shiptorch · 5 months
Mr.12 - 2024.05.13
I work like a gardener… Things come slowly… Things follow their natural course. They grow, they ripen. I must graft. I must water… Ripening goes on in my mind. So I’m always working at a great many things at the same time. Joan Miro
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shiptorch · 5 months
Nr.11 - 2024.05.12
I’ve lived my whole life without having goals, and I think that’s very valuable, because then I never am in a state of anxiety or dissatisfaction. I never feel I haven’t achieved something. I never feel there is something yet to be accomplished. I feel like goals are quite counterproductive. They give you a target, and until the moment you reach that target, you are stressed and unsatisfied, and…
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shiptorch · 5 months
Nr.10 - 2024.05.11
All the technique in the world doesn’t compensate for the inability to notice. Elliott Erwitt
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shiptorch · 5 months
Nr.9 - 2024.05.10
Nobody will stop you from creating. Do it tonight. Do it tomorrow. That is the way to make your soul grow – whether there is a market for it or not! The kick of creation is the act of creating, not anything that happens afterward. I would tell all of you watching this screen: Before you go to bed, write a four line poem. Make it as good as you can. Don’t show it to anybody. Put it where nobody…
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shiptorch · 5 months
Nr.7 - 2024.05.08
Write hard and clear about what hurts. Ernest Hemingway
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shiptorch · 5 months
Nr.6 - 2024.05.07
I’m not telling you to make the world better I’m just telling you to live in it. Not just to endure it, not just to suffer it, not just to pass through it, but to live in it. To look at it. To take chances. To make your own work and take pride in it. Joan Didion
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shiptorch · 5 months
Nr.8 - 2024.05.09
Be kind. Everyone you meet is carrying a big problem. Philo of Alexandria, via James Hollis
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shiptorch · 5 months
Nr5 - 2024.05.05
Go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward.…
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shiptorch · 5 months
Nr4 - 2024.05.04
As T. S. Eliot once observed, in a world of fugitives, the person who is headed in the right direction will appear to be running away. from “Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up”, James Hollis
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shiptorch · 5 months
NR2 - 2024.05.02
The producer of old age is habit: the deathly process of doing the same thing in the same way at the same hour day after day, first from carelessness, then from inclination, at last from cowardice or inertia. Habit is necessary; but it is the habit of having careless habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive… one can remain alive long…
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shiptorch · 5 months
I found that things got a lot easier when I no longer expected to win. Leonard Cohen
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shiptorch · 5 months
Nr1 - 2024.05.01
Inspiration is merely the reward for working every day. Charles Baudelaire, Curiosites Esthethiques (1868)
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shiptorch · 3 years
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Hazy Day by Danielle Bednarczyk https://flic.kr/p/QpEmu7
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shiptorch · 5 years
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Dilos 2019
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shiptorch · 5 years
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Mykonos 2019
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shiptorch · 5 years
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Mykonos 2019 : 365/365 [Rock lines - homage à Richard Long]
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shiptorch · 5 years
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Mykonos 2019 : 364/365
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