saltciircles · 2 years
[ 𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙸 ]
Coming to the Sandersons with just Allison and without her brother in tow made for a much less stressful trip than the last. The two sat in silence for the most part, only pointing out things that Dani could remember or that had been marked by Alli and Max in the past. She hadn’t dared to come back to the museum alone to read through what her brother and friend had written down in the books in the past, but things were starting to come back to Dani now as she slowly recalled discussions from the past. “Hm? Oh, yeah, thanks. I kind of expected that outcome,” Dani admitted with a shrug, placing the book she was holding down on the table beside her. “I don’t know, I brought him to try and show him some stuff, but he kind of just made Ouija board jokes the whole time, so that was encouraging. I don’t know what the hell to say to convince him.”
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Allison wished she could help Max to see what was right in front of him but that wasn’t the way things were anymore. Some days she wasn’t sure if they were getting closer or farther apart. After meeting Daisy there had become a space she made in order to keep feelings at bay. It wasn’t like she was jealous or anything, right? The thought hadn’t even crept in because she made sure to force it out whenever it tried. “Yeah, I don’t know why he is so against it all anyway,” she said with a shrug. She couldn’t figure it out, what was he so afraid of? This seemed like the closest they’d come to answers which she thought was what they wanted all along. Perhaps she was wrong about him. “Give him some time. It is Max after all, stubborn as all hell and refusing to admit there might be something interesting in this town.” Allison offered her a smile, turning to face her then. “Turns out it’s the coolest chick I know.” 
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saltciircles · 2 years
who: @daniiidenniiison where: sanderson museum 
Allison didn’t want to pry as they sat looking through books after making their way here again. She wanted to help look if Dani was willing and the fact they were able to get back here together brought a sense of joy to her. It felt like something was the way it used to be. A nostalgia for a time she couldn’t even remember. There had been an awkwardness between them all last time so she was a little glad for it to just be them. That way she was able to check in with Dani and see how she was feeling about this whole thing, especially since finding out that she had magic of her own. Looking up from a book she took a few steps closer to where her friend was flipping through pages herself. “So... Regardless of whatever Max says it’s really fucking cool that you’re a witch, don’t let his hocus pocus get to you,” she said giving her a smile as she used his own words against him. Allison thought it was awesome but knew he was hesitant about the whole thing. “He’ll warm up to it like always.”
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saltciircles · 2 years
who: @daiisyduboiis​ where: deetz books
After her first trip back to the Sanderson Sister’s old house Allison had been doing her own research. It wasn’t like anything had jumped out to her, nothing worth bringing back to Dani and Max yet. That didn’t mean she was going to stop. There was a hope for once, they had something. Sure it wasn’t much but to Allison it gave her the smallest thing to look towards. Even though she’d adjusted to life without her memories she wanted to know what they wanted to hide from them. If someone wanted to clear their memories they must know too much. She was coming to realize though that she didn’t need those back to know how she felt, though Allison had been pretending that they weren’t there. He’d met a girl anyway and she would never stand in his way, especially with her not even entirely knowing where she stood herself. Still when she saw her come into the bookstore all the blonde wanted to do was disappear into the walls. It was a quick spot from the other girl who made her way over with a smile, one that Allison couldn’t shake distrusting. “Daffodil, right?” She said putting a book back on the shelf and giving the girl a smile. “Funny seeing you here. What brings you back to New Salem?”
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saltciircles · 2 years
[ 𝙼𝙰𝚇 ]
continued from here
Despite the circumstances, it felt good knowing that Max wasn’t alone in this. If he’d been the only one with lost memories, stumbling through life with a big piece of it missing in his head, he would surely believe he was crazy, but Allison was going through the exact same thing. He wished he could remember their relationship at the very least, his heart ached to remember it. Allison and Dani seemed to believe they were closer to figuring it all out, but Max wasn’t so optimistic; he felt like they were just closer and closer to reaching a dead end. 
He nodded despite his negative outlook, a familiar feeling washing over him as Allison grabbed one of his hands — even if he was moving on, she still seemed to make his heartbeat speed up at the slightest touch. “Well, I know you and Dani aren’t giving up anytime soon, so I hope you’re right,” he smiled. It hurt hearing the word together, because they weren’t together the way he once wanted them to be. At the end of the day, they were still exes. Dani seemed to think finding the missing pieces would bring him back to Allison, but he wondered why the missing pieces were necessary for that to happen. Once him and Allison were broken up, it was hard to see her side of things; he didn’t think any memories needed to be found to prove how they felt for each other. His hand still lingered on hers, but a small part of him wanted to pull it away. He didn’t. “So .. Where do you think we go from here? What’s next?” @saltciircles​
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It had been weird between them, understandably. She knew once they broke up getting back whatever they once had would be next to impossible. That was a past she couldn’t even recall and for so long it felt like that piece needed to be replaced. Since coming back into their lives Allison was coming to realize that might not be entirely true. If they had all fallen into this with each other once, it felt like trying to figure it out was bringing them back together again. A part of her knew she felt it when she met Daisy and when she thought about him being with someone else. Then she’d stop herself, knowing it must be the past talking and allow him to move on. Allison felt as though she’d held him back for long enough. 
She offered a smile, knowing he didn’t feel quite as hopeful about their search as they did. “It’s worth a shot, right? Even if we don’t get our memories back at least we can figure out what we were close to that someone wanted us to forget. Whatever it is must be big if they felt the need to wipe our heads clean of it.” Allison figured a skeptic like Max was the least likely to believe in this but she had to try. There was something there, if they were close once she knew she could be again. Not very often was she able to share a quiet moment like this with him and feel like for a moment something was normal, or well, normal-ish. She couldn’t explain the void that Dani and Max filled in her life but knew it was good to have them back. “I think I need to nose around work, if it’s true about the mayor then there’s got to be something around there. I can probably get us in one night to take a look around, you know, if you’re brave enough,” she said giving him a smile and a mischievous wiggle of her eyebrows. 
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saltciircles · 2 years
"It's all just a blur." -Max
Allison listened with a soft sadness in her eyes, trying to figure this all out for the thousandth time. It felt never ending but for the first time since it all happened finally, answers seemed possible. Even though there was still so much unknown she wanted to enjoy the breakthrough while it lasted. She wasn't sure when they'd get that much information again after visiting the Sanderson Sister's run-down house. As much as she wished something in there rang a bell and it all came back, it hadn't. It seemed like Max was in the same boat. "I know, it is for me too," she said with a soft sigh. "But it's something, right? At least we have a starting point now." Allison gave him a small smile, reaching out to take one of his hands. "We'll get through it, we always seem to. Plus, we're all together now."
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saltciircles · 2 years
[ 𝙴𝙻𝚂𝙰 ]
Elsa raised an eyebrow. She was kinda glad she never had to really deal with jealousy. Viktor was a social outcast and he isolated himself even as a kid unless he was with his friends. Max? He seemed like a social butterfly. The good kind of guy that plenty of people would want in their life. “Allison, no offense, but have you seen yourself? You’re smokin;, you’re smart, you’re popular, you’re sweet and thoughtful….if Max doesn’t get back with you or isn’t still begging for it, he is verifiably insane.” She was being really serious too. Max was fun and all but Allison was the one who had nothing to worry about. Max should be more worried that Allison is gonna fall for someone new. She deserves to be happy. “Boys are just wired to be complicated and a little dumb. Even when they are textbook geniuses.” She gave her a look. “I know you want him to be happy but….do you want him to be happy with you or someone else?”
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Allison listened as she talked and felt the tension in her chest loosen. Everything Elsa was saying was nice, just not how she’d been seeing it. In fact she’d been doing anything but see it for what it actually was. Whatever feelings she had for him were phantom pains now and a friendship that could be close again was hard to imagine with their history. “I don’t even think he’d want that... I don’t even know if I want that!” She said pointing at herself before getting out a deep exhale. When it came to boys though, Elsa was most certainly right. “And that they are,” Allison said letting out the last bit of air from her lungs. “I just want him to be happy, I don’t care if it isn’t with me. We’re not there yet and I wouldn’t expect him to wait for me to like maybe get there anyway,”
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saltciircles · 2 years
[ 𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙸 ]
[ 𝙼𝙰𝚇 ]
Perhaps Max would have picked up on the flickering light quicker, if Dani hadn’t handed him the paper that linked him to all of this. Instead, Allison had to be the one to practically spell it out for him, along with his sister suddenly acting sketchy. His eyebrows narrowed, gaze moving between the two girls as he tried to figure out what the fuck was going on. Max’s mouth dropped. Allison seemed thrilled to hear about this, but Max was far from that.
“Hold on, hold on —” Max stopped the girls’ conversation, piecing everything together. “So not only are we basically on a witch hunt right now but … Dani’s also somehow connected to this? With magic? Dani, how long have you known?” He didn’t blame her for not going to him straight away, he wasn’t the easiest to convince, but how could he know if that was the only thing she was holding from him? There could have been all sorts of other things she was hiding, for all they knew. As Allison eagerly began looking through the books, all Max could do was huff a sigh. Even if they were getting closer to the truth, it felt like him and his sister were growing further apart. Unfortunately, there wasn’t really any way to get out of this; he’d been the one to drive them there, after all. He just didn’t expect things to take a turn this way. He grabbed a book and silently shuffled through it, ignoring his racing thoughts that were starting to give him a headache. @daniiidenniiison·
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Of course it took Allison for Max to actually take her seriously. Dani had tried to tell her brother about what she thought to be magic, but she hadn’t gotten the hang of any of it at the time, and she hadn’t been able to prove it. He wouldn’t have even noticed the lights flickering had it not been for Allison pointing out that she’d done anything to begin with. “Well, I–I tried telling you, in my defense,” she protested, pointing at Max. “You didn’t buy it, and I didn’t want to try and spill the beans again until I’d practiced enough.” Though Dani had been getting more of a hang of things, it still hadn’t been close enough for her to feel comfortable enough revealing that she had magic in her.
“Mom said there was witch shit in our genes, so I tried researching, and I didn’t really find much after that book went missing. So, I’ve kind of been practicing, okay? Not a big deal.” She shrugged it off, pulling down more books from the shelves. The best thing to do was play this nonchalant. It had been Max’s idea to bring them to the house, after all. What the hell did he expect to get out of it? “Look, I don’t know what you were looking to get from this little field trip, Max, but it’s nothing different from what I’ve been trying to tell you.” @saltciircles​
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Allison didn’t know what stood between Max and believing in something as it looked him straight in the face. She knew it was also strange to be excited like she was but it felt like this was a breakthrough in this whole her life had for ages now. Not to mention, she wasn’t worried for Dani, knowing if anyone could handle this it was her. Even without her memories Allison knew she was even more knowledgable on all things hocus-y and pocus-y than her. “Hey, all that matters is that we all know now,” Allison said a little louder to speak over both of them. As much as she tried to sit back there came a point where they simply struggled to see eye to eye and it was as simple as that, she knew it wouldn’t be easy but they’d get Max on board. “Now we know so we might as well use it to our favor. She’s got the memories we don’t, we have to do this as a team. The more we fight the more we turn into a horror movie with an ending not as happy as others,” she said with a small smile coming to her lips as she tried to lighten the mood. Allison looked at Dani first and then crossed behind her over to stand by Max, holding out a book for him about witches. “It doesn’t have to be all as crazy as you want it to be. Magic would be normal to us all if we saw it everyday.” 
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saltciircles · 2 years
[ 𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙸 ]
[ 𝙼𝙰𝚇 ]
Max had a feeling that the more that Allison got involved in all of this, the more she and his sister would be on the same page and outnumber Max. Part of him almost missed the simpler times, where he didn’t have to worry about being the only one who thought all of this hocus pocus was nuts. However, he knew this was better than suffering with the memory loss. For once, it sort of felt like they were getting somewhere, even if he was still pretty lost.
Distracted by Dani huffing and puffing about explaining things over and over again, he didn’t notice the flickering light as she grew frustrated. It wasn’t until Allison made a comment that he looked around, trying to pinpoint what she was referring to. It felt like there was so much happening, and soon enough Dani was shoving a paper into Max’s hands that, sure enough, had his own handwriting on it. It felt completely foreign to him, the paper in his hands, and he stared at the familiar writing. He didn’t get it — even if he was looking at the paper, why wasn’t any of it clicking? He handed the paper to Allison to check out herself, shrugging his shoulders. “Even if we find what we were looking for again, what are we supposed to do with it?” He said, unable to believe that he was sort of buying into this now. Maybe he really had hit his head and lost his sanity along the way. It would at least explain the missing memories, too. “It’s not like any of us have magic like some witches.” @daniiidenniiison·
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Dani knew from the moment Allison looked at her that she knew exactly what was going on. She wasn’t sure how to answer the question: was she supposed to just fess up to thinking that she was actually a witch, or would her friends think that she was crazy, dangerous, even? “Me? No. The lighting in here has to be faulty.” The way that the blonde pointed at her, then the lantern made her terrified to admit the truth, but it was clear that Allison saw right through her. There was no way Dani could lie her way out of this one and hope that she was dumb enough to buy it. “I mean–I didn’t mean to, okay? I don’t know, that … it happens sometimes,” she argued, folding her arms over her chest defensively. The only person who knew about this was Binx, and with the way that Allison and Max had been reluctant to believe anything she was saying, she was sure at least Max would blame it on the house, not her. 
“Well, I went to the new museum part a while ago, and Sarah was there. I don’t know if she knew who I was, but she didn’t seem like she did. I mean, she’s kinda dumb, anyway.” She could tell that something was clicking with Max now that he saw his own handwriting on the paper. “I told you. There are probably more papers in these books, too, with Allison Dennison doodles in there, too,” she added, mumbling the last part to herself as Dani turned back to the bookshelf. Maybe there would be some sort of proof that they did love each other in there, too. 
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This whole thing was over their heads but here they were. If they really had gone through it all before like Dani said then this should come back to them like riding a bike or so she hoped. Allison had been racking her brain trying to think of anything that could be beneficial as they figured this thing out, disappointed to come up with nothing again. If only this mind of hers could remember something. Sure she didn’t have all her memories from the aftermath of all Dani talked about but she knew enough lore to have picked up on the light. “Are we not going to talk about that?” She asked quickly throwing her hand out towards the light, looking at Max then back at Dani. “Of course, of course it all makes sense. This is why you remember everything, isn’t it?” Allison didn’t need much convincing but knew Max wouldn’t be as sure. “That is like, so cool,” she looked to the younger girl now with a smile so at least she knew one person was on her side.
Allison tried to not laugh but it couldn’t help but slip out. “She’s kind of like that and she’s been trying to like hang out with me all the sudden which is super weird.” Her voice trailed off as she thought about it to herself. Maybe more of the happenings around here made sense than she thought, pieces of this puzzle now starting to fall together. “I guess we better start looking,” she said while going to the self to grab her first book to flip through. 
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saltciircles · 2 years
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last  thing  you  googled  ?
—  dizzy  spells  &  heart  pain  .  .  .  that’s  it  !   —  it's  just  anxiety  <3
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saltciircles · 2 years
[ 𝙴𝙻𝚂𝙰 ]
Elsa liked Allison. Even though the two of them ran in different circles most of the time, that being Allison was the popular girl next door and Elsa was the crypt keeper; she still always had a special place in her heart for her. Allison was with her through so much and even though the specifics of that were fuzzy at times, she tried her best to pull her memories together when it counted. Having a nice evening at Allison’s place was just what she needed after a week of alone time. Allison always reminded her she didn’t have to always be alone and even though Elsa loved being alone she did like seeing at least one nice face from time to time. Somehow the whiskey was already out and the conversation has gone to exes and Elsa really felt for her. She would hate if she couldn’t remember someone she cared about so strongly. She didn’t even really understand how that happened, but she wasn’t here to judge. She got the whiskey in question and poured it into her cup straight. She wasn’t just there to get drunk, but it did help sometimes. “I dunno. I’m sorry I don’t have an answer that is helpful but….maybe talking to him about it would help? I would do that with Viktor if it wasn’t all so….weird now. At least Max is the same old Max, right?”
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There wasn’t always a right answer, no matter how much Allison wanted one. Everything with Max felt more complicated recently. Not that she wasn’t happy to be back with him and Dani, adventuring like apparently they used to, it just brought up so many feelings. Her heart was finally full but she had no idea where the memories were to explain why she felt this way about them. Dani was like her little sister and Max could still make her smile when he walked in a room. It was like her heart remembered more than her brain did. “I want to but... Max is weird too. There’s like this girl he’s been talking to and now she’s showing up at my work and stuff. It all gives me a bad feeling.” Allison exhaled and crossed her legs to get more comfortable. “Why do boys have to be so weird about everything? Like he could’ve just told me he was seeing someone but he hasn’t even mentioned her. It’s not like I’m going to freak out and ruin it, I want him to be happy.” 
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saltciircles · 2 years
Everything was starting to click for Allison, and it was just the direction where Daisy wanted this to go. The blonde was getting jealous, and that was exactly what she wanted. Of course, there was always the risk that she would wind up realizing that she missed Max, but Daisy wasn’t quite worried about that yet. She was more focused on getting Max to get over the very girl in front of her, anyway. “Yeah, I know Max. He’s a great guy.” Daisy loved acting dumb while she had the opportunity. “A friend of yours?” she asked, narrowing her eyes for a bit while she looked at Allison. “Wait–oh, my god, you guys used to date, right?” Daisy dropped her jaw, feigning shock. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you were his ex. We’re just friends, really.” Lower her expectations, so Max could be the one to smash them. 
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It felt weird to be talking to someone else about Max, specifically a pretty girl. Not like Allison had expected him to stay single and she knew this was coming but having to listen to it from the female herself was a little unsettling. Something about the whole thing gave her a similar feeling to the one she had after she woke up without her memories. Even though she couldn’t pinpoint it, she could sense that there was another element to this girl she had yet to uncover. Allison would be sure to keep an eye on her if she saw her around Town Hall again. “Yeah, Max is a really great guy. I’d hate to see him get hurt,” she said in a colder tone than usual. Allison rarely coped an attitude but she wanted to make sure this girl knew she saw through her, at least a little bit. “We did but we’re just friends now. Don’t worry, I’m not going to try to steal him away or anything. That’s in the past.” Or at least that’s what she thought. All she wanted was for Max to find happiness, as she’d been hoping she didn’t steal too much of it when she left. 
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saltciircles · 2 years
[ 𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙸 ]
[ 𝙼𝙰𝚇 ]
Max rolled his eyes at the same time as his sister. It seemed like she wanted to dump it all on him when they were alone, but once Allison was around, she didn’t have much to explain. Why was she holding back so much? She finally gave them some more to work with though, and Max felt bad that none of it was clicking, at least not with him. How could he not remember doing research in this very house with the two of them? The memories seemed to have slipped through his fingertips and disappeared, and he wasn’t sure how long he could keep trying to grasp for them back. It was starting to get exhausting, repetitive. Sometimes, he couldn’t tell if he was actually remembering things, or just remembering the shit Dani had already told him.
Allison seemed to grow more intrigued, though, but that was no surprise. She always had a knack for this sort of thing. Her little I told you so earned another eye-roll from the male. “Is that something we should be celebrating, though? If it’s part of the reason why we’re stuck in this mess?” It easily gave him another reason to hate the holiday, unsure how Allison could still love it so much. “It’s all some political scheme or something, but I still don’t see why we’re the ones suffering from it.” @daniiidenniiison·
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While she looked toward her brother, who still seemed like he was struggling to wrap his head around all of it, Allison sounded more excited than ever about what she’d said. At least someone was open to listening to her theories. “Of course it is. All the stories are true. That’s what we were pretty much getting at before all your memories got wiped.” With a huff, she went toward the shelf of books, trying to remember which ones they had recorded things in before they stopped coming to the house. “No, it’s not just a political scheme, Max, I don’t know how many times I have to explain it!” she snapped, and out of the corner of her eye, Dani saw a light glow brighter than it was meant to as she grew more frustrated. 
In a panic, Dani pulled one of the books off the shelf, praying that there would be something in it to distract from what had just happened to the light. There was no doubt that she had caused it, but maybe Max would be too distracted to notice or bring it up again. “Here,” she said finally, pulling out a piece of paper with her own brother’s handwriting on it. “Is this enough proof for you? I think the Sandersons … well, Winnie, really, wanted to run for mayor but no one would elect a witch. No one can remember them from before–they just say they’re relatives of the original sisters now. We knew so much more, though, and that has to be why you can’t remember anything from here: you can’t remember anything about them.” @saltciircles​
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Allison knew this wasn’t anything that would interest Max but these had been stores she grew up hearing about. The Sanderson Sister’s were a legend around town and to hear confirmation from Dani that they’d been trying to uncover the truth behind it all made her feel warm. She was glad that even in the memories she no longer had that Allison never stopped believing. Max had been the skeptic, she was happy to confirm Dani wasn’t either. “Were we close? Do you think someone didn’t want us figuring something out we were getting close to?” Her tone picked up as she felt herself get excited at the knowledge she was gaining already. This was the break she’d been looking for and then it all halted. She saw it, only out of the corner of her eye and immediately she locked her gaze to Dani. Something strange as afoot. “What was that?” Allison listened to Dani as she continued to explain while stepping closer to the flame. “Did you do that?” She pointed before looking to her friend with a hint of curiosity and bewilderment in her eye. 
The note was what brought Allison back over to Dani’s side where she exchanged a quick glance with Max. That was his handwriting that was for sure, though she didn’t need much more convincing. “So what like they just appeared? No background information, nothing?” Maybe she could start digging around behind the scenes at work so long as she didn’t get caught. There had to be secrets there that could help them figure this out. “Even if we don’t have the memories we found the information once, guess we’ll need to again. There has to be something we left for ourselves here.” Allison was notorious for leaving herself breadcrumbs, maybe it was all the true crime she watched that influenced her own researching. 
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saltciircles · 2 years
event starter for @saltciircles​
Though she knew she’d given the blonde a bit of a spook by showing up at her job, Daisy was on a mission tonight, which was to get her as uncomfortable as possible at this party. She didn’t like that she’d come in with Max, who was now decidedly hers for the taking after their night together. The exes had been spending a little too much time together, more than Daisy would like, and there was no better place than in public to get her revenge. “Alli!” she squealed a bit, approaching her with a sweet grin. “I wanted to come and thank you for your help at city hall, you were a godsend.” She wasn’t sure how much she should reveal at once about her night with Max, but figured she didn’t have much to lose. Allison would be more mad at Max than her, anyway. “I had no idea that you were friends with Max–I saw you two come in together. He came with me to Wonderland a few weeks ago.”
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Ever since her meeting of the other female she’d gotten a bad taste in her mouth. She wasn’t able to pinpoint exactly what it was that made Allison question her but something was off about the whole thing. Coming tonight for the event had been a decision mostly influenced by Dani and Max who she’d been enjoying spending time with again. Even though things weren’t quite the way they were Allison was happy to have them back in her life and finding a way to work together to figure out what happened. They were better as a team after all. “Hi... Uh, Daisy, right?” Her voice trailed off as she was a little taken back by the other female’s enthusiasm. Before she was even able to answer the mention of Max started to tie everything together. They weren’t together anymore, she shouldn’t care, and yet something in her tightened when she said he’d visited her. “You... know Max?” Allison shook her head from the thoughts she was having and found a smile. “Yeah, he’s a friend of mine, it’s a long story.” Half of which she didn’t even remember herself. “Funny, he never mentioned you.”
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saltciircles · 2 years
[ 𝙼𝙰𝚇 ]
Allison and Max had been spending more time together lately, but it was hard to pinpoint what the vibe was between them. Max didn’t think he ever had a chance with Allison again, even between the occasional moment of catching each other’s eyes on the other, and the smiles and the laughs they shared. Max had been hung up on Allison a long time, longer than he should have considering he could hardly remember their relationship, but he didn’t want to keep doing that. He wanted to move on, like it seemed like she had. He couldn’t completely avoid her forever though, especially as they were trying to solve their missing memories predicament together. It was nice that he could spend more time with her now, without it hurting so much. He smiled as she waved in his direction, a drink in his own hand. He didn’t plan to be drunk like he was on Hallowen — there wasn’t a reason to be that fucked up, unlike last time. “You want me to go on a holiday rant? Cause I can,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “No, I mean, maybe I’d like Halloween better if it wasn’t the reason for all our problems,” he admitted, though they only knew Halloween connected to their lost memories because of Dani. It was still really confusing, even with his sister constantly talking about it. “New Years is cool, I guess. Fresh starts or whatever.”
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Maybe it was silly to be spending so much time around a life she didn’t have anymore but it had been nice. Her heart had missed spending time with Dani and Max. Even without her memories that part of her still knew how important they were to her life. She knew it was only a matter of time now before she had to watch as Max met someone new and Dani stopped going to her when an exciting clue came about. Allison was waiting for the ball to drop on the life she was just starting to get back but she’d be certain to enjoy the ride. She couldn’t lie that she’d been having more fun recently than she had in the last year. “Oh no, I’ve done it now,” she said with a soft laugh of her own. Allison had always been curious what made him have such a distaste for the holidays, that being her first real impression of him when they met. “You can’t blame it all on the day, it could’ve been any day, if anything it’s what brought us all together.” She shrugged her shoulders, it feeling so simple to her. Instead, she raised her glass to give him a cheers. “To new beginnings then, it’s no secret that we could use one.”
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saltciircles · 2 years
who: @mdennison​ where: ​lava springs nye 
She hadn’t intended on going but of course she’d gotten talked into it like she always did. Allison would do almost anything if she had someone to go with. Not to mention after her latest exploration of the Sanderson house she was still searching for answers to what happened. Things were beginning to have some clarity but not enough where she felt like she had anything solid to go off of. She was seeing another side of Max that surprised her, maybe it’s what she saw before her memories got taken. Even without any idea what happened to bring them together in the first place she was still drawn to him, even now. Allison was standing, using a cocktail straw to mix around the watered down vodka cran she’d gotten earlier. Seeing him caused her to smile involuntarily and her hand raise to give him a small wave. “So is it just Halloween you don’t like or does it go for all the holidays?” She said with a laugh, taking a sip of her drink. 
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saltciircles · 2 years
[ 𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙸 ]
[ 𝙼𝙰𝚇 ]
While Dani seemed to be freaking out at the sight of the house, trying to remain put together but still being cautious, Allison just seemed intrigued to check it out. Max was trying to keep the mood light and keep his sister calm, all while trying to seem like he knew what he was doing checking out the Sanderson house. In all honesty, he had no idea why he actually suggested they go — if he didn’t fully believe any of the stuff Dani was saying, why would he think this would help? Maybe he was just trying to impress the blonde. “Obviously, we don’t remember,” Max answered his sister. “If we did, we wouldn’t be here now.” He gave Dani that knowing look that said: Do you really think I came here with a plan? and he nodded at Allison’s question. “Yeah, refresh our memory on what happened. I tried explaining to Allison what you told me before, but it’s still not clicking.” @daniiidenniiison·
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Dani let out a sigh. Of course the two who had no idea what they were doing at the Sanderson house didn’t come with a plan. It was typical coming from her brother, but Dani had high hopes for the blonde having some sort of idea of what she was looking for. “I don’t know, I don’t remember much of the night that shit went down, I told you that,” she groaned, frustrated. “We came here, and Max said something about that stupid candle being a bunch of hocus pocus before lighting it, and that’s the last I can remember.” What she did recall, though, better than anything, was what happened after. Coming to the Sanderson house with Max and Allison, the two in the corner holding hands thinking that she wouldn’t notice while Dani combed through every inch of the house for answers.
“We used to come here a lot, the three of us. Sometimes after school, but mostly during the summer. We’d sit here for hours, trying to figure out what happened that night. We’ve read through almost all the books in here–I think we might’ve left scraps in some of the pages, but it was no use without the book. Winifred has that one: the book of her spells. We’re nothing without it.” Dani hadn’t meant to get so reminiscent, but the memories flooded in like a tide she couldn’t stop. “I don’t know if the sisters knew we’d been coming here, or what, but we’d made such good progress. One morning, though, I could tell something was off. Everyone woke up acting kind of weird, and I had asked Max to come here and he didn’t know what I was talking about. Still, neither of you know what I’m talking about, but I do.” @saltciircles·
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Allison hadn’t heard the story be retold from the lips of Dani, only Max’s cliff notes. It was interesting that she had any memory at all from the night in question when Max and Allison’s was erased. The whole ordeal didn’t make sense and as she was receiving more details the vines in her brain continued to tangle. It felt like words that were trapped on the tip of her tongue if she could only reach them then she’d know the truth. Beneath everything Allison knew she was attached to them both and that itself would be what got her through the rest of it. “Yeah...” Allison’s voice trailed off as she listened and her fingertips danced along the book bindings. Familiarity was a feeling she knew all too well. “The book, of course, I’ve heard all the lore about it. So... wait, it’s true?” A small smile broke out on her lips. “See Max, I told you Halloween is a lot more than meets the eye, it’s not all pretend.” Dani had answers, not all of them but enough for Allison to get excited. “Where are they now? You said something about the mayor? What does she have to do with it?”
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saltciircles · 2 years
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