scrimpydragon · 21 hours
for the real ones
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scrimpydragon · 23 hours
i dont care about validity i care about my civil rights
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scrimpydragon · 23 hours
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scrimpydragon · 23 hours
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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scrimpydragon · 1 day
not that either is a good thing but there is a small cosmic sort of irony to appreciate in the way that the russian invasion of ukraine and the most recent nakba happened so close together and how they through comparison made it undeniably clear how much the definition of war crime and genocide and atrocity &etc depends on the geopolitical interests of the imperial core
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scrimpydragon · 1 day
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scrimpydragon · 1 day
What we know:
On September 4th 2024, US federal prosecutors file an indictment against two employees of Russia Today, describing in detail how a number of right-wing media influences, including members of a company that appears to be Tenet Media, were being paid by agents of the Russian government in a $10 million propaganda program to further Russian approval among the USA's conservative population and spread Russia-approved talking points, since 2023
On September 23rd, the Commander Rules Committee, a third party unaffiliated with Wizards of the Coast who set the rules of the most popular casual format of Magic the Gathering, announce a ban on four cards, including three cards with very high secondary market value. Being as these cards are no longer legal in Commander, and their secondary market price is based on their status as staple cards in high powered Commander decks, the secondary market value of these cards begins to plummet as owners try to sell them off and recoup losses. Tim Pool, an employee of Tenet Media and know MtG player, posts the following on Twitter:
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Some unknown amount of money spent by the Russian government to spread Kremlin-friendly propaganda in the United States was annihilated by the Commander Rules Committee.
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scrimpydragon · 1 day
Okay rant time.
Pregnant men exist. Not just as an uwu mpreg fanfic trope or a joke. Just because you think pregnancy is gross or icky doesn’t mean you can’t treat pregnant people with respect, regardless of gender or sex. Even in the queer community, trans men who choose to carry their children are seen as an anomaly or as betraying everything they’ve worked for. They aren’t. If I carry a child, I’m still just as much of a man.
Also, I understand if the idea of pregnancy is dysphoric for many trans men. I do. But trans men being pregnant isn’t an excuse to exclude them from queer spaces or treat them with anything less than the same respect you would anyone else. Many trans men experience dysphoria regarding the idea of pregnancy, but many don’t. Their body isn’t your business. Don’t be fucking weird.
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scrimpydragon · 1 day
the dumbest people on the planet are having a field day transvestigating a woman from a country where there are no medical services for gender transition, it is impossible to change gender on legal documents, and it's illegal to be LGBT
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scrimpydragon · 1 day
the interesting thing is that when you say things like 'the united states is beyond saving' people view that as a defeatist statement that is giving up on the hope of a better future, but frankly the thought of a significant number of people on the planet being willing and able to say that there is no place for colonial empires in their vision for the future is, to me, a much brighter and more hopeful political standpoint than the thought of being stuck in a perpetual cycle of choosing 'the lesser of two evils' as the overton window pushes further and further to the right with nothing but enthusiasm from our so-called progressive party.
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scrimpydragon · 1 day
first one at the bay gar gets to fuck me
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scrimpydragon · 1 day
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made in blender, based on a soviet era postcard. this is all rendered in eevee, with the windows and light details drawn with grease pencil. I animated the little people in the windows as well, but maybe I shouldn't have bothered.
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scrimpydragon · 2 days
“There is no platonic explanation for thi-“ Sprays u with water. Sprays u
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scrimpydragon · 2 days
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scrimpydragon · 2 days
Ha! A scientific study confirmed one of my beliefs? What a fascist bourgeois waste of time and energy. I already knew that was true because it’s one of my ideological articles of faith, which is the same thing as a demonstrated fact
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scrimpydragon · 2 days
U can watch Star Wars so many times and it doesn’t prepare u for how dumb Star Wars is. For one thing I think we gloss over how kenobi (who has definitely been at the club. Please.) describes the mos eisley cantina as the worst most villainous place ever and then u get inside and it’s a pack of muppets vaping
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scrimpydragon · 2 days
the duplicitous and scheming radical left tricked me into eating too much rice and now my tummy hurts
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