saltypandaarcade · 10 years
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Maybe because you use women too? Like I remember Peekaboo, Mimzy, and your last foray into an SL “family”. Katt and Nardia? 
You have literally dated Peekaboo, confessed to a “crush” on Mimzy, and I’ll admit I have no idea what went on with you, Katt, Nardi, and Doll. Thank god.
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saltypandaarcade · 10 years
Well color me surprised! Hard to believe you weren't hiding behind another name, as you are so keen to do~ And nah bae, I'm here to watch your life unfurl. Like a nature watcher, you don't interfere directly when the Lions tear the beast apart!
okay crazy fucker o-o
is a REAL person. sooo there go chat with him, do what you are good at harass him get him to be scared of me.
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saltypandaarcade · 10 years
little cutie http://darkvirus07.tumblr.com/ is always cheering me up u.u thank you for being here for me even in weird hours of the morning <3 *snuggles*
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saltypandaarcade · 10 years
kind of obvious Sibyl just made this xD lol
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this is so cool love it
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saltypandaarcade · 10 years
The post bellow this one. Wow 3 and a half years later for me!
(this refers to “Wow, Two Years Later” -admin)
I used to be pretty close with the person bellow who posted a novel about the situation! We were both very weary about her for a while after we had kinda both done the same thing....
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saltypandaarcade · 10 years
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Lol alright [images above] this was five minutes of going through stuff in my inventory, to get the logs ill have to dig out my old computer which i’ll gladly do later this week. Picture one is my and her old matching brother/sister avatars, the avatar I still have mind you, along with a possibly old phone number also featuring old pins to our house that we briefly had and other chyuu related things. Picture two is from the house we had in ponyvale that we got evicted from because of a skybox, and a love poem she wrote and sent to me, as you can see sent to me by her directly above the note (Creator is her account then). Picture 3 is a drawing that was made of my avatar by the person who posted about my original post who was also the person that informed me that while I believed chyuu was sticking with me she was also messing with a guy named Derpycolt and she had commissioned the artist to draw pony fuck art of chyuu and derpycolt’s OCs, you’d have to ask that artist about that. It also shows a picture from the house in the sim that I made physical taken by her and! low and behold a no-rights picture of her sent to me from an account I gave her (My original SL account Kiwi Foxclaw) that she used to deceive people into thinking she was a guy. The last picture is the cutiemark for a pony avatar that she sent me last september when she was trying to get back with me and wanted me to wear on my avatar with her name on it.
I censored names and location for both anti-harassment and non-involvement purposes, if I have censored anything people deem important I can uncensor it. 
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saltypandaarcade · 10 years
Shit, I was there. I can confirm that the original post is true!
Okay that two year thing never even happened? Annnndddd yeah wtf also stop "Warning" my friends to keep away from me. Not good.
Sibyl is arguing against a submission that was purely text. Will the submission in question please throw me any screenshots and logs relating to what they have posted?
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saltypandaarcade · 10 years
Chyuu/Sibyl. @ FA / Sibylpaws @ Tumblr
Unfortunately this is going to be a long one so forgive me, but I really thought this would be the best place to put a warning out about FA user Chyuu (and more recently Sibyl.). They’re incredibly emotionally manipulative, misgender others constantly, and will do just about anything for a bit of free art. They’re also a rather popular furry, and very recently a target of ED (which is relevant to the story sadly). I’ve heard I’m not the only being that’s had this kind of run in with them, and hopefully sharing my information might prompt others to comment too.
TW: #Abuse, #Beastiality, #Rape, #Misgendering, #Misogyny, #Slurs and #Suicide mentions
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