shadypoetrysoul · 4 years
It's not hard for me to imagine Zuko with a slightly darker personality. Yes, it's very out of character since Zuko is nothing if not a soft cinnamon roll. Despite knowing very well, who Zuko is as a character in the show, I crave for fanfictions with slightly darker or edgier Zuko (even though he is already very edgey). There has been moments in the show when zuko has been very ruthless, so I know it is possible. I like thinking about characters who are good people, but are forced to or gets in the habit of compromising their morality. I think that's why I'm drawn to book 1 zuko so much (even though book 2 zuko is my absolute favorite). I like characters, who thinks the very worst about themselves, still struggling to do good despite compromising their own morality often. We already get this from Zuko in the show, but I want more. Firelord Zuko has a lot of potential for angst.
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shadypoetrysoul · 4 years
I love imagining Zuko as a ruler/politician/diplomat/administrator. Sometimes my imaginations of Zuko are out of character. He is not really cut out for a life in the palace. He is too honest, too pure, too selfless, too honerable. But I love thinking about Zuko in a way that preserve his character traits, but also make him a successful monarch. There needs to be more fanfictions written about Zuko as he plays the "game of thrones".
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shadypoetrysoul · 4 years
This may be a controversial opinion as a avatar: the last airbender fan, but I really like Zuko in book 1. Zuko as a antagonist wasn't that intimidating (because he was beaten most of the time), but I enjoyed his questionable morality. Zuko's "goodness" became more and more clear as the show progressed, but he was still very ambigious for much of it until late in book 3 when he joined the gaang officially. Of course I love the entire show, and was enchanted by it when I watched for the first time, but during my annual rewatch I lose a little bit of interest after zuko officially becomes a "good guy". I really enjoy Zuko when he is flirting with darkness. I would love to read a fanfiction, where an alternative development of zuko is explored. The "dark zuko" tag on ao3 is underused for my taste.
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shadypoetrysoul · 4 years
Dare I confess, I have recently become somewhat of a sokka/zuko fan? I was never into any shipping, but after seeing a few fanart, I am strangely warm to the idea. I need to read a few fanfictions, for research.
ahh same, was never a big shipper before but have since fallen into the zukka craze, it’s very cute!!
here are some recs if you’re interested!
These two write the absolute best zukka in my opinion. Excellent AU where Zuko is the Fire Nation ambassador and goes on a diplomatic visit to the Northern Water Tribe. (Also a moon spirit! Sokka AU.)
Post-series canon divergence; zukka isn’t the sole focus but I enjoyed it! Kind of darker in tone I guess.
Very nice post-canon get together fic! Sokka is the Water Tribe Ambassador.
Fake dating AU from the previously mentioned two authors! Honestly all of their stuff is excellent, I just prefer their gen content.
More of their work! This one is still updating, kind of slow burn; endgame is zukka but so far it’s not the focus. The plot is absolutely excellent though, would recommend even if you’re not a fan of the ship! Reminds me of Salvage but with Sokka stranded on a raft with Zuko and Iroh rather than Zuko with Hakoda.
Another fake dating AU because I’m predictable I guess. Very funny!
That’s about all I could think of, these are all gen btw since that’s all I really read. Hope you enjoy!
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