sapererude-blog · 12 years
oh hai
I haven't logged onto tumblr in forever...and though I have a lot of shit to write about I'm worried about my privacy, which sucks because I only like type writing. Fuck long hand. I don't really know what to do now, because I need to write, even if no one reads this, I just need to get things out of my mind, its like therapy. 
Unfortunately I spent waaay too much time with a total psycho that insisted on infiltrating my private blogs and interrogating me about every little minute detail...in doing so losing a blog I had worked on for eight years. Eights years of my life hilariously documented deleted. 
This is why writing on the internet has lost its ambiance. That and the fact that everything you write last forever, and unless you want some twerp stealing your words you have to somehow stamp it as your own. It's pretty obvious I will never be President, but maybe someday I will be parent, or have potential to be the CEO of some major thing and something I said when I was 25 the only thing harming that. 
So...maybe I should actually start writing. 
Also, when did Beach House get so fucking pretentious? 
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
La Phaze - (01) Pas de Répit [Fin de Cycle]
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
Bikini Kill - Reject All American (1996) - Full Album 
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
Axl por vida
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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I'm just going to leave this painful picture of fucked up teeth here. Pro tip: Floss.
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
Giant asses + Confessions better off silent
Last night I took mushrooms and aimlessly took pictures of stupid shit with a few friends. I haven't taken mushrooms in years but threw caution to the wind and decided to have some fun. I somehow forgot that mushrooms do little to nothing for me save maybe some additional relaxation of the mouth because I ended up talking philosophical shit all night. 
It was first friday, a monthly event Phoenix adopted over a decade ago, supposedly laying down a common ground between art freaks and potential buyers. This literally used to be a holiday for me, and several years ago was legitimately fun however last night's streets were filled with police, homeland security and loads of unnecessary sweaters. My friends were taking forever doing nothing, so dehydrated and on mushrooms I decided to embark on first friday solo, hoping to find something new and interesting. It ended up being super boring. I did run into some people I use to know, which was nice, but I was relieved to catch back up with my group. 
The art was pretty bad. Well, not bad bad, but basic. Like stock art. I don't know, everything seemed so processed and copied.
One of my friends has a balcony hanging over a main street where this art festival is, so we spent a fair amount of time drinking and talking to random strangers, even collecting a few, making our group even bigger. Things were feeling fine, until half of the party wanted to bar crawl and the other half wanted to stay on the patio. I'm naturally pretty impatient and wanted to get out there and talk to people, especially since I LOVE talking to people when I've consumed poisonous fungi. We finally walked over to this little bar where this god awful band played and everyone just kind of went off and did their own thing. I was stuck behind with a guy who was obsessed with me for a solid year and some mysterious guy who candidly told me I was sexy. 
Obsession is one of those things that make me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon. I feel so awkward being friends with guys I have no interest in yet they insist on reminding me how much they obsess about me. I feel bad, because this guy in particular isn't bad looking and is genuinely nice. I'm constantly trying to find new ways to offend and disgust him, and during an awkward walk to film bar I noticed he started giving me the moon eyes. I knew I had to act fast, I could feel a heart to nothing conversation coming, easily three years in the making. 
I kept bringing up idle conversation about periods, the weather, awful stories about  poop and the lightrail but I couldn't shake him. Dude thought this stroll would be a swell time to inform me that I was his FIRST LOVE. Like, at 26, I was his FIRST MOTHER FUCKING LOVE. I tried so hard not to laugh. Love, like really? I wanted to puke. I wanted to run. I wanted to scoop my eyes out. I couldn't even say anything so after about 10 minutes of silence I ditched him at film bar. By the way, I found love recently, in the form of a movie theater/bar hybrid. No more sneaking in mini bottles of sake for this lady.
I hope he doesn't read this, because I feel bad. I'm probably going to avoid him for another year or whatever, because if he thinks for one moment there's a chance he's dead wrong. Egh. 
I've been back for a week now, which is cool, I'm happy here and the hot ass weather is therapeutic for me. I have to do some serious schmoozing for the next week to get a real job, maybe even register for school, I don't know. So much shit to do, my whole body is sore from all of the walking and drug abuse. It was a good week, but its time to get real. 
My ass has been a hot subject this week, which is apt because it hurts so god damned much right now. A reoccurring theme; people keep reminding me how big, for a white girl, my dunka is. I shouldn't fret though, since those bold enough to call my glutus out follow up with "but its sexy".
My sister just informed me that we have a cycling class tomorrow morning, followed with a hike. We remodeled our bathroom today. I feel like a masochist. 
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
Back to life
Last night my friend showed me the newer places that have popped up since I've been gone. It was a Thursday so excitement was limited, but it was waaaaaaay better than hanging out on a watery cold island. finally, a bar with a movie theater, a very air conditioned and comfortable one at that. Juan of the Dead is a good movie. What wasn't good was the ultimate bitch service at "Asian influenced" Teddybertos, a vegan Mexican restaurant opened by an acquaintance. The food was ok, but omg the owner is the biggest bitch evaaaaaaaaaar. Most uncomfortable dining experience, I'm debating if I should tell this chick or not. Maybe she doesn't know (yeah right). So far I've been sweaty and mildly grouchy, but that's pretty much expected when it's 100+ outside. Whatever, I want to go swimming.
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
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sapererude-blog · 12 years
Calgon, take me awaaaay
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