shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
I don’t know which ending caused me more pain, the ending of the book or the movie?
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
Happy Ending? - Call Me By Your Name (book)
This is a really long freaking post.
I saw Call Me By Your Name for the first time at the beginning of April. I was working on a challenge for Camp NaNoWriMo and had committed to editing 30K of my novel. But watching the movie, then reading the book twice threw a wrench in all of my plans (I still made it at the end of the month, but just barely and I can’t speak to the quality of my work).
I’ll spare you the insane ways I got my friends and family to read the book and/or watch the movie and instead dwell on what I came here to talk about, which is the ending of the novel. The first time I read it, it struck me as unbearably sad and unrequited. My heart broke for the “parallel lives” Elio and Oliver lived, how they might not ever reclaim the love that had so marked their lives.
Then I read an interview where the author, André Aciman confesses that there is a happy ending hidden in that last meeting between Oliver and Elio. This, of course, buoyed me, but it also forced me to go back and confront those last twenty pages or so which had initially so saddened me. A more careful reading made me very excited for the idea of a sequel, how wonderful it could be, though it would have to have a different tone from the first movie. A close read reinforced the impression that there was, in fact, space for an ending full of possibility and hope for Elio and Oliver.
I’m not a particularly grand essayist, my strength lying more in the realm of fiction, but I tried to organize my thoughts and evidence in support of Aciman’s statement (all locations are in the Kindle Edition). It’s my assertion that Aciman sets up the possibility of a reconciliation between Elio and Oliver and leaves clues for the reader to reach that same conclusion.
I’ve divided my analysis in two parts - Elio’s visit to New England and Oliver’s visit after Mr. Perlman’s death. 
Forgive me in advance if I forget anything or get something wrong.
tl;dr – Elio and Oliver have the possibility of a happy resolution, after all.
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
if you make fun of people for their weight i hope someone spills soup in your lap
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
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Nalani Hair - greenllamas
This hair is like the big sister of my azure hair from last year ksfmksms….details below luvs!
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
I know someone who this applies to...
Dude this one customer was like MY SON HAS TO GET A JOB AND STOP MOOCHING OFF MY MONEY. And I was like “how old is he?” And she was like “17” and I was like. Holy shit you’re a freak! Lmao. Like teens can get jobs sure but he’s still a child you’re responsible for acting like he’s mooching off you when it’s YOUR responsibility to take care of him. What a fucking freak I hate capitalism lmao
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
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Direct Controls
Created for: The Sims 4 by QuackGames
Direct Controls
is a mod for The Sims 4 that adds a whole new way of playing the game, by letting you control your Sim’s every move.
With the press of a button (F1) you can seamlessly take control of your Sim’s movement and explore the world through their perspective. Controlling your Sims with the keyboard is as natural as it gets if you’ve ever played any other modern third person or first person game before. The controls are as follows:
W, A, S, D: Movement Shift: Sprint F1: Enable/Disable Direct Controls
Smooth Movement System - An entirely new movement system was built from the ground up for The Sims 4 Direct Controls. You’ll quickly adapt to a modern, smooth, camera-based movement inspired by the best third person and first person games out there.
First Person Support - Yes, the mod has a complete and fully fledged support for the beloved first person camera from The Sims 4. It automatically knows when you’re in first person and all movement systems will adapt to it.
Automatic Traversal - Go anywhere. Your Sims will automatically traverse any doors, stairs, or evelators in the game. The world is all yours to explore!
In-Depth Customization - The mod features a fully functional in-game menu where you can customize everything and enable some very interesting features. Be a ghost, be the fastest man alive, be whatever you want to be, move however you want to move!
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The Sims 4 Direct Controls is built on the patch v1.51.77
It should work on any latest patch that might be released in the future. As for mod conflicts, it has been reported that right now Direct Controls is conflicting with the following mods:
TwistedMexi’s BuildMode FreeCam
Rest assured that I’ll do what I can to resolve all conflicts. Please let me know if you find any other incompatibilities whatsoever.
Download: https://modthesims.info/d/628842/direct-controls.html
Get featured: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
I understand his thoughts, I really do. Isn’t it what so many other people are thinking? That they are worried the first movie will be “ruined” by a second one? I find it a bit wierd that this has come at this time though, because the same day this interview came out, Mar 21nd, he was in an interview with Jimmy Fallon where he said that Luca, Timmy and he were down for a sequel. So I think he is down for a sequel, but really wants it to be good to not “ruin” the first movie. The script has to be good. And honestly, who dosen’t want that? We all want that. 
Personally, I want a sequel SO BAD. I’m excited for the second book coming out here in October, but really hope that a second movie will be made as well. And it is not the same without Armie and Timmy. They have become the faces of Oliver and Elio right from the moment I saw them on screen. It will only be a matter of time and dedication and hard work, and then we will (hopefully) have that amazing manuscript. We all know how talented Luca is. 
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
I’m sorry I need a moment
“Why do you think they don’t end up together? Who says Oliver leaves? I think that they are still very much in love.”
— André Aciman, on whether Elio and Oliver would ever get back together in the book 
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
I agree with this, I can’t stand them ending it with them apart. But maybe there will be three movies, I’ve heard he might wants to turn it into a trilogy.
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they deserved the entire world
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
all im saying is that a show set in highschool ending w a character starting uni comes as a beautiful full circle so
eliott for season 7
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
the possibility to get an eliott/even season is so big right now
god i am shaking 
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
I have just come back to find out that Skam France has been renewed and I am LIVING
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
Honestly, it’s just so sad to see all those negative comments and toxicity in general towards not only Axel and his girlfriend but the cast and parts of the fandom in general.
I am a very sensitive person and it is just not a nice thing to see that people are so…disrespectfil and hurtful sometimes.
I never like talking about stuff like this because I want this blog to be a safe place for people who share the same interests but seeing Axel taking a break from Twitter or Maxence feeling anxious because people follow him just makes me so incredibly sad and angry.
This fandom should be full of love and acceptance but there are still people who overstep lines again and again. It’s not fair for the cast and it’s not fair for the people who are in fact nice and sweet without being just rude and ignorant.
Please remember that we’re all just humans, we have feelings and even though some of you might think that actor or celebrities in general, “should know that this stuff can happen”. Please just shut up, because this is simply the worst thing you could say. You don’t know these people, neither do I, but you all should be old enough and have enough common sense to understand that this kind of behaviour is just disgusting.
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
One last thing,
Putting aside the fact that dumb, intrusive, shitty comments that are being made have literaly driven Axel away to the point where he deactivated—
He is a regular human being. To think anyone could overlook his feelings and personal life and just absolutely attack him with false info and make him feel shitty for literally doing nothing is so fucking sad.
What’s even worse is that these are people who’ve watched the show and still not grasped the entire concept of it. Literally love is such a huge message through the entire series and they just do the exact opposite of it.
Respect and love always. That’s all there is to it.
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
Is this fake or is it real? Because if it’s real I’m gonna SCREAM
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this made me so happy
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shadowhuntersloving · 5 years
So I just watched CMBYN again here the other day, and some questions popped up in my head, and some general consideration. 
Everyone that I have seen loves both the book and the movie. I very much understand that, because I love it too. I'm obsessed, and came back into that obsession recently which was why I watched the movie again, and kind of as a celebration for the sequel of the book, I guess you could say, haha. 
We all know the beautiful message of this movie, the dreaminess, the story of first love, in my eyes not only to Elio, but also to Oliver. 
Though I noticed something that got me thinking. I saw someone making a post which was from a long time ago, who said that they loved both the movie and the book, but found the ending too sad. Then someone commented saying that that was because they didn't understand the message and they were immature if they couldn't understand it and childish. 
I didn't like seeing this, because I don't think it's true. You can understand something and see the beauty in it, but that dosen't mean you have to love it. And personally, I kind of felt the same way about the ending. 
I am one of those people who love and admire the book and the movie the way it is. Elio's father's speech at the end always finds a way deep into my heart. But what I'm talking about here is not really about that, it's quite simple actually: Do you like the ending of the book and the movie? 
Please tell me why. I'm in a difficult place about this, because I love it, and it's special, it's not something that I have ever seen in TV or in books ever before, but still I can't help but feel so sad when I think about it. And that's not because I don't get it, because I do, but what I don't like, honestly, which probably sounds a bit stupid, is bad endings. 
I hate them. I don't care. I hate the crying, I hate the sadness, I hate the heartbroken-ness. I watch movies and tv shows to escape from reality. From real life, from the pain that I have felt through my life, and if I'm feeling something right there in that moment as well. I am simply one of those who HATE sad endings. Why? Well, I have already given you one reason above, but one other reason is also that I want everyone to be happy, to find happiness. I want to find my happiness someday, it could be a career, it could be a person, I don't care. I just want to find my happiness, because with that happiness, all of the pain that you have experienced has been worth it, in my opinion. Everything suddenly makes more sense. I pass by, hear about and talk with people every day who has experienced horrible things, and who really aren't happy in their lives. What I hope for, is that they find happiness themselves. I see and experience too much pain in life to witness the heartbreaking endings of many movies and tv shows. And it's not because I don't want to see sadness at all, because sadness is reality. Sadness is a big part of life. But that dosen't mean it has to be everything or end up like that. 
And even though I have never seen CMBYN as a "gay storyline", but simply just the love between two people, we all know that same sex couples haven't been too lucky in books, tv shows and movies. It's very rare that we get couples like Malec from Shadowhunters and Evak from Skam. 90% of the time the couples I read about or see either die, break up, cheat, or something like that, and never end up together, and are never truly happy. So every time I start a book, tv show or movie where I know there is gonna be a same sex couple, I hope that this story is special, that it stays in my heart, and that they will have a happy ending, because I have seen too many sad ones.
At the same time, I feel like the book ending - the very ending - has some kind of...hope to it? It leaves us hanging where we’re not sure what’s gonna happen. Do they seperate again? Does Oliver call Elio by his name and lets him back into his heart? Do they get together again? Or do they keep going, never ending, by seperating and meeting over and over? I really want to know what happens after that ending, I’m so curious. 
YES I know the message of the ending of CMBYN, YES I understand it, and YES I admire it. But at the same time, it is simply too heartbreaking for me. And I probably shouldn't be this affected by something like this, but it kept going on and on in my head, and now I needed to write something about it. 
Now, you might also know that there will be a sequel of the book. I only heard about it a couple of days ago so I really don't know anything about it other than that it's a sequel to CMBYN, and that it will be out in October? Have I gotten that right? Hopefully. I am very excited to experience this sequel, because I have always felt like something was missing. A door that needed to be closed. Maybe I can have that with this. 
But to get to the core of what I want, I want to ask all of you out there: What do you think about CMBYN? Why do you love it? Why do you hate it? What is your relationship with the ending? Have you read the book and what do you think about it? And will you be reading the sequel? And are you excited about it?
Let me know! And please, no rude comments(I know I might get hate for this, I apologize).
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