sepshaven · 15 days
In a world that is so fast-paced, what a joy it is to simply just sit idle, staring out of the window, lost in the void...
Random Xpressions
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sepshaven · 15 days
Unsent letters, unspoken words - have a charm of its own. Two souls recognizing each other in perfect silence, an unknown song in the making..
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sepshaven · 15 days
happy “the only way out is through” september
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sepshaven · 15 days
True art of living is in ignoring that which doesn't demand our attention...
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sepshaven · 15 days
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sepshaven · 3 months
Ram, i missed you so much.
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sepshaven · 3 months
You can never measure the joy of an astronomer who discovers a new star in the sky. Neither could you ever measure my joy when I discover a luminant soul on earth!
Random Xpressions
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sepshaven · 3 months
told her to ruin my life and she actually did wtf bro
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sepshaven · 3 months
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sepshaven · 3 months
“I see him. / He is exactly / the poem / I wanted to write.”
— Mary Oliver, White Heron Rises Over Blackwater
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sepshaven · 3 months
built different (too sensitive to survive)
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sepshaven · 3 months
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sepshaven · 3 months
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sepshaven · 8 months
i like the concept of soulmates—not a “you’re destined to meet me, and love me” kind of soulmate, but a “i’d pick you, every time.” kind of soulmate. a “no matter what happens, and what has happened, i want to go through it with you.” kind of soulmate. a “i love you by choice, and you’re a blessing, and i’m going to continue thinking about you this way not because i have to but because i want to.” kind of soulmate. a “you help me rest easy when everything is difficult” kind of soulmate. a “in every possible outcome, i want you there, to share it with me.” kind of soulmate.
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sepshaven · 8 months
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what my bones know by foo stephanie
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sepshaven · 9 months
“I believe in the kind of love that doesn’t demand me to prove my worth and sit in anxiety … Something that allows me to me without question.”
— Joey Palermo
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sepshaven · 9 months
How do I find you again?
In inconsequential routine, where people normally hook hands not pointing fingers
Where wrapping your arms around mine consider as normal than serving a cold shoulder
But I look for you, still.
In crowded church mass,
I look for you, still in the lull between a desperate prayer asking god to spare you from every bitter malice and a confession of every good things that has happened
But how do I find you again?
In unspoken love language, where I wish you could finally see things my way
Where I could curl into you until I feel my hurt fall asleep
When I’m not acting passive-aggressively, as we stand twenty feet away from each other
and I feel homesick because all i ever wanted was you to have the patience to wait for me to make up my mind.
But I’m just a galaxy collapsing when you are too busy looking the other way
Speaking language I couldn’t makes sense
And how it is a question mark all over
Asking why you would say the things you say?
And I don’t know how do I find you again?
I catch myself looking your way but you don’t look my way anymore
And how do I find you again?
Should I seek for you when you speak love the loudest in your drunk confession
Or in your “i know they want to come so I come first” with a rerun on how you were interlocking finger, sharing a joke in a roaring silent as I watch myself pathetically becomes the only audience you wished to entertain
How do I find you again?
In this space, where we become each other secret confidant and sometimes act like a lover do
Not now where feelings are stained and left too much marks it resembles a wound
How do I find you again?
Not in this quite silence, where eyes meets and words swallowed back with grudge of not being understood
How do I find you again?
When all I want is disappearing and not having to see you again, but I still find myself longing for how we were once.
So how do I find you again?
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