seasaltfreckles · 6 months
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seasaltfreckles · 6 months
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seasaltfreckles · 6 months
Mob vs Possessed! Reigen
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Reigen: Oi! Mob Mob: W…What are you doing? Reigen: What am I doing? I’m destroying this place. Ekubo: Mob, that’s not Reigen, he’s being possessed by something. Mob: I know. We have to exorcise it quickly.  Ekubo: Wait. It’s a powerful spirit, deeply bonded, I can sense it. If you exorcise it, there’s no way to ensure Reigen’s safety. 
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Mob: Why would you do something like this? Reigen: Revenge of course! Revenge on the people, the world that turned it’s back on me. I’ve been waiting for this for too long.  Mob: Leave Master’s body! Reigen: I refuse. He’s mine now, my accomplice. Though, I don’t know what this body is going to look like when this is all over. Can’t promise it’ll still be recognizable.  Mob: I’m not going to let you hurt him.
Reigen: This will be interesting.  
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Reigen: TRY ME! Ekubo: Shigeo! Reigen: What’s the matter? You don’t have the guts to raise your hand to your beloved master? Hahaha how convenient. Looks like I picked the right host.  Ekubo: This isnt good. It’s becoming increasingly deeply bonded.  Mob: H..How can that be? What do I do?  
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Reigen: What are you guys whispering about?  He punches mob in the face. There’s a cracking sound effect from his hand. (He damaged his hand) Reigen: Powerful barrier you have there. Well, whatever. It’s not the strongest body, but I intend to get the most out of it before it breaks down. 
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Mob thinks: If this continues….. Reigen’s hands, nose and face are bleeding ….. Master’s body…… Mob: S…stop (thinks “ Master will die” )….  STOP
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Reigen: This kid…. he’s targeting me….
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Reigen: Tch…. You’re a clever one…
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Reigen to Ekubo: What are you doing?  Ekubo: Shgeo’s gonna be powerful as a god one day, he wont fall to the likes of you.  Ekubo thinks: There’s not much I can do, the least I can do is stall him.  Reigen to Ekubo: You, of all people should understand. Small fry like you have no power or place to interfere. 
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Reigen: What? I…. I can’t move Mob: Stop. Stop using master’s body to do terrible things.  Ekubo: Shigeo… Mob: Master
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I’m Sorry
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Ekubo: AH? WHA? WHAA? SHIGEO ARE YOU CRAZY!? Ekubo thinks: Is this how he plans to draw the spirit out of him? (Note: He uses the word “inhale” like a person taking a drag on a cigarette)
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Ekubo: Is it safe now? Mob: Ah …. It’s fine now. I exorcised it.  But…. I couldn’t protect him….. I failed. 
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Ekubo: What are you talking about?!? This would have ended tragically but for you! At the very least, Reigen is still alive isn’t he?  Ekubo thinks: I wasnt able to do anything to help. Mob: Ekubo Ekubo: Shigeo Mob: Ekubo, Thank you. If it hadn’t been for you, I would have lost myself, and done something I regret.  Ekubo: Of course! I’m happy to offer my support!
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Mob and Ekubo: Master! Reigen! Reigen: -grunts- What are you….. Caption -throbbing with pain- Ah Reigen: Oh god it hurts so much. What? Why am I….. What Happened? Am I dying? The pain is unbearable. Do I have broken bones? Do I?  Ekubo: Eh, You look fine to me. 
Mob: Ah…. Ah… Wha….. Ekubo, what do we do?
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–Later– Seasoning city hospitial Reigen: Oi– It’s just bruises and lacerations, It’s no big deal. They’re going to keep me in the hospital for a day just in case. Mob: Oh that’s great. Ekubo: You dramatic bastard Reigen: I’m sorry I troubled you. 
Mob: Master… do you remember what happened?
Reigen: No, I don’t remember anything. Was I possessed by a spirit? I dont recall. The only thing I can vaguely recall is a sense of gratefulness to you, for saving me. 
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Mob: Master, you didnt trouble me. It’s the opposite. I think you take on far more than you can handle alone. So, please! Rely on me a bit more! Ah…. I mean… not that I’m really that reliable. But….
I want to help you, as much as you help me. 
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Reigen: Aww Squishy. Little kids shouldnt be burdened with all this. I just got careless this time. Normally, I would have handled evil spirits like that without breaking a sweat! Mob thinks: (He didn’t catch on. I wish I was older) Ekubo: You ungrateful bastard, I can’t believe you. If it werent for me and Shigeo…. Reigen: Give it a rest! By https://twitter.com/gamtga
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seasaltfreckles · 7 months
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seasaltfreckles · 7 months
Yakuza x Tattoo Artist AU
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Yakuza x Tattoo Artist (So, members of the Japanese Mafia have full body tattoos under their clothes, and one dedicated tattoo artist that works on them, adding to the designs over time.)
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Reigen Caption: He got assigned to Ekubo after a bet with his coworkers.  At first he was terrified, but after getting to know him, he realize that he’s a decent guy. 
Ekubo Caption: He’s been fond of Reigen from the moment he met him. So he’s been visiting the tattoo shop a lot more frequently than he used to. 
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Ekubo: Say… you don’t have a single tattoo? That’s unusual.
Reigen: Nope, I don’t have any. 
Ekubo: You’re not interested in getting some tattoos yourself? (He never bothered to tattoo himself? aww that’s kinda cute.)
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Ekubo: How about….. “I” leave you with some nice memorable marks?  (He means bite marks)
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Reigen: What did you have in mind? I’m a little scared to ask. 
Ekubo thinks: Fucker, you know what I mean. Points to you for keeping a nice pleasant smile on that fear though. 
Reigen thinks” Ahhhh No! Oh god he scares me. Turn him down! Turn him down!
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Ekubo: ……………………..
Reigen thinks: I don’t get it. They called me in on my day off, but there’s not that many clients? What gives?  This guy’s just staring at me, why is he even here? 
Caption on Ekubo: He’s been here for three hours.  Staff member is super nervous around him. 
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Reigen: Well if there’s not anything urgent, I can find something to do. FOCUS….FOCUS
Ekubo: Hey you, come over here
Random staff member: Eh?! -flinch- ——LATER——–
Random Staff Member: - NOTE: This is not OUR mob. the word Mob just refers to the fact that he’s a nameless background character- Mr. Reigen, you hungry? Is there anything you want to eat?
Reigen: Eh? 
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Reigen (thinks: Wait… who is this guy? He’s new, can’t remember his name.) Uh… Nothing. There’s nothing in particular I want to eat.
Staff member: Aww don’t be that way, there must be something right?
Reigen: Look… it’s fine. I’m in the middle of my shift right now. I can’t eat anyway.
Staff member: Please! Anything is fine.
Reigen thinks: He’s crying?! what? why?
Staff member: It doesn’t matter what it is, just say the word. 
Reigen: Well, maybe something like carbonated water… anything is fine really.
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—SHIFT OVER— (all lines are Reigen thinking)
Ugh so tired….. Ekubo wandered off during the middle of my shift. I’m not even sure when he left.
What is this? Why is it in front of my locker?
Bread, A croissant,…. huh.. there’s a lot of different stuff in here. 
…… and a dried ramen packet? What is this? Is this supposed to be dinner? 
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Huh…. I think I know who left this. Guess I’ll go home and eat the ramen, it’s the thought that counts. 
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(The way Flamingo draws expressions is just so awesome, and I love her works so much. It is smooth yet adorkable. Look at these dorks. 
The shishou hoodie…. the bloody hammer that implies he just came came over to hang out after some casual gangland murder. Reigen casually introducing his murderfrend. Just two guys out for a smoke.)
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By FlamingoJump on twitter
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seasaltfreckles · 7 months
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Initially I just wanted to do a silly 4-panel thing simply because Reigen likes dogs & Mob's profile lists "making dogs float" as his specialty, but I kept thinking of our dog since his death day came up (on the 15th, I'm always fashionably late) so I got mushy over everything. I still miss the floofer, but he's Reigen's & Mob's now and that's a great place to be.
This is the first time I finished something longer than a single page and the most properly I did so, too... There's so much that bothers me still, but this already took way too long even with the lazy-ass lines & I'm exhausted, so I'll just settle for being glad I actually pulled through!
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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Christmas gift for @oil-tears , my favorite crybaby.
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
R18 Ekurei
Keep reading
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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last night’s dood
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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he was shaking.
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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He loves cats, and I love him ❤️
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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"Because I'm going to teach you how to survive in this world, my young kitsune."
Based on my fic 'To Be Human': https://archiveofourown.org/works/48042517/chapters/121136716
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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In my villain era 😈
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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"Down boy..."
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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ShigeRei 'brainwashing'
"A new toy to break"
Based on a old apocalypse au I wrote where Shigeo chose not to accept Mob's hand at the end of the series and instead turned to kill Reigen, destroying the entire world in a fit of rage afterwards. And after canon Mob and Reigen accidently stumble into their world, Shigeo is first to snatch up Reigen and turn him into an obedient puppet that listens to every word he says.
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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MP100 + The Last of Us PT. I & II AU
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seasaltfreckles · 8 months
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What did they do?
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