Midterm Feedback
For my midterm progress, I made a blog post and posted 2 blogs and videos of my project. However, I recently talked to my advisor about my project and he gave me feedback that my project was way too broad and negative focused so I was to narrow it down. It would not only give me project an overall tie but also be easier on me. Not many people actually came to talk to me about my project during the midterm demo. Only one person came to talk to me. I forgot her name but she is the grad student who came in when i was actually presenting the idea of my project. She told me she was excited to hear the progress about my project and remembered my presentation. She really drove me to stay on my project idea and was not very happy what my advisor told me. She wanted to see what the worst yelp places were and what my experience was. She gave me feedback that maybe i could create graphics to help tie in the overall language of my project. But really encouraged me to continue my project. It really helped me get excited about my project again because i was getting very frustrated with which direction to go with my project. However, after talking to you, tega, it really helped clarify me about what i want to do with my project. I completely agree with being more specific but i also did not want to drift away from my project idea. So, as of now I have changed my project to 50 lattes in 30 days. 
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Annotated Bibliography
Tiffany Shu
Senior Project
Annotated Bibliography
Donath, J., & Boyd, D. Public Displays of Connection. , 71-82. Retrieved from https://newclasses.nyu.edu/access/content/group/fb11af1b-828f-468b-ac88-038453a0db50/PublicDisplaysofConnection.pdf
This article, “Public Displays of Connection” by J Donath and d boyd really helps my research by allowing me to understand why social media has become so important to individual identity. To understand how social media has created such a huge impact on the food industry, I need to understand how and why social media defines some people’s identify first. This article really breaks it down talking about social status, connection, trust, security, and reliability of individuals through social media. It also discusses why people display their social connections in everyday life and how it has shaped how people judge one another.  
Slater, D. (n.d.). Social Relationships and Online and Offline (pp. 533-546). Retrieved from https://newclasses.nyu.edu/access/content/group/fb11af1b-828f-468b-ac88-038453a0db50/socialrelationshipsandidentityonlineandoffline-slater.pdf
This article “Social Relationships and Identity online and offline” by Don Slater goes through a lot about how individuals identify themselves through social media. It goes in depth talking about how to distinguish life online, virtuality,  spatiality, disembedding and community, disembodiment and identity, investing in life online, and methodologies. In the end concluding that there isn’t a point of finding a correlations between the variable of media characteristics and communicative practices because participants are constantly redefining both across time and places. This article really helped me understand the relationships of social media online with offline.
Ellison, N. B., & Boyd, D. (2017). Sociality Through Social Network Sites (pp. 151-172). Retrieved February 5, 2018, from https://newclasses.nyu.edu/access/content/group/fb11af1b-828f-468b-ac88-038453a0db50/socialitythroughsocialnetworksites-ellison.pdf
This chapter “Sociality through social network sites”, by Nicole B Ellison and Danah M Boyd discusses how social media has really influenced or changed every industry overtime. First going over the origin of social media and then what social media was originally designed to do, which was to create a self-presentational message of oneself, and how it shifted into something else. Then the article shifts to discussing a shift in social media from being a profile centric platform into a more media- centric.  This chapter really helps with my researching on seeing the shift in social media over time .
(2017). What it Takes to Open a Coffee Shop [Online video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xmXM6CpJ3c
Listening to this podcast “What it takes to open a coffee shop” really helped give me useful advice and tips on what its like to open a café. I really related to a lot of the things he said in the podcast because I myself work at a café. The main thing to get at from the whole podcast was that “Customers , then employees, then the bottom line” is the list of importance of priority if you ever open your own business. He explains that if the employees give off a good vibe then that helps the  customers be happy which then helps the business grows which helps the employees be happy. Everything is focused on human interaction.
Black Rooms. (2017). In Pinterest. Retrieved February 5, 2018, from https://www.pinterest.com/explore/black-rooms/?lp=true
This pinterest board really helped me with my inspiration of how I want my café to look like. What it would look like with all black interior, what works what doesn’t work. Which kind of vibe I want and what furniture looks nice. What texture looks nice. This really helped me get a feel about the design and visual aspect of my project.
Lanquist, L. (2017, May 18). The Activated Charcoal Food Trend Is Pretty, but You Should Definitely Avoid It. In SELF. Retrieved February 5, 2018, from https://www.self.com/gallery/activated-charcoal
 This article really helped me get a feel of what food products I would want to serve in my café. I also helps me get more of a feel about the health benefits and unbenefits of charcoal. It also informs me about the purpose of charcoal and why it would be dangerous to consume too much charcoal. It was very inspiring to see all these creative ideas of recipes I could potentially use in the café.
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Ted Talks
How to build your creative confidence | David Kelley
I really loved how he talks about phobia. And the fear of whatever... that they only way to get over your fear is to face it. Which is so ironic. I fear failure or the future. But accomplishing what i want, that will never be done if i never face it. That sometimes although you fear it, there are other ways to overcome it. 
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban
I believe that this Ted talk was insanely relatable. It wasn’t only relabtable to my project but overall to myself. I realized, well i already knew, but i am not the only one who works this way. It really made me just realize how common it is to procrastinate, and really made me reflect on how i wanted to treat my last semester in college. How, seriously i was about applying for jobs, my senior project, working out, the “business” idea i want to to, my protfoilio and just starting. I loved how he talked about the procrastination where there is no deadlines. And that actually made me think that although yes i know i procrastinate on my homework assignments and stuff, that my real life stuff outside of school i am procrastinating on everyday. such as being healthier, working out, applying for jobs, getting my things together. And that all it takes it to take the first step to get the ball rolling. 
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