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For any halloween ever:
-DO NOT dress as a homeless person -DO NOT dress as a mentally ill person -DO NOT dress as a KKK member -DO NOT dress up like a muslim person and claim that you are a terrorist
NEVER dress as someone from the minority and portray them wrongly.
~Erin & Qistina
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Do ya’ll realize that Asia is made up of around 50 countries, with about 2197 different languages (not just Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, mind you). Most importantly, Asia has a variety of races and ethnicities:
- Central Asia includes people from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and parts of Russia.
- Western Asia, usually referred to as the Middle East, which is largely made up of Arabs, with populations of Kurds, Jews and Turks.
- Southern Asia’s population is mostly represented by Indians, with includes major ethnicities such as Punjabi, Pashtun and Tajik.
- South-East Asia consists of people from Malaysia , Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Philipines, Indonesia, and more.
- East Asia is made up of people from China, North and South Korea, Japan and Mongolia.
So please, considering that Asia is the largest continent in the world, we are definitely not made up of just Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans.
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People who wear non-revealing clothes get raped Sober people get raped. People who do not fit into society’s expectation of beauty get raped. Children get raped
Were they asking for it? Rape is NEVER the victim’s fault
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The Shariah Law.
This post is intended to end the stigma around the Shariah law. The Shariah law is always used as an example of how Islam is not a religion of peace. The people who do use this as an example are incredibly uneducated on what it really is about.
Firstly, the Shariah law is accepting towards all religions. The Shariah law wants us muslims to embrace and respect other religions, and espouses the freedom of religion. The Qur'an even obliges muslims to fight on the behalf of Jews, Christians, or any other religion, in the time of need. When Prophet Muhammad ruled Arabia, he wanted the non-muslims to be able to worship in peace, and without oppression. Quote from the Qur'an, “for you is your religion, and for me is my religion”.
Secondly, there’s always been this argument raised up by islamaphobes about how Muslims want the Shariah Law to rule America. Well, non-muslims are not expected to follow the Shariah Law, as the Shariah Law itself forbids compulsion. Quote from the Qur'an, “there is no compulsion in religion”. The Shariah Law obliges muslims to be loyal to their nation of residence, hence, American-muslims are expected to conform to the US Constitution.
Finally, those countries that force the Shariah Law on their citizens, are not actually following it (I'm looking at you, Iraq) These countries have disregarded the basic principle of the Shariah Law and have instead used it as an excuse to gain power. Prophet Muhammad established that Shariah may only be applied if people willingly apply it to themselves—never through government enforcement.
source: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/1068569
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This is important. Stop big cat hunting. This literally is making me cry. 
The way the lion tries to shut out the light…
:Why would you shoot it?
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The Death Penalty
We believe that the death penalty should be abolished. We oppose the idea of execution - regardless of the crime comitted, the guilt or innocence of the offender, the person accused, or the method of execution.
More often than not, some countries execute offenders who are under 18 years of age, and even those who suffer from mental illness. The mentally ill should not be accused of murder, because they are not in the right state of mind when they committed the crime. Juveniles are known to make wrong decisions due to impulse, and it’s no surprise they make mistakes. Furthermore, it was found recently that only 13 out of a 100 people executed met the threshold for “extreme culpability”.
The death penalty is cruel, because the prisoners are often left to wait in anticipation for years in prison on death row. They wait, knowing that their lives are going to be taken away, in such a hellish place. Sentencing someone to the death penalty not only takes away their freedom, but it denies them human rights - the right to live.
Now, one might try to argue with “the death penalty deters people from commiting murders, hence decreasing the crime rate” No, there is no sources with evidence that the death penalty is effective in reducing crime rates. I saw this quote on the internet, “The death penalty is a symptom of a culture of violence, not a solution to it.”
Yes, maybe this person has killed your loved one, and miilions of others. I understand, I know that you would have strong emotions such as hatred and anger towards that person. I know that you want justice. But the death penalty isn’t justice. There is no justice for those who were killed by their country. Yes, he deserves punishment. But punish him in other ways, just not this. Not torture, not death. They might have taken your son’s life away, but by sentencing them to death penalty, you’re taking their life away. You’re heartbroken, but can’t you imagine the offender’s mother being heartbroken as well? You’re taking away someone else’s child. They have no right to take away lives, and neither do you. It’s no different.
“If you kill a murderer, the number of murderers in the world remains the same”.
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There's a link between Racism and Islamaphobia.
How? It’s simple. When I say “muslim”, what do you think of? The visual that comes up for the most of you is a dark-skinned person from the Middle East. This can be supported with the recent news of man arrested just for speaking arabic. Also, people with “muslim” names and “muslim” appearance get stopped at the airport. Dark-skinned “muslim-looking” people accused of terrorism. As you can see, there’s a great link between Racism and Islamaphobia. Well here’s the fact: 62% of muslims live in the Asia Pacific. That’s 985,530,000 people. Almost a billion. Sure, Islam in the middle east might be a dominant religion, but the majority of muslims live in Asia pacific. Surprise! Large muslim communities are present in China and Russia. Yes, Russia. What’s the skin colour in Russia? That’s right, it’s white. Many muslims live in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei etc. Islam is so racially diverse! Take me for example, I’m Chinese-Malay muslim. So don't reduce us to simply "dark-skinned middle easterners"
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Proud To Be Black And If You Are Black Or If You Support Black People Than Reblog It.
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I like something But Jimmy likes something else Therefore, I shall take away Jimmy’s right to like something else. ~Erin
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This mosque is where the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W himself is buried. These terrorists bombed the second most holy site in islam, where the Prophet is buried, in the holy month of Ramadan, on the eve of eid-ul-fitr no less. ISIS kills more Muslims than people of other religions. Everyday, people in the Middle East experience terrorism. Everyday. Tell me again how these terrorists are muslim. Terrorism has no religion. ~Qistina
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Isn’t it racist to think that all white people are racist? Isn’t it sexist to think that all men are sexist? Isn’t it religist if you’re in a religion yet you are against another religion? Isn’t it still hate if you are against straight people and are in the LGBTQ+ community? You're being a hypocrite.
~Erin & Qistina
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Omfg preach girl. ~Erin
why do we only ever talk about homophobia when I hope to god you all know there’s heterophobia too. like yeah it’s not a widespread problem like homophobia but it still exists.
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Isn’t this describing a human being trying to be decent? Unfortunately, some people are still trying to unlearn their prejudiced upbringing, so save your judgements for later. Maybe they’re not so comfortable with the LGBTQ+ community yet. Maybe they just want to tread lightly so as to not offend anyone. But apparently the effort of trying not to offend someone offends them anyway. You can’t have everyone accept your sexuality, so the least they could do is be respectful, although they don’t fully accept you. But it seems that that’s not enough for you. It’s disappointing how some people fail to appreciate the efforts of others and immediately judge them as being “pretentious” when they are actually just trying to be a respectful, decent human being, unlike SOME people.
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Okay so recently we've been seeing posts like these everywhere, which states how "boring" heterosexuality is. We just want to say that it is okay to like the opposite gender, and it isn't "boring". People only think so because heterosexuality is more common than most sexualities. This post sets apart heterosexuality from the other sexualities, only reinforcing the saying that the other sexualities are "unnatural". This post contradicts to the arguments about how the other sexualities shouldn't be seen as "not normal". Liking the same sex is okay, liking the opposite sex is okay. Heterosexuality is a sexuality too. Respect heterosexuality as much as you respect the other sexualities. "It's just a joke", is it? Sure it's a joke when it's about heteros, but when someone were to make a joke about homosexuals, for example, all hell breaks loose. All sexualities should be treated equally. ~Qistina & Erin
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Im a Panromantic Demisexual which means I don’t experience sexual attraction until I form a close bond/relationship with a person regardless of his/her/their sexuality/gender. So, I guess it’s safe to say that I’m apart of the LGBTQ+ community. Now, this month, June 2016 is pride month. (Happy pride month BTW.) But even though I have a pride day (8thand29th June), I don’t celebrate those days. I mean, shit, I spent about 15 minutes looking up online what my pride days were. But the reason I don’t celebrate pride month/pride days is because I just don’t feel the need to do such a thing. Why? Well, even though in the eyes of my parents and relatives I am straight, I think of myself as an open person. All my friends know my sexuality and they accept me, which is pretty awesome considering the fact that the country I live in isn’t exactly accepting. But the reason I don’t celebrate pride month/day is because I celebrate my sexuality EVERYDAY. There isn’t a need for me, or anyone to have this one special day which they openly celebrate their sexuality, because everyone is equal, and nobody should ever require pride month/ pride day. Everyone is equal, we are all just humans. We don’t need pride months like these to show the world that we are valid. To me, pride day is everyday. ~Erin
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There are MANY videos and posts that try to get people to realise that heterophobia is bullshit by reversing the roles. Like for example, the post above. “Let’s pretend that straight people are bullied for being straight”. So, isn’t it almost the same? Aren’t straights being bullied now? “Straights are homophobic”, “Straight people are weird”, “Straight people dont deserve pride”. No one bats an eye. Disgusting. Heterophobia isn’t about oppression, or about the world not accepting heterosexuality. It’s about how the LGBTQ community treats them. Heterosexuality is a sexuality too. All sexualities should be treated equally.
~Qistina & Erin
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