shmilestprower · 6 days
?deid dneirflrig ruoy nehw leef ti did woh
?deid dneirflrig ruoy nehw leef ti did woh?
?deid dneirflrig ruoy nehw leef ti did woh?
There you are.
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shmilestprower · 6 days
REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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shmilestprower · 6 days
So, I was just there scrolling through a Twitter reupload site(I can't access the site anonymously anymore because of that dip shit Elon) when I came across a tweet showing a YouTube screenshot of the UK version of Cartoon Network's YouTube channel showing a thumbnail of the first episode of Hello Neighbor: Welcome to Raven Brooks.
I looked it up thinking it was gonna be fake and you can imagine my surprise when I saw that it was indeed real.
Here's the link:
I know somebody who's gonna like this.
(Tagging @shmilestprower for good measure.)
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shmilestprower · 16 days
Some Final Boss Tails art.
"Sonic, you don't even need to realize what I am talking about. Don't you ever break my heart again."
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If you smell..
What The Final Boss, is cooking.
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shmilestprower · 20 days
Warning: The headcanons described have heavily detailed torture, graphic content, blood and abuse, including drug usage and mentions of murder/suicide are in here. So turn away if you're uncomfortable.
Final Boss Engaged.
Secret History Tails (The Final Boss/The High Chief)
The Final Boss Has Arrived.
"The Final Boss" Miles 'Tails' Prower (Secret History Tails)
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- Tails is the current ruler and heir to a eldritch, primordial, unhinged and nightmarish royal family and dynasty. The Prower royal family has it's name drenched in sadism, manipulation, perfection, conquest, murder, winning, succeeding, omnicide, sin, cover-ups, elitism, superiority, money, power, control, empires, corporations, businesses, abuse, fear, mutilation, genocide, blood, inciting wars, torture, being the alpha, tyranny, sacrifice, evil and indoctrination, alongside a totalitarian regime, wrath, envy and mass omnicide. Every atrocity possible.
- He became the current heir and ruler to the Prower royal family, after his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather Maximilian Von Prower, who was a self-centered misanthropic, eccentric and twisted warlord and murderer. Someone so depraved, cruel, power-absorbed and vicious, he was shot repeatedly, cut his hands off, mutilated to where he was still alive. And then, slightly burnt alive. Then, they lobotomized Maximilian and pulled his brain out, for a pack of rabid dogs to eat his corpse. Something Tails loathed entirely.
- Enjoys country, bluesy and Elvis Presley music. And will insult and mock people through concerts, some of these concerts are decorated with hanging heads from chains, literal intestines and hearts. And will use macabre jokes.
- As punishments for not listening, he'll chug a whole water bottle and spit in Amy's face.
- Whilst he was bullied, he began using their tactics against him. And repeatedly stalked them, along with having literally almost crushed one's head in, another bully believed he was the Devil Incarnate. After Tails justified himself.
- Amy is constantly emotionally mentally, domestically and psychologically abused. He also had cut out her flesh, hence her look in TSAA Part 4. And has physically abused her as well, for punishments.
- Knuckles, after POST-TSAK is his pet. And his enforcer, which works well. As he is a mass-murdering eldritch mechanical beast.
- Used a chainsaw to rip Blaze apart, as she watched her house be burned by Amy and Knuckles.
- Mildly autistic with somewhat epilepsy, and has mild ADHD. Along with a learning disability and a unique case of lupus. But he often harasses people, like repeated calling their phone.
- He has spies, mangled beyond comprehension but still alive. And yet in pain and suffering watching Mario's regime, and reporting everything back. And he was the real mastermind behind Harry Potter becoming a egomaniacal, perverted bully with a taste of hookers. The Wizards are slaves to him.
- Owns a entire slaughterhouse, where he sometimes uses for humans, alternate universe versions of himself, Sonic or other characters. He emotionally, physically, mentally, psychologically abuses them. Having driven one version of Sonic to commit suicide by hanging. As he constantly swears, cusses and was trash talking with profanity. Sells blood off as wine and the meat as extra-special.
- Can freely move between different levels and planes of reality and existence.
- He is a gourmet chef, and will cook humans. Feeding Knuckles, and reluctantly Amy.
- Is never seen around without Cosmo. Ever, at all. And if he is, he's stalking her or observing her from one of his, or his family's enterprises.
- He loves to spoil Cosmo, gifting her mamy gifts. Sometimes in really grim ways, like a bloody and somehow, still beating heart. He constantly spam texts her, constantly asking whether she is ok, where she is, what's she doing or if she's thinking about him.
- Is quadrupedal, sometimes and will cannibalize other foxes. Tearing flesh apart, or cutting it up, sometimes he will put foxes on meat hooks to prolong their suffering.
- Very indeterminate and knowledgable, as it is almost impossible to describe Tails, or his bloodline in a knowledgeable and comprehensible way.
- Supersedes everything above him including narratives and himself. Can warp reality, and is immune to anti-metaphysical fields. He also can alter events through time, Cream's neck was crushed by his boot and he skinned half of her face. Eating the flesh and muscle, saving her body and flesh for "special occasions". Being a immensely powerful entity.
- Has a highly aggressive, very active, strong and deadly local reality, specifically in the form of temporal and spatial distortions surrounding him. These distortions are occasionally accompanied by random, violent outbursts that may dramatically shift or damage local space and time. Spatial and temporal distortions are irreversibly fatal.
- Stole all of Sega's profits, to further expand and build his regime. Just because he's greedy and envious.
- He wraps one of his tails around Cosmo, like a snake. He's also masochistic.
- His bullies are currently in a pocket dimension, being tortured the same way he was. And how he manipulated Amy to kill Sonic.
- Smokes weed and drinks Tequila, pre-SHOSAT. Before inheriting Maximilian Von Prower's estate, he was at 4 mental asylums. And psychiatric wards.
- Gamer, able to bigger his empire and enterprises. Along with his mother company Miles 'Tails' Prower Enterprises whilst playing video games.
- Japanese-German, American and possibly European. Along with being fluent in every language, a master spy and master in espionage.
- His mother was The Isdal Woman, and his father was a BND agent who had been in and out of jail, and security prisons. He died in a gunfight with the National Guard and FBI agents.
- Cracked Eggman's head open,exposing his brain and torched him alive, Eggman is paralyzed. Having his spinal cord cut, Tails currently has him strung up by wire and cable by two fences. Whilst his flesh falls apart and blood leaks, some of which Tails drinks. Keeping Eggman alive.
- PURE EVIL. A cruel, vile, cold-blooded and ruthless monster.
- His chain around his neck came from his mother, so he cherishes it very deeply.
- Due to his unique nature, he is highly egotistical and has a superiority complex. Calling himself The Final Boss, as he sees himself as the ultimate ruler to his bloodline. Tails gloats about his family legacy, and himself. Being narcissistic, and megalomaniacal. Sometimes, he will literally enforce Amy to listen to his family's history, if she threatens his life.
- He is so extremely abusive, controlling, cruel and sadistic that he is naturally, genuinely actually and more evil than Dr. Eggman, being completely devoid of the sympathetic element. He believes sacrifices must be made to achieve power. Nothing is off limits for The Final Boss, from expelling his own family. To asserting himself as a fox who believes he has surpassed Sonic. He keeps a meat grinder where he often will chop his victims up, and will use the kitchen to process the meat. He also has made Sonic bleed. He knows he's a horrible person, but he doesn't give a shit.
- Amy has repeatedly seen hanging corpses in a meat locker, most victims are still alive. Tails often laughs. Even worse so, he has a cruel, sick, morbid and dark, twisted sense of humor. If it could be called that, such as him asking Amy if she liked what she saw about his victims. And he claims he's been meaning to "check back in' with Silver, implying he's ready to murder the psychokinetic hedgehog.
- He also treats Sonic and Amy less than friends and more of test subjects, as he calls them a series of fine specimens. As if they're just a line of cattle, he's been grooming and ready to slaughter at the right moment.
- With Cosmo, he is OBSESSIVE. She is a divine entity in his eyes, he will be outside her door. Or window, no matter the sun or the moon. Stalking her. He is just grateful to have her in his world, as he gives her all the affection. And doesn't treat her like she's cattle. He also likes to think he sees things, and himself in her.
- Uses lingo and idioms like "boy" and "riding off into the sunset".
- His tongue is a bioluminescent long tongue, and his saliva is constantly changing shape and coloration.
- Very flirtatious and alert, sometimes making out with Cosmo. Bisexual as fuck, he will make suggestive remarks sometimes. As he slowly tortures them, using different weapons.
- Easily irritated by Amy, seeing her only as that whiny daughter. Tails also has taken over his primordial and eldritch bloodline's estate, wealth and businesses. Creating his own, some businesses have mutilated corpses in boxes.
- He will kill anyone who has flirted or touched Cosmo, and sometimes he will rip their organs out. As he is extremely homicidal (he has over 300 charges right now)
- He takes great sadistic enjoyment in beating others. Viciously bearing others and being gruesome, bloody even, with a belt like a dog and beating "the piss" out of them savoring the moment and prolonging the torment, claiming this is what happens when they "fuck with The Final Boss". Tearing the skin, tearing the flesh, even demanding those who like Sonic more than him look at their so-called hero. He also demands no one touches his women. Being criminally insane. He is a power-hungry, money-hungry Corporate villainous overlord who uses his authority and influence over Amy to ensure she listens to him.
- Runs a illegal honey badger fighting ring, much to PETA and animal rights activist groups' disliking. The badgers are in a constant state of a berserk mode, insane and angry, because Tails feeds them drugs, from his drug empire. And cut-up honey badger.
- His relationship with Amy is more of a friend and friend or daughter and father relationship, he finds her easily annoying. But could listen to Cosmo all day.
- Knows every single aspect of Trevor Henderson's lore, Hello Neighbor lore, FNAF lore and Bendy lore. Will explain it to Amy every fucking time he gets.
- Amy is like his sadistic assistant.
- Has no fear, and will disrespect the dead. Because he doesn't believe in ghosts.
- His beach resort has a section where the "water" is actually just the melted and liquified remains of the family that used to live there and everyone who stood in his area. His guards there, are fucking Wendigos and Skinwalkers.
- Engages in deals and bets with dark web fanatics and black market individuals.
- Agent of Chaos, sometimes he will imprison a victim. Adding to their suffering, and toying with them. Sometimes peeling the skin away, or licking their sweat.
- Calls Sonic fans who think he's a coward or worse than Sonic "so entitled, obnoxious and brash." Remarking how some of them have sex, but they gotta pay cash. He is obsessed with making Sonic bleed, saying how there's some lines you just don't cross, and they all can kiss the ass of The Final Boss.
- Makes chili dogs and sandwiches out of his own kind, and victims. Condiments are blood. Mustard is included as well, Tails' favorite drink is Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 or '2017.
- Can shapeshift into literally anything he wants, like a squid-like Lovecraftian monster, a mass of energy and matter to a amorphous multi pointed star of a bright white material.
- He celebrates holidays way too fucking early, it could be only the 29th or 30th of November, and he's gonna have a fucking Christmas tree and the whole house set up. Ready for Christmas, it could be June 18th, and he's gonna be ready for Fourth of July.
- HUGE mama's boy, he calls his mother the protector of their family, the guiding force even when his father died. And a trail blazer, his immense respect and deep love for his mother goes so far where he visits her grave at Møllendal, Bergen. And he sees her, in his eyes and his heart. She was the real Final Boss.
- Has been to Hollywood, and is best friends with The Rock. As Tails looks up to, and idolizes him, seeing him as the brother Sonic never could be. To him, Sonic is deadbeat. And he is finally number one.
After all, if you smell what The Final Boss..
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Is Cookin'.
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shmilestprower · 3 months
AH hello! Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure!
BEfore I sleep, why not het to know each other? Uhhh fucking, favorite color, movie, and piece of media
Favorite color? Red. Movie? I have watched a ton, but I'd likely put the 2014 Godzilla film up there. And piece of media? Infowars or Discord.
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shmilestprower · 3 months
Just living.
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shmilestprower · 4 months
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hello. -jay
Greetings, Jay.
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shmilestprower · 6 months
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shmilestprower · 7 months
I feel your pain. Always here for you.
Hey I just wanted to say that srry if I’m too talkative (remember the times when I used to sent you 7 trillion notifications? Yea) I’m also like this on discord :(
It's okay, I understand completely and talk a lot too dw
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shmilestprower · 7 months
Sooooo what romantic headcanons would this greedy ass, envious and possessive stalker of a dealmaking demon who is the God and demon of a cult that dresses as Ravens would have?
I know he's literally a demon or something akin to the Ink Demon, because VR game shows he's a dealmaker. And not human.
If you've read Reset Day or the Raven Brooks Disaster. The Guest is shown to be a stalker, physically and digitally.
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shmilestprower · 8 months
Hello Guest: Sometimes Conversation Is A Raven Nest
Part of my Hello Neighbor story, we learn more about the Guest in this headcanon and the story.
Mr. Peterson glared at the creature in front of him, not in the slightest bit. Did he like it, Peterson was a 50 year old man with a well trimmed mustache, always curled at each side. His hair was brown, but near to greying. Forming a swirl at the top, wearing a yellow shirt, with a stain on it. The stain was unspecified. Theodore had green, piercing eyes staring at the thing. He had a strong cheekbones, something his childhood self never possessed. And he had a round chin, an swirl on his chin. He had grown a stubble, as he was older.
Peterson had thick, arching eyebrows. Which gave him an intimidating appearance, and they pointed straight downwards, to his nose. His unusual head has numerous wrinkles and creases on his forehead. The mustached man also wore thick, and greasy rubber gloves. Of a black color. He wore a blue diamond patterned vest, with a argyle style. The very small part, the comprising material of his shirt was a rain-resistant material. The edges of the vest are dark blue and ridged, while the diamonds are a lighter blue. There are white dotted lines crossing the vest as part of its pattern. Theodore's pants are an orange color with darker orange stripes, and his shoes are black and white sneakers.
"Explain your actions, especially after you possessed MY son. And chased me." The black sheep of Raven Brooks asked, adjusting his collared shirt.
"Theodore, relax. I think you and I can speak, whilst we remain civil."
The creature in front of him ironically looked somewhat similar, but vastly different, beefier. Wearing a purple, dirty dark striped sweater with a red pocket on the front. The top, inside this pocket was a tissue. There was the presence of yellow stitching, around the armpit area, as if somebody created the sweater. The sweater had light red sleeves with lines on them, the sleeves were significantly dirtier than one expected. However they were incredibly dirty, one could not tell if they were red or orange. In opposite of Mr. Peterson's muscular form, and limbs. The creature had lanky limbs. Wearing, similar gloves. But shredded, the fingers resembled talons of a raven or a crow. And these gloves have dirt on him. It wore brown lined pants, with black shoes with yellow laces and soles. However, as one would expect. Because of the body shape. The entity had lankier limbs. The hood was pulled past the head, and for a face. Was a raven beak, resembling wood, but if you were stupid enough to touch the beak, it was certainly organic. The figure wore a black, hooded cloak. Held together by a circular clasp, with an eye symbol. Theo knew the symbol all too well. Forest Protectors. However as a man could not think the same way a insect could, one would wrongfully think this cloak is brown.
The Guest. The Raven Man, the mysterious urban legend of Raven Brooks. Who had existed for ages, a demonic supernatural entity. And dealmaker who had complete control over Raven Brooks. Some doubted his existence, because Raven Man, Raven Brooks. However this simply didn't deter the mind of believers or conspiracy theorists.
Beside the creature were three men, wearing black hooded figures, with hundreds of feathers attached to their cloaks. They had their hoods up, obscuring their head, and they wore white, curved beak masks. Resembling a plague doctor mask from medieval times. These figures also wore long black gloves with claws. Forest Protectors.
Peterson knew why they wore these raven like costumes. Because they worshipped The Guest, and sacrificed people to him. Representing his legend and existence through the cloaks.
"I merely gave your son an opportunity, one he should have been grateful for, an escape from that prison you hold him in." The beaked creature said. His voice was full of envy and greed, contempt. He didn't speak by words, but spoke with telepathy. As his beak didn't move. Ethereal and sadism, but with multiple voices. Of various emotions and feelings. Giving the Guest an unearthly way of speaking. The legend lacked eyes, but he could still see Theodore.
Mr. Peterson rubbed his stubble, listening to the demon speaking. Having to hear multiple voices and emotions at once was annoying, but he had the opportunity to question The Guest. "You think it was an opportunity? One you think Aaron should be grateful for, I know you. You don't play kid games. You tried linking my son to a curse."
"I thought you humans knew the meaning of sacrifice. Do you not know the meaning of "it's for the greater good?" The bird-like beast laughed. His laughter echoing in Theo's mind. The crow creature adjusted his cloak, as he stared. Eagerly waiting.
"So. What are you, trying to make me understand the weight of my actions? I'm no saint, as I have framed Nicky. I have kidnapped him, buried my own daughter in my backyard. And chase anyone I see off my property. Kept Aaron locked in the basement to protect himself from the authorities, if so. You're just making me think different things." The neighbor stared, he didn't care about The Guest. Nor did he care about the cult. The bird society and it's God was like a thorn in his side. He had mixed emotions about The Guest, he loathed him. But he also feared him.
A chuckle of multiple voices, laughing with sadism could be heard, the mustached man clenched his gloved fist. As he didn't find that funny. "Way worse. I may be enforcing and influencing someone's thoughts. But it's actually to torture, haunt and break you." Theodore stared, sternly. Holding a pitchfork at the creature. He shook with a small bit of fear, but kept his composure. Clearly determined.
"It does not matter what I was taking, if I'm lonely, because you don't appreciate it, don't deserve it, or if you love it. What matters is, those who or what is taken. Isn't destroyed, grew distant from or even died. They are gone."
"Right, like making a kid linked to your cult and possessing him is good, you're nothing without bad luck." The man said, sarcastically.
"I might be, I could be a lot of things. Small things, big things. It doesn't matter. What matters is what I'm becoming, little Theo. I'm the monster; I'm the monster that manifests when you think your God takes away your crops, I'm the monster that takes away what you don't deserve. I'm your life's betrayal." The Raven Man claimed it was life's betrayal, one of the Forest Protectors wanted to kill Peterson here and now. But the Guest held him off.
"Why not kill me anyways, instead of being a clown? And not going with your word?"
"New toys to play with. Torture, despair. DEATH! Taking what you don't deserve. As much as I wish I could take credit, your wife wasn't my work. But I did see it."
This set off the green eyed, and suspicious man. He rose from his seat, his well built frame rising up. As The Guest cawed. Peterson was increasingly frustrated.
"Do not bring up Diane into this. Or Mya. But there are kids. I have to deal with, they are trying to send me to prison again."
"Oh, you think you can negotiate with me? I give the word, and my Ravens pay a visit to your son. At a certain house. Consider your position very carefully, Theodore. Because you are not with the power."
He took in the Guest's words. Mr. Peterson didn't at all want Aaron dying by the Forest Protectors, especially after such a threat like that. But he chuckled. Which caught The Guest by surprise. "Maybe I need your help more than you do, feeding off bad luck." A laugh, with opportunity. The Guest turned to Gordon Cleave, a 6'1 blonde man with fierce brown eyes, wearing a brown suit. Cleave also had a tooth pick in his mouth and turned to the Forest Protectors.
"And just, what did I tell you about him? Bold mindset. How have you lived like that? Especially when I and a representation of your guilt attack you?! Your mind and head is mine. Alright. Deal. Help you get rid of Trinity, and Aaron is my host." The Guest referenced The Thing, the representation of Nicky's fears and Theo's guilt.
"Deal." Mr. Peterson shook hands with The Guest, as he warned the creature. Giving it a cold look.
"I will warn you, only once. This is solely a partnership and business. No emotion." The bird like creature warned him.
"I am aware."
Mr. Peterson walked out of the catacombs, and sewers. Heading back to his house. Whilst the Guest transformed into a Raven and flew off to the Forest.
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shmilestprower · 8 months
what do you think of Canada?
Beautiful country. Though it could be more free.
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I could be there, but right now. I am looking for the Real Sonic, and I'm using Amy as a way for an excuse to bring Cosmo back. I've kept myself QUITE busy. It's time to finally set things right.
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shmilestprower · 9 months
I'm not exactly sure how much of Derpy's story is accurate in the Trollge Files, but here goes nothing.
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Derpy was the Derp who was best friends, (possibly lovers) with Stairway, and likely he was roommates with him, living in Derpy's apartment. From how the oil and water was on a table in his apartment during Dystychiphobia, Derpy likely was the one person who didn't turn his back on Stairway, and supported his theory on people flying in the rain, when drenched in oil.
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The game over for Dystychiphobia implied that Derpy was a former agent for the TCF. Before he turned into a deformed.. beast. And he had connections to Derpina (The one who led the Trollge Containment Foundation, not Smiler's daughter. If they aren't the same.) And he purposefully harbored Stairway in his apartment, to protect him. And when he was talking with Derpina, Derpy was forced to make a decision. Either A: Suffer a fate worse than death and turn into the very thing he contained. Or B: He was forced to watch his best friend suffer in containment, and likely be expunged from reality like Exhalted. And like anyone with 2 braincells, several mental illnesses and a chronic monster disease. Derpy chose the former, and not the latter.
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shmilestprower · 9 months
What’s your opinion on Sink?
(As in Sink.EXE)
(Guess who I am too >:3)
I never met them, so... neutral feeling.
Kai, that you? Other Secret History Tails, Marshy?! My Discord friend????
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shmilestprower · 10 months
Some Luther x Sarah stuff ft. Derpy (Trollge Files Crossover)
(Luther walking into the kitchen, whilst Sarah's being a mother to Tom and seeing Derpy just cutting up ALL their lemons)
Luther: Derpy, what the fuck. WHY??? Not even my lovely Sarah would use that much.
Derpy: Trying to make a lemon casserole. Mr. I bashed Sarah upside the head. (Derpy just leaning by a wall, holding a coffee cup with his tentacle like arm.)
Sarah: (Just picture her somehow holding Tom, SOMEHOW. Sarah be fucking strong). You used all the lemons, and this is half the reason on why we don't let you decide dinner. And don't even talk, because you're a mental re-creation.
Tom: True, I'm not going to lie, Derpy you just wasted food like shopping isn't a thing.
Derpy: You gotta appreciate it for what it is.
(Sarah teleported behind Luther and just fucking tackle hugged him, kissing him all over).
Sarah: Yeah, no. I'm gonna spend time with my Luthie Lou Lou.
Derpy: Whatever.
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shmilestprower · 10 months
Luther x Sarah Headcanons because fuck it, they're cute together. because I ship them. One of two headcanons and universes where she dates Luther and a seperate universe headcanon, where she dates yours truly, Secret History Tails.
Sarah/Needlemouse Headcanons:
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Let's start with Ms. Henderson, shall we? And her headcanon in this relationship with Luther. She's bisexual in this universe, so it works.
- To describe her in a relationship, it's YANDERE. Much like me. Heh. And clingy!
- She ABSOLUTELY will do anything, and I mean literally anything to get Luther to notice her. And to love her.
- In this canon, Sarah never meant to torture Luther. And only brought him to the Sega game realm, so they can reunite. Shocking right?
- Sarah loves Luther in every way possible.
- They were a couple when human! Polyamorous with Lily, Sarah knew Luther accidentally killed her. And immediately when she became Needlemouse, forgave him.
- Shocking twist, Sarah is Thomas' biological mother. As Luther is 28 and Sarah is 32. In this canon. She ABSOLUTELY loves her son, and would give the world to him.
- She is ALWAYS by Luther's side. You never see him without her, she often switches between her Needlemouse and Sarah forms. But she always loves Luther.
- Sarah worships Luther, and will literally dedicate her life to him. Whatever it is he wants, Sarah gets it done.
- Always interested in her beloved's topics.
- She's very interested in history, and often enjoys talking about it to Luther.
- She is definitely one to rub Luther's X across his chest. Liking the feeling of it.
- In order to redeem herself of her torture of Luther, Sarah began protecting him. She's aware that his death could happen again so she's protecting him.
- If she accidentally hurt Luther. She would NOT know what to do with herself.
- She cares deeply for Luther, who means so much to her. Like he was her best friend, she cared a lot for him when they were human.
- She is paranoid about Luther's mental health, and always has to check up on him. She worries she may be the cause of it. So Luther has to assure her, she isn't. Sarah also often is close to having slight anxiety or panic attacks. But calms down.
- If she cannot be around Luther at the very moment for whatever reason, she'll probably stalk him. Which, kind of reminds me of myself. Sarah feels relieved when stalking Luther, that way she knows Luther is ok, and he isn't hurt, or cheating on her with another girl. Although she knows him too loyal and faithful to do so.
- Whenever Luther feels guilt, and begins to have either a mental breakdown or existential moment. He often sobs. Sarah will hug him tight, assuring him it's going to be ok, she hums to him to soothe him. She often switches between human and her Sonic form. But prefers the latter. As it fits with Luther as Tails.
It often shows even evil has loved ones.
Luther Jamie Artwright Headcanon:
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Ah, Luther. Sarah's senpai! Maybe my older brother? 👀? Shall we begin. Because the canon gets wild.
- Luther already has to go through the draining process of dating this absolute sadist, so he's often drained. And tired out of energy often. So Sarah has to check up on him constantly. If he slept well, how he's doing, if he's ok and if he took proper care of himself and maintaining an healthy diet.
- Mostly tired, like a lot. Because of how much energy he is drained of, from dating Sarah. Although it's not like Luther gives a shit. As he has suffered and endured worse. So being tired isn't the worst thing he suffered.
- Corny, but he's optimistic. And a very, bold and opportunistic person, willing to take risks for Sarah and Tom. Daring too. Apeshit also. But he's also somewhat careless.
- He's often one to try and keep telling himself that he never meant to kill Sarah.
- Luther is a extremely independent and bold person, but he's also a badass.
- He feels extreme guilt over Sarah's death. Blaming himself, and was close to committing suicide over it until Sarah rekindled their relationship.
- He's definitely the sort of one who cover Sarah with his cape. Picture it as a big blanket.
- He often is the one to make dinner, and is very gentle with Sarah and caring.
- Very loving and sweet, despite being a no joking guy.
- He often enjoys watching Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul or the Apprentice or Sopranos. Drags Sarah to watch it.
- Luther mostly has a protein diet, as mentioned. He is drained of a shit ton of energy from dating Sarah. So protein keeps his energy up. And he's not having the wind knocked out of him.
- Inherited slight insanity from the torture of Sarah (unintentionally).
- ALWAYS wants to spend time by Sarah and Thomas. Wanting it to feel like forever. Picture him as a family oriented man.
- If ever away from Sarah, and or Thomas. Luther would get shit done, fast as possible to be by his son's side. And his girlfriend's side. Since he loves them so much.
- Luther absolutely loves Sarah as much as she does with him, minus the yandere side.
- Sometimes, Luther does question the morality and the actions of what Sarah does. But still, nonetheless, he loves her.
- Luther has a slight Secret History Tails (me) part of him, where due to his slight insanity. The fox will murder ANYONE who tries flirting with Sarah. Luther's insanity is spawned from unintentional torture by Sarah. And much like Sarah, this little hypocrite will stalk her if he can't be around her for whatever reason.
- Luther does not love Michael, being only loyal and faithful to Sarah. He actually misses Lily, and tries his best to keep tabs.
It pays off the genuine love of the unexpected bond.
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