sayitaliano · 1 hour
I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat. 
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sayitaliano · 2 days
Se vi interessano serie per ragazz* recitate da persone neurodivergenti sui temi dell'inclusione, dell'autismo, dell'amicizia e della caccia alle streghe, vi consiglio "una specie di scintilla" che potete trovare su Raiplay. Potete guardarla senza bisogno di creare un account: vi basta avere una vpn Italiana. Stessa cosa vale per alcune delle altre serie linkate qui sotto ed anche alcuni film per ragazzi/bambini (qui: per esempio Mister Link e Pinocchio). Per capire quale è disponibile senza log in, vi basta cliccare sulla serie/film che vi interessa e su "riproduci": se parte senza darvi alcuna schermata ulteriore, è tutta vostra.
Unica nota negativa: non ci sono sottotitoli in inglese o altre lingue straniere (o almeno non dappertutto), per cui se la vostra conoscenza dell'italiano è molto basica, vi consiglio di partire dai cartoni per più piccoli.
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sayitaliano · 2 days
Natale di Roma - April 21st
Celebrations are going on in Rome in these two days (21st-22nd of April)
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La tradizione racconta che la città di Roma fu fondata da Romolo il 21 aprile del 753 a.C. sul colle Palatino. Per molto tempo, la cronologia romana dipese proprio da questa data di fondazione, che scandiva gli anni tramite la locuzione latina “Ab Urbe Condita”, ovvero “dalla fondazione della città”. Il primo a festeggiare il Natale di Roma fu l’imperatore Claudio, nel 47, a ottocento anni dalla presunta fondazione della città; dopo di lui, molti altri seguirono il suo esempio. Roma, da dove prende il nome? Secondo Plutarco, fu scelto dai Pelasgi, suoi fondatori (Rhome indica prestanza nelle armi), oppure sarebbe il nome di una delle donne dei profughi troiani che arrivarono sul colle Palatino guidati da Enea. Secondo altri, deriva dall’etrusco Ruma, essendo l’etrusco l’unica lingua non indoeuropea della zona. ( source + complete text )
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sayitaliano · 5 days
I vecchi detti di famiglia
La nonna bis diceva sempre: april gnanca un fil, macc àdas àdas, giugn dag'un pugn. Questo riguardo l'abbigliamento invernale, ovvero ad aprile non togliere un filo (non fare il cambio armadio), a maggio piano piano e a giugno gettali via. Direi, visto il gelo che sta tornando in questi giorni, che aveva ragione lei.
Probabilmente ho scritto male ma scrivere il dialetto non è il mio forte.
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sayitaliano · 8 days
Happy Made in Italy day!
No, not exactly the song by Rosa Chemical (trying to be funny here... yeah I know I'm not): it's the day we celebrate our culture and products and it happens on April 15th every year!
Please be careful when buying Italian, check if the products are really Italian or fake!
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sayitaliano · 10 days
As you know, le 7 note musicali in italiano sono: Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si
But do you know from where they originate? You can find them in the Latin "Ut queant laxis", the so called Inno di San Giovanni (inno liturgico dei Vespri for the celebration of San Giovanni Battista on June 24th). Written by the poet and monk Paolo Diacono, the idea of making the start of every line the name of a note was by another monk and music studious, Guido D'Arezzo in 1033 (some also mention Pope Gregorio Magno as the original creator: thanks to the 100 "cantiche" he collected in the Antifonario, the first "compilation"/archive of the only cantiche that people could use, Guido could in fact name our notes).
«Ut queant laxis Resonare fibris Mira gestorum Famuli tuorum Solve polluti Labii reatum Sancte Iohannes»
Ut was substituted in 1536 by Do, easier to pronounce during sol-fa, after the noun "Dominus" in a Latin text by Pietro Aretino (for some time it was thought to have been an idea of another music studious, Giovanni Battista Doni, who decided to use the first syllable of his surname. But he arrived later).
As for Si: since medieval/gregorian music didn't have that kind of note (it was more likely a Sol), it was in 1482 that Bartolomé Ramos de Pareja, mathematician and music composer, used this note and thought about taking the first letter of each word of the last line to call it (Sancte Iohannes).
(source + more infos)
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sayitaliano · 10 days
How can I divide my Korean vocabulary notebook?
Hi! You could divide your notebook into several sections and here are some examples:
Useful phrases and greetings
Words that start with x
Vocabulary lists by topic (you can find some ideas here)
Word of the day/week/month/year
Cute/funny/favourite words 
Words that you find hard to remember 
Words you want to look up later (when you don’t have access to a dictionary or a native speaker)
Words you learned from Duolingo, Memrise, or some other app
Words you learned from your textbook
Words you learned in your class
Words you learned when chatting with native speakers
Words you learned from a movie/k-drama
Words you learned from a song
Profanities and insults 
Synonyms and antonyms
Pairs and opposites
False friends
Advanced vocabulary 
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sayitaliano · 10 days
Look, I knew five languages by age 19 and now I am learning like 3 more. I work as a language instructor and a consultant. If I can give language learners only one advice, this is it.
You're doing yourself a disservice by learning lists of "30 words you must know!" "100 most common words!" like it literally means nothing if you cannot use those words in an appropriate context with proper grammar. So what you actually need to do is learn those words via example sentences.
Of course, sentences have more words so you may think you're learning less but you're actually learning the way to use it in context. That's what's important.
Language is about communication, which also means if you want to learn languages, you have to observe how people communicate with each other universally. Native speakers never have a list of words they know and they don't count every single new word they've learned. So why are you doing it to yourself? What native speakers do is listen to the new word, remember the context they're spoken in, and keep using that word in that context. And that's why people go "wait, you can use that word LIKE THAT?" all the time. So you, a language learner, are also allowed to do that. I'm not even saying those word lists are useless but they're the most useful AFTER you've known most of them and are trying to go over them for practice etc. Native speakers do click on those word lists to check out how many words they don't know or to remind themselves of those words or to learn some facts about each word. That should be your goal as well.
Learn sentences. Learn them in context. Do not fall into the "I must know xx amount of words or I'm a failure at language learning" trap perpetuated by bloggers or youtubers or whatever. Have fun with it!
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sayitaliano · 10 days
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sayitaliano · 10 days
Italians use the same definition as Romanians, library's mouse (topo da biblioteca). It works also for people who like to study a lot/spend lot of time in libraries (and read a lot of books to gain knowledge)
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I like Ink Drinker.
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sayitaliano · 12 days
For the purposes of this poll please just stick to birth names! I'd like to do another poll for names people chose themselves later in life.
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sayitaliano · 14 days
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sayitaliano · 16 days
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Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi, Nichelino, Torino, Italy,
Photo by @juans83
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sayitaliano · 17 days
Buon Carbonara Day
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Here a post by La Repubblica with the story of this dish and a video about the common mistakes many make while preparing it :')
But this year we celebrate #MyCarbonara, the perfect recipe for those who prepare and eat it.
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sayitaliano · 21 days
Giornata mondiale della consapevolezza sull'autismo - 2 Aprile 2024. I'm a bit late but everything that was already broadcasted on Rai's channels, can be re-watched on Raiplay through an Italian vpn (and a free log in)
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sayitaliano · 21 days
Never been that much into it but happened to know someone who did and it seems it's a mouse whose name is Diddl (there are other characters created by the same German author, wikipedia link -in Italian- for more infos). It's not uncommon to find postcards or (wish) cards in general with cute/nice sentences/words about emotions/feelings, and also school stuff like diaries or notebooks of the same type. Could be considered as Sad Sam and Honey too? Just to give more samples but yeah Hello Kitty does it as well
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broadening our cultural horizons: this tumescent thing is hello kitty for european girls
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sayitaliano · 21 days
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Jannik Sinner - Miami Open 2024 🇺🇸
Another title and a #2 ranking unlocked 🔓🏆
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