salemprince-blog · 7 years
<small>I'll be on later tonight! Sorry for my weird absence. I've been a bit busy!
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salemprince-blog · 7 years
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nova was beyond exhaustion, the prominent bags under her eyes only proving it. the moment she woke up that morning she instantly knew she wouldn’t pasty throughout the day without her usual caramel macchiato, breve. it was a whole process, she felt like she spoke a different language when ordering her drink. slipping into a seat one someone left, nova took a large gulp of her drink, letting out a sigh of delight before settling into the arch of the chair. her mind then split into a million different thoughts as a bird flew by the window, her brain zoning out everyone around her. it was only when someone tapped on her shoulder did she snap out of her haze, turning to the culprit. “oh, no! no, no one is sitting here.” the brunette replied, a warm smile falling over her lips.
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A grin came to Salem’s face, etching itself from ear-to-ear. “Thank you, you’re a life saver.” The blonde spoke, a relieving sigh somehow finding its way in between her words as they left her petite frame. Plopping down beside the girl, her hazel eyes looked over her face once and then was quick to say, “I’m sorry if I interrupted your train of thought.” She remembered how spaced the other was, but didn’t realize how far-gone she was until she noticed the bags by the infamous designer, Tiredness, sporting beneath her eyes. “Where were you off to? - Neverland?” She asked, a sweet jocular aura radiating from her features at her childish way of asking, penny for your thoughts?
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salemprince-blog · 7 years
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maria rolled her eyes as soon as she laid her eyes on salem because she knew this is her spot. scared of locking eyes, the brunette pretended like she didn’t even notice her and glued her eyes to her phone. they were giving each other the usual silent treatment, waiting for the othe to give in      and in this case salem did. as soon as maria felt the presence of someone and heard a soft voice her blood started boil as she knew it was, salem. “WHAT ?” maria questioned, raising her voice slightly enough for her to get the hint. her hair tossed as she turned around and locked eyes with the girl. “in case you didn’t notice it’s me, hi, and yes someone is sitting there.”
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The blonde felt herself swallow as the voice of the other girl rose in tone. It was as if her chords were dowsed in acid, the edge having just shot through her like a bullet. “I know it’s you.” Salem’s tone stayed the same, the gentle air to it beckoning that she didn’t want to fight with her; in fact, this was the girl’s waving of her white flag in this predicament. She had her armor down: something that was very much easy for her to do, when in arguments such as this. She didn’t like arguing, but somehow always found herself in a battlefield with her roommate - sometimes over milk. “Oh really?” The hazel-eyed girl asked, looking around to see if anyone was heading their way. “Whose exactly sitting here?” She was testing the waters, though the warning of Maria’s first comment flashed red. It wasn’t just rough, but shark infested.
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salemprince-blog · 7 years
Hello, lovely and beautiful humans! I’m a little late, my apologies. Work sucks. Being busy sucks. But, I’m here now!
Okay, so I’m Dev and this is my little cutie - Salem.
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A little about me: I love the universe like wowza how beautiful (hence why I joined tbh and everyone is so nice like yes let’s be a lil fam plz). Anyway, I am 20 and live on the EST side of this nation. I prefer chocolate over vanilla, unless it’s icecream - then I love vanilla. I live at Taco Bell. I am a city AND a beach person. I love people (hai. plz b my friend). Alsooooo, I stan Shakespeare and Tim Burton. 
So, I’m just gonna do a quick little bullet-point list about Salem now because you’ve had enough of me at this point, okay?
She grew up in a middle-class household. 
Her mom is her #1 stan, though her father always made fun of her for being so sensitive.
Yup, she’s emotional AF.
Also gay AF, ngl.
She skipped grade 3 because smart as all hEll
She is a lowkey artist and loves to write, paint, and sketch, but she doesn’t allow anyone to see her work because it’s an outlet to help her control her emotions. 
She’s v guarded because her father cut her out of his life when she came out, so now she has this “no one will really like me” thought process and puts a wall up when it comes to people. 
So she basically has a lot of acquaintances who THINK they’re her friends, but they really aren’t. She’s just very loving and compassionate towards others.
She is in uni for psychology cause she wants to be a child psychologist.
Is basically a child herself cause she looks at everything and feels everything as a child would - so deep and intense.
Also very intuitive and can instantly pick up on and read shifts of mood and the vibe of a room/person. 
She also loves love and is a hopeless romantic. 
She will defend Romeo and Juliet until the day she dies.
Some more tidbits: She’s a Cancer. INFP. Ravenclaw. Prefers Rom-Com’s over Horror, but loves Psych Thrillers. Only allows people close to her to call her Sally. If she were any of the FRIENDS characters, she’d be a mixture of Chandler and Monica. Prefers coffee over tea. Loves things that keep her stimulated: deep convos, spontaneous trips, etc. Her favorite color is lavender. Her favorite snack food is coconut and almond Bark Thins, or the PB Bear Naked granola bites. Her favorite good in general is anything Mediterranean. She has no tattoos but really wants a couple. 
Okay, so I’m going to make her connections page and her full bio - 
I’m going to be in NYC tomorrow, so I won’t be on until late but you can catch me on mobile!
Send me a message or like this post and we can plot!!!! 
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salemprince-blog · 7 years
Salem thanked the barista before turning around for her eyes to take in the scene of jam-packed chaos. With a sigh and her white mocha latte in hand, her started to weave her way through the area that reminded her so much of a high school cafeteria on pizza day. Suddenly, her anxiety started to twist her insides just as soon as her hazel eyes caught a glimpse of the only empty seat. Quickly scurrying over, she tapped the person gently on the shoulder. “Hey, uhm... Excuse me, I’m sorry, but is this seat taken?” There was hope in her eyes that matched the lightness in her voice, though she felt a little bad for intruding.
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salemprince-blog · 7 years
my talent is coming off warm and inviting and open but still remaining a fairly closed off person
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salemprince-blog · 7 years
I’m that kind of person who keeps letters and birthday cards, tickets from trains, parks or museums.
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salemprince-blog · 7 years
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salemprince-blog · 7 years
believing in soulmates/astrology/ghosts/aliens/true love etc makes life interesting and fun
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salemprince-blog · 7 years
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