salserscorbunny · 1 day
You are not a leftist if you think two adults consenting to kink should be considered a crime. Idc what kink it is. The perpetuation of shame around sex is inherently conservative. The criminalization of sex that you don't like or understand or that you think is "wrong" or "immoral" is inherently conservative. You cannot actually believe in the freedom of all marginalized people if you would enact oppressive systems on any group that you dislike. Like this should be common sense but y'all are so far up your own asses...
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salserscorbunny · 1 day
Just anti-fujoshi things: Hating Heartstopper because it "fetishizes gay people, although not in a sexual way" ????? If it's not in a sexual way, then it's not a fetish????
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salserscorbunny · 3 days
I feel sorry for antis being so paranoid all the time lmao
Like for example whenever they write a fanfic including siblings it's like there's an unwritten rule that they must insist over and over in the tags that 'this is NOT A SHIP' and 'NOT A SHIPFIC THAT WOULD BE WEIRD EW' and it's not even remotely smutty or romantic in premise to begin with.
Like dude I wasn't walking up to your fic looking for incest and I wasn't thinking there was gonna be incest but now that you've brought it to my attention I'm going to look at you funny. Just imagine if I came over and brought delicious homemade burgers but before you even unwrap a single one I keep clarifying 'there is absolutely NO BEAR MEAT in these burgers I promise I would never cook that'. Like you wouldn't be the least bit suspicious once you heard that?
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salserscorbunny · 3 days
I am seeing an influx of other proshippers getting asks saying things along the lines of "hey so why do you proship/think proshipping is okay?" and honestly? I like it
These antis aren't jumping straight to harassment. They're trying to understand, even if they are clearly still against it. It is much better than the alternative of an anti seeing their blog and going straight into "YOU PROSHIP!!! KYS!!!!"
And I am also loving the people who reply to those asks respectfully (and bonus points if they correct their misuse of the term "proship" lol) because even if the anti comes out of it... still an anti, at least the whole interaction was respectful. It's nice
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salserscorbunny · 3 days
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The passage of time has been declared problematic
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salserscorbunny · 8 days
A literal WTF moment for me happened to me today on Twitter:
Person defending people sexualizing Hatsune Miku because she can be interpreted in any way in terms of age. Her suggested age is 16. In some songs, you could make her in her mid-20’s, late 30’s, or even in her 50’s. Plus, she’s just a voice bank, she does not have any established lore. Good…
Person defending DECO 27’s Rabbit Hole Miku, stating that Miku is 100% intended to be an adult, not an underage character. Good…
Brazilian Miku is also depicted in multiple artworks as an adult. Good…
“Proshippers fuck off, we’re not on the same page.” Really? REALLY?! You just had to screw up your defense of Miku by telling anti-censorship and anti-harassment people to go away. *blocked*
You were THIS close to figuring out what Proshippers really are and you STILL do not get it. It’s honestly impressive how much antis are unaware of how contradictory they sound. I’m not surprised,just disappointed.
You cannot actively defend something like Miku being sexualized but then tell the people that are anti-censorship to not interact with your Twitter thread about defending people who sexualize Hatsune Miku. If you truly think Proshippers are predators for liking sexual art of underage characters and/or defending it, then what are you by your own standards?
so close yet so far
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salserscorbunny · 13 days
when i say i'm proship it's not because i think fandom shipping is the most important thing but because there's people who think proship is the worst thing, worse than fascism, and i want those people to leave me and my fucked up stories alone. like those people are the ones who think fanfiction will cause real world sex crimes.
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salserscorbunny · 13 days
anti 1: look at that guy, shipping incest. isn’t that weird? i sure hope he doesn’t have a sibling at home 🤢
anti 2: yeah! i’m so relieved that you agree with me. it seems like everyone condones and glorifies incest these days
anti 1: awesome! i would never even think about participating in the glorification of illegal and immoral actions. ew!
anti 2: you’re cool. let’s go play military propaganda game where you shoot each other with heavy weapons and bombs. modern warfare or black ops?
anti 1: doesn’t matter to me either way! at least neither of them glorifies literal illegal activity which ruins lives and triggers traumatized people :p
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salserscorbunny · 13 days
Damn. That sucks
I've seen some people suggest antis just make a site instead of trying to change AO3 and like. Has anyone actually done that. Does anyone know if they actually made a new site. I would sign up for that. I would mod for that
I will send my fics out via carrier pigeon on parchment before I put them on AO3 next to the incest but I have no idea where else to go after Wattpad got my ass and I would love for my works to not get deleted this time
I don't remember the names of the sites, but there have been attempted anti-centric recreations of Ao3. Unfortunately, I am uncertain if any are still functional, as it seems most of them crash and burn. However, AO3 is open-source, meaning you would be welcome to give your own attempt at creating a space more catered towards your personal preferences.
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salserscorbunny · 13 days
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a whole lotta sillies :3c so many of us now fr
long live the proship tree <3
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salserscorbunny · 13 days
I think the reason I am so solid in my views as a proshipper is because when I was fifteen, and identified as an anti, I was groomed by a twenty year old anti who would shame me for shipping giomis and reading smut josuyasu fics (jojo’s bizarre adventure) all while doing erotic roleplay with me and telling other adults that I was sexy and he could get me to do whatever he wanted in regards to showing off my body.
It was wrong in his eyes to ship a fictional fifteen year old with a fictional eighteen year old, but perfectly fine and dandy to be sending women’s nudes that he had received to a real fifteen year old…
I admit it took the leopards eating my face to really snap me out of the anti mindset, but now I do all I can to educate people who come to me about it. Antis actively make fandom spaces more dangerous for minors by spreading the idea that all proshippers are predators. It creates a safe space for the real predators in their community and they refuse to acknowledge it because “wE’Re SaFE beCaUSE wE DOn’T dO iCKy sTuFf iN FiCTioN”
Yikes yikes yikes yikes.
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salserscorbunny · 13 days
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Fandom Problem #5752:
I think it's funny when antis rail against AO3 for allowing fucked up content, and when you point out that it's basically a library and most libraries will ALSO contain the exact sort of fucked up content, they go "nuh uh".
I checked out a book from my college library called The Child Thief, it's a modern Peter Pan retelling. The very first chapter was a 12 year old girl getting raped by her dad. And guess what? No content warning! Because it's a fucking book! And guess what AO3 DOES have!? Content warnings! So AO3 is actually SAFER than a library!
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salserscorbunny · 13 days
What she says: I hate antis
What she really means: I don’t mind people disliking a ship for their own reason but the anti-shipping movement is driven by hate and bandwagon bullying to police what people are “allowed” to enjoy. They use fundamentally abusive and manipulative tactics on real people in the name of protecting survivors from speculative things in fiction. Antis want to act morally superior over ship wars and claim that to ship something problematic you must be a survivor. By doing this antis force survivors who may be uncomfortable with coming out with their status to out themselves and then hold them to impossible standards. Except when it does come to survivors who ship anti-deemed problematic things we are attacked, harassed, and then pushed under the bus anyway. Antis trivialize terms such as abuse, rape, and pedophilia by using them so often and out of place against a group made up of many survivors and minors– the people they claim to be protecting. They have bullied and suicide baited artists and other content creators they dislike in the name of “policing the bad ships uwu.” All antis are at fault for this, even if an anti claims not to send hate themselves they are still influencing this bad behavior because they are part of this hate group. The entire anti-shipper movement is a toxic cesspool that makes me feel sick.
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salserscorbunny · 18 days
Hey remember when i sent that twitter post of a person saying "go find real csem to jack off to"? That one?
Good because it happened again
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salserscorbunny · 18 days
Hey remember when i sent that twitter post of a person saying "go find real csem to jack off to"? That one?
Good because it happened again
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salserscorbunny · 18 days
JAT: claiming that m/f ships ‘kinda qualify as pro ships’ because het ships inherently reinforce misogyny and have inherent power imbalances.
no i don’t understand how they got to this conclusion either
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salserscorbunny · 2 months
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guys antis are soooo close to discovering the block button
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