sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
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           Erin thinks back to the day she moved into her own apartment on the upper east side — white walls, spotless hardwood floors, an expanse of clean cut space to call her own with which she could fill her off hours with silence, solitude and restless six-hour nights, all beginning with a housewarming party for one ( her own fault, really, considering the way she’d left things in Michigan ). She shrugs, a cursory and hesitant ‘ yes. ‘ This is her family, and these are the kinds of things that remind Erin she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be.
         If Holtzmann’s private living space is nothing like the second floor she’s taken over at work, then she guesses she’ll be pleasantly surprised, and the promise of a small litter of cats doesn’t particularly bother her. Abby, on the other hand…
          Erin produces a quiet sound in the back of her throat, guttural yet barely audible, and gives her a soft jab to the side with her elbow, right in the ribs, and the kind of sideways glance that she hopes conveys her concern regarding Abby’s rather severe cat allergies. She’s witnessed that particular kind of anaphylaxis once before, and she’d rather forgo a second time. The fewer trips to the ER, the better, in her opinion.
          “ We really should utilise our free time, ” she says, a nod offering less optimism and commitment than she can give. “ But… I’m with you, Patty. Murder documentaries don’t… have to be on the table. We should stick with something safer. Like, I don’t know…  Gilmore Girls, or some kind of cheesy lifetime movie? ”
next —– @sciencehasani
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— next, @emphasiscntheboo​
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    She’s not going to admit it, but she’s barely been listening since the conversation begun. She’s added a couple uh-huhs, but for the most part, she’s been glued to her camera, trying to find some evidence of a case to make at least one of these days more exciting than it has been. They’ve visited homes and looked into reports of paranormal activity, but some seem more interested in just meeting the Ghostbusters and making up a story than actually hiring them to do a real job. At the thought alone, she has to stop herself from letting out a very exasperated ‘Oh god’. She hates not having much to do. It almost—and heavy emphasis on almost—makes her miss Rowan. 
    Her mind is reeling. Maybe she’s not looking hard enough at the footage. Maybe she needs to fix her P.K.E. meter. Maybe it’s a circumstantial ghost. There has to be something she can do—but then she feels Erin’s, albeit light, jab at her side and she bolts up;  ❝ Ow, what the hell was that for, ❞ and starts taking in the conversation. ❝ Nu-uh, Holtmann. There is a reason why we’ve only met at my place all these years. Severe cat allergy, remember? You three are on your own. ❞ 
    Okay, maybe she’s being a little overdramatic. She could get all hopped-up on some Claritin-D or go get one of those immunotherapy shots and bring her EpiPen, but good God why does Holtmann have to have four cats? Four! One is bad enough.  
    No matter. Maybe for once they can all watch Gilmore Girls without her yelling at the TV to prove that her doppleganger is in the show. Because come on! She is a dead ringer for Sookie. Why doesn’t anyone else see it?
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
out— @emphasiscntheboo
‘a little dead in here tonight’
i see what you did there 
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
out—*pokes head in* hi long time no see...whooops..
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— @shesascientist
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    ❝ Yet. I mean—God—look at you, you’re all sweaty. ❞
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          “ … You know what? I see your point. But it’s… not like I’ve technically done anything. ”
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
30 icons for @emphasiscntheboo under the cut
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— @shesascientist
   ❝ Did you just say ‘No’? ❞ She half laughs, incredulous. She’s fairly certain she has never heard Erin say that the whole that she has known her. But now she knows. Erin has made her decision. Fine. She just better not come running back to her when it all blows up in her face. 
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    ❝ When do you leave? ❞
          “ No. ”
          There’s a cold finality to the word, and Erin doesn’t try to soften the blow this time. She refuses to give up now when, finally, she’s being given the recognition she’d only dreamed of at Princeton. A chance to show the world more than a child’s haunted, traumatised psyche locked in the body of a young woman desperate for life. A chance to be more than she ever has been. A chance to ( dare she even think it ) like herself.
          Erin’s on her feet, phone clenched in a white-knuckled grip. She can’t look at another book. Can’t look at Abby. She sniffles. Struggles to breathe, struggles to bundle the phone into her bag and hurls the thing over her shoulder.
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          “ No. I can’t do this, Abby. I mean it. You’re not doing this to me. ”
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— @shesascientist
    ❝What the hell was I thinking? What the hell were you thinking? ❞
       She knows Erin is furious with her, but she’s pretty sure she is far more angry. She has been gritting her teeth so much since this has started she’s pretty sure her dentist is going to tell her to wear a mouth guard. But, honestly! What was Erin thinking? Abandoning her. Giving up everything they’ve worked for. For what? Some stuffy job forcing her to hide another part of herself again? Abby won’t let that happen to her again. She’s better than this. 
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     ❝ I did you a favor. Now help me stack these books. ❞
          “ What, no, stop —- ”
          Abby is too quick for her.
          The phone is out of her reach and Erin watches in horror for a handful of seconds; a part of her wants to desist, to just let her dreams die like everything else, but the little brave voice in her head ( it’s nine year old Erin again, who wants to be normal ) rouses in her something like outrage. She’s quick to surge forward and slap the phone out of her friend’s hand, and she hangs up before she can hear whatever it is that Dr. Filmore has to say about this ridiculous attempt at sabotage. She’ll call him back later.
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          “ What the hell were you thinking? ” Erin is angry. Her voice breaks, and she no longer cares that she’s close to tears, close to hysterically, furiously screaming in the middle of the library. “ Abby, do you even realise who that was? You can’t do that. You can’t — ”
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
Keaton Henson sentence starters
"Do you know who you are?"
"Do you know your lip shakes when you're mad?"
"You don't like to be touched, let alone kissed."
"Does his love make your head spin?"
"It seems as though I'm on my own."
"I'm losing friends."
"I know that there's friction between me and you."
"I know that you're uncomfortable."
"I know it's hard for you to tell me the truth, but while we are doing so... I love you."
"You love to argue, you can't play guitar, but still, let me tell you that I love who you are."
"Love, I hope you are well."
"At least we now both have a story to tell."
"I feel you know me better than most."
"In spite of real distance, we'll always be close."
"I walked through the rain for you, you said to go home."
"Miss you terribly already."
"I hope for your life, you forget about mine."
"Please forget me, you were right, dear. I am cold and self-involved."
"I'll write my loneliness in poems, if I can just think how to start."
"I still worry more about you."
"I am rude and unkind."
"It's been four years and it does not end."
"I still felt alone, but I knew that you'd be there."
"I loved her more than I love myself."
"She is with another guy."
"I won't dance 'til you hold me."
"Please, don't leave me."
"I'm sorry, can't make your party."
"I'm afraid I'd kill your lover while your back was turned."
"So this is where you wanted to be, and it's a goddamn shame that you're not here with me."
"I see pictures now of the two of you and it makes me sick."
"Damn, I love you."
"Here's to you, you miserable fuck."
"Drink up, so we can both finally die."
"She's as stubborn as winter and as kind as the sun."
"Why was she listening to someone like me?"
"I know I'm awful, I can't even cry."
"You're my best friend, I'll love you til one of us dies."
"Teach me how to love you."
"I'll learn not to look at you with scorn."
"Don't expect me to change."
"I never loved you enough."
"This feels right and I'm letting it."
"I will not tire of you."
"Turns out that nothing is fair."
"You can leave me if you wish, but I'm not going anywhere."
"I am a fragile one."
"Please do not break my heart, I think it's had enough pain to last the rest of my life."
"You don't have to make any promises."
"If you must die, sweetheart, die knowing your life was my life's best part."
"I can see in your eyes that you mean it."
"All of these years you've been lonely."
"You are right, I've been looking as well, babe, I'm not looking for you."
"I'm just as damn disappointed as you."
"I'm truly alone and I like it."
"Though we're young, I feel eighty years old."
"Your arms around me are keeping me warm, but baby, I'm still feeling cold."
"You're kind and you're beautiful, too."
"I feel in some way I do love you but babe, I'm not in love with you."
"You seem to look through me, I wonder what you see."
"I wish I could stay with you."
"I wish I could wake at dawn to see you without make up on."
"You look the best today."
"I've been right here waiting for you to wake up."
"You think you're better than them."
"I hope you end up missing me."
"Your friends will always just be in your way."
"I'm just getting started, let me offend."
"The devil's got nothing on me, my friend."
"All I want is to be left alone."
"Sweetheart, what have you done to us?"
"Oh please, just come here, don't fight with me."
"Baby, please don't look at me like that."
"I will see you in the morning."
"Don't think of me like that, just picture me leaving and not coming back."
"This is your home now so don't you forget."
"I did it all for you."
"I'll do my best to teach you to fly."
"Come on baby, make me fall in love with you."
"I guess we can make it all the way."
"Turns out we don't belong after all."
"This feels different than it felt before."
"Guess that you were just expecting more, come on, you knew me, what'd you do that for?"
"I am selfish to my very core."
"I'm so damn scared of dying without you."
"Don't lie, I know we're fixing to die."
"I'll smile and pretend and won't show to the crowd."
"No, I won't be the damnedest bit fucking surprised."
"I won't give up, not until I'm holding you."
"Don't let go of my hand."
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
An assortment of ‘apartment’ plots I need:
The walls are paper thin and…
The walls are paper thin and I can always hear you having sex and honestly idk if i’m more jealous because i’m not getting any or irritated because it’s keeping me up at night?
The walls are paper thin and you’re always singing in the shower, and honestly you’re terrible but idk how to tell you, so I’ve just started to play music over you but you seem to know every song and it only makes you sing louder??
The walls are paper thin and you just heard the brutal break up of me and my ex, and now you’re trying to comfort me through the walls and it’s kinda awkward but it’s also helping so?
The walls are paper thin and every night I watch jeopardy and I guess you’re really smart because every night you shout out the correct answer and at this point I’m not sure there’s a question you can’t answer?
The walls are paper thin and I hear you having obnoxious parties every night, and I would be mad but at the end of it all I can hear you crying yourself to sleep and i’m actually kind of worried about this lifestyle you’re living?
The walls are paper thin and i’m not even really sure how it started but every night we have conversations about our day over dinner and at this point idk why I haven’t just invited you over? 
You broke into my apartment… (also works the other way around)
You were drunk and you broke into my apartment and I would call the cops but you’re kind of out like a light so I’d kind of feel bad but you bet your ass i’ll be waiting for you to wake up until morning so I can ask who the fuck you are?
You were drunk and you broke into my apartment and when you found out this wasn’t your friend’s apartment you started crying and I really don’t know what to do?
You were drunk and you climbed in through my apartment window and I’m not really sure how you managed it because not only is the fire escape broken but you are really fucking plastered? Please, teach me your skills?
You broke into my apartment to avoid something and you won’t really tell me what it is and i’m actually kind of afraid you might be a murderer so why shouldn’t I call the cops?
You snuck into my apartment to avoid your ex while my door was open for groceries and I got so scared I spilled the milk everywhere?
You broke into my apartment while I was out for whatever reason and when I came home I knocked you out and now you’re unconscious on my floor and idk what to do?
We always see each other in the elevator…
We always see each other in the elevator during our walk of shame and it’s gotten to the point where we just share our escapades now and why haven’t we slept together yet?
We always see each other in the elevator and it’s inanely awkward because we both live on the top floor of this really tall apartment complex and we always ride in silence because the one time I tried talking to you I fucked up REALLY bad.
We always see each other in the elevator and now we’ve gotten stuck because of a power outage so really, I guess we should get to know one another at this point.
We always see each other in the elevator and it’s blatantly obvious you’re terrified of them even if you insist you aren’t.
We always see each other in the elevator and I know it’s you who didn’t hold the elevator the one time I was carrying something really heavy and I swear, I will get my revenge.
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— @ectoholtzmann
       For the first time in a long time, Abby greets this woman eagerly, shaking her hand firmly. Usually she could be heard yelling out for her always late Chinese food, or a string of ‘If you’re lost, just go out the hall to the left and you’ll find a staircase. That should take you out,’ or ‘If you’re just here to laugh at me and call me names, I’ve heard it all. Crazy. Lunatic. Evil scientist. The evil scientist in Frankenstein. Which by the way, Frankenstein is the scientist.’ But there’s something about the woman before her. Maybe it’s the way this woman is taking a particular interest in her work or the charming wink and smile that could win anyone over—no matter. Whatever this woman was doing here, had to be interesting. 
     ❝ Well, uh, Holtzmann, ❞ she remarked, half-joking, ❝ have you considered teaching paranormal studies? ❞ 
No More Fancy Pants
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— @slightcfhand
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     For a moment, her excitement falters and she softens, remembering that not everyone shares her eagerness on the subject. Entities can be quite the menaces. No one knows better than her.  
       ❝ And are you the only one here who has encountered it? ❞ 
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“When I’m alone?” Both a good and a terrifying thing. “I don’t know –angry??” She doesn’t mean to sound quite so exasperated, but it’s not like she exactly stopped to take a good look at it. Most of the time it’s moving too fast anyways, even with her going in the opposite direction. There’s a breath, a glance over her shoulder. At least she’d found someone who knows how to deal with this shit, though Callie really shouldn’t be surprised that there’s people who take care of ghosts. 
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— @shesascientist
    She is absolutely freezing too. She’s shivering to the bone and can barely hold the camera still, but she’s far too determined to quit now. 
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           ❝ I know it’s out here. I can feel it. ❞ 
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          “ But we have literally been sitting here for three hours. I think my hands are going numb… ”
          Erin has her fists balled up inside the sleeves of her jacket, and the camera is warm. Very warm. Why didn’t they think to bring something to stave off the icy chill in the air? Ghosts didn’t feel cold!
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— @cataclysmiicx
    ❝ Come on, Rowan. ❞ She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest as she took a cautious step toward him. She wanted so bad to shake him, to show him the error of his ways,  ❝ Look. You think I don’t get it? I do. People are awful. But don’t you think if you do this, you aren’t any better than any of those bullies? ❞ 
”Why?” the janitor smiled. “When setting them–” he gestured to the thousands of angry faces and frantic hands pressed against the barriers surrounding them, “–free will rewrite the fabric of reality as we know it. Imagine what a woman like yourself could achieve with the power of the paranormal at your fingertips? You’d be limitless. All this is only possible because of you… Surely you of all people can understand what’s really at hand… The possibilities… This isn’t just an end to the world… It’s a rebirth. A second chance… An opportunity for the downtrodden, the rejected… to be seen. Understood. Think about it…”
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
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“Did you see that?! Oh, you can’t see anything.”
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— @havilland liked for a starter
     She watches from the sidelines as Holtzmann practically beams with excitement over her new toy. Boy, she is so glad she found her long ago. She wouldn’t be able to do any of this without her, so she leans forward and decides to cautiously eye the project, knowing all too well that Holtzmann’s experiments were often highly unstable. 
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       ❝ So what’s the deal with that? Is it ready for a trial? ❞
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
new lab partner in crime; take that erin.   
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Holtzmann lingers in the doorway, a large silver duffel bag slung over her shoulder. She straightens up when Abby greets her and gives her new lab partner a two-fingered salute, before sauntering in and extending a hand to shake Abby’s. 
“ Abby, hi. Actually it’s… Jillian Holtzmann, nuclear engineering and munitions extraordinaire. Couldn’t get all that on my resume though. ” she jokes with a slightly hoarse chuckle, and dumps her overly large bag to the ground beside the formally-vacant work station which was now hers.  
 “ —-Sounded like I interrupted a takeout-related emergency there. ”
「ᴅᴇʙᴀʀɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ 」— @emphasiscntheboo
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      She shakes Holtzmann’s hand firmly and sets down her pathetic excuse of a lunch. She is so going to call Bennie back for this. 
        ❝ JILLIAN. Great. That’s incredible. So glad you’re not another one of those people coming in just to call me a crazy. ❞
        She pulls up a couple chairs to the newly claimed work station and sits down. Yes, she had hired Holtzmann over the phone right away after looking at her resume, but she had to. She was coming to a dead-end with her work and she knew she couldn’t call...Miss Too Good for Their Baby. But no matter—that was over now and she had Holtzmann who seemed than qualified and was even taking an interest in her soup crisis. 
       ❝ You have no idea. ❞ She picks up the soup container and waves it around. ❝ Look at this thing. Does it look like soup to you? ❞
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sciencehasani ¡ 8 years
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       ❝ Come here. You’re never going to believe this EVP I caught. ❞ She’s just messing around. It’s really just a sound file of her slurping her soup, but she cannot wait to get Holtzmann back for the prank she pulled yesterday. She feels like a kid again, shaking with excitement. 
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