As someone who hasn’t played any of the games(myself, i watch Lets plays and the like).
Its this. Riku, Data Riku, and Repliku are 3 different characters. Data SoRiku is technically a different ship then ‘Base’ SoRiku, so its still a kind of SoRiku but isn’t effecting the non-Data 2.
The problem is that if you Ship SoRiku, why uses Rep-ku instead of Riku in any other time(besides in CoM timeline/zone). Theres no extra Sora for Repliku so its him vs Riku over Main Sora.
I ship SoRiku so this is a SoRiku shipper pov, so if this is a non-SoRiku shippers question
(as in Separating Repliku x Sora from being a SoRiku category then I don’t know)
Ermmm the com musical is the thing ever
I know Repliku totally wanted to kiss him during that moment right before he pushed him away cause he got too close
why is Repliku x Sora version of soriku rare
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There are three versions of soriku
Og Soriku with Sora and Riku
Sorepliku with Sora and Repliku
and the data boys
Sorepliku which idk if it's called that is the most rare
Data boys don't have a lot either but there are least some
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Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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After many Many of my Triangle loops(plus 1 chain to get back from a Fusion accident that gave Mitra) I say this is good enough to take a break from Looping(i’ve used up 500,000~ money which is half of what was in my wallet before this Velvet visit)
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Oohhh persona fandom~
~I need a quick fact check~
See I have P5-S(just to tell what the game is)
I see I can make a closed(esh??) Fusion Loop with Arsene-> succubus->High Pixie-> Aresene->repeat.
Would this work to give me a Max Arsene or would I need to go about it a different way?
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Been a long while Miitopia
So here’s something
Everything is 5 lv higher than my highest team member
Where’s a training ground? ‘Looks it up’ Oh im on the mark!… but TOOK THE WRONG path!
Why can sick people go on cruises now? When… I can swear it didn’t before??
Can you stop making the lowest level guy sick?
Yes, pet the horse so it may breath more- wait sorry, SNEEZE more fire
So thats how its going(the Meeting post quests are lv 38-42 based and at most my highest is 36 and my lowest is STILL 30! Let me LEVEL HIM UP GAME! Im trying to keep my whole team similar lvs FOR THIS EXACT reason! Is this not WHY THE SICK MECHANIC WAS added?! TO BALANCE TEAM LV SPREAD?!)
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After Finally finishing Yokia watch(the first one), I have just one question.
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Pkmn Md DX {in PostGame}
-gathers as many pokemon on my way though Magma Cavern- Okay. My lv 60ish Mid lv 50’s main mons plus A jumpluff, A koffing, two Relacant, a Sandshrew, and a Crobat. Tight group, Effective healing, and some other special skills though out the recruits/help. Time to GET THAT GROUNDON. -A few minutes later- WAIT WHAT I THOUGHT PRIMA WAS FOR THE SECOND TIME THOUGH?!? My team gets stomped. Ugh.. anyways, -throws my highest lv water mons in a team- time to rescue. -10 or 20 minutes later- AAAAAnnd Saved. K, retry, I know how he moves and attacks now. -Preseds to get Butt kicked HARDER!- wha...Wha... um, -grabs stick_notes and writes ‘Full levitate or flying team’- also Throw Mortrais in for extra measure. Now then, this again -Repeat previous actions up till rescue completed- Im cutting my loses😑. Also, EVERYONE GETS TO JOIN PERMANENTLY(They put up with ALOT WITH MY ANTICS)
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Completely random but...
Im having some Hyrule warriors troubles. See Ruto the zora Princess is Lv and Badge wise on par with/equal to the rest of my fighters(Including my mains) but she is getting Bodied by missions and Even when at 4+ stars her attacks are WEAK! What am I missing/messing up on with her?! Lv, badge, And Weapons seem good but she is still nearly Failing adventure missions. I don’t Think my play style is the weak link(or the Big issue) as other Glass canons or ChipAway units I play are just fine.
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Pkmn Sword Nuzlocke p5
  Messed with my Switch date to get better weather in the wild areas that I can catch from before the Fire gym(south_lake miloch and dappled grove){Look it was Normal or Cloudy two days in a row and I didn’t want the wild areas piling up}. Got a female Vanillite in south_lake miloch, I name her Butter. Wanted a Female snorunt but hey rules are rules and its still an Ice type. My Dapple grove encounter was a Budew, Rules are rules(wanted A Stufful or Bounsweet). 
Back to Galar Mine2, besides a timburr Not using a quad super effective stab fighting against Amp nothing happens. I considered swapping Peaches out for the Fire gym but my only option would be that chewdle and I don't think it would work(or more like not make a good difference.) I also check my current team on marriland.com and Ice is my only worry (♩Which should be handled once I get my Fire Gym encounter♫~). Outside the Mines I get a Noctowl, I name her Seer. Marnie challenges Guillo. First is Pan vs Crogunk, Bulldoze should work. Next is her Scraffty, I’m switching to Blight. Sharp-beak STAB Pluck handles scraffdy quick. Last up is her Mopeko, I'm going to see if Blight can do it but will swap if she goes into yellow. Bite flinces Blight and does too much damage for her to survive a third hit, Pan’s back out. Battle over so time to rest before Fire gym.
As stated previously and just above I saved my Motostoke encounter for this, and I know which Fire type Im going to be Grabbing(Look I count it but if anyone else has a reason to disqualify it I open to hear why, unless its ‘but you see the pokemon so its not chance!’ that's true for all 3 fire mons so I NEED to pick one.). Okay time to do this, over all Pan is my only Super effective attacker for Fire types but I feel it should go well enough. I go ahead and swap Peaches for Mezz the Litwick once I catch him. Now I'm going to need to catch a Second Mon for the challenge but I will but release it after the Gym. Hey, that Grip Claw from the mines will come in handy for Mezz’s FireSpin. Gym leader time, I'm scared but with Mezz in place of Peaches Stamp is my only member weak to fire. I'm leading with Pan for Bulldoze, see you on the otherside…
Okay its over, Both Ninetales and Arcanine went down easy with a bulldoze or two But his Ace was not going down. We Dynamaxed at the same time. I started with MAX strike to insure I was faster. But his GMAX attack both hurt and added Fire spin, getting rid of my plan to swap to Blight. When our Dynamax/Gigamax wear off I tossed Pan a super potion and after THREE BULLDOZERS We won. Oh hey, Pan is Evolving, I guess that's her reward for pulling us though. I'm planning/thinking of swapping her out for Tar the Stunfisk but I can always plop her right back at any time. 
I'm going to see which Wild areas I can Catch from now and once down with my New encounters I am calling it a night. Motostoke-Riverbank,Bridge-Field, Stony-Wilderness, and Hammerlocke-Hills are required Encounters with there being a choice between Giant's Cap or Mirror. Watchtower is a female Duskskull, box. Motostoke-Riverbank is a Female Skorupi, box. Bridge-Field is a Female Noibat, Reserve team. Stony-Wilderness is a Female Ninjask, box. Giant’s Mirror is a Male swinub, Reserve team. And Finally, Hammerlocke-Hills is a Male stufful, Box. See you all next round/part/session.
Peaches the f-Twackey; Lv 29| Atk-up SA-down| Live(team)
Blight the F-Corvisquire; R1| Lv 30| Spd-up SA-down| Live(R-team) 
Milo the M-Boltund; R2| Lv 31| Df-up Spd-down<not good>| Live(R-team) 
Stamp the M-Charjabug; East-Lake_Axewell| Lv 30| SD-up SA-down| Live(team)
Dwebble male; West-Lake_Axewell| Lv 13| Neutral nature| Live(Box)
Pan the M-Mudsdale; Rolling fields| Lv 30| Spd-Up Sa-Down| Live(R-team)
Amp the F-Linoone; R3| Lv 29| SD-up Spd-down| Live(R-team)
Swabs the M-swoobat; Galar-Mines(1)| Lv 13| Neutral nature| Live(box)
Joltik male; R4| Lv 13| Df-Up Atk-down| Live(box)
Punky the M-skunky; North-Lake_Miloch| Lv 14| Neutral nature| Live(box)
Belle the F-Minccino; R5| Lv 19| Neutral Nature | Live(box)
Male Chewtle; Hulbury| Lv 22| SD-up Atk-down| Live(box)
Tar the F-Stunfisk; Galar-Mines(2)| Lv 25| Spd-up Atk-down(can't say whether good or bad)| Live(Team)
Butter the F-Vanillite; South-Lake_Miloch| Lv 12 | Spd-up Df-down | Live(box)
Female Budew; Dapple-grove| Lv 11| Spd-up Df-down | Live(box) 
Seer the F-Noctowl; Motostoke-Outskirts| Lv 24| SA-up Atk-down| Live(R-team)
Mezz the M-Litwick; Motostoke| Lv 27| Neutral Nature | Live(Team) 
Knight the F-Duskull; Watchtower ruins| Lv 29| SA-up Spd-down| live(box)
Male Skorupi; Monostoke-Riverbank| Lv 27| Atk-up Df-down(dont like)| Live(box)
Nora the F-Noibat; Bridge-field| Lv 27| Df-up SD-down| Live(Team)
Female Ninjask; Stony-Wildness| Lv 29| Df-up Spd-down(BAD!)|Live(box) 
Dawn the M-Swinub; Giant’s-Mirror| Lv 27| Neutral Nature | Live(Team)
Piglet the M-stufful; HammerLocke-Hills| Lv 29| Df-up SD-down| Live(box)
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Pkmn Sword Nuzlocke p4
After a long break, it's time to get back to work. Check my team and bag before heading to leave Turffield to go to the water gym. I'm not taking the gift Toxel. The double reporter battle on R5 levels Stamp up enough to Evolve into Charjabug, as Vikavolt is now a stone evo I check learnset differences between the two to determine when I should evo him. Taking into consideration both Stamp’s stats and what levels I feel not being fully evolved becomes Dangerous/Idiotic I have chosen Lv36 to learn X-scissor. My R5 encounter is a Female Minccino, Unless it's a fairy I don't think she will be used in the team. I’m trying to train but these minccinos are just USING SING EVERY TURN. And a swirlix nearly killed Milo(Drain kiss when I tried running). 
Oh look, a nuzleaf, Stamp Bug-Bite it. During training Amp evolved into Linoone. Well...Amp is trapped by Destiny-Bond shadow tag Wobbafect. OH THANK THE ODDS OF A SHINY MEW, I have no clue how Destiny-Bond works it seems. Chasing Nuzleafs with Stamp seems the best way to lvl grind for now, I’m aiming for mid 20s(so 24 to 27) at the least. Why and where did Amp get a sunstone? Milo evolves at 25, Strong-jaw now right? Most at lv 24+, break time(i’m yawning a lot).
Time to fight Hop; Pam vs Wooloo, Pam wins with a single double kick. Pan vs Drizzle, we both hit each other hard switching to Milo. Milo vs Corvisquire, Nuzzle multiple, hope milo gets better electric attacks soon. 
Time to see Rose’s awkward ‘bodyguards’. My Hulbury encounter was a male Chewtle, into the Box he goes~. Gym challenge time, same as before, will return if something happens or once I finish the gym. Oneshot sweep of Nesse’s team, ya nothing of note. Down at the fairground I find both a magnet(Milo’s now) and a possible use for Belle but unless I lose Peaches Im not taking the trade for a Cottone(or would it not be an option anyway due to already getting a pokemon in town?). Lunchtime with Rose and miss creepy. Mine 2 encounter is _Drum roll_  Nothing yet( Bede before encounter<I close my eyes and run blindly>). Amp is out first. 1 nightslash 1shot,2 nightslash 1shots,3 nightslash 1shots, and 4. Bede is STILL A JOKE EVEN WITHOUT BEATUP. Now Encounter is...Stunfisk. It's a steel type right? Might use it for the fairy gym later on. After MY ENTIRE pile of nest and great balls later(3 nest 5great) I caught it, ok you proved your point. I may add you after the fire Gym, Her name is Tar btw. Wait Her ability is WHaT?? One moment I'm searching up Mimicry. ...what? Well I guess I will just need to see how bad or good Tar’s ability is in battle. I COULD HAVE GOT A NOIBAT INSTEAD OF THE FLATFISH!? Now I'm mad at Bede.
Peaches the f-Twackey; Lv 27| Atk-up SA-down| Live(team)
Blight the F-Corvisquire; R1| Lv 27| Spd-up SA-down| Live(team) 
Milo the M-Boltund; R2| Lv 27| Df-up Spd-down<not good>| Live(team) 
Stamp the M-Charjabug; East-Lake_Axewell| Lv 28| SD-up SA-down| Live(team)
Dwebble male; West-Lake_Axewell| Lv 13| Neutral nature| Live(Box)
Pan the M-mudbray; Rolling fields| Lv 26| Spd-Up Sa-Down| Live(team)
Amp the F-Linoone; R3| Lv 26| SD-up Spd-down| Live(team)
Swabs the M-swoobat; Galar-Mines(1)| Lv 13| Neutral nature| Live(box)
Joltik male; R4| Lv 13| Df-Up Atk-down| Live(box)
Punky the M-skunky; North-Lake_Miloch| Lv 14| Neutral nature| Live(box)
Belle the F-Minccino; R5| Lv 19| Neutral Nature | Live(box)
Male Chewtle; Hulbury| Lv 22| SD-up Atk-down| Live(box)
Tar the F-Stunfisk; Galar-Mines(2)| Lv 25| Spd-up Atk-down(can't say whether good or bad)| Live(box for now)
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Me finally replaying Fossil fighters after 5 or 6 years left to collect dust.
Hm well I better make sure to Overtrain and search every speck to insure I have the best Dinos to take on the boss I was stuck on.
-next 2 weeks-
Fossil, fossil, Double pearl, Red fossil, Red fossil, Dropping, Diamond, Diamond, Duplicit Red fossil, more pearls, Another Duplicate Red fossil but it is better than my previous try. Ok Bot, The rest are for you to clean, You know the drill; Non-better quality fossils are donated so I can get the points to buy the 16 rare fossils from here, and Hope there is a Red fossil or two in this batch. I’m going to go sell my gems, hand Nick his pink things, and check for any side things or new head fossils.
-finally getting to chapter-
Move rock, thank you lady. Hm wonder is theses paths make an image hm. Stop by ro-bot before entering cave. Yes another rock. Its a volcano lady, not much of an option. Hm? Demon or ailen thing, oh she a raptor.
Now time to face the battle!... oh, ok, NOW TIME TO FACE BATTLE…
spongebob voice card <A few moments later>
Rose; Oh you’re back! You have the Ignis fossil then!
Me, carrying piles of rock that may or may not still be dripping Lava/magma; The what fossil??
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Pkmn sword Nuzlocke p3
First encounter was a Zigzaggoon, I named her Amp and added them to the team. I just run around route 3 to grind for the Bede fight in the mine coming up, Peaches evo while training. Heal with the nurse and time to get my cave encounter(I'm hoping for a bat), and A woobat says Hi. I name him Swabs and move on. Just trainer battles afterwards, Blight should be able to handle most with Peaches to take any rock or ground types. Blight evolves after the second mine trainer. Switch Amp to the front and Time for my first Bede fight, sadly no team members can learn Beat Up.
First round Amp vs Solosis, two Snarls took it out but a single bugbite did half of Amp’s hp so will need to switch to Stamp. Round two Stamp vs Hatenna, switch to Stamp and take a disarming-voice then Bug Bite time. Two hits and Hatenna falls, final round Stamp vs Gothita, First bite flinches it and a bug-bite finishes it. I heal up and take a pause.
My route 4 encounter is a male Joltik, but as its typing will overlap with Stamps I don't see myself using it. An Eevee tackled me as I typed the last part, anyways time for trainer fights and I'm leading with Pam due to his fighting and ground moves. While exploring Route 4 I got a silver-powder and sharp-beak for Stamp and Blight respectfully, ya the Grass gym is going to be a literal breeze. Gym time, I'm just going to jump back when either the battle is done or a death happens. Battle over and only close call was I was a turn late on Dynxmaxing so Stamp went into red but we won it. I quickly flew back to North-Lake_Miloch in the wild-area to get my Skunky that was too high lvl to catch before, His name is Punky.
Peaches the f-Twackey; Lv 20| Atk-up SA-down| Live(team)
Blight the Corvisquire-F; R1| Lv 21| Spd-up SA-down| Live(team) 
Milo the Yamper M; R2| Lv 19| Df-up Spd-down<not good>| Live(team) 
Stamp the male grubbin; East-Lake_Axewell| Lv 19| SD-up SA-down| Live(team)
Dwebble male; West-Lake_Axewell| Lv 13| Neutral nature| Live(Box)
Pan the male mudbray; Rolling fields| Lv 19| Spd-Up Sa-Down| Live(team)
Amp the female zigzagoon; R3| Lv 18| SD-up Spd-down| Live(team)
Swabs the m-swoobat; Galar-Mines(1)| Lv 13| Neutral nature| Live(box)
Joltik male; R4| Lv 13| Df-Up Atk-down| Live(box)
Punky the male skunky; North-Lake_Miloch| Lv 14| Neutral nature| Live(box)
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pkmn sword Nuzlocke p2
We start our rival fight, I send out Milo to paralyze his sheep as all three of my team members only have physical attacks. Wooloo goes down fast but its growl means sobble was withstanding Milo’s Nuzzles too much for my liking so I swap to Peaches to finish it, last is his Rockidee. A peck did 5 or 6 damage(so Crit would be around 12) Peaches was safe to finish it. Shooting stars crashed in the Proff’s garden and we called it an evening. Next morning we get our Dynamax bands and dash off. We are sent off by our families and take a train to the wild Area. More teammates time: Pan the male mudbray from Rolling fields,Stamp the male grubbin from East-Lake_Axewell, and a dwebble from West-Lake_Axewell. Next we head into Motostoke, make a stop at the center to heal, then head to shop a bit before going to register for the Gym Challenge. We register and pick our numbers(404 for me), and then head off to the lodgings. After a chat with Sonya we go up to check in but find the desk/counter crowded and blocked by strange strangers. I head right in and fight them; I lead with Stamp for the Bug super effective against Dark types.
First is Stamp vs a zigzagoon, one shot with BugBite. Next, Stamp vs a Nickit, another one shot with BugBite. Then they tag team and Hop jumps in, they send out a nickit and a zigzagoon while Hop sends out his wooloo and I send Stamp. The Nickit fell to a single Bugbite and the zigzagoon fell shortly after as well. A fellow Gym challenger arrives and shoos the group off, turns out they were rowdy fans of hers. We all check-in for the night.
Morning we partake in the opening ceremony, afterwards I explore the city to hunt for items. Before leaving to go to the first gym Hop challenges Guillo to a battle, I lead with Pan as he has fighting moves. First is Pan vs wooloo, Pan’s double kick stomps it to the ground. Next is Peaches vs Sobble, after a quick swap from Pan Razor leaf handles the lizard. Final round is Peaches vs rokidee; Peaches hits a crit razor-leaf, gets pecked, Scratches it next while its healing, and two more scratches finishes the bird. I heal and start our walk to the first Gym.
Peaches the f-grokay; Lv 15| A-up SA-down| Live(team)
Blight the Rookidee F; R1| Lv 14| Sd-up SA-down| Live(team) 
Milo the Yamper M; R2| Lv 13| D-up Sp-down<not good>| Live(team) 
Stamp the male grubbin; East-Lake_Axewell| Lv 13| SD-up SA-down| Live(team)
Dwebble male; West-Lake_Axewell| Lv 13| Neutral nature| Live(Box)
Pan the male mudbray; Rolling fields| Lv 12| Spd-Up Sa-Down| Live(team)
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PKMN Sw Nuzlocke
p1(breaking up per session)
Trainer- Guillo(Gill-Low)
We meet Guillo right after they finish watching a broadcast from Chairman Rose. Slightly disappointed they turn off their phone and get up when Hop arrives. Guillo does a little hop after Hop reminds them that Leon was coming and may come baring Starters for the two of them. After packing up and meeting up with Hop, Hop’s mom asks them to go grab Leon(who is likely lost again.) They see Leon’s little greeting and just push him home, They want their first pokemon already. {I'm checking Wild area weather and spawns along with thinking about which mon I am likely and or hope to get through out this opening} Guillo picks Grookay and names her Peaches {Chineses immortal fruit, also I thought of restarting to get a female starter but the first one was already a girl, soo luck seems to be flowing for now}. Afternoon/getting to know each other Party happens.  Next morning to check if we both were ready Leon had Guillo and Hop fight and the fight was fast, the sobble was 1hkoed by Crit branch-poke. As we were leaving to talk to our parents a Wooloo broke out and ran into dangerous woods with us giving chase. While in the woods we hear howling and hurry to find Wooloo, but not fast enough to escape the origin of the howling. We had no effect and the beast knocked us both out. We were awoken by Leon and the wooloo was with him thankfully. Mom hands me 5 pkBalls so time to get two team members, Blight the Rookidee from route1 and Milo the Yamper from route2. Now it's training time for all three before our next Hop fight. Guillo also stops to shop, buying a pile of Oran berries and a small change of clothes.
Peaches the f-grokay; Lv 11| A-up SA-down| Live(team)
Blight the Rookidee F; R1| Lv 10| Sd-up SA-down| Live(team) 
Milo the Yamper M; R2| Lv 9| D-up Sp-down<not good>| Live(team) 
Only one mon per route
Mon dies if faints
Dupes clause for not eevee pokemon.
Name all team mon(if pokemon added to team was unnamed must be named before leaving center)
No Den catches
Wild areas will be grass encounters and one each sub area.
Shiny clause but if not encounter its placed in Home to put into main games.
Set battle style.
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Pokemon Sword nuzlocke. (pkmn x nuz kinda abanded but not lost)
Trainer- Guillo(Gill-Low)
Mons Starter; lv | startic Mon-name; origan | Lv | static Mon-name; origan | Lv | static
Rules Only one mon per route Mon dies if faints Dupces cluce for not eevee pokemon. Name all team mon(if pokemon added to was unnamed must be named before leaving center) No Den catches Wild will be grass encounters and one each sub area. Shiny clause but if not encounter its placed in Home to put into main games. Set battle
By the way, im saving my motostuch Enconter for the Fire gym(Look I can get Water types Far and Wide, I want my fire type guaranteed).
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Update for SMT 4. (Phone didn’t want to take pictures at the time)
After a lot of training, demon collecting/Registering, and item hunts I went all the way down to the Large Door. Hunted/collected along the way, got most of the fighting demons from those areas. Ran back up, healed and restocked, then opened and jumped down the 1st to 4th floor hole. I saved in front of the Door and got my butt kinda handed to me. As I was almost at a lv up I ran and did that while also grabbing Demons to fuse into a strong Ice demon.
While handing in quills and claws I said ‘why not try’ and took the Monkey hunting mission, even if I fail the worst that would happen would be me losing the progress when I reset to before accepting. So I went and sought out Sun wu kong or whatever the game called him. HE DIDNT EVEN HIT ME ONCE! With the same weakness as the Minotaur and probably a tuffer opponent and it was a complete breeze. So after that I healed and redid the Minotaur fight. Was still a rough battle but I won, strolled through the hoop/ring to check the local demons. Also went down a hall not meaning to, I thought it was a hidden chest area. So saw the mining area thing, it had sighs with angels on them. By this point Time travel is pretty clear, but it does make me wonder is it a enner earth/ plant flip thing. Like where you dig down and the react a surface on the other side?
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