sams-town-studies · 6 years
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Day 98/100 - 19/12/18
I’m the only one left in the lab after class… I don’t understand why my code isn’t working T.T 
I need to leave soon though since I’m meeting someone for lunch but I hope I can get this working later or I might have to go to uni tomorrow for the helpdesks…
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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3/01/2018 - Since it is  the beginning of a new year and I finished all the pages from my bullet journal the 31st of December (what a coincidence, right?) I was thinking about posting some pics of the  migration, so here it is some of the monthly pages and collections I’m gonna keep on this new notebook 😁! Also, it’s my first time with a lined notebook, so let’s see how it goes.
Como por fin hemos empezado el nuevo año y justo me coincidió terminar mi BuJo el último día de 2017, he querido hacer un post con las fotos de las páginas que voy a mantener en este nuevo. Es la primera vez que uso una libreta rayada para esto después de varias libretas en blanco, así que a ver cómo me va.
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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My study space.ft.calendar printable from @emmastudies and my lovely tiny minion
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
Masterlist of Bullet Journal Ideas
I was going to post images with each listing, but 100 pictures on one Tumblr post was quite a task. So, if you’d like to see examples of any of these, I am adding them to my Pinterest Board which can be found [here].
1. Books To Read- Color them in as you go! Or make a fun list of them and check them off one at a time. 
2. All About Me- Make doodles of things you love, add quotes, draw yourself!
3. Future Log- There are so many ways to make this page. Please do some research to see which would work best for you
4. Movies To Watch- Pretty self-explanatory, but there are many ways to do this page too
5. Skills To Learn- Jot down all the things you want to learn
6. Important Numbers and Addresses- In case of emergency of course. Also, be careful what you put in this part for your own privacy reasons
7. Year In Pixels- Honestly, one of my favorite pages
8. Fonts, Banners, and Frame Ideas- For practice and to choose from when you are having trouble being creative
9. Snail Mail Log- Keeping a list of people who you want to send letters to
10. Savings Tracker- It’s always fun to see how much you have saved up
11. TV Series Tracker- Keep track of all the shows you still need to binge
12. Monthly Challenges- I know I haven’t been helpful with this lately, but you can always search for challenges on my page
13. Music Playlists- A list of songs that describe you, your goals, things you love, etc. 
14. Timeline of Your Life- This was hard for me to make. My life isn’t all that exciting
15. Inspiration Page- Fill it with quotes, pictures, memories, etc. 
16. Self-Care List/Ideas- I posted many lists like this on my Pinterest if you want more ideas
17. Monthly/Yearly Memories- Look back on all the good and bad things that you’ve gotten over and endured. 
18. Sleep Tracker- See how many hours you get each night. This also works well when paired with number 7. 
19. Me Time Log- Keep track of how many hours you spend with yourself. We all need to learn to love on ourselves a little more. 
20. Tiny Adventures- Go out of your comfort zone and go on some tiny adventures like reading in public, talking to a stranger, giving people compliments, etc. 
21. Word Tracker- For those who are writers who like to procrastinate
22. Daily To-Do List- This can be done on your weekly pages or you can make a page specifically for daily sticky notes. 
23. Blog Post Ideas- Got an idea, but you’re not at your computer or have what you need for your post? WRITE IT DOWN
24. Fitness Log- Keep track of how much and when you work out or stretch or do yoga or and of those fun physical activities. 
25. Food Log- If you’re trying to lose weight or just get healthy or just want to track your food intake for fun, this is for you! 
26. Meal Prep- I love how cute and helpful these pages can be. 
27. Gift Lists- Ever see something and say to yourself, “Man, ____ would really like that”? Keep a list of things people would like so that you don’t worry about it when it comes to holiday time or birthdays. 
28. Grocery Lists- Every time I go shopping, I forget something because I didn’t write it down. 
29. Goals- Oh, yes! It’s 2018. We need some goals. Monthly, weekly, daily, YEARLY. Just get some goals and aim for them. 
30. Recipes To Try- I see nice recipes all the time on Facebook, but I never think about them again after I keep scrolling. It’s bad. 
31. Daily Affirmations- Give yourself some compliments and some emotional support
32. Business Plan- Make yourself a good businesswoman or businessman or businessperson in 2018. You got this. 
33. Birthdays- Keep track of all those important people in your life that need to be remembered on their special day. 
34. Work Hour Log- Sometimes we don’t keep track of all the things we get paid for. Actual work, babysitting, photography jobs, writing jobs, pet sitting, house sitting, etc. 
35. Wishlists- Not so you can #treatyourself, but so that you can make note of things you really want. 
36. Gratitude Log- It’s always good to have a moment of gratitude with yourself. Make it a monthly challenge if you need to!
37. Quotes- Your own, friend quotes, celebrity quotes, author quotes, and lyrics. 
38. Illustrations and Doodles- Doodling helps you keep your mind fresh and ready to react quickly to situations. 
39. Jokes- Your own, ones you heard, ones you read, etc. 
40. New Discoveries and Interesting Facts- Find a new interesting fact? How about that lemonade is basically Sprite in almost any other country than America?
41. Travel Log- Places you want to go! There are so many ways to do this, so look up different versions before starting!
42. Family and Friend Favorites- Their favorite colors, animals, stores, places, hobbies, etc. 
43. DIY Projects- Things you want to try out someday. 
44. Chore List- Keep track of when you do your chores so that your house doesn’t become disgusting or dusty. 
45. Bucketlist- What do you want to do before graduation, moving out, marriage, having kids, etc. 
46. Story Ideas- I always come up with story ideas and then when I sit down to write them, I blank. 
47. Period Log- For people with periods that have many PMS symptoms or even PMDD symptoms. This is a great way to show your doctor all of the things you go through each cycle. 
48. Words That Make You Happy- Silly words, ugly words, words that are fun to say, etc. 
49. Things That Make You Happy- People, places, and things. 
50. Monthly Habits- Water intake, cleaning, bathing, exercising, reading, etc. 
51. Story Titles- This can be titles for books, short stories, poems, or just nice sounding titles for anything. 
52. Made Up Words- I make myself laugh with all the words I make up on the daily. 
53. Follower Counter- This page keeps me inspired to keep doing what I love. 
54. Index- Always have an index for easy access to the pages you want to find. 
55. Icons- Sometimes we need to have icons to make our pages pretty. Sometimes we make too many icons and never use them (me). 
56. Packing List- For those who travel often or stay at friends’ houses more than our own, it’s good not to forget the things we need. 
57. Morning Routines- Our bodies need routines for mornings to get us ready for the day. 
58. Nightly Routines- Our bodies need routines for nights to prepare us for sleep. (see what I did there?)
59. Weight Tracker- If you’re struggling with your weight, keep a chart tracker or add your daily weight to your calendar. 
60. Pen Test Page- If you get new pens, highlighters, or markers, its best to test them out before using them. 
61. Brain Dump- Sometimes we just need to jot down ideas or thoughts. It’s okay if they don’t make sense. 
62. Spending Log- Keep track of what you spend because you might need that someday. 
63. Water Tracker- HYDRATE
64. Habit Tracker Reward System- This is something I came up with myself, so if you have questions, message me!
65. Name Lists (For Babies and Stories)- Keep a list of cool names for characters or even future babies. 
66. Looking Forward To…- Birthdays, holidays, raises, pay days, vacations, etc. 
67. Compliment Lists- Make a list of your go-to compliments, your favorite ones people have given you, etc. 
68. Level 10 Life- Please look up what this is before jumping into it!
69. Pet Care Log- Keep track of how much you do with your pets. Walks, play time, park time, play dates, baths, etc. 
70. Achievements- What have you done that you are proud of?
71. Weekly Log- Keep track of your week. This is one of the most used pages in any bullet journal honestly. 
72. Monthly Log- Another overly used page in any bullet journal. Very important. 
73. Daily Log- I don’t do this too often, but I know it helps others who really need a whole page for each day. 
74. Bill Tracker- This was fun to make and something I will be using now
75. Income Tracker- How much and how frequently do you get paid?
76. Deadline Page- Prepare yourself for things that you need to get done. Do not procrastinate this year!
77. Vocabulary Practice- Sometimes we just need to educate ourselves on our own terms. (and with our own terms. Anyone? Anyone?)
78. Doctor Appointment Log- If you don’t want to add them to your calendar or they are too far out to add to the calendar you’re using. 
79. Username and Password List- Be careful with this page. If someone finds your bullet journal, this could be bad. 
80. Monthly Cover Page- These are so cute! I just started doing them, but they make my journal so artsy and pretty. 
81. Dream Log- This is a fun one. Track your dreams. This would be good to line up with how many hours you get as well. 
82. Favorites List- What are YOUR favorites? Movies, snacks, drinks, subjects, people, colors, animals, etc. 
83. Habits To Break- Do you bite your nails? Quote The Office too much? Throw clothes into piles on your floor? STOP THAT. 
84. Small Things That Matter- Puppies, getting up in the morning, pennies, smiling at yourself, laughter, etc. Remind yourself that there is good in the world. 
85. Things To Sell- Get rid of the things you don’t need. Or make things to sell! Be prosperous this year. 
86. School Schedule- High school and college students really need this. Even teachers do too. Make a chart of your classes, room numbers, buildings, and times.
87. House Projects- Things that need fixing or improvements around the house. 
88. Day Trip Ideas- Fun places to go when you have the time. 
89. Things I Am Bad At- It’s okay to admit our shortcomings and work on them. Or just accept them for what they are. 
90. Resolutions- YES! Make yourself this better this year. Be the best you. 
91. Crochet/Knit Log- When making a blanket, small items, or just keeping track of your improvements in your skill. 
92. Future Planning- Make a list of the things you want in your future and how you plan on getting them. 
93. Quirk List- Ever notice you do small little weird things? Make a list to appreciate who you are. 
94. Who Borrowed What- Sometimes people borrow things and you forget until you need it again. By then, they threw it out or gave it to someone else. 
95. Six Word Stories- Get those creative juices pumping. 
96. Love Yourself- Write down all the things you love about yourself. Appreciate yourself. 
97. Paying It Back- Honestly, a good page to have, but it doesn’t get much attention from me. 
98. Childhood Dreams- We should always try to look back on what we thought we wanted
99. Good Deed Ideas- Ever think “wow, wouldn’t it be great if I could _____”?
100. Mind Mapping- There are a few reasons I really enjoy this, but it really helps me get my thoughts and ideas out more easily
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
ya know what I want to see more of in the study/bujo community
I want to see more dark photos.
I want to see more photos with diverse, colourful, and interesting backgrounds.
I want to see more notes written in ballpoint
I want to see more of the rushed bujo pages made because you didn’t have time to do it but didn’t want to have that week missing from your journal
I want to see more in-class notes, the notes you took before you re-wrote them to make them “post worthy”
I want to see more messy desks. The aftermatch of journaling and studying
I want to see more wooden desks, more desks that aren’t white, more desks covered in coffee rings and paint splats
I want to see more on the fly photos
And I’m not writing this because I want to support “small accounts” or “poor study accounts” I want to see it because I’m sick of every single post looking the same as the one I saw last. I’m tired of accounts with amazing content not getting the growth they deserve because their photos aren’t overexposed on white desks. I want to see it because it stands out, it’s different, and I like it.
So many accounts quit before they even get started because of the precedent that you have to have expensive stationery and stark white photos to grow and make an impact. Because they don’t feel they can live up to the expectations of the community. And that makes me really sad.
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
The end of pop-ups and interstitials
Broken and/or unconventional grid layouts
Return of the serifs
Animations that don’t distract
Sharp gradients
Diagonal section breaks
Rounded corners have been brought back to life
Bright and bold color schemes
Interactive storytelling
Split screen design on desktop
Emergence of Brutalism
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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I was asked by an anon for calligraphy tips, and I decided to make a full on tutorial about how I make (the fanciest version of) my headers! Please tag me with #yoanxue to let me know you’ve used this, and have fun ☺
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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How to use a bullet journal, student’s edition
I’ve been using a bujo for a year now, and as a high school student, I was struggling to incorporate my bujo into my studies, aka organising my homework and stuff. Before starting a bullet journal I was using a day to day diary where I wrote down all my homework and exams. As I switched to the bujo, I was so happy to have this productivity-boosting tool, yet I couldn’t figure out how I could write down my school-related dates and assignments on my bujo, since it is not designed for long-term planning. So here are the tips I figured out through time (and a lot of studyblr scrolling hehe) on how to use a bujo as a student! Enjoy ^^
1. Have a Semester/trimester/year overview of your school/uni year
This is so far the best tip for long-term planning in your studies. With an overview of your school/uni weeks, it is very easy to jot down exam dates, deadlines, conferences and stuff. 
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It’s very useful when you are given, at the beginning of your school year, the planning of exams. You can easily jot down the dates and subjects of each exam in this calendar.
You can also add vacations, public holidays and weekends. I also like to highlight the days already gone so that at the end of the school year, I’ll feel the joy of highlighting the last day of school ^^
2. Weekly spreads and assignments columns
This is essential if you want to incorporate your bullet journal with study planning. 
It consists of having one column of your page, the weekly assignments overview, dedicated to only writing homework, assignments and upcoming tests. The other part of your weekly spread consists of your usual daily logs. Here are some of my weekly spreads as an example (shoutout to @studypunked for the inspo)
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As you can see in the pics, the left column is used solely for writing down my homework and tests.
I also like to add some decorations and pictures to give a bit of life to those weekly spreads.
I also added a month overview and a sleep log each week, but this is personal: you can become creative about how you want your weekly spreads to be.
I usually pre-do these weekly spreads for school weeks after a vacation so that if the teachers give an assignment due in a week or two, I already have the homework column of the due week prepared in advance. When I don’t have school (aka during vacations), I don’t make a weekly spread. I just do my dailies linearly.
3. Useful collections for school
I also like to have some pages of my bullet journal dedicated to other elements related to school:
Homework to do during the holidays:
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My grade averages:
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A spread dedicated to the list of things I had to do for UK uni application and school during last summer:
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And so on… you can get creative and it also depends on your needs for school. 
So here it is! This setup worked really well for my senior year and I will definitely continue to use it for university. 
I hope this post was useful :)
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
15 things I tell myself when I don't want to work/study
1. You are very lucky and privileged to have access to almost unlimited knowledge and you should appreciate that. 2. Be one of those rare people who step over their insecurities and succeed. 3. Only 5 minutes. Only today. (Repeat it 5 minutes later and every day). 4. You will know what to do as soon as you start. Ideas never appear from inactivity. 5. Make yourself proud. 6. One hour every day doesn’t feel much but it’s 365 hours a year. You can’t not succeed after so much work. 7. It’s not supposed to be easy. Nothing good is easy. 8. If you had a child to look after, you’d make them study because you want them to accomplish something. Don’t you love yourself? 9. “Everything you want is on the other side of fear” George Adair 10. Every mistake increases our chance to make progress. 11. If you give up now, you’ll have to return to this later anyway but from the very beginning. 12. Let the process be your result. 13. Every moment you thought your fears would suppress you has become the time you made it. 14. Maybe you think you can never find something to use your skills and mindset for. But if you continue investing in what matters to you, it will find its way out there. 15. I allow you to think globally. You have a right to the boldest dream.
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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June 12 - 18
Celebrating Pride Month and in preparation for a new novel.
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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Notes, notes and more notes today. I am drowning in paper.
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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-ap lit hamlet annotations from forever ago-
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
you’re so bright, intelligent, driven. even if you don’t see it yourself - you’re the sun, the moon and the stars. and now take a deep breath and do this. you can.
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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061117 so no one told you life was gonna be this way?
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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07.06.17 // 13:21 A photo of my to-do list this week. I really like this layout. Also, I had my last exam yesterday! 3 years and 32 exams later, I’ve finally graduated uni! So here’s the question: what do studyblrs do when they finish studying??
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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05.06.17 Some math notes from my studygram (nehrdstudiess) 🎧 Listening to: Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
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sams-town-studies · 7 years
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I finally bought a planner for this year 😊
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