shcdowknight · 4 years
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“Has Delos really softened you up that much?” Janthina scoffed, bending over to move another box. The boxes were heavy, and usually Janthina struggled on her own to load them onto the cart, but Qiren had so kindly made his presence known, that she had been forced to recruit him. “It’s bottles of mead packed in hay to be carted to other towns.” She stood back up and stretched. “Did you get no sleep last night? You look kind of terrible.” 
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Qiren grunted rather than answer the obvious question. Of course Delos had softened him up! There was no real work to be done here. At least, no real work he was interested in. He hauled the box to where it was supposed to go, not minding the weight once he was actually moving. “Oh, how kind of you to point that out,” he rolled his eyes and shot a glare over his shoulder. “But no. I didn’t get much sleep. I was out late patrolling the edge of the forest. Supposedly, there’s been some odd activity out there, and the woman who lives at the edge of the woods was of no help. You haven't’ seen anything out of the ordinary over there, have you?”
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shcdowknight · 4 years
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     she  met  his  complaint  with  an  arched  brow.  “  and  here  i  thought  the  delos  soldiers  were  made  of  stronger  stuff.  ”  aella  herself  balanced  two  of  the  bags  in  her  arms.  if  it  weren’t  for  ,  well  ,  the  weight  as  qiren  pointed  out  ,  she  could  have  gotten  all  three.  “  don’t  know  what’s  in  the  packs  myself  but  i’m  not  paid  to  be  curious  ,  am  i?  i’m  paid  to  deliver  them.  now  be  a  good  soldier  and  march.  ”       
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“I’m helping you out of the goodness of my heart. Don’t go around giving me orders to march.” Not that Qiren had much of a choice. After his little...spat with the woman who lived near the forest, he needed to be on his best behavior. So, he resisted the urge to let out a dramatic sigh, and did in fact start walking. “If I were you, I’d ask about what I’m delivering. What if you’re transporting something unsavory?”
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shcdowknight · 4 years
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“This is heavier than it looks,” Qiren huffed, stumbling back slightly. After staying out late at the temples the night before and making the rather fearsome journey back to the village in the dark, his attitude was somehow worse than usual. “What’s in this? Rocks?”
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shcdowknight · 4 years
Ra, Odin, Morpheus
Ra: Do you have any major responsibilities or importance?
“Not anymore. Aside from helping the watchmen here.”
Odin: What is your family like?
“My family is fantastic. They were all loving and incredibly supportive when I left. I miss them every day.”
Morpheus: Do you daydream often? Of what?
“Who doesn’t daydream? I mostly think about the future, sometimes I think about the gods. Sometimes I reminisce about the years before I came to Delos. It’s just depends on what kind of mood I’m in.”
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shcdowknight · 4 years
Vesta, Hathor
Vesta: Do you like being home or do you try to get out whenever you can?
“I am definitely not a homebody. I need to be out and about, otherwise, I get fidgety.”
Hathor: What brings you joy?
“Lots of things bring me joy...when I’m not in this town. Right now, going to the temples and the shrines brings me joy. It reminds me of why I decided to join the army in the first place.”
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shcdowknight · 4 years
Mythology Asks
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shcdowknight · 4 years
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“Urrrgh,” Qiren groaned from the ground, rubbing a newly sore shoulder. “Mind lending me a hand? Apparently, walking and talking is no longer a talent I have.” Fruit from the wagon he’d tripped over was rolling about. The vendor wasn’t happy, and Qiren was carefully avoiding their eye. “Please.” 
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shcdowknight · 4 years
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Triel restrained herself from snorting when he said the gods had been good to them. As if the gods had anything to do with mortal affairs. She didn’t doubt that they existed, no, Triel merely didn’t believe they cared what mortals did, or didn’t do. Needless to say, she wasn’t particularly devout. “I’m sure we’ll be just fine, whatever they decide to do.” She’d never had any god help her out –she didn’t need them. “We can make our own fate, we don’t need them to guide us.”
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For the first time since they’d met, Qiren was lost for words for a reason other than Triel’s pretty face. He opened his mouth to speak, and found that he had no idea what to say. Finally, he shook his head and looked down at the ground. “If that’s true, then why did the war end the day after the first lights appeared? And why has there been peace since the Queen took the throne?” He wasn’t asking to be stubborn - if there was another reason, he wanted to hear it. “I’ve never not trusted the gods. It’s an odd to think of my fate being...well, entirely my own.”
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shcdowknight · 4 years
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Separated. Funny word for it. But considerate. Janthina’s smile was smaller, but still there, as she looked back into his eyes, squinting one of them as if to see him more clearly. “Unfortunately, I am one of the many orphans of the war. I was very young,” She said, trying to make her words come out of her lips without the drunken slur.   “It’s alright though!” She said brightened, and grasped Qiren by the shoulders, and positioned herself in front of him at arm’s length. “I wouldn’t have been raised here, and then through the events of the other day, wouldn’t have had the chance to meet you! Despite my wish, I’m perfectly happy with my life!” She then threw her head up and looked up at the starry sky. It was time! She dropped her arms from his shoulders and spun slightly. But the Lights were nowhere to be seen. Janthina looked back over at Qiren, worry creasing her brow. 
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Qiren was halfway through opening his mouth to express his condolences when Janthina grabbed him by the shoulders. He wanted to press more - to be more of a comfort - but thought it might be rude. His own family always romanticized the Blood War. All talks of gruesome details were coated with stories of heroism. Sometimes Qiren forgot that so many elves died in during all the fighting. It took him a minute to find words, but by the time he did know what to say, he realized it was time for the lights. “You’ve certainly got a positive attitude. I admire that...” He looked toward the sky, frowning deeply. “Where are the lights? I know I’ve had a lot to drink, but it’s just about time, isn’t it?”
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shcdowknight · 4 years
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Qiren frowned, obviously not convinced. “I don’t know. They’ve been so good to us for fifty years. What if we have done something to offend them?” Memories of the mountains flitted through his mind, and he did his best to push them away. “I’ve worshipped the deities my entire life. I don’t know what I would do if they turned their back on me - on the kingdom.”
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“So what if the lights didn’t appear on schedule? They still appeared at some point, right? Maybe the gods are just playing a joke on us all,” Triel shrugged, while it had been startling not to see the lights in the sky the other night, they’d showed up eventually. That counted for something, didn’t it? “It wouldn’t be the first time the gods messed with mortals for a laugh, or so the stories say.”
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shcdowknight · 4 years
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BRIEFLY, JUNIPER SAW red, and a look of violence flashed in her eyes — years of lies and deceit and death, of working for the rebellion and its cause, flickered to life and filled her with a strong urge to lash out. But it lasted only for a moment, before passing and retreating silently once again into the darker recesses of her memory. “Insolent fool.” Her voice was almost a whisper under her breath. It was soft, but it did not waver. “The Dark Wood has always welcomed me, of this I have told you, but if it is further answers you seek, then do feel free to investigate the forest for yourself,” she continued as she leaned forward. “I shan’t stop you.” And with that, she stepped back inside her hut and shut the door in his face.
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Qiren glared at the door once it was shut. He didn’t care if this exchange got him in trouble. In his opinion, the woman had was purposefully trying to impede his investigation! He had half a mind to knock on the door and keep this up - but he knew that he really did need to start looking in the forest himself before it got dark. Muttering, he left the house, somehow even crankier than before.
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shcdowknight · 4 years
jakestormoen: Practicing ye olde half-elf flourishes. Never been so grateful for +3 dexterity. #Mythica #Mythica4 #ThenCameTheRainStorm
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shcdowknight · 4 years
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shcdowknight · 4 years
He seemed to relax for some reason that Janthina couldn’t pinpoint, but she shrugged it off. It was certainly better than to have him be uncomfortable around her. They walked carefully down the alley. “What, you weren’t a kid? I had all sorts of hide-y holes,” Janthina whispered back. She ran into his arm, and they both paused. Janthina leaned against him to push him forward so she should see around the corner of the wall and - “They’re making a run for it!” She suddenly hollered, and darted past Qiren to follow the small gaggle of children that were scurrying away. 
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“By the gods,” Qiren cursed under his breath, taking off after Janthina in a hurry. This was the most “excitement” he’d seen since he’d arrived in Delos, and even if it was rather lame, he wasn’t going to miss out. “They’re so fast!” he half laughed, half growled, as they took chase. It seemed as if Qiren was going to catch up to the rascals when suddenly, the small group took a hard left and disappeared from sight. “Where did they go?” he called to Jani, speeding up to look the way they’d gone - only to see a small hole in the wall that no adult could fit through. “The little thieves are clever!” 
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shcdowknight · 4 years
Iowyn couldn’t help but enjoy the way the knight grinned at her teasing, it was always so much fun to make a man’s knees go weak with little more than a few words or a soft touch. “Of course, I’d be happy to let you squire me about town. It couldn’t hurt to have a big, strong man to protect me from knaves in the city, could it?” She fluttered her lashes at him, her lips curving upwards.
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“Certainly not! Or cut in when your beauty inevitably starts a riot,” he teased, the lopsided, goofy grin still on his lips. Not wanting her to find a reason to walk away from his company quite yet, Qiren asked, “Do you make a wish when you see the lights? A few people have told me that they do. I don’t - it seems like a lot to ask of the gods to hear everyone’s wishes in one night.”
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shcdowknight · 4 years
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“Don’t tell on me, but I drink all sorts. The bad stuff too,” Janthina whispered conspiratorially, and then dissolved into laughter. She looked up at the sky as he did, and then watched him from the corner of her eye. She suddenly missed Ciar - she had settled him down for bed a few hours ago as he didn’t really like all the noise going on. She would whisper her wish in his ear definitely, but maybe Qiren would be a good substitute. He was adventurous, fun to be with, and above all else kind. And very good looking as well, which didn’t hurt. She smiled and leaned close. “Promise not to tell anyone, on pain of death - for if anyone were to hear, it would surely not come to pass. That’s how they limit the wishes, you see? Most are too loud, and declare them openly for all to hear, boastful that theirs will surely come true. But not me. I keep all of mine close to my heart.” She tapped her chest just above her heart with a mischievous smile. She leaned up and placed her hand to her mouth to whisper into his ear. “I wish to have memories of my birth parents returned to me.” She pulled just far enough that she could see his face, and she beamed at him, and felt heavy the haze of alcohol sway her slightly. 
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Qiren’s buzzed smile faltered for a few seconds as his brain struggled to comprehend Janthina’s wish. Too drunk to simply understand the words outright, he had to put the pieces together in his mind. Slowly, his lips shaped into an ‘o’. “Did they -” It seemed horrible to ask if they had met an untimely death when there was celebration all around him. Swallowing, he shook his head. “That’s a good wish. Were you young when you were separated?” There, that wasn’t nearly as morbid. The sky was pretty, and Qiren didn’t want to look away, but he couldn’t help but want to keep an eye on Jani’s face - to try and determine, without asking out loud, what fate her birth parents had met.
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shcdowknight · 4 years
• • •
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JUNIPER STARED AT the man closely, her eyes narrowing with every word. This one certainly had the nerve, thinking he could waltz right over here and snap at her in the comforts of her own home. It was apparent he hadn’t the faintest idea who she was, or for how long she’d been here. “Is that so?” said Juniper softly, her tone vaguely incredulous. Complacent was the last word to describe her relationship with the Dark Wood; she ought to know — she’d been in this hut for the past fifty years. “You haven’t been here for very long, child,” she continued, sizing him up as she spoke, before looking (just a little too deeply) into his eyes, “and I’m afraid it shows.”
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“Don’t call me child,” Qiren snapped, his eyes suddenly blazing. There was no question that he was young - but he felt as if he’d seen a lot. No one liked to be talked down to on the basis of their age. “I’ve seen more than you have, since you apparently can’t keep your eyes open.” Oh, he was certainly going to be in heaps of trouble for this. His harsh words weren’t worth what would come, but once they started, they just kept tumbling out. “Apparently being here for a longer amount of time doesn’t make you care about the people anymore than I do. Living near the dark wood comes with an amount of responsibility that you apparently can’t handle.”
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