shadow-hunterlife · 6 years
Thanks!! I've been wondering about these for ages! Cheers from the south of the UK!!
P.S. Here's a robin and badger :) they are quite cute
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Questions for Americans from a Brit
(None of these are supposed to be offensive or what not; I’m genuinely curious)
• Do you really have a flag in every classroom?
• What does graduating high school mean? Do you get any actual qualifications or is it like ‘well done here’s a certificate’?
• Why are your houses so big?!
• What are the walls in houses made of, like brick…or dry wall…?
• Is it common to visit other states or do you generally stay where you are?
• What do your principles actually do? Do they really speak to every kid who’s been sent out of class (the classic “I got sent to the principle’s office” in movies)? Are they not too busy with, you know, running the school?
• Why is it when schools have a school uniform, the trousers are always beige??
• What’s a semester?
• How many lessons do you have a day in school?
• Why’s your healthcare so expensive? Surely it doesn’t cost that much for treatment? Like how does a childbirth with no complications cost thousands of dollars?
• What’s even the point in one dollar notes?
• What’s a dime?
• What’s a quarter?
• Do you have badgers?
• Why are the quality of your tv shows so bad? They’re always grainy and have an odd audio quality.
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shadow-hunterlife · 6 years
Thanks ms for answering! Things are much clearer now 😊
Questions for Americans from a Brit
(None of these are supposed to be offensive or what not; I’m genuinely curious)
• Do you really have a flag in every classroom?
• What does graduating high school mean? Do you get any actual qualifications or is it like ‘well done here’s a certificate’?
• Why are your houses so big?!
• What are the walls in houses made of, like brick…or dry wall…?
• Is it common to visit other states or do you generally stay where you are?
• What do your principles actually do? Do they really speak to every kid who’s been sent out of class (the classic “I got sent to the principle’s office” in movies)? Are they not too busy with, you know, running the school?
• Why is it when schools have a school uniform, the trousers are always beige??
• What’s a semester?
• How many lessons do you have a day in school?
• Why’s your healthcare so expensive? Surely it doesn’t cost that much for treatment? Like how does a childbirth with no complications cost thousands of dollars?
• What’s even the point in one dollar notes?
• What’s a dime?
• What’s a quarter?
• Do you have badgers?
• Why are the quality of your tv shows so bad? They’re always grainy and have an odd audio quality.
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shadow-hunterlife · 6 years
Questions for Americans from a Brit
(None of these are supposed to be offensive or what not; I’m genuinely curious)
• Do you really have a flag in every classroom?
• What does graduating high school mean? Do you get any actual qualifications or is it like ‘well done here’s a certificate’?
• Why are your houses so big?!
• What are the walls in houses made of, like brick...or dry wall...?
• Is it common to visit other states or do you generally stay where you are?
• What do your principles actually do? Do they really speak to every kid who’s been sent out of class (the classic “I got sent to the principle’s office” in movies)? Are they not too busy with, you know, running the school?
• Why is it when schools have a school uniform, the trousers are always beige??
• What’s a semester?
• How many lessons do you have a day in school?
• Why’s your healthcare so expensive? Surely it doesn’t cost that much for treatment? Like how does a childbirth with no complications cost thousands of dollars?
• What’s even the point in one dollar notes?
• What’s a dime?
• What’s a quarter?
• Do you have badgers?
• Why are the quality of your tv shows so bad? They’re always grainy and have an odd audio quality.
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shadow-hunterlife · 6 years
Shadowhunters is such an important show. It was the first time I’ve ever seen a character of my sexual identity ANYWHERE and it felt amazing to know that I wasn’t alone! I can only imagine the hundreds of thousands of lives that this show has touched, and the many that have felt validated because of it. It’s amazing LGBTQIA+ representation is something we sourly need when there’s so much hate in the world. Please, do sign the petition, or reblog. ❤️❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
Izzy: Hey how do you want your coffee?
Alec: Dark and bitter like my soul
Izzy: Alright, one glass of milk coming right up
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
Magnus: *pulls curtain back while Alec is in the shower*
Magnus: Are we - stop screaming it’s just me - are we out of Cheetos?
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
Clary: buffalo wings aren’t made of buffalo? Oh man, my life is a lie
Simon: No offence Clary but since when has anything you knew about your life turned out to be true?
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
[After someone insults Clary]
Simon: You...You...You rude person!
Clary: Go easy on them, Simon
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
“Oh no he’s hot”
- Alec at some point probably
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
oh my god i really don’t wanna be the person to do this because i love uptown funk but it’s actually really really problematic…. like it’s awful and idk I feel so bad for liking it. I can’t really explain it that well but here is a detailed explanation. idk why we can’t just have nice things
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
In the UK, when we buy tampons, we have to pay tax on them. This is because they are not classed as 'essentials', even though items such as Jaffa Cakes, razors, and even CROCODILE MEAT are! Although the UK Government has promised to end the Tampon Tax, Brexit has gotten in the way, delaying it until 2019. Tesco and Waitrose are now paying the tax for us, which is wonderful! This petition is asking the other big supermarkets to do the same. Obviously you don't have to sign anything you don't want to, but please do take a look :)
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
Izzy: Oh Jace, you're so cute Jace: Cute? I'm not cute. Clary tell her I'm not cute. I'm.....dashing. Debonair. Devastatingly handsome. Clary: Jace: Clary: Well.... Jace: I am not cute, Clary! Clary: You're right, you're right...the word of use is really more like....adorable
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
last night i got asked out by not one, not two, but zero people
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
Boyfriend Problems....
Clary: My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do? Izzy: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kiss him. Alec: Tackle him. Simon: Dump him. Magnus: Kick him in the shin. Jace: NO TO ALL OF THOSE. JUST ASK ME TO LEAN DOWN.
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
In a Heartbeat - Animated Short Film (2017)
A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.
© Beth David and Esteban Bravo 2017
It’s here! After a year and a half of hard work, we are both so excited to finally share our film with you. Thank you all for your support and encouragement - this film means the world to us, and your kindness and enthusiasm has made this journey all the more meaningful. It is our great pleasure to share with you this labor of love, and we hope with all our hearts that you enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2REkk9SCRn0 Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/227690432
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
Asexual Raphael...
Doctor: Are you sexually active?
Raphael: Well I’m not even physically active
Raphael: The only active I am is online
Raphael: You do the math
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shadow-hunterlife · 7 years
Jace: We're not gonna hang around like sitting ducks. Jace: We're gonna take the fight to them. Like some WADDLING ducks! Jace: ...If the waddling was super fast and cool. Alec: Like some boss ass penguins!
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