shisloads · 1 year
Here are some of process snapshots of this piece of Astarion in Baldur's Gate.
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I am a messy painter and I often adjust and change the designs as I paint. (Mostly because I don't have the patience to do proper line art haha)
I start out with a rough sketch, I usually sketch ideas out on my ipad and move to my cintiq to work with colors.
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Next I block in rough color thumbnail. I keep this part messy as I just want to figure out the value structure and the overall mood.
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At this point, I have collected a myriad of screenshots and reference images from the game, pinterest, and also from artists work that inspires me.
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With the references on one screen, I start to paint the details, I work from foreground to midground to background. (Sometimes I'll bounce between the depth when I get bored from painting one thing for too long)
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Sometimes after I block in the colors I'll make adjustments. I didn't like how warped the perspective was getting on the building on the screen right side, so I adjusted the vanishing point and added more tiers to the design. I went back into the game and looked at more how the stairs were designed and figured it out more thoroughly with a sketch on on top.
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I think sitting down and doing the details is the most time consuming part. I still want the focus to be on the character despite all the detail going on the background. At this point I'm toggling on black & white filters constantly to check the value, grouping everything in the background together, making sure the lighting frames the subject in focus. At this point I realized, I forgot to paint Astarion's hair LOL, and that the bg was getting a bit too detailed, so I used a more textured brush and painted away some of the edge details of bg buildings.
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Last, I make final adjustments, and I make a overall lighting/fx adjustment folder. Adding in some noise, adjusting the contrast, color balance, and lighting over all and call it done!
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shisloads · 2 years
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You’re not asking the right questions. You have to wake up. Wake up. I know what I’ve seen. I’m not crazy! Wake up.
1899 (2022  ―    ) created by Jante Friese and Baron Bo Odar
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shisloads · 2 years
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This is a 12 page mini comic I did this last year to get in the groove for a longer comic - the one I’m currently working on - and to experiment with different visuals. I ended up really liking it and thinking it’s a good introductory comic to my world and characters. :) I would have done a few things differently now since I did this, but in overall, happy with it! There’s a video/dubbed version of this comic too, I’ll be sharing it after I share the comic. Hope you enjoy!
☆ See more of my work: ☆ - SubscribeStar (General and Adult content.) - Patreon (General content only.)  
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shisloads · 2 years
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faramir and eowyn stuff from twitter
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shisloads · 2 years
Do you design a lot of characters living in not-modern eras and you’re tired of combing through google for the perfect outfit references? Well I got good news for you kiddo, this website has you covered! Originally @modmad made a post about it, but her link stopped working and I managed to fix it, so here’s a new post. Basically, this is a costume rental website for plays and stage shows and what not, they have outfits for several different decades from medieval to the 1980s. LOOK AT THIS SELECTION:
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There’s a lot of really specific stuff in here, I design a lot of 1930s characters for my ask blog and with more chapters on the way for the game it belongs to I’m gonna be designing more, and this website is going to be an invaluable reference. I hope this can be useful to my other fellow artists as well! :)
Did you find this helpful? If you’re able, maybe buy me a coffee please? :D
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shisloads · 8 years
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- You ever been to Rome? - Yes, many years ago.
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shisloads · 8 years
EEEEEEEEKKKK I don’t browse tumblr since forever, how could I have missed this one!!! I missed them so much, especially this kind of tender and realistic scenes, please please continue pretty please??? <3 <3 <3 
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Long time no see these two dorks. I love drawing this type of silly cuddly scene.
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shisloads · 8 years
Oh my, this is so gorgeous! *__* Screentones and inking are so perfect, the expression very dramatic! Which software did you use to add screentones, manga studio?
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Fragment of a comic/screentone practice, cause I still want to let out that spikey-eared derpiness out of my brain someday ‘ u ‘ Unfortunately I can’t post the whole thing because spoilers/auswithreferencestocanon/sensitive material, so before the actual thing will come to an existence, I am just going to tease with random bits and pieces >:3
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shisloads · 8 years
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There may be no one closer to you in the world right now than I.
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shisloads · 8 years
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luke arnold as long john silver - a summary
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shisloads · 9 years
This is so gorgeous, the perspective is awesome and I love how you captured a "daily” moment, indeed during meal breaks people use to speak about work and problems! I want to read your comic so bad! <3
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Perspective practice…and at the same time, a little sketch of a scene that can be considered canon in my comic, (which I want to draw eventually, aka, before I die). Without spoiling too much, let’s just say someone was so wrapped up in their personal problems + work, they kinda “forgot” they have a body that needs food and rest to function. Happens. Good thing some friends have a build-in “nanny” mode. I dedicate this to Joolita, who encouraged me to post it :)
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shisloads · 9 years
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Luca Marinelli in ‘Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot’
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shisloads · 9 years
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Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot (2016)  - Gabriele Mainetti
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shisloads · 9 years
Che bella la seconda vignetta e l’inquadratura dall’alto! <3
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some wips of chapter 2 of my fantasy comic, i am always working on both chapter 1(coloring) and 2(pencil)..a little tired..but still here…
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shisloads · 9 years
SUPPORTING RAKA’S ART BECAUSE IT’S AWESOME! Buy this sketchbook, you won’t regret it! <3
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For the SHIPPING FEES: Italy 1,40€ Europe\Mediterranean 3,70€ Most of the World 4,60€ Oceania and far Islands 6,50€ (This is intended for ordinary delivery, if you want tracking or insurance I can check how much it would be)
TO SAVE SOME MONEY: if you are visiting Polymanga, Mangazur or Japex I will be there so you can get your copy whitout paying for the postal service. I might be touristing around in some italian expos, but I cannot confirm my presence for sure.
All the preorders will be shipped in about 10-15 days after Easter.
Payments via Paypal only. For questions and reservations contact me at [email protected]
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shisloads · 9 years
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In Fabulis by raka-raka Cover for an upcoming sketchbook Stay tuned, more infos in the next days
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shisloads · 9 years
Omg this made crack me up! XD I love your sense of humour, woman! And when humour goes together with incredible talent and skills, magic like this happens! *o*
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Don’t give up to temptation, Alice! Pray all those sinfull thoughts away!
Look at her, she’s so eager, she became a headbanging nun. I don’t think that’s a part of her faith’s rituals though…
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Poor Johan. You almost had it.
A little birthday gift for wonderfull and ever amazing @solfi​ <3. Also, if my memory is correct, there’ll be another great event worth celebrating coming up in your life soon? Either way, thank you for being such a fantastic and supportive friend. You’re an amazing person and great artist! I wish you all that’s best in all aspects of life <3 May you always have strenght and motivation to fullfill your dreams, may luck, happiness and health never leave your side, and may good and supportive people be always within your reach. I send you millions of hugs and kisses, my dear <3 (also hugs for your dearest for being there for you :D)
Hope you’ll enjoy this little piece of derpiness as a expression of my friendship X’D
The upload limitations won’t let me put a bigger gif, so I’ll send you the original later :D. (I’ll also upload some, hmm… notable frames in separate post ;p)
The idea is from this masterpiece: link. Bless this gif and everything it stands for.
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