sherlockfeels · 2 years
must be fun to love a song bc of a show. ofmd fans dancing to the chain all night long. meanwhile if i hear one second of december 1963 (oh what a night) i go into anaphylactic shock
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
I don’t think op would appreciate us discussing this on their post (given who they interact with and their comment) but wow is this a lot, my favorite part is when it was just “daughter” “dead” and “norbury” floating around 
also: how they went out of their way to edit the song associated with eurus and narration about john and sherlock to tell us? mary’s entire character arc? while a dozen sherlocks get to dance in the foreground, but to her words, wearing their heteronormativity hats
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
Maybe TD-12 is not a drug
My boyfriend and I were theorising about Sherlock’s EMP and we realised that Eurus (East Wind) maybe refers to the right brain hemisphere (east = right, just in case), and everything is happening in Sherlocks’ mind.
At first we didn’t pay that much attention, but later we read some psychological articles that pointed the right brain had some similarities with Eurus’ personality, here we go:
The right hemisphere is mainly in charge of spatial abilities, emotions, feelings, face recognition, intuition.
The brain’s right side also helps us to comprehend visual imagery and make sense of what we see.
Is our creative hemisphere and is in charge of processing music.
It performs some math, but only rough estimations and comparisons.
Damages on that hemisphere can lead us to not be able recognising places, names, faces and… Psychotic behaviour and schizophrenic aswell.
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(Sorry for shitty quality)
We’re not saying that Sherlock could be psychotic or schizophrenic but TFP maybe is showing us the conflict that Sherlock is having in his mind against that side of his brain (feelings, traumas, …). If he doesn’t fight back against ‘Eurus’ maybe she could take control of his mind and that’s why Mycroft had to “jail” that part of him.
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And this is not a crazy idea as we can see images of brains in the radio station in Sherrinford.
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All Eurus’ puzzles in TFP are all about emotional context (Molly ; Watson or Mycroft shooting ; also murdering David), intuition and deductive reasoning (three Garridebs) here you can see article about right hemisphere involved in deductive reasoning.
Then, we had Eurus, the right side of Sherlock’s mind and we kept searching for more.
What is TD-12 then?
As we got psychological all the way down we searched what TD-12 could be and we found some interesting things:
First that there is a drum module that’s is call like that (we had to avoid all these kind of results, A LOT).
And then that there’s a test to measure the TD-12 (Tendances Dysfonctionnelles = Dysfunctional Tendencies).
Maybe it was a coincidence (you know what we say about coincidences) but it was worthy to take a look at. We found this:
“TD12 capitalises on the idea that the forms of personality aberration seen by psychiatrists (called ‘troubled personality’ in French) are but the extreme end of continua and represent characteristics that many of us easily recognize in the foibles of our friends and colleagues. It contains the 12 subscales of
Emotional isolation
Eccentric ideation
Antisocial aggression
Stubborn procrastination
Undue pessimism”
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Maybe not everything in this list, but… Do you recognize someone there?
You can see more here (has parts written in other language, but almost everything is in English: (x)).
This TD12 theory had something relevant too: potential situational triggers. This may lead us to think that there was an event that involved Sherlock and he was shocked/traumatized and well you know what can happen when you get traumatized *drum roll please*, yes: AMNESIA. Maybe this part can explain why Sherlock didn’t remember the dog kid Victor Trevor (aka Redbeard, the eating-from-a-bowl fellow). We don’t know what happened with him (maybe he drowned for real or that’s symbolic) but made us think that this event ‘unleashed’ Eurus in Sherlock’s mind and uncle Rudy and later Mycroft took care of him/her.
Magnussen brought the preassure points. He wanted to know the preassure points of the people so he can control them, so maybe Sherlock is testing his preassure points just to control himself.
We’re now in this rough idea, and wanted to share it with you and tell us what you think, and if you can bring more ideas.
Memory inhibition: When you search ‘TD12 psychology’ in Google in the first page you can find this Wikipedia page with no relation at all. (x)
Culverton described TD12 as ‘bliss’. We searched that term and we find that there is an album called ‘Bliss’ (x) made by the band 12 Rods. The more interesting thing about this was the discography of this band:
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Helikopter Hundrid Dolurz: MORIARTY?
Bliss - TD12
A Very Special Christmas - PRESENT FOR EURUS
Gay? WE KNOW IT  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Split Personalities SHERLOCK & EURUS
Separation Anxieties TFP (?)
Lost Time MIND THE GAP (T6T)
Gay? remixed and remastered IF IT WASN’T CLEAR
Unreleased Vol. 1-6 TJLC - MARCH 8TH
Last Show: First Avenue TFP (ENDING AND BEGINNING (?))
I’ll tag people because I think maybe they will be interested, if you don’t, sorry D:
@221bloodnun  @worriesconstantly @tjlcisthenewsexy​ @darlingtonsubstitution @teapotsubtext @jenna221b @tjlc @the-7-percent-solution And I don’t know much more people to tag
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
Ever noticed that what mary told Sherlock to do in order to save John
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is exactly what the writers did? 
Thy wrote TFP, went right into hell with that episode and they make it look like they mean it.
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
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Look at this transition from this fan video by @thepteryx I am    s c r e a m i n g
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
Parallels between The Reichenbach Fall and The Final Problem, as well as I Owe You and I Love You.
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
Prof Cairns and Vivian Norbury
Blond, shortish haircut. Projector.
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SO if anyone wants to read into things, here’s an excerpt from Ariane’s transcript of TGG - the most notable things being that they play Mars when we’re looking at Jupiter, and that the footage BECOMES JUMBLED. I’ve bolded the things that might be interesting.
PLANETARIUM. Professor Cairns is alone in the planetarium’s theatre. As Gustav Holst’s “Mars” plays over the sound system, she is standing at the mixing desk in front of a huge screen and watching footage of a film which is played to visitors. Other than the light coming from the screen, the room is in darkness. NARRATOR (over the footage): Jupiter, the fifth planet in our solar system and the largest. Jupiter is a gas giant. Planet Earth would fit into it eleven times. CAIRNS (bored): Yes, we know that. (She stops the recording and fast-forwards it for a moment because starting the playback again.) NARRATOR: Titan is the largest moon. [Titan is Saturn’s moon] CAIRNS (fast-forwarding again): Come on, Neptune, where’re you hiding? [Neptune is the Roman god of the sea = water = feelings] (Behind her, a hand pushes open the door to the theatre. A moment later, just as Cairns starts the playback again, the door bangs shut. She looks round.) NARRATOR: Many are actually long dead … (Cairns peers up to the projection room.) CAIRNS: Tom? Is that you? NARRATOR: … exploded into supernovas. (She turns back to the desk. Behind her a long arm reaches out towards her.) NARRATOR: … discovered by Urbain Le Verrier in 1846. [a French mathematician who specialized in celestial mechanics and is best known for predicting the existence and position of Neptune using only mathematics] (A tall figure steps up behind Cairns and clamps one hand over her mouth and nose, pulling her backwards.) CAIRNS (muffled): Oh my God! (She claws at the hand, crying out in muffled panic, and her other hand flails out and drags several of the sliders down the mixing desk. The footage begins to jump randomly as Cairns’ attacker continues to suffocate her.)
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
Another Paired Scene?
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In a morgue
Molly [John mirror] slaps the shit out of Sherlock
Sherlock is on drugs for a case
Is the scene in TLD Sherlock’s MP version of this?
In a morgue
John beats the crap out of Sherlock
Sherlock drugged up for a case
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As John starts to hit Sherlock he yells: ‘WAKE UP” 
I am sure the EMP folks have already picked up on this and done metas about it, but I am only now getting to a place where I can tolerate rewatching this scene and observing.
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
CAM’s looking glass
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Is it obscuring the flow of time?
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And the truth?
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Who’s HE? Not once did John and Lestrade mentioned Sherlock by name during the exchange in the interrogation room.
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
Secretaries know eeeeeverything
Isn’t Janine a secretary - CAM’s? And doesn’t she buy a cottage? So she’s got things in common with Vivian. I suppose this has already been discussed.
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
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it’s like, almost always twins, actually
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
just so you feel even worse about your life choices, remember that this hand here:
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is the same hand here:
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
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So I saw this letter in TLD and noticed that the address on it was not 221 B Baker Street. So I looked at it.
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S. Holmes
156 Montague St.
Okay. So I looked it up and clicked on google street view. Guess where.
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That’s the street that Sherlock was imagining when imagining “““Faith Smith”““’s flat. I’d call that an Easter egg.
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
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TvShowTime App, what are you talking about?..
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sherlockfeels · 8 years
Fan Parody Accounts on Twitter
As in… tptb are parodying fans. Probably.
Yes, you’re reading that right. We’ve got two twitter accounts here that are named after two absolute BNFs, ivyblossom and lsit. These accounts were both created this month and their first tweet was identical, so we can be reasonably certain they were created by the same people:
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Go and check out these accounts. They’re both very focussed on BBC Sherlock and they keep tweeting the link to a very suspicious video:
In the video description it says: “A message to BBC and Hartswood Films.” And the video then talks about what went wrong with BBC Sherlock etc, using only photos with short texts on them.
The really interesting part is this: There are only two videos on this Youtube channel, one of them made before tfp aired and the other one after, and the account is called Dale Pike. And guess what? There isn’t just one corresponding twitter account, there are two.
https://twitter.com/ibelieveinPike This is the first one. It was created in 2015, but there are only a few tweets from back then. It’s only become really active in January 2017, tweeting a lot of #Norbury stuff like you’d expect it to (and like dymm wants us to…).
That person is calling themselves Dale Pike. In canon Sherlock Holmes, however, there’s a journalist called Langdale Pike. And sure enough, there’s a twitter account under that name as well: https://twitter.com/Contact_Dale_P/
It seems likely that both accounts are supposed to belong to the same person. Look at Langdale’s tweet:
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Sounds like Langdale has two twitter accounts.
I haven’t had time to look at all of these in detail (it’s 2 am), but I wanted to talk about this because they actually made parodies of fan accounts. How incredible is that??
@ivyblossom (I know you see things a bit differently wrt tfp, but obviously you need to be tagged here, if only to take a look at that parody account. I hope you don’t mind the speculation here!)
@loudest-subtext-in-tv (LoudestTubSext… What a Name.)
Tagging a few other people as well: @porl0ck (who, it should be mentioned, is the most organised when it comes to all of these twitter accounts woww), @worriesconstantly @whimsicalethnographies @jenna221b @smoljohnlock
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