The Boxer. Chapter 4
Late April 
“Soooo…” Emma started drumming her fingers on the cafe’s table.
“So….” Francesca mimicked, cutting into her crepe.
“Any plans for graduation?”
Francesca glanced up at Emma, knowing what she really meant by her question.  
“You mean a ‘party’?”
Emma sheepishly tilted her head to the right then the left before mumbling into her Irish coffee, “One might say that…”
Francesca’s mouth curved into a small smile as she was yet again remained of how well she knew her roommate.
“Sorry Em, but I’m having dinner with my family.
As expected, Emma let out a extremely unbecoming ‘boo’ that had the people sitting on either side of them, shoot them dirty looks. They sat in silence for a moment, Francesca enjoying her crepe watching Emma have some sort of internal struggle.
“Well what do you think about me throwing a little party.”
“At the apartment?” Emma hummed her response causing Francesca to roll her eyes. “I don’t understand why you insist on always using our apartment. There aren’t a shortage of clubs and bars here in the city you know.”
“What are we in high school?” Francesca’s eyebrows knitted together as she tried to understand what Emma meant by the comment. But Emma continued to say, “Those places are lame.”
“You know what I find lame? The furniture in our living being destroyed.” Francesca sarcastically remarked.
Emma glared at her. “You will never let that go will you?”
“I will not.” Francesca ate a piece of sweet strawberry , shrugging her shoulders.
“Well how about I have the party after you move out because technically I would be the sole resident.”
Emma had a point but Francesca was still worried that she was allowing a dangerous precedent to be set.
“If I am moved out and no longer your roommate, why are you asking my permission to throw a party?”
Emma tried hard to contain herself but upon hearing Francesca’s words she broke out the ever cheesy and toothy grin. She lifted her drink with the intention of toasting to something but she set the drink back down.
“Hold up. You aren’t even going to intend your own graduation party?”
“That is some hardcore anti-social behavior right there.”
Francesca giggled, happily finishing her crepe. Emma continued to talk about the party, already brainstorming a playlist of ‘bangers’ and the alcohol needed.
“Jonathan and the boys like whiskey.”
‘Jonathan and the boys?’ Francesca was going to have to proceed with caution. Inhaling deeply, Francesca pushed around the last few bits of her crepe. “You going to invite Jonathan?”
“Was thinking about it. His friend got a fight but everyone knows he is going to win. Just like a buffer fight to keep him busy you know.”
Humming her response, not trusting the words that would come out of her mouth. Something was telling her Emma might be using her graduation as a front to throw a party.  But Francesca remembered that by the time of Emma’s party, she would be moved out and living quietly and peacefully on the upper east side.
All Francesca could do was smile. “I hope he wins.”
The day was spent moving the last of her items out of the apartment. Her older brother helped carry everything out as her father stood in the living supervising the operation, taking a phone call ever other minute. Her older brother offered to take her to her parents’ place but she refused. His truck was packed and Francesca did not want to be crushed under the weight of her own personal items on her way across the island.* (island of manhattan)
Once they left, she closed her door to her room with every intention of reading, enjoying her last evening at the apartment. But she promptly fell asleep right as her body hit the bed.
Waking up, it felt as if she had slept for enternity. Her eyes immediately fell on the book, left untouched and unread just a few inches from her face. Flipping onto her back, she groaned, stretching her limbs. It was then that she heard the music. For a split second she thought it was coming from outside, maybe the people above them left their window open for all the world to hear their music. But then it hit her like a ton of bricks.
Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes uttering a single, “Fuck.”
Her parents were expecting her and the party going on just behind her door made it completely impossible to go back to sleep. Rolling off of her bed she quickly changed into the light pink shirtdress and flats in order to look presentable when arriving home.
Lazily slinging the cross body bag across her chest, she took one last look at her now completely empty room. When she was ready, she took a moment to prepare herself before opening her bedroom door. It turned out to be a waste of time as she was still appalled at the scenes unfolding steps away from her. There was a couple making out on the couch, another not so discreetly dry humping in a doorway, red cups scattered all across the floor, and a strong scent that made her want to gag. Telling herself repeatedly to remain calm and to just keep her head down to sneak away from the debauchery.
“AW CHESSIE!” Francesca actually whimpered, knowing that she had been caught and the possibly of sneaking away unseen was now gone.
“Hey Jessie.” she shouted over the music that’s bass was so loud  she was sure the windows were rattling.
Jessie throws herself at Francesca and Francesca catches her in an awkward hug. “I am so happy you are finally done!” Her congratulations was accompanied by a cheer that a few other girls joined in on.
Francesca’s face twisted in annoyance but Jessie failed to notice, leaning in close to whisper in her ear. “Who are all these hotties?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Francesca stated honestly. She added that Emma would know but Jessie just smirked.
“Hmm keeping them to yourself you naughty girl.”
“No, no. It’s not lik-“ she was cut off by her name yet again being shouted over the music and across the room. Francesca was surprised that she was so popular at her graduation party. Excusing herself from Jessie, promising to catch up over brunch one weekend, Francesca slipped through the crowd of people towards the kitchen.
Emma was seated atop of the counter, a small group in front of her. Emma was reaching her hands out towards her and she hated when Emma was drunk. Emma was so shameless and eager to get others to embarrass themselves that Francesca preferred to not be around her when drinks were served.
“Come here my little graduate.” Francesca was satisfied standing awkwardly off the shoulders of the guys in front of Emma. But Emma was not having it. “Come I want to introduce you to Jon’s friends.” She slurred and Francesca sighed, excusing herself as she made her way into the circle. Turning around so leaned back against the counter, beside Emma, crossing her arms across her chest.
“This is Adam, and Christopher, and this is Shawn.” Emma paused to gulp down her drink. “Shawn this is the girl you’re sharing a party with.”
Francesca turned her head to look at Shawn and she was surprised, despite the dim lighting, at how handsome he was. He was so tall that she couldn’t simply look at him but look ‘up’ to reach his dark eyes. Yet he remained silent not even offering her his hand. He just looked down at her and Francesca made a face whilst giving her attention back to Emma.
Placing her hand on Emma’s jean clad knee she shouted, “I’m going to leave I wil-“
“What?” Emma shouted with a bit more force than Francesca.
“I’m leaving !”
“No! You just got here silly billy!” Emma draped her arms over Francesca’s shoulders, wrapping them across her chest. Francesca was instantly uncomfortable and went to remove Emma’s clammy hands.
“You two should make out.” Some guy called out as he passed the circle. The boys all reacted quickly telling him to get lost, Christopher adding a hard shove for good measure.
“Would you like a drink?” Adam asked.
“No thank you. I’m on my way out.”
“But its your party!”
“Well it’s technically our party.” She states matter of factly, wagging her finger between herself and Shawn.
“Where are you headed?” Shawn inquired, taking her by surprise that he actually spoke.
“Do you need a ride?”
“No.” Francesca was going to add that she would be taking a cab but she thought her answer was sufficient. Quick, to the point, and a step closer to being on her way out the front door.  Shawn though keep his eyes locked on hers as he sipped his drink. She was tempted to say something perhaps a thanking for your offer or a comment about her she doesn’t support drinking and driving, but she didn’t.
“Did you win your fight?”
He smirked, nodding his head. “I did.”
“Well congratulations.”
“Em,” she began tossing Emma’s arms off of her body, “I will text you once I’m home. Saying her goodbyes to the boys, she works her way out of the circle, politely mumbling an ‘excuse me’ as she passes Shawn.
Leaving the apartment building she hailed a cab and within the next half hour was at her parents’ place. Yawning she closed her bedroom door, falling onto the tufted bench in front of her neatly made bed. Texting Emma she was safe and sound on the upper east side, Francesca was surprised when she received a reply back so quickly.
the message read:  good. 😍
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Enjoying the start to the boxer . hope you continue
oh wow, thank you. And I will be continuing some time soon. 🙂
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who?? gave?? him?? the?? right??
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The Boxer. Chapter 3.
There were times that Shawn would question why he had ever agreed to help his friend out. Jonathan’s plans were always haphazardly thrown together and majority of the time ended up either a total disaster or if they were lucky, just a failure. Although this little adventure seemed to be pretty solid all up till it was time to execute. Jonathan and his ‘not girlfriend yet we aren’t friends’ got into a fight and being the drama queen that he is, he gathered up all Emma’s things left at his apartment with the intention of returning them to her. Shawn had nothing pressing to do that day and so offered to drive Jonathan to Emma’s apartment.
But Emma was working, Jonathan had conveniently remembered as Shawn made the turn on Emma’s block. Driving over to Emma’s job, Jonathan got out to give Emma her stuff but he came back after receiving a scolding from the school’s security that Emma was not in the building. Shawn then was directed to a coffee shop Jonathan claimed was a second home to Emma but she wasn’t there either.
Rolling up to their fifth and frustratingly first destination, Shawn was understandably irritated. Pulling up in front of Emma’s apartment building for the second time that day, Shawn shut his Jeep off, refusing to move until all of Emma’s things were out of his truck.
“Why are we back where we started?”
“I know she is not here,” Shawn exhaled loudly, slouching down in his seat. “But her roommate should be coming back from classes. I’ll just leave everything with her. Even though I know she can’t stand me.”
Glancing over at Jonathan, Shawn wanted to tell him tell him to walk home or that he was paying for a round of drinks. Better yet make it two rounds. 
“Oh,” Jonathan started grabbing the cardboard box of Emma’s things. “There she goes.” Shawn watches as Jonathan rushes out of the Jeep, approaching Emma’s roommate. Shawn was about to laugh at the scene unfolding before his eyes but then he got a better look at Emma’s roommate.
She was walking to her apartment, a thick book nestled against her chest, talking animatedly to the guy walking alongside of her. He nodded his head, chuckling, and Shawn was curious as to what she was talking about. Her face though dropped when she saw Jonathan waiting at the entrance to her apartment building. She tucked her hair behind her ear and if Shawn was any good at reading body language, he would say that she was uncomfortable, even embarrassed.
Emma’s roommate was pretty, very pretty actually. She was silent, looking up at Jonathan with big, wide eyes as he spoke and motioned to the box in his hands. Her lips stretched into a smile and Shawn all of a sudden wondered what he could say or do that would get her to smile like that again. He was internally screaming at himself to get out of the damn Jeep but his body was frozen, his feet cemented to the floor.
Jonathan passed the cardboard box to the guy standing next to Emma, before giving her roommate a small wave. Shawn watched, totally transfixed as she entered the building.
“Who was that?” He mumbled before he could catch himself.
“Who? The girl? I told you Emma’s roommate.”
Shawn could hear his heart beating and a fluttering within his stomach he had never felt before. His eyes were still fixed on her as she and the guy waited for the elevator. As she stepped onto the elevator it was as if he had been rudely pushed back into reality. Jonathan was going on about how thankful he was that all of Emma’s “shit” was out of his hands, when Shawn cut him off.
“She gotta name?”
Jonathan was about to answer but then a smirk formed, his head tilting to the side to look at him. “She is way outta your league bro. Believe me. Would be nothing but a waste of your time.”
“Hm.” Was all Shawn said as he put his keys into the ignition, still unable to get that girl out of his mind.
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The Boxer.  Chapter 2.
     There was an unexplainable joy that ran through her as she entered her apartment for the first time since the new year. She was now officially a senior entering her final semester as an undergraduate and believe it or not she was missing her lumpy bed over on the west side. Her bed back at her parents' place was, after vacant for the greater part of three years, unfamiliar and lacking in pillows. Francesca would also be lying if she would say she didn't miss her roommate. They texted each other, tagging each other in ridiculous memes but it was nothing compared to being in the same space as Emma.
Locking the front door behind her, Francesca moved towards her room, struggling with her unnecessarily heavy bags. The moment her hand touched the golden doorknob, the door to Emma's room opened and Sophia smirked, getting ready for Emma's over the top welcome. Glancing over her shoulder to say her hellos, Francesca gasped when she saw a man exiting Emma's room.
"Excuse me." Sophia starts in complete shock. The man freezes, looking at her with an expression that Francesca would claim was a mixture of amusement and confusion.
"Yes?" he answers rather smugly and Francesca can feel her blood being to boil.
Dropping her bags onto the floor, she approaches the shirtless man. "Who do you think you are? Where is Emma?" her voice became increasingly louder as she demanded answers from the shirtless man. He just snickered, peering down at Francesca infuriating further. Peeking into Emma's room, she catches the unmade bed and hears the shower running. Before she even knew what she was doing, her feet began to move, her fists banging on the bathroom door.
"Emma? Emma! Open the door." Francesca was unable to make out Emma's muffled words and so proceeded to bang on the door. Within a second, the door flew open.
"What in the fuck is your problem."
"Who is that guy? Do you know him?"
Emma makes a face as if she had been expecting to hear the apartment was on fire. "Chessie I swear you're so extra. That's Jonathan. Can I finish my shower in peace without you breaking the door down?"
The door shuts and locks before Francesca could response. She was relieved to know there was not a 'complete' stranger in their apartment. Yet still annoyed that Emma had ignored one of their rules: The roommate must ask the other roommate permission for guests to be brought over. Emma never asked Sophia if Jonathan could stay over. Also, the fact that Jonathan was incredibly rude was not helping matters. Leaving the room, she was greeted by Jonathan rummaging through the refrigerator.
"No." she began. "No, no, no."
"Hey relax lady."
"Excuse me. This is my apartment. You are a guest." Slamming the refrigerator door shut, she continued, "You do not go through other people's stuff."
He inhaled deeply, his eyes wide. "You gotta chill."
"No. 'You' need to go sit down on the couch and wait for Emma."
For a moment it looked as if Jonathan was going to engage but he didn't. He held back, turning, to stroll towards the couch. As he took his time to sit on the couch, Sophia made herself comfortable on one of the kitchen's stools to wait for her roommate. In the meantime, she sent Nicholas a text telling him about this scene unfolding. Thankfully he replied back in his usual timely fashion and they talked, allowing Francesca's anger to subside.
When the door to Emma's room opened though, Francesca felt some of that anger resurface. Emma was dressed in her pajamas and Francesca automatically knew that Jonathan was not going anywhere for the rest of the day.
"Emma..." Francesca starts, letting her annoyance be known. "We made rules for a reason. You never asked if you could have guests over. What if I would've brought my dad or brother over? How would I explain some naked stranger roaming around the apartment?"
"Hey," Jonathan turns to look at her. "I have pants on."
Ignoring him Francesca was much more interested in what Emma had to say.
"Look, I am sorry okay? It was a last minute thing. I was not expecting him to spend the night, honestly."
Francesca tilts her head to the side, unconvinced.
"No really Francesca, I swear to God." Francesca remained silent waiting for a better explanation or for Emma just to drop the 'I'm innocent' act. "I went to their fight and Jonathan wanted to hang out after but I was not really feeling a bar or a club so I suggested my place. I figured you'd be home much later in the day and he was only going to spend the night, I promise..."
"Did you say you were at a 'fight'?"
"Yea." She paused, rubbing her eye with her knuckles. "Jon is a fighter. You know, boxing."
Breathing in deeply to compose herself, Francesca chose her words carefully. Speaking slowly she said, "I'm going to unpack, shower, and when I come back out here, he," she emphasizes by pointing a finger at Jonathan, "better be gone." As she said one thing, she went to do another. Instead of going to her room, she left the apartment, straight to the door across the hall, knocking four times. Nicholas quickly opened the door, ushering her in towards her favorite loveseat by the window.
But she refused to sit. She paced the length of Nicholas's living room, venting her frustration. Letting everything she had held in while speaking to Emma out to a stoic Nicholas. When she finally cooled down, sitting with her legs dangling over the arm of the loveseat, she waited for Nicholas to finish making her a cup of hot chocolate.
Fighting with her roommate was not the way she pictured starting her last semester. She also never pictured Jonathan and Emma being a 'thing' for anything longer than a minute. She had dreamed up her ideal final semester but those dreams vanished within a blink of an eye. Francesca was going to have to learn not to have such high expectations, as things never turn out the way she imagined they would.
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The Boxer. Chapter 1.
   She was happily typing the last few words of her conclusion when she heard the front door open. Glancing up, her fingers never stopping, she watched her roommate enter the apartment, sweaty and out of breath from her morning workout. She admired how her roommate woke up early to head uptown, just to workout. But today she had a smile on her face and Francesca knew something out of the ordinary must have happened.
"Hey Em."
"What's up, Chessie?" Locking the door behind her, Emma approaches the table Francesca had turned into a makeshift workspace. "Still working on that essay?"
Humming her response, Francesca finished the last few words of her conclusion before taking off her glasses. "Just finished it. I will edit it later on tonight." Emma nodded her head, taking a swig of water from her Swell bottle. Francesca knew Emma was waiting for her to ask what was going on, but Francesca refused to give her that satisfaction. After a few seconds, Emma's smirk faded.
"You're not going to ask how the gym was?"
Francesca was trying to conjure up a sarcastic response but she failed. Giving in, she rolled her eyes and asked Emma, "How was the gym?"
Emma brought out into a full, comical grin, letting out a nerve pinching squeak.
"Jonathan asked me out?"
"Jonathan?" The name was not ringing any bells for Francesca. "Oh my God Chessie! Come on, the guy at the gym... I've been talking about since forever!"
"Wait. So not the guy from the train?"
Emma narrowed her eyes, to say mockingly, "No. Not the guy from the train."
Francesca had to hold her giggle as she gets up from her sit to search the kitchen for food. To be honest, she remembers a bit about this 'guy from the gym'. This has been going for a few months but Francesca never thought it would amount to anything. He was just another guy Emma was hung up on and tomorrow would be a new day and thus a new guy.
"Alright so I had just finished working out but he saw me when I walked in... So like he knew I was there you know?"
"Hold on, this is the gym in Washington Heights, right?"
"Yup." She replied quickly before continuing with her story. Francesca had to withhold any comments or one of her infamous 'faces'. The gym Emma went to was known for being a 'bad boys club' and the cops were constantly busting the place for one thing or another. Francesca was deeply concerned her roommate was getting mixed with the wrong crowd. Grabbing for a plum, Francesca but into it trying to push any negative thoughts out of her mind and focus on her roommate's story.
"... And then he asked me if I was doing anything Friday night and of course, I said no. So Jonathan invited me to his friend's party and you missy are coming with."
"Um no, I am not." Her refusal to go was split between two things. First they already had plans for Friday and second, she had no interest getting mixed up with Jonathan's friends.
"Why not? Don't say you have a paper to write because I will personally go in and talk to your professor." Emma placed her hand on her hip. "Plus I told him you were going to be there. Lying is a horrible first impression," she said finished matter of factly.
"Woah. First of all, I am not your only friend as you like to frequently remind me. Also, you just assumed that I would go. You should have asked me and if you would have I would have reminded you that we have Angela's party Friday night."
Emma just sucked her teeth. "Give me a break. I would like to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. Not that crazy girl and her hipster friends."
Francesca would say Emma had a point. Taking the hike over to Brooklyn mid-November was highly undesirable but she said she would go. She was not going to go back on her word for some new flavor of the month Emma was crushing over.
"Its a little pre-Thanksgiving get together before we head home for break. You and I said we would go and this was all before you talked to whatever his name is."
Emma strolls over to her, slapping her shoulder. "This would not be the first time I ditched one of Angela's lame ass parties." Francesca went to speak but Emma just shook her head, a dreamily smile on her face, getting lost in her fantasy world. "I trust you won't slander my name in front of the residential hipsters."
Biting in her plum, its juices beginning to run down her chin, Francesca mumbled an 'I hate you' causing Emma to throw her head back and laugh.
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the connection we have with him is priceless
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