serphsup · 1 year
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serphsup · 3 years
Serph, Christmas is a day of festivity where people spread joy and give gifts to one another! I couldn't find a big enough turkey to feed a demon so this person should do. They probably didn't do - actually yes they did do something very bad and they totally deserve what is coming to them :)
"Oh... that sounds very nice. I wish we'd had that before." There's a bit of sadness to his tone... there were no holidays in his world. Nor in 'Nirvana' by the time they all got there.
He pauses and eyes the person.
"I think you are lying to me." You're not as persuasive as Takaya, anon. I'm sorry.
He will let this poor stranger go free.
"I appreciate the sentiment. But I won't eat just anyone if I can help it."
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serphsup · 3 years
drops a beat up person in front of Serph “Have an early christmas present!”
"What is Christmas? And um... what did this person do? Are they dead...?"
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serphsup · 3 years
✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  … It has been too long since he’s done something to anger someone, hasn’t it? And though the method was unorthodox, and these lives may enter the maw of this demon, let every shred of blood– every moment of this performance be dedicated to his goddess of death. 
❝ Then let us make haste… ❞ He nods to them, starting off briskly from the compound’s grounds and into the city, no hesitation or time to doubt this decision now, no, can’t you see they’re starving? He puts more thought into this than it may look. Anyone out at midnight in this business district of an area wasn’t likely to be a child or anyone that may draw immediate suspicion to his actions, they were likely to be an older person, someone in a suit or a cocktail dress, someone on their way to a late shift or a nightclub.
And so with confidence the priest approaches their first coffin, amongst a buffet of coffins, coming to the ornate face of it so when they awoke, his ghostly figure would be the first thing this person sees. And with one last glance back at the other, he places his hand onto it. It begins to melt away.
The person inside is in a very dazed state, but Takaya mutters his prayer anyways that… “honors” their no doubt quickly approaching passing.   ❝ Go in peace. ❞  With one step, he steps aside to reveal the being behind him, hand raised as if offering the person up graciously.
He gives a hasty nod back, fighting to keep his wits about him as his thoughts started to cloud over more and more. He would then follow the thin man, hunching over a bit as he walked. Like a beast on the prowl.
Things were starting to blur as they finally came upon a coffin, his body transforming fully into a demon. He had no eyes in this form- he didn’t need them. He could sense the electrical impulses a nervous system gave off.
One bundle of electricity was Takaya, uttering words he barely registered. Another was a staggering movement. A stranger. Prey.
He couldn’t hold back any longer as his mind was overcome with a ravenous hunger. And in one swift movement the person was beheaded by a long blade like appendage that had extended from Serph’s arm. Blood spurted.. some may have splattered Takaya and a bunch definitely got on Serph.
It was a nearly instant death for the victim before he began rending into their flesh, devouring them clothes and all... He might swallow a few inedible objects in the process. Oh well.
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serphsup · 3 years
✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  Takaya was out under the moon at night, as always, watching the once full moon begin its slow process of waning away, all alone as he often was, in quiet thought.  Until the sudden call to him from what he could hear just in its voice had a mouth full of long, wet teeth.
He looks to the demon, and the state they’re clearly in, with blankly intrigued eyes.   ❝ … People you could eat? ❞   He finishes for them with surprise and a slow blink of his yellow eyes, but not… a negative surprise. With nothing more than just a moment’s forethought, something clearly being considered behind wandering eyes…  He looks back to the hungry other with a small smile.    ❝ If that is what you need… then it is more than possible in this hour. ❞ He kindly assures.  ❝ In the past I used to take the life of those who made others wish death upon them- wronged someone somehow. And I did it in this hour. Without consequence. ❞  He slinks up willingly to what anyone else would consider a dangerous being to be near.    ❝ They were encased in coffins– the coffins that are still appearing every dark hour… The affect should be much the same.❞  Catch his very careful wording, ah, he didn’t say all the coffins earned such hatred. The priest was never unclear except deliberately.    ❝ With one touch, I can open them for you. ❞
“R.. really?” His grey eyes light up slightly, desperation also clear in his features as a bit more drool dripped from his fangs.
People that wronged others? So the people in these coffins are bad then? He would think a moment, eyes darting around. Nervously lick his lips. Flex his fingers, one arm being more demonic at the moment had claws and a switchblade like appendage.
Devouring others wasn’t something he enjoyed... but there wasn’t much choice. Especially in this world that seemed to lack demons, he would have to resort to humans and he’d prefer they at least be vile criminals. That was how he got by in his world anyway, criminal hunting and demon ‘exorcism.’ 
“Please do. I need this.” He swallows harshly, tensing up a bit as he tried to keep a handle on himself. He could feel that primal, demonic, urge growing ever stronger. Pounding at the walls of his mind like a battering ram.
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serphsup · 3 years
The battle had ended a few days ago and Serph was way more drained than he’s expected. And that... that made his hunger worse.
The price paid for becoming a demon, no way to ever fully sate the hunger and if it was left unchecked the starvation would result in madness. Reliving those affected of their human rational and turning them into a predatory beast.
And that was not something he could risk. Better to at least choose whom you eat than to become a monster that devours his comrades.
So... here was nervously looking around in the dark hour, his arm had transformed leaving him more demonic than usual. Salivating from his jagged, shark like, teeth...
“I need.. urk...” His attention if pulled away as he smells someone nearby. “You.. h.. hey. I need to eat. Where.. ah.. do you know of any... people I could...?” That’s such an awkward question but he’s getting desperate. Maybe he should have just asked for more demon scales or... or something? But it just hasn’t been enough.
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serphsup · 3 years
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serphsup · 3 years
Serph makes a food blog and is arrested immediately for murder
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serphsup · 3 years
You should start up a food blog
Do... do you know what I eat?
This is a bad idea.
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serphsup · 3 years
You're not you when you're hungry! Have a steak made from premium A5 Demoloin, farmed sustainably from free-range Horkos! Minced Tangata Manu liver adds a dash of colour to the distinctly yellow meat.
His eyes sparkle looking at the delicious meal in front of him.
"Th.. thank you, kind stranger!" And with that he will pig out on the delectable food. Going full demonic form to cronch it down!
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serphsup · 3 years
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delicious in junkyard
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serphsup · 3 years
"BIRD UP???"
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serphsup · 3 years
“So can I eat Shido or....?” he’s looking at his newly acquired phone and tilting his head a little.
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serphsup · 3 years
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serphsup · 3 years
okay i’ll bite. chomp even. kill perhaps. maybe even maim
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serphsup · 3 years
Send me ♋ for our muses to switch bodies for a thread.
-Submitted by Anonymous
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serphsup · 3 years
     Shit, this was bad. Somehow he had let himself get distracted, a sudden swarm of Shadows cutting him off from the rest of the group. At first he had tried to fight, hearing the cries of his friends and teammates summoning all around him, but the harder they struggled the more vicious the horde seemed to grow. Calling out, he had told them to run–that he would fall back and find another way around. Except now he had no idea where he was, lost in a sea of fog and completely alone. Even Rise’s voice didn’t seem to be reaching him.
    What the hell?
    Even the glasses didn’t seem to help, not completely. He could see much better than he could without them, and they definitely helped prevent the otherworldly sickness that had crept into his bones on his first visit in, but wherever he was felt distant and disconnected. And, judging by the sudden sound of running feet, not wholly uninhabited. 
     Turning toward the sound felt like a mistake. The–creature? Shadow? Monster?–was unlike anything he had seen before, and he was already starting to get tired. Panic kicked his mind into high gear and he stumbled back, crying for Jiraiya to come to his aid. Without any specific commands, the Persona created a barrier between the stranger and Yosuke, hovering protectively as though daring Serph to attack. 
Serph stopped, craning his neck at the Persona, arms hanging at his sides in a passive way. Without eyes he really only sensed some sort of energy had manifested.
Curious and confused he moved closer only to get battered by the barrier and scramble backwards.
An irritated snarl escaped him, like an animal upset at being harmed.
But, he wasn't an animal. Just an embarrassed demon... at least now he knew not to walk in blind.
He took another step back and then proceeded to transform back to his, mostly, human shape.
Where a monster once stood there was now a young man of average height, with short silver hair, and simple clothes (a white t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers).
“Uh... hi...?” He sounds awkward but.. may as well try to come off as not dangerous, right?
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