samcedesvegas · 4 years
Morning in Vegas || Samcedes
Who: Sam Evans and Mercedes Jones
What: Sam and Mercedes go out on the town for some much needed fun
Where: Las Vegas, NV
Mercedes was having the strangest dream, she and Sam went out, got married, got drunk and had wild sex all night, when she heard a knocking on the door. Her eyes fluttered open as the knocking continued and she groaned not wanting to get up but knowing it wouldn't stop. She sighed sitting up feeling extremely hung over. She threw her robe on, not registering that she was naked under it and went to the door. "I'm coming...what?" She opened the door to see Nate standing there with a dozen roses.
"Merce please. Take me back, we are perfect for each other. I just needed time to find out who I am and I realize I am nothing without you."
The room was spinning in circles. Sam woke up with his blonde hair all over his head, a pounding headache, and pretty much no recollections of what he did last night. But by the stench of whiskey on his breath he knew it was fun.  He rolled over, only to find Mercedes Jones, his co-star, completely naked next to him. “Holy shit.” He cursed under his breath before silently congratulating himself. It was a guy thing. Not knowing how she might feel about everything, his plan was to quickly shower and leave her to rest. Walking back into the bedroom with nothing but a towel around his waist, his eyes widened at Nate standing in the doorway with a bouquet of roses. “I-I umm, I’m just gonna’ grab my clothes and go.” He stuttered awkwardly.
Mercedes felt her eyes widen as Sam walked into the room from the bathroom, and Nate saw red. He pushed past Mercedes looking at Sam. "What the fuck?!"
Mercedes closed her eyes trying to figure out what was going on herself. "Nate I need you to go "
"Me?! You made me wait a damn year before we even went past second base and here you are with him?"
"Nate please...right now I need you to turn the volume down and go. I don't know what happened between me and Sam but whatever it was, it stopped being your business a long time ago ."
Nate was about to run at Sam but Mercedes stopped in his path. "NATE! JUST GO!"
Once Nate finally agreed to leave Sam was relieved when Mercedes closed the door. He knew karate and Kung fu but he wasn’t sure how far that would take him with a dude twice his size and build. He breathed a sigh of relief as he went to gather his clothes. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to screw that up.” His country accent is a bit thicker than normal because of his nerves. Taking a seat on the bed he hid his face in his hands. Mostly trying to remember last night but also to soothe the headache that was pounding in his head. “What the hell did we do last night?”
Mercedes tightened her Robe and shook her head. "Nate shouldn't have come here. We are over, he needs to realize that." She ran her hands through her hair shaking her head. "I don't know...I remember the club and bits and pieces..." She was about to sit on her bed when her phone rang.
"Tina let me call you back."
"Sure thing I just have one question. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!"
Sam could hear the shouting through the phone. He tried his best to remember everything that went on. He was sure of one thing though, they definitely had sex. Only reason to explain them both naked laying in bed together. He remembered the fountain but pretty much everything after that was a blur. He quickly dressed himself as he waited for Mercedes to finish her call.
"Please stop yelling! It's been a crazy morning already." She sighed. 
Tina continued. "Mercedes I took you on as a client because you were the responsible one. But this..."
"What are you talking about?"
"How about the fact that you and Sam got MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"We did what now?"
Whoever this Tina was, she was a very loud person. Loud enough for Sam to hear. "My mother is gonna' kill me" he whispered more so to himself. He went to grab the remote and turn on the tv and there they were on TMZ. A picture of them kissing at the chapel and even a scanned copy of the marriage license. Sam ran his hands though his messy blonde hair before giving Mercedes a what the fuck look.
Tina cleared her throat. "Get home immediately, do not answer any questions, do not say anything."
Mercedes closed her eyes trying to remember the night. Then her eyes open wide. "Tina I swear it was a Joke. We went there as Brooke and Ryder. I have the copy right here." She ran to the side table looking for the license and quickly grabbed it and saw it on the floor. She sat back on the bed staring at it as the phone fell to the ground. "Oh my God."
Tina could still be heard from Mercedes phone on the ground as she stood there looking at what Sam assumed was the same marriage license he'd just seen on the tv. He stepped over to Mercedes. tightening his towel  around his waist so it didn't slip. They definitely needed to talk about all of this.
Mercedes didn't say a word she just stared at the paper in front of her. She could have sworn she wrote out Brooklyn not Mercedes. Her eyes scanned to the groom's name seeing if Sam wrote Ryder but he didn't. "What the hell did we do..."
" Apparently we got married." he tucked his lips in before letting them go with a pop. Before he could say anything else he had an incoming call from the back pocket of his jeans. He retrieved his phone and answered it. "SAMUEL DWIGHT EVANS! I can not believe you did something like this! You're 25 with a budding career and lot's of young female fans. What possessed you to do such a thing? Oh my Barbara...how am I supposed to spin this huh?" Sam sighed out of frustration. "Rachel...relax. Look I'll come straight to you when I get back in town." she was still talking but he hung up on her mid sentence.
Mercedes shook her head. "I'm sorry I blacked out what?" She looked at Sam. "Tell me that this is a dream."
Sam was going to every blog site that he knew of and they were front page on almost all of them. She turned his phone around to face Mercedes. "I don't think so." he shook his head. "Looks like we really...got married."
"Oh Go- I am gonna be sick." She held her stomach fearing the worst. "Wait it's okay, we just...we just get it annulled. Yeah we were drunk and clearly out of our minds. Yeah we just get it annulled and it's like nothing ever happened. " she said talking to herself.
Sam nodded. "Wait what the heck is an annulment?" he genuinely asked as he went to retrieve his clothes from the bedside, returning to the bathroom to quickly get fully dressed.
Mercedes glanced up at Sam realizing that he was talking to her.  "Oh um it's kinda like a divorce but this was more of it being like it never happened. I am sure they can spin it as a prank we just have to get back home." She sighed. "I am sorry this happened Sam, I should have never let my guard down...."
"Ahhh I get it." he nodded now understanding the concept. There was no way they could stay married. They barely even knew each other and Mercedes was only kind of cool with him in the first place. "You have nothing to be sorry about, it was both of us letting loose. LA little too loose I guess." He closed his eyes taking a deep breath  and suddenly last night's activities began to flood his head. It was still blurry but clearly they'd consummated the marriage...a few times last night.
Mercedes sighed standing up and sitting right back down, her body finally feeling the effects of last night. Flashes of her and Sam, on the bed, the wall, in the shower. Her eyes opened wider as she glanced at Sam. "Oh my Lord did we have sex too?"
Sam nodded. "My back was pretty scratched up so I'm going with yes." Sam took a seat next to Mercedes and grabbed her hand in his. "Look we can forget about it if you want to. We'll go back home and get this thing annulled or whatever and go back to normal."
She looked at him, eyes blinking but not really retaining what he was saying. She sighed as he took her hand in his and nodded. The sooner they got rid of this problem the sooner. 
After packing and having help to sneak out of the hotel. They found themselves on the short plane ride home. Within an hour of leaving the hotel they were in the conference room of her Label. Waiting to hear from her management and his.  Waiting to hear how angry they were.
Sam was sort of going through the motions with all of this. He had about a hundred text messages...ninety-nine being from his mother. He didn't bother opening them though. He knew it was full of chastising texts asking how she was supposed to explain this to all of her friends. He sat nervously on the opposite end of his wife. It was weird to think they were actually legally married. He wanted to talk to her and get an idea of how she was feeling. Earlier she was mostly in shock and disbelief. Before he could part his lips Rachel came walking in in her best business attire.
Mercedes glanced up as Sam's manager walked in followed by Tina. Tina took a seat next to Mercedes and sighed. "So I know we both can agree that this was not what we all expected when you left for Vegas. And while we both feel this should have been avoided...still can't believe you of all people did that Merce, but I digress, the Label and Production Company has come up with a way to resolve this."
Sam was all ears because he himself had no idea of how to fix all of this. It had already hit every major blog site and news broadcast. If they admitted it was a drunk mistake they'd look incompetent but if they went along with it, they'd be judged just as harshly. "I'm not used to taking a backseat by any means but I'll let Tina explain everything we came up with." Rachel held out her hands giving Tina the floor
"Thank you." Tina said standing. She knew Mercedes would have some issues with their plan so she wanted space from her. "So the problem is that you two got married while drunk in Vegas."
"It was a joke! We were supposed to be in character." Mercedes argued.
"Maybe so. But if we annul it, you two may seem unreliable and flaky, you may even cost the movie some much needed good press. So we are a team that thinks the only way to save face is for you to remain married."
"Wait what?" Sam turned to Rachel with a confused look on his face. So they were going to force them to stay married for the sake of the movie? Sam was clear this wasn't what Mercedes wanted and he definitely was not ready to be anyone's husband. As Rachel chimed in Sam sort of zoned out watching Mercedes the entire time. He was doing his best to read her mind. "...we've already arranged a little press tour to solidify all of this. Ellen, Jimmy Fallon, and The View." Sam caught the tail end of Rachel's sentence.
Mercedes shook her head as she listened to what they had to say. "No. No it's not happening. I am sorry but you can not expect us to stay married." 
Tina sighed. "It's the mess you got yourself into. Mercedes you have worked your ass off for your career and do you really want one mistake to ruin it? This is the best choice and then after a year you guys can divorce."
"No...no. There has to be another way." Mercedes said softly.(edited)
Sam's ears perked up and he finally mustered up enough confidence to respond to Mercedes. "Maybe it won't be that bad...the movie will be out by then right?" he directed toward Tina and she nodded. "We can have one of those short lived Hollywood romances then eventually everyone will forget about it." Mercedes was clearly adamant and sticking to her guns and Sam couldn't blame her. But maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
"Am I living in the damn upside down!?!?!?!?!?!" She said standing and running her hands through her hair. "I don't have a choice do I?" She said looking around.
Rachel stood placing a calming hand on Mercedes' shoulder. "I am afraid not. But we will do our best to make this a comfort for you and Sam. You'll honestly thank us in the end. Both of your careers are going to skyrocket because of this. Trust me."(edited)
"My career? DO you think I give a damn about that? I  am more concerned with my family! If my dad doesn't kill Sam, my brother will." She placed her hands on her head. "It's why I haven't even turned my phone back on."
Sam's head shot up at the mention of him being killed. He hadn't even thought about her family. He gulped nervously, running his hands through thick blonde strands of hair. "...killed? Rachel...I didn't sign up to be killed." He'd already had a taste of Mercedes' ex boyfriend this morning. He wasn't sure he could take too much more of the other men in her life.
Tina laughed. "She doesn't really mean to kill. They will just scare you." 
Mercedes sighed looking at Tina. "Is this really the only choice we have?"
Tina nodded and Mercedes looked at Sam and sighed.
"I'm not that bad, I promise." Sam always tried to make jokes that lightened the mood. Even if no one else was in the joking mood. He still wanted to get Mercedes alone so they could talk about this together. After all, they would be the ones who would have to put up this facade. And if they were going to this they both needed to be as comfortable as possible...if that was even possible.
Mercedes sat back shaking her head. This was ridiculous. 
"Tina looked at her. "So now that we are on the same page, what are you all thinking." 
Mercedes didn't say a word, she just sat there thinking about her family and her future.
Sam knew his family would have their opinions...he was too young, his career was just not taking off, blah blah blah. But he didn't care. He stopped caring about what they thought a long time ago. "Well on top of the press run, we'll have you guys go on a series of date nights, something the media can eat up. Then a People Magazine shoot, because people love newlyweds." Rachel was salivating with excitement.
Mercedes listens but has nothing to say. This was all too much. She heard Tina ask if she was listening and she nodded. "Huh? Uh yeah of course. If this is what you think is best then lets do it."
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samcedesvegas · 4 years
Night in Vegas || Samcedes
Who: Sam Evans and Mercedes Jones
What: Sam and Mercedes go out on the town for some much needed fun
Where: Las Vegas, NV
Mercedes sat on her bed in the hotel room. This week they had been working on their Vegas scenes, and she had to admit, she still thought Sam was a player and while she didn't want to be with him, she was glad that they could at least be friends. Wearing a long nightshirt and glasses, her hair was up in a messy bun as she worked on her lines.
As her phone rang she sighed. "Hello?"
"Tell me you are getting dressed and going out tonight!" She heard Tina huff out.
Mercedes sighed. "I am staying in, Tina, plus i don't have anything to wear."
Tina laughed. "This is your last night in Vegas, come on live a little, and have some fun."
Sam had already lost a nice portion of his money down in the casino...he was never all that good at black jack. But he always seemed to have fun losing his money on that game. It was his go to, next to the slots. What good was Vegas without a little overindulgence? After, he found himself at the bar drinking his sorrows away. Not real sorrows but you get the point. The only other thing on his mind right now was Mercedes Jones. The rest of the cast was heading out for a night on the town and he definitely wanted to see her face tonight. So he made his way up to her floor. Knocking on the door he waited for an answer.
"I am having fun." Mercedes insisted. And Tina sighed. "Look go out have some fun, I even packed you a little something something."
Mercedes laughed. "That skintight red two piece oh I saw that!" "Good so wear it, have fun and call me in the morning. You need to let loose. Just once."
Mercedes was about to respond when she heard someone knock on her door. "Tina I am gonna call you back." She said hanging up and going to the door. "Sam? What are you doing here?"
“Well I just lost all my gambling money in one hour and I was needing a little pick me up.” He chuckled as he leaned inside the door frame of Mercedes’ hotel room. The beautiful twinkling lights of sin city shining in the background. The hotels were always nicer when production paid for them. “C’mon, let’s hit the town. The night is still young and I’m only two Whiskeys in.”
Mercedes smiled. "Wow big spender huh?" She teased. "Thanks for the offer but I think I am just gonna stay here and go over my lines. Make sure I got it down."
Sam chuckled. “More like a big loser.” He asked for permission to step inside. Once the door closed he sighed. “You and I both know you have the lines down.  No way you’d mess up. I should be the one staying in, but I’m not because it’s Vegas! We can even ditch the rest of the cast.” He added that last part hoping she’d agree.
Mercedes let him in and sighed sitting on the bed. "Sam I don't do night out, I wouldn't even know where to begin." She ran her hand through her hair. "What would we even do?"
"I dunno, anything but sit here like a bump on a log all night when we're in Vegas!" he repeated. He wasn't buying the act. He knew deep down Mercedes knew how to have a good time. He also knew that she'd look amazing all dressed up so he had to convince her to come out with him. "There are shows, we can go and get some drinks and dinner. Whatever you want."
Mercedes chewed her bottom lip. "I dunno...I mean Tina told me that I should get out.." She sighed, she really did want to get out and have fun... "Fine, I can be ready in 20." She said getting out of the bed and going to her closet in the suite. "Be right back." She said as she disappeared into the bathroom.
Success! Sam was ecstatic that he'd actually gotten her to say yes. It was the charm, he just knew it. As he waited he plopped down on the couch of her hotel suite and waited for her to get ready.
Mercedes quickly got dressed, but stood staring at herself as she applied her makeup. The sheer two piece genie-esq outfit. It showed off her assets without her being trashy. Tina was good at that, good at her being guiding light. letting her hair fall over her shoulders. Stepping out of the bathroom she went to grab her shoes. "Okay, lets go."
If his eyes could literally pop out of his head, they would've. Mercedes in that outfit was a winning combination in his eyes.  "Whoah, and you're telling me you don't go out? I'm finding that hard to believe." He smiled at her. "You look amazing, now I feel underdressed." he started playfully referring to his plain black button up and jeans.
"Shut up" She laughed. "Tina packed this for me, I just didn't think I was gonna need it." She grabbed her room key and some spending cash, and made her way to the door. "You ready? You are gonna have to lead the way. BTW, you look good tonight too."
"Thank you. I do try."  Sam happily led the way down the elevators and through the large lobby. He was currently calling them a car service so they could make their way through the city unnoticed. He wasn't all that sure they would be able to because Mercedes was a pretty big star. He was up-in-coming himself, but his biggest role was when he was about seventeen so he was sort of getting back accustomed to the limelight.
Mercedes smiled as he led her through the hotel. "I should probably call Bruno...tell him I am leaving for the night, he really doesn't like me going out along." She said looking around as the car pulled up.
So far, the night wasn't that bad. They went to the MGM Grand and saw a show and now they were on their way to the hottest club. "Club X" it only took her two seconds to be noticed by the bouncer and taken right up to the VIP lounge. Drinks were even "On the house." which she wasn't upset at.
Sam was definitely enjoying his time out on the town with Mercedes. The way her face lit up when she was excited about something, it was a nice change of pace. Plus he was just happy to be in her presence any way that he could.  She was finally listening up after a few drinks and as they entered the VIP section of the club Sam couldn't help but be genuinely excited. Free alcohol and being treated like royalty. "So this is how they treat the queen of R&B huh?" he yelled over the music, or at least tried to as he cracked open the champagne.
Mercedes laughed at Sam as he opened the champagne and held her cup up to him. "I wouldn't say Queen of R & B. I don't have a crown or anything." She teased at him. She held her glass up to his as he filled them both. "Here is to a great night! And you joining me on the dance floor."
Sam shook his head. "If you can handle my white boy moves" he did his signature hip thrust before taking a sip of his champagne. "Oh yeah and cheers to this amazing project and making Brooklyn and Ryder come to life."
Mercedes snorted, shaking her head. "Oh my Go- I can't with you!" She clinked her glass to his and nodded. "Yeah you have impressed me what can I say. You make playing Brooklyn very easy." She downed her glass and stood. "Come on show me your "white boy moves''." she laughed
Sam smiled, grabbing Mercedes' hand and leading her out onto the dance floor. He spun her around, her hand in his. One of his favorite songs played over the speakers and he didn't hesitate to show off what he was working with. He was happy to gain a smile from Mercedes in the process.
Mercedes laughed as Sam led her to the dance floor and then danced with her. When he wasn't coming onto her, he was fun to be with and really hot. A slow song came over the speakers and she pulled Sam close. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders she held him close to her.
Sam hadn't even noticed the music had changed until he felt Mercedes' arms draped over his shoulders. He followed her lead, one arm wrapped firmly around her waist. "So, what's one thing you've always wanted to do? We should do it tonight. YOLO."
Mercedes was surprised at the question. "Oh ummm lets see...I know it sounds crazy but I  always wanted to go to the Garden of the Gods Pool Oasis." She said as someone taped her shoulder. Looking up she was face to face with Nate. 
"Hey beautiful mind if I cut in?"
Mercedes stared at him as she stopped moving. "Oh hell no! Are you following me now? Stalking is against the law in case you forgot."
Sam raised a brow, just when he and Mercedes were making it somewhere. He sighed turning to Mercedes, assuming she would handle this guy. He'd only step up and say something if he felt he needed to defend her. From where he was standing though, it looked like she had it all handled.
Mario looked at Mercedes and laughed. "Baby you know that I am the life of the party, I come to Vegas all the time. Heard about your movie."
"Nathan I am losing my patience with you, what do you want??"
Nate took her hand but she immediately pulled it away. "What do you want?"
Nate sighed. "You. I want you back. I want you to forgive me and we can start over."
Once Sam looked a little closer he realized he knew exactly who this dude was. He was in the NFL! He played for the Oakland raiders and of course Sam was a fan. Now he was feeling pretty bummed out. How was he supposed to compete with a very handsome & very rich NFL player? He took a small step back but not too much in case Mercy needed him.
Mercedes sighed heavily. "Nathan, you lied, you cheated and I dumped you for a reason. Now go away."
Nate laughed pulling her to him. "Come on baby you know you still want me."
Mercedes pulled away shoving Nate. "Dude we are over I moved on." She turned towards Sam and pulled him close, kissing him deeply. She pulled back with a smile. "Come on let's get out of here."
Unexpected? Yes. Complaining? Not at all. Sam was beyond surprised but he welcomed the kiss. He couldn't help but smirk in the face of Nate as he quickly ushered Mercedes off the dance floor and toward the nearest back exit. "Mind telling me what that was all about?" he whispered into her ear, his hand resting on the small of her back.
Mercedes let Sam lead her to the back exit and sighed once they were out. "I am sorry I just...he makes me extremely angry...can we just go to the limo and I will explain that to you." She glanced around and took Sam's hand as they made their way to the limo. Once inside she immediately went to the mini fridge and grabbed one of the mini vodka's. "Gotta love production for hooking us all the way up."
Sam joined Mercedes in a drink as they settled into the comfy leather limo seat. He grabbed a whisky mini shot and poured it into one of the chilled glasses. “Hollywood. Good shit.” He smirked, tossing back more than half of his drink. “So tell me? What was that all about?”
After downing the first mini bottle, she grabbed another. "I met Nate about 4 years ago when I sang the National Anthem for a game, we hit it off immediately and started as me just going to games and next thing I know he asked me out and we started dating. It was kinda hard with us both being so busy but we made it work. We dated for about 2 years and last year he asked me to come to his record breaking game and I wanted to. I truly did but I was on tour and there was no way to get to his game and make it to my show on time. He was pissed and that night he went out partied hard and cheated on me. When I asked if what I heard was true he said no but there were pictures. So i broke up with him and that was that.  But he doesn't take being dumped lightly and wants me back."
Sam shook his head. How could anyone cheat on Mercedes Jones? She was beautiful, witty, smart as a whip, talented as hell and so much more. It was quite baffling to him, but he'd keep his comments to himself.  Right now he was just going to be a listening ear. Sam nodded as she gave him all the details and it was safe to say he was no longer a Nate fan. "Well he's an idiot, and you deserve better anyway." he assured her.
Mercedes smiled listening to Sam. She didn't know if it was the alcohol or the fact that she really did really like him but his words just made her wanna kiss him and being a bit tipsy she just gave in and leaned in kissing him deeply, she wrapped her arms around his neck moving closer to him. "Lets go to the fountain." She said against his lips. "Or somewhere fun."
Sam was surprised but he didn't fight against it. Why would he? She was gorgeous, he was hot...in his mind it was inevitable. Or maybe it was all the feelings she was trying to hide for her ex. That troubled Sam a bit, and as much as he didn't want to protest...the good guy inside of him forced him to ask "Is this about that Nate dude?". He wiped her gloss from his lips. "Because we can go wherever you want, just wanna make sure you know what you're doing."
Mercedes was sad he pulled away but sighed it was probably for the best she wasn't sober enough to keep her feelings in check. But hearing him ask about Nate bothered her, "Why would this be about Nate? I dumped him, there are no residual feelings. I kissed you cause I wanted too and now I want to drink more and go to the fountain." She said telling the driver where to go.
Sam didn't want to be that guy. The one that took advantage of a woman that was hurting. That just wasn't his style. Guess you could say his mother raised him right. But he would gladly have some fun with Mercedes. Even if it was just to keep her mind off her ex. "Okay just checking." He grabbed another shot so he could catch up to her. "Let's tear the roof off this town!"
She had called ahead to let the hotel know she was coming, and smiled taking another shot. "Come on Sam!!!!" She said as the doors opened and they were led inside. Since it was night, there was no one there, and they could just enjoy its beauty. She had stayed at the Caesar a few times and never had a chance to truly enjoy it. She marveled at the beautiful waterfall in the fountain. Even in her drunken state she could appreciate it.
It was like a scene out of a movie the way everything was so perfectly lit up. He would know, he'd been in a few. It was almost perfect. Sam was ready to enjoy the moment. It had been so long since he felt this alive and he was going to to hold on to this feeling. "I'm pretty sure this is nearly perfect."he looked down at Mercedes, wrapping one arm around her waist. He used his free hand to pull out two more mini's. "Might as well take another shot." he winked at her.
Mercedes laughed. "I mean we might as well." Between the champagne and all the bottles she was feeling really good. Taking the shot she turned towards Sam.  "Kiss me, kiss me like Ryder kissed Brooklyn when she told him she loved him." She said, slightly slurring.
Sam looked down at the shorter woman beside him. Quickly tossing back his shot, he wrapped his other arm around her body. Pulling her close to him he went in for the kill. Gently brushing his lips over hers before fully indulging in the kiss
Mercedes quickly returned his kiss wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer. "Your kissing has gotten so much better." She confessed as she pulled him closer to her . "Wanna go back to my room?"
Shaking his head Sam raised an eyebrow. "I knew you'd come around sooner or later. Who can deny these lips?" he only half-joked. When Mercedes gave him the invitation he readily accepted. Though it was a bit out of character from the day they met, he wasn't about to turn her down. "After you my lady." he gestured toward the awaiting limo.
Mercedes nodded walking to the Limo. The moment the door was closed she was all over Sam, moving closer so she could kiss him hungrily,  after a few moments she pulled away. "Wait, wait....I always wanted to do something else." She sat up, hitting the button to the sun roof and stood up screaming. "Vegas!!!!!"
Sam was surprised at Mercedes but he happily welcomed more kisses from her. then suddenly she was off of him and hanging out the sunroof. He held onto her, afraid she might fly away. When he could steady himself enough, he popped his head out beside hers.  "Woooo!" he shouted as the wind blew his hair back.
She was thankful to Sam because with how many drinks she had she was not steady on her feet at the moment. When he joined her, she smiled leaning into him. "Best night ever." As the car drove she gasped and moved back inside. "Mack can we pull over!!" He nodded as she turned to Sam. Let's get married!"
"Whoa!? Married?" he asked with the most puzzled expression. Sam quickly pulled Mercedes back down into the limo. "You sure you're okay?" he pretended to check her temperature with a chuckle.
Mercedes laughed. "Not us!!!!!! Ryder and Brooklyn. " she grabbed a bottle and frank it as the limo stopped, she was thirsty. "We should go practice them getting married!!!!! It's genius, it's like rehearsal!"
Sam was still confused but he was going to go along with it for the sake of not upsetting Mercedes. The alcohol was definitely settling in now so he probably would've agreed anyway. "This is an improvement on a whole new level. I like it! Let's do it!"
She squealed, kissing him again and getting out of the car. She looked to the driver. "We will be back!" She grabbed Sam's hand and led him to the chapel. Walking in she was greeted by the Host. 
"Welcome to Perfect Weddings, Wedding Chapel, my name is Rita, how can I make your wedding perfect?"
"Hi I am Brooklyn and that's Ryder and we want to get married!"
The woman looked from Mercedes to Sam and back to Mercedes. "Ooookay....so what Wedding Packet are you looking at?"
"The best one you got." Mercedes beamed.
Rita gave the pair a troubled look. Her eyebrow raised in confusion. She almost parted her lips to ask if they were sure but she decided against it. After filling out all the paperwork they were led to a small quaint chapel. Sam still wasn't fully aware of exactly what they were doing but he was just going with the flow.
Mercedes must have looked crazy but in her drunken state she was sure this was a great idea. As they were led in front of an officiant they were asked once more if they were sure. Mercedes smiled thinking over her lines in the movie. "I have waited for a very long time for this man to want me. I love him. I have loved him for years. Ryder is my soulmate."
Sam looked over at Mercedes, not able to contain his chuckle. But he quickly pulled it together as he improved a line of his own. "We are beyond sure sir, never been more sure in my entire life." He gave Mercedes a wink, suddenly reaching down to grasp her hand. He laced their fingers together before turning back to face forward. "Let's do this!"
She would like to say she remembered how the rest of the ceremony went, but after Sam said let's do this, one of the staff brought them Champagne and the rest was as they say hazy, she remembered saying I do, and Sam and her laughing as they exited with their fake Marriage License. And now they were in her room, on her bed making out and she wanted him bad. But it went against her rules, and while she tried to pull away, her body betrayed her.
His hands gripped her waist as they rolled around in the very expensive satin sheets below them. Sam was definitely ready to go. He was also nowhere near sober.  The room was spinning, but somehow he could still focus on the beauty beneath him. He pulled back from her lips, taking a much needed breath of fresh air. He didn't mean to but he looked into her eyes, deeply. Not saying a word he went back in for another kiss.
"Oh God." She moaned out against his lips. "Sam...." left her lips when he pulled away to look at her. Something about the way he looked at her caused her to throw caution to the wind, she would worry about this when she was sober, right now her drunken body wanted him. "I want you.”
The alcohol had settled in and Sam had left the building. He was officially his alter ego....white chocolate. White chocolate was a name he gave himself whenever he was doing something a little more edgier than Sam usually would. And right now white chocolate was slowly peeling off the layers of Mercedes Jones' clothing. "I'm all yours." he mumbled against her perfectly full lips.
Mercedes hissed at his words, he was all her and she couldn't have been happier. She lifted just enough to help him remove her clothing as her hands went to his shirt, removing the buttons and running her hands down his bare chest stopping at his belt. She looked up at him, doe eyes finding his perfect green ones. She sat up taking his lips back to hers as she undid his belt, tossing it to the side.
Sam immediately found a soft spot in the crook of Mercedes' neck, placing gentle kisses as he fumbled around with her bra. His lips met hers again as he easily slipped out of his jeans. His kisses trailed down the length of her body. He made sure not to leave one inch un-kissed. Her body deserved to be worshiped. Coming back up to her lips he hovered over her for a moment. "You sure?" he asked sweetly. No matter how much whiskey was overflowing in his system, he was still a gentleman first.
Her body was on fire, everything Sam did to her, set her aflame and right now an inferno was brewing within her. As he hovered over her, she bit her bottom lip staring at him. His question caused her to pause for a moment, before she reached out, entangling her hands with his. "i'm sure."
Sam reached over into the back pocket of his jeans that had been tossed to the bottom of the bed. He retrieved the condom from his back pocket. After situating himself, he gently spread her legs and positioned himself properly. Gripping his hands on her thighs, he slowly moved his hips forward as he entered her. His lips crashing against hers once again.
Mercedes sat in anticipation as he retrieved the condom and held her breath as he pushed himself inside of her. It had been over a year since she was last with anyone and Sam wasn't small to say the least but the slightly painful stretching was soon replaced with the fullness of him. As he kissed her, her hands ran down his pack, wrapping her thighs around his waist as she cried out his name against his lips.
It was everything he'd imagined it would be. The way she felt, the way his name spilled from her lips. The passion and ecstasy all rolled into one. It was beyond amazing. Sam could feel her walls pulling him in as she wrapped her legs around him. He kept up a steady pace, burying his face in the crook of her neck as their bodies connected completely. "Damn, you feel amazing..." he breathed out.
Mercedes back arched as she gave in to everything Sam was giving her. She hadn't ever felt this good and she didn't want it to end. Her head fell back onto the bed as Sam worked her over. "Tell me you like it Sam, tell me how much." She begged.
JP. Sam lifted Mercedes from the best a bit. He pushed her legs back, her feet resting on his shoulders. “I don’t like it baby, I love it.” He groaned deeply, trying to keep himself from reaching his peak too early. She felt amazing. He was surrounded by her and she, by him.
Mercedes screamed out, begging for more, this new position causing him to move deeper inside of her. Her hands ran through her hair as she gripped the headboard. Her body reached that peak she so needed and wanted.
He fell deep into her center, enjoying every moment. Her moans and screams were like music to his ears. Once he was sure she was completely satisfied he finally allowed himself to let go. His breathing was heavy as he lowered her legs and leaned down to kiss her perfect lips once again. Then he rolled to his side and fell flat on his back. “....wow” he mumbled against the skin of her shoulder.
Mercedes laid back catching her breath. She closed her eyes, her body still tingling all over. She swallowed hard as her eyes drew closed. "We really need to do that again." she slurred.
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samcedesvegas · 4 years
Samuel Dwight Evans | 25 | Actor | - Chord Overstreet
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Silas Evans | 52 | Accountant | - Neal McDonough
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Mary Ann Evans | 50 | Teacher | - Michelle Pfeiffer
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Stacey Evans | 21 | Barista | -Chloe G. Moretz
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Steven Evans | 21 | Musician | -Dylan Sprouse
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samcedesvegas · 4 years
Jones Family
Mercedes Ari Jones, Singer, Actress- 30 || Born 11/19
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Richard Jones (Jason Winston) Top Ranking Plastic Surgeon.
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Amelia Jones (Chandra Wilson) Criminal Lawyer
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Marcus Jones (Jordan Calloway) Running Back for Seattle SeaHawks. Single || 27
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samcedesvegas · 4 years
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Movie Set || Samcedes || Mercedes Trailer
Mercedes Jones made her way onto the set, today was the first table read for her new Romance Comedy, which she was thrilled about. She had cameos and guest star spots. Even as a supporting actress in a blockbuster hit but to be the Leading Lady in her own movie, that was huge. Acting wasn't her first love but it was a fun distraction. She was fresh off her Every Woman Tour and ready to work.
Walking into the big conference room, she and her Manager/Best Friend Tina were the first ones there. Taking off her sunglasses and smoothing down her purple and pink tie dye Jersey Dress she sighed. "Still can't believe we are here. We are doing this." Tina smiled. "Well you are ready, you know your lines, and your co star is pretty hot right now." 
Mercedes took her seat and grabbed her script looking back over it. "Yeah well hot and a playboy doesn't really make you a great actor now does it? But I won't judge..." She lied she totally would judge him, she knew his reputation. All men were dogs, period. And that included her dog of an ex who dumped her and got right with a groupie. Jackass.
Reluctantly, Sam Evans spent the latter part of his evening indulging in countless free shots of tequila. He felt like crap but luckily his bloodshot eyes were hidden behind dark Ray Bans. He pulled the hot coffee cup away from his lips, regretting how much he seemed to indulge in the perks of his newfound fame last night.
From the rural plains of Tennessee to sunny Los Angeles, Sam could finally say he made it. Where he was from, not many people did. It was either a nine to five at the piggly wiggly, prison, or a grave. There was no in between in that small town. Sam had played his fair share of smaller roles but this was the one. His entire team was sure of it. So, he was going to make sure no one knew how hungover he was. Especially not his beautiful songstress of a co-star. The last thing he wanted was to make a bad first impression on her.
Mercedes felt her phone vibrate, another photo of her ex Gabriel Norris with another female. The Quarterback was certainly enjoying being single. She rolled her eyes as she glanced up watching people filed inside, they were supposed to be "mingling" to get to know each other. Personally Mercedes wasn't really looking forward to it. She put the script down as Tina told her to be nice and moved over to her costars. Their conversations though, were not what she wanted to be a part of. 
Her "best friend" in the movie was played by Jane Hayward, a lesser known actress but from what she heard, the girl was good. Not wanting to interrupt their riveting conversation about the best bars, she turned to see her love interest Sam Evans standing alone. Walking over to him she extended her hand. "I guess we are working together." she said a little more flat than she intended.
The room full of people gave Sam a small inkling of anxiety. This wasn’t his first rodeo, he’d done a host of tv sitcoms and supporting acting roles before but this was his first leading role. That made him nervous as hell. But he was an actor so it was easy for him to paint on the brave face. After all that was his area of expertise. This was the moment he worked his entire career for and he wasn’t going to ruin it by being a complete spaz. 
“Guess we are.” He smiled extending his own hand to meet hers. Again, he was trying not to be a spaz but he couldn’t contain his excitement. He’d been around his fair share of celebrities but none as famous as Mercedes Jones. A force to be reckoned with in the music industry. Sam would shamelessly admit to having heard every one of her albums, even the ones from her girl group days. Didn’t hurt that she was also easy on the eyes. In his words...smoking hot. “Pleasure is all mine m’lady.”
Mercedes had to admit, the casting director did a great job at casting Sam. He had the look that was for sure. Tall, handsome, sexy, if she was into that kinda thing and at the moment she was not. He would get the girls and let's not be biased guys in just off his looks alone and she would have her own fanbase so as long as they did their part and gave a great performance the movie should do well. If Twilight could do it then so could they.
However the moment he spoke she understood why people called him a playboy. Those green eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses inside gave off a sense of coolness why his accent and tone would drive a woman crazy, yes he was a playboy and she would not be played by him. She pulled her hand away and nodded. "We should probably make a schedule to see if we can run lines together. Make this process as painless as possible."
A lady who was about her business, Sam could definitely appreciate that. The women that seemed to keep him company as of late were all either brainless supermodels or dense socialites that wanted nothing more than the perfect photo op.  Be seen on his arm and boost their own careers. Not saying he got nothing out of it, he was a man with needs of course. But this was certainly a breath of fresh air. A woman of substance. But he was going to hold off on the questions about her girl group breakup. Those questions had been lingering around in his head for years.
“Oh sure, but I’m totally not good with numbers, dates, and all that junk so I’ll follow your lead.” As they took their seats, Sam couldn’t help but admire her natural curves. In fact he was pretty obvious with his glaring. “So what made you wanna’ jump into my world? I mean it’s not like you need the gig. You’re already one hell of a star.” He complimented hoping it’d gain him some brownie points. Plus a little harmless flirting never hurt anyone...right?
Mercedes took her seat glancing at her script, they would be starting in about ten minutes and she was ready to get it over with. As Sam started to speak again she was at first appreciative that he wouldn't be that hard to work with, but then his next words caused her to roll her eyes. "His world"? was he serious? There went another person who felt because she had been singing for the last 15 years that she couldn't possibly act as well. What did people think Music videos were?
"Well gosh I guess I figured if brainless oafs could do it why should I give it a try?" She said annoyed. "Just because I am a singer, doesn't mean I don't have talent, because I do. I am a damn great actress and I earned this part. So don't go thinking I got it because I know the director or some bull like that!" she hissed.
“Whoa, whoa...I wasn’t saying that. I know you’re talented as hell. I’ve been following your career since I was a kid. Ever since Cinderella, I’ve been a fan. Sorry I wasn’t trying to offend you. Just curious is all.” Crap he was ruining his chances before they even started. Was it wrong that her sassiness kinda sorta turned him on? She was hot, she was feisty, and the woman knew how to speak up for herself. How could Sam not like that.
Taking a deep breath he began looking over his lines as well, dialing it back a bit. So clearly she wasn’t fond of his charm which wasn’t to be expected, but a decent man always knew how to bounce back. “What I meant was, what made you wanna’ do a movie? I mean your career in music is far better than anyone here. Didn’t think you needed anything like this.”
A fan. Great, not only was she stuck with the playboy of L.A. he was a fan. This was the man who was rumored to sleep with every female he worked with. They did a spread and then he made them spread, their legs. And Mercedes was not about to be a notch on his belt. She may have been dating a Quarterback but she was not easy, she prided herself on her reputation. Sam was bad business for her good girl image.
She cleared her throat turning towards him. "Lets just clear this up right now. I am not going to sleep with you. I took this job because I am a sucker for romance. This story where boy and girl fall in love but realize it too late, it's a beautiful love story about second chances. Yes you are hot which makes my job easier and your accent...well whatever but make no mistake the closest you are gonna come to getting between my legs, is the fake sex scenes we have on screen."
Sam was undoubtedly captivated by the songstress. The way she protested, yet still managed to acknowledge how hot he was extremely gratifying. As humble as he was with his career, his ego when it came to women was a whole lot bigger. Now he wasn’t the “womanizer” the media painted him out to be. Sam Evans was actually the biggest sweetheart. He didn’t get a kick out of smashing and dashing. He was a stand up guy. The man just enjoyed the company of women, was that such a bad thing?
“Look Mercedes, I in no way plan on getting between those beautiful legs of yours...unless you want me to. I know the tabloids can kinda make me seem like a player but that just ain’t true. I just crush a lot.” He chuckled hoping his little joke would lighten the mood. Of course he was attracted to Mercedes, how could he not be? She was fine, confident, and had a whole lot of attitude. “Seriously though, I want you to feel completely comfortable with me. So although it’ll be hard not to, I’ll dial back the flirting and keep this thing strictly business.”
Everything that came out of Sam's mouth was trouble. He was definitely a smooth talking player, but right now she was immune to him. No matter how hot he was and no matter what his accent was doing to her. She rolled her eyes at his comment. "Cute." she said going back to her script, this was going to be a long night.
The table read was not bad once they got started, they read through it fairly quickly, and even though Sam seemed like a player, he was a good actor, she could give him that. The last few days were met with getting acquainted, with getting their trailers and revisions, with trying her best to not let Sam know he was getting to her. She asked him to meet her in her trailer so they could go over the revision of the first scene they were shooting. It was a love scene that she was both regretting but looking forward to.  Wearing a white and pink sundress she threw her hair up into a messy buy and put her glasses on going over the script and making sure she knew her new lines.
Sam had the paper with his lines clutched in hand as he walked across the studio lot to meet Mercedes in her trailer. He already had most of his lines memorized but he still jumped at the chance to have someone on one time with Mercedes. Even if they were just handling business. He actually enjoyed being around her. She was funny, quick witted, and kept him on his toes. Not to mention her smile. It did something to him. That smile could light up an entire room.
Sam did a quick breath check in his hand and ate a couple breath mints to be safe. He took a deep breath before knocking on the trailer door and awaiting Mercedes' answer. In the meantime he began doing his daily mouth exercises to loosen up his lips. Just in case she wanted to have a few practice runs at the steamy kiss on page three.
Mercedes closed her eyes going over the lines and then opening to see if she got them right. She was on a roll when she heard someone knock. Knowing it was Sam, she cleared her throat moving to the couch and smoothing her dress. "Girl stop! He's just a coworker, get over it." She shook it off reaching down and grabbing a piece of gum. "Come in." She said pushing her glasses up and going back to the script. She did not like Sam Evans; he was a playboy who she was not gonna fall for. Plus she was on a men detox.
Sam let himself in once he heard her voice from the other side of the door. Keep it cool he thought to himself as he closed the door behind him. Mercedes made it very clear that nothing would happen between them beyond what was written in the script but for some reason Sam felt differently.  To him there was already an undeniable chemistry between them. He just had to get her to see it. In due time. “So where do you want me?”
Looking towards Sam she smiled softly. "You can sit next to me, we are filming page three tonight so we might as well make sure we know what we are doing. So let's get right to it." She opened her script to the page, just in case. "So remember these two are talking about love and life, looking out at the stars, they both broke up with their partners and are consoling each other."
She closed her eyes getting into the headspace. Opening her eyes she got into character. "You ever wonder if anyone in this world can truly be happy? I thought so...once, but now i am divorced and raising my son on my own, and I don't think it's possible."
Sam took his seat next to Mercedes and settled in comfortably. He placed the sheet with his lines on the table in front of them and turned to her. As she began her lines Sam kept his own rolling around in his head. Because of his dyslexia, reading off paper was never his thing.  Luckily for him, he had the memory of an elephant so his strategy was to memorize and it usually worked for him. When he wasn’t staring at his co-worker.
“Crap wait, I screwed up. Start over.” He nervously shuffled as Mercedes repeated her line. Then a complete one-eighty. Sam transformed into Ryder Stone in that very moment. “I know they can. I felt it for years...my Isabel made me believe in love. After I lost her I still felt grateful that I got to experience true happiness in the first place. I keep that with me always.”
To say Mercedes was underwhelmed was an understatement,  though once he started again, she could see him getting into character so she continued her lines as Brooklyn Myers. "Yeah but what you and she had, it was raw and passionate. Nate and I never had that and I suppose that's why it didn't work out. Hey, maybe if I followed you to school and not went on my own path we would have gotten together." She said as she laughed softly, looking past Sam as if really seeing their past and future. "I don't regret my son I never could, but I regret his dad. He never truly loved me, and now I wonder if anyone besides my family ever could." She glanced at Sam longingly before looking down to her hands, as per the script.
She was really good, not that it was surprising to him or anything. From the few short days that he’d known her she was always on top of her game. This was clearly no different. Sam reached out and titled Mercedes’ chin up with his index finger, following the script. “Maybe stop looking so far and stop thinking so hard. Nate was a prick and he didn’t deserve a good girl like you.” Their eyes were now locked on each other’s as Sam stroked his thumb against the smooth skin of her chin...not in the script. A strange flutter happened in his stomach. They were acting but for some reason he was really into it. Really really into it.
Mercedes' eyes met his, his word delivery was impressive and he was improvising which was working, maybe a little more than it should since she was melting against his touch. Eyes never leaving his she continued. "I am a thinker, you dream and I am practical. It's why we are best friends why we work. Why I love you." She said softly. "If the one man I thought loved me didn't deserve me, then who does?"
His eyes never left hers, it was like they were staring into one another’s souls. At first he wasn’t completely sure about the role but he definitely felt connected to the character now. “Maybe a man who’s been right in front of you all along. One who’s always been in your corner right or wrong.“ He paused before delivering his next line. “Brooklyn what if it’s us that’s meant to be? Has that ever crossed your mind?” He cupped her cheek lovingly, his face serious but soft at the same time.
She started at him for a moment letting it seem she was taking his words seriously. "Us?" She looked away from him, pulling away and standing. Thank goodness her trailer was basically a  mini house so they could move freely. "I'm not-" she wrapped her arms around herself as the script said, since it was a cold night. "You don't have to pity me Ryder.  I know Isabel was the love of your life and we all know you only get one."
He quickly got up meeting her in the center of the trailer floor. His arm resting on the small of her back. “Pitty? Never. Don’t you get what I’m trying to say? Brooklyn I love you...as more than just my best friend” He slowly turned her around to face him again. He stopped momentarily really getting into character. He had to because the next line called for his lips to meet hers. “Yes, I loved Isabel and I always will. But she’d want me to be happy. You’re that for me...” without hesitation he went in for the kiss.
Mercedes knew his hand on her back was coming, but what she wasn't prepared for was the way it made her feel. She closed her eyes gathering her bearings as he spoke. He turned her towards him and she stared up at him. She knew the kiss was coming, but she figured they would stop beforehand. She wasn't prepared for him kissing her. Even more so she wasn't prepared for the way it made her feel. She had to pull away before a moan hit her lips. "Umm okay, that was great but the kiss. It really needs work." She liked moving away from him.
Sam was taken aback because he was so sure that his kissing skills were definitely on point. He damn sure wasn’t expecting that reclamation but he was a man of pride. He wasn’t going to let her see him sweat. Removing his hand from her back, he shoved them into his pockets. “Please you know it was good.” He started with a smug smile on his lips. “You were really good though. Somebody’s been practicing their lines. A proud co-star.” He winked before plopping down on her couch. “So you wanna run it again? Or you think you’re good?”
There it was, that smugness that annoyed her. Nate had it and now she saw Sam did and she couldn't stand it. Turning towards him she folded her arms across her chest. She was gonna let him off the hook because yes she did enjoy the kiss but he was asking for it so she broke it down. It was good, not mind blowing. "Good? Your technique was sloppy, delivery was weak and F.Y.I. you don't have to use that much tongue right away. You wanna make her beg for more." She moved to her fridge and grabbed a water bottle. "And of course I am really good. Mercedes Jones doesn't do mediocre."
She was faking hard and Sam knew it. However, he was going to let her have her moment. Clearly she needed it. He had the best lips in town, who wouldn’t wanna’ kiss em? “Damn...that’s pretty harsh. But I’m a strong man, I can take a little constructive criticism.” He nodded with confidence. “So Uhh...what are you doing after this. A couple of us are going out for food and drinks. Y’know mingling and all that junk. You wanna tag along?”
She knew he didn't believe her and for good reason but for some reason she just couldn't get behind him being that cocky. It oozed off him like a stench and she wasn't here for it. "Can you? Cause it seems to me you are a man with a huge ego who can't possibly imagine a woman not wanting him. News Flash, you are not God's gift to women." She shook her head. "No I am good. I wanna run my lines a few more times." 
She turned from him but stopped; she wanted to further prove her point and maybe kiss him just once more. "And by the way, this is how you give a mind blowing kiss." She said moving towards him and pulling him towards her. Her lips met his in a soft kiss at first and then deepened it pushing him against the wall as her arms wrapped around his neck. Her tongue swiped across his bottom lip before she took his lower lip and nipped it gently before pulling away and stepping back. "That is how you give a memorable kiss."
Indeed the kiss was very memorable, no denying that.  Sam swore he’d lay off the flirting but he couldn’t help himself. That’s just the way he was around pretty ladies. But by the way she was shutting him down maybe she just really wasn’t interested. 
He was fine with that. He wasn’t a pusher and he damn sure didn’t want to pressure her, that wasn’t his style. If anything were to happen between them he wanted it to be mutual. “I can stay here too and run lines, drinks will always be there. Plus I sorta wanna get this scene right. Since my kissing is so weak and mediocre.” He chuckled.
Mercedes watched him for a moment. Then moved back. "Fine if you really wanna get this right then let's go. But look it wasn’t bad it's just. You rushed in there like a preteen having his first kiss, not like a man in love who knows this kiss, this kiss is gonna determine if she loves him back. Ryder is putting everything on the line with this kiss. She stands in front of him. "Like this." She clears her throat.  “Yes, I loved Isabel and I always will. But she’d want me to be happy. You’re that for me...” her hand went to his face, softly holding it there as she leaned in. "I love you." She improvised as she kissed him softly, gradually growing deeper. Then pulled away. "Now you try."
His blood was rushing to places and quick.  Sam was lost in the kiss, so much so that he hadn't even noticed that she pulled away. He slowly opened his eyes and let out a breathless "Damn". That was the only way to properly describe the kiss from Mercedes. Though he was pretty sure nothing was wrong with his kiss before. He had to admit though, she was a damn good kisser. He cleared his throat and shook his shoulders as he repeated his lines once more and mimicked Mercedes' actions, except this time he fully committed. He dipped her back, planting a feverish kiss to her lips. "Hmm how about that?" he asked, lifting her back up.
Mercedes smirked hearing his response. Yeah she was good, and that kiss was fire. She stood back waiting for him and yeah the kiss was great but he still wasn't getting it. "Sam, now you are just over doing it, you need to connect with Ryder. With why he loves her. He's her best friend, she was always there for him and he knows he can depend on her, forever. Every touch and action proves that. It's a touch during a kiss." She said touching his face. "Now try it again but be in love."
Huffing under his breath  he closed his eyes. He liked the way Mercedes seemed to push him. Was it because she saw his potential? Or maybe she was just as happy to keep kissing him as he was with her. Either way Sam had no complaints. “Yes, I loved Isabel and I always will. But she’d want me to be happy. You’re that for me...” He placed a hand softly on her cheek, caressing her soft skin. His eyes stayed locked on hers as he stared intensely. Her lips were in view and he just went for it. Pulling her face inches from his, he closed his eyes letting his lips work their magic.
Mercedes waited for Sam to start again, and was pleasantly surprised at the way he looked, the way he spoke. His hand on her cheek sent shivers up and down her spine, and his kiss proved that with a little work, Sam could make the most of his talents. His kiss, this kiss was amazing. It took everything in her not to go weak in the knees but she couldn't help herself wanting more. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer.
Sam wasn’t expecting for Mercedes to match his energy but she did. It took everything in him to break away, not even realizing his hands had fallen to her hips. “When we shoot that scene on Monday, the entire cast in crew are gonna’ be in awe. Totally gonna crush it.” He winked. “Now if you’ll excuse me I think you took off all my chapstick with that last one.” He joked as he pulled his hands off of her with a smile.
Mercedes let her hands fall, shocked at her actions, not missing a stride she shook her head with a smile. "Yeah, considering that I acted my ass off and you improved, I think they are gonna be shocked at your improvement." She teased. She walked over to her water and took a sip. "Do you want some water?"
Sam nodded as Mercedes supplies him with some water. Much needed for the amount of times they ran that kissing even. If she hadn’t made it clear that she had no intentions on falling for his charm, he would be pretty sure that she liked him. Maybe not on a deep level but the chemistry was undeniable. “You sure that was all acting?” He teased as he fanned himself. “Because woo! I’m impressed if so.”
Mercedes rolled her eyes going back to her water and sitting on the sofa. "Trust me you will know if I liked you. A real kiss from me, a real true Mercedes Jones kiss, it'll leave you speechless, it will make you lose all train of thought other than wanting to kiss me again." She said staring at him.
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