bright n beautiful stage smack dab in the middle, and a southern sounding gentleman on said stage. His name? Saitora Kemaruza, reciting a usual stand up routine for the half drunk audience below, allowing laughter to spill out of their booze smelling breath.
“So then I said to mama ‘Ey Cmon now, that’s not what a kangaroo is for, that’s a giraffes job!’ Crazy gal mama is sometimes I tell ya, this other time-!”
Everything was going as planned, just another mini hotspot in his state wide tour, with a fairly decent audience.
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“Yeah? Well at least I’m not some borin, snobby adult who don’t see the fun in life old man!”
It seems the Kiddo was really being defeated in this argument.
“Yeah! So what? We bouta go to the same school soon, that don’t mean we have differin educational future aspirations!”
He tried to calm down on his claims, soundin a bit less shouty and a bit more rationalised when he spoke.
Gosh, this guy sure liked to… be very loud. Jack rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, “Yeah. You’re point?” This was getting ridiculous. This comedian sounded as if he was just still in his young teens, oh wait… he probably was. 
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“Something is tellin’ me you really need to grow up a lil.” Jack teased with a smile, that kind of smile that signaled that everyone should really realize that he just isn’t going to take them seriously anymore. 
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
“Well missy, my name is Saitora Kemaruza! Saito for short, I’m a comedian! My jobs to make peeps laugh, what’s your job?”
He smiled, seemingly a sweet and genuine guy, not very offended by her blunt questioning or attitude.
He looked curiously, picking up the dollar bill and smiling warmly, putting it in his pocket, before looking at the new stranger and deciding to have some audience participation.
“Thank you kindly for your donation to the Saito charity ma’am, what’s ya name new pal a mine?”
He put the mic near her mouth so the audience could hear her name and such.
Saphira blinked at the mic that was now near her lips. Of course she didn’t see this coming. Gulping, she gave a half-smile and answered the inquiry. 
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“My name is Saphira Fox! Who’re you supposed to be?” 
Her question came out blunt and loud out onto the mic, her voice bouncing off the walls around her. “From what I can see, you sure like to tell funny stories!” 
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
Subject change was odd but, I guess it wouldn’t hurt talking about his family.
“Oh my family? Well I’ve got mama! She’s got a girlfriend, n then we got a pet chinchilla! His names Cheeto, aaaand that’s about it!”
A very tiny family for this comedian, and there’s no father...oh well, it’s not that important.
The chuckle club, a humble little spot in the state of Michigan, nice little bar to the side, a bright n beautiful stage smack dab in the middle, and a southern sounding gentleman on said stage. His name? Saitora Kemaruza, reciting a usual stand up routine for the half drunk audience below, allowing laughter to spill out of their booze smelling breath.
“So then I said to mama ‘Ey Cmon now, that’s not what a kangaroo is for, that’s a giraffes job!’ Crazy gal mama is sometimes I tell ya, this other time-!”
Everything was going as planned, just another mini hotspot in his state wide tour, with a fairly decent audience.
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saitorakemaruza · 4 years
He looked curiously, picking up the dollar bill and smiling warmly, putting it in his pocket, before looking at the new stranger and deciding to have some audience participation.
“Thank you kindly for your donation to the Saito charity ma’am, what’s ya name new pal a mine?”
He put the mic near her mouth so the audience could hear her name and such.
Florida, a state that…exists, and none other than Saitora Kemaruza was doing a tour in said state, starting his tour in a little old stand up place, ‘The hole of haha’s’. Things were going how they were usually going, the crowd was half drunk, all laughing, and by the end he was gonna make many smiles and many pennies from this little performance alone.
“So I said to the horse ‘Ey Where’s the bartender?’ And the horse said ‘I ate him’ and I asked ‘Why?’ And he said ‘Because in reality you’re the one who’s-“
The usual cannibal horse joke, he can tick that one off the list.
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