short-horror-hits · 6 years
The Hiker
I was talking my normal weekly hike through the woods when in the distance I saw yellow tape wrapped around a section of trees with people digging inside of it. There were about a dozen officers surrounding the perimeter and one of them called out to me.
“Hey! Mind if we have a word with you sir!” He and two other officers paced toward me.
“Uhh… sure.” I called back.
When they got to me, they looked like they were ready to pull their guns out if I made any sudden movement. I felt anxiety start to take over. Even when you’ve done nothing wrong, there’s something about police questioning you that’s a little unnerving. “Is there a problem sir?” I asked politely.
“You mind telling me your name.” He ignored my question.
“John Peterson.”
“Can I see your I.D. Mr. Peterson?”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t have my wallet with me.” I replied.
The two officers standing on either side of the questioning officer shot each other a look. “Mind if we take a look through your backpack then?” He asked sternly.
“Sure.” I handed it over. “So what’s going on over there?” I motioned to the yellow tape. The two silent cops searched through my backpack while the other continued to face me with his hand near his gun.
“Someone found an arm sticking out of the ground a little bit. When we came out here to investigate, we dug up six more bodies and we’re still not done digging yet. Do you come around here often?”
“Yeah, I try to hike out here at least once a week. It’s the only exercise I really get.”
“Ever seen anything suspicious? Any soft spots on the ground, any people behaving oddly?” He asked.
“No not really. I mean, a lot of people hike through this trail, especially on the weekends, and some of them are weird but not in a killer kind of way.” There was one homeless man that lived out here but they probably already found him and questioned him, so I didn’t even bring him up.
“Nothing in here but a bottle of water, a blanket, a few granola bars, his cell phone, and a compass.” One of the officers searching my backpack said to the one questioning me.
“Alright, well I suggest you stay out of the woods until we catch the person responsible for this,” he said to me as he handed me my backpack. Then he looked past me. “Ever seen that man before?” He pointed behind me.
I turned around and saw the homeless man just before he took cover behind a tree. “Yeah I think he lives out here.”
“Your free to go,” he said to me as they started to walk toward the homeless man. He peeked his head out from behind the tree and started running when he saw the officers heading for him. They chased him. Now that I think about it he would be the perfect suspect for murder.
I walked away a little faster than I normally would. I could hear them yelling far behind me. “Get down! Don’t move!” Then I heard a few gun shots. I guess for what ever reason the man resisted. Maybe he had drugs on him or something and didn’t want to get caught. I was just happy to get away. For a second I really thought they had me. I’ve got to start digging these holes deeper…
Written by: Sage short-horror-hits
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short-horror-hits · 6 years
My Dog?
I woke up to my dog breathing heavily on the back of my neck. I had almost fallen back asleep until I heard the sound of my dog barking from outside of my window.
Written by: Sage
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short-horror-hits · 6 years
New gaming channel on twitch!
I’ve decided to start a gaming channel on twitch, please come check it out and follow! I play a lot of Sea of Thieves but am willing to try any game out that looks interesting. So go follow thatdudethedude on twitch, thank u all 😀 btw if anyone knows some horror games I should check out please let me know
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short-horror-hits · 6 years
My Son’s Bad Dream
My 5 year old son’s been having awful nightmares for the past three nights. On the first night he ran into my room crying that a man was trying to hurt him. I walked him back to his room, tucked him in and reassured him that he was having a bad dream and he wouldn’t have it again. He eventually fell asleep and I went back to bed.
The next night the same thing happened. He ran in my room crying that the man was after him again. So again I brought him back to his room and comforted him until he fell asleep.
On the third night when he came to my room, I had had enough. “Look honey,” I said to him as I tucked him back in. “You have to realize that your bad dreams can’t hurt you. Next time you have the dream about the scary man, show him who’s boss.” I gave him a playful nudge on his cheek with my fist. “He can’t hurt you in your own dream.”
So tonight I’m hoping he sleeps with no problems, I really can’t take another night of his bad dreaming. I climbed into bed and fell asleep almost immediately. I hadn’t been asleep very long when I heard my son calling my name from outside my door. I jumped up and swung the door open. There was my son, this time excited to be telling me about his latest dream.
“Mommy, Mommy! The man came back again and I showed him who’s boss, just like you told me to do! He won’t be bothering me anymore!” I don’t know what disturbed me more, the way he was waving the bloody knife around so sadistically, or the eyeball stuck to the end of it.
Written by: Sage
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short-horror-hits · 6 years
My Daughter’s Imaginary Friend
My little daughter Alicia says she has an imaginary friend who tells her to do bad things. She says it lives in her closet and every night just before she falls alseep, it talks to her.
One morning my wifes purse was missing and she found it in Alicia’s room. Alicia said that her imaginary friend told her to take it. Soon after she stuck a rusty screw in her stepbrothers shoe, his foot got infected badly when he stepped on it. Again, she claims that her friend told her to do it. But then my troubled daughter took things farther than I ever thought she actually would…. 
Last week my wife got into a car wreck and was killed. A detective brought me in for questioning. He told me that my wifes brakes had been messed with. Of corse they question the husband first, it’s always like that. But I didn’t do it and he can see that I’m telling the truth. In the back of my mind I know who really did it though, my troubled daughter. But when the detective asks if I know anyone who would want to do this to my wife, I say no……..because I don’t want to lose my daughter.
Now I’m sitting in my room alone. My wifes dead and her son is back living with his father. Meanwhile my daughter is laying in her bed a room away from mine. That reminds me, I better talk to her before she falls asleep.
I layed down on the floor in front of the vent that connects to a vent in her closet and spoke in my usual dark disguised voice,
“Hey Alicia it’s me, your friend. Good job following my instructions on how to cut those break lines. Your a smart little girl. Now you and your father can live happily without your evil mommy and her ungrateful son around. Trust me, You’ll be much happier this way.”
Written by: Sage
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short-horror-hits · 6 years
New gaming channel on twitch!
I've decided to start a gaming channel on twitch, please come check it out and follow! I play a lot of Sea of Thieves but am willing to try any game out that looks interesting. So go follow thatdudethedude on twitch, thank u all 😀 btw if anyone knows some horror games I should check out please let me know
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short-horror-hits · 6 years
What if when you die and your life flashes before your eyes you see your entire life and when you get to the end you see the whole part where your life flashes before your eyes again and this just happens over and over and over. Maybe that’s why people get deja vu sometimes, because they’re actually dying and they remember certain things from seeing it a few too many times before.
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short-horror-hits · 6 years
Finding out you have an alternate personality might disturb you, but what if you found out you were the alternate personality……..
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
Taxi Driver: 5th Street Apartments
I don’t know why it is that people tell taxi drivers things after the sun sets that they normally wouldn’t tell anyone else. Maybe it’s because they figure they’ll never see us again, maybe it’s because they think that we can’t see their face too well at night, or maybe they just think that us drivers don’t care about the crimes they commit. Whatever the reason is, I’ve heard countless stories of criminal activity in my years since I started the job. Everything ranging from drug trafficking to murder. But the story I heard tonight was by far the most interesting.
I pulled over and the man hopped in the back. He was wearing an all black suit and sun glasses, which I thought was weird since it was almost midnight, but I’ve seen weirder things. He was also carrying a small briefcase.
“Take me to the apartments on 5th street,” he said with a big smile painted on his face.
“Sure thing,” I merged back into the flow of traffic. “You seem like your having a good night.”
“Best night of my life so far. I finally got the job I’ve been after all my life.”
“Oh yeah, congratulations. What’s the job?” I asked curiously.
He leaned forward and spoke in a low excited voice, “Honestly, I probably shouldn’t tell you. But let’s just say it’s off the books.” He chuckled a little and sunk back into his seat.
“Ahaha, well I’ve heard many stories of ‘off the books’ kind of jobs.” I said as I took a right turn.
“Most of them are probably from the people I’ll be working with. They run the underbelly of this city. Even the cops are afraid of them.”
“So how’d you get the job. You have to do something crazy for the boss?” I questioned.
“Nah not really. I knew a guy that’s been in the business for a long time, and I happened to be at a certain place at a certain time and…. I saw him whack somebody. Once he saw how cool I was about it, he told me he wanted me on board. All I had to do was bury the body and I was in. That all happened last night, tonight I just have to drop off some money,” he tapped the briefcase.“For my new guns and other supplies that I’ll be needing. I’m going to have the easiest job in the world, and it’s tax free.”
“Wow,” I said as I pulled up to the apartments. “Can’t beat that easy money.” “Exactly.” He boasted.
He paid and left me a heavy tip. Happy people with big secrets always tip the best. I made my way back into the heart of the city and picked up another gentleman wearing an all black suit and sunglasses. When he got in, he couldn’t stop laughing.
“Take me to the apartments on 5th street.” He managed to get out between a laugh.
It was a pretty big coincidence getting two of these guys in a row, but I was more interested in what was so funny.
“You hear a good joke or something?” I asked carefully.
“Joke!! Ahaha. No, no joke will ever be as funny as this situation. Trust me.” He replied and continued to laugh.
“What’s the situation, I could use a good laugh.”
“I don’t know, I probably shouldn’t tell ya…. You don’t got a big mouth, do ya?”
“Not me, if you only knew some of the stuff people have told me.” I said as I made a right turn.
“Alright, what the hell. Last night I was doing a little job for the boss. An.. uhh… ‘off the books’ kind of job.” He laughed again before continuing. “I had to whack someone. No big deal. It’s nothing I haven’t done before. So I off the guy, then I look over to see this annoying wannabe that’s been bothering me for years, watching the whole thing. I’m out in the middle of nowhere so I knew this guy was following me. He want’s in the business real bad and I’ve always just said no to him. He’s aggravated me enough so I decide to kill him too. But then I figure, why not milk him for what he’s worth first. So I tell him I want him on board with my crew.” He stopped again to laugh briefly. “I tell him all he’s got to do is bury that guy I whacked, and he’s in. So he does it. Then I tell him to meet me tonight with $20,000 for his new guns and fake I.D. There’s no guns or supplies, the only thing waiting for him is a bullet. You pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down here? Do you understand why this is so hilarious? He not only cleaned up my mess last night, he’s now paying me to kill him.” He started laughing uncontrollably again.
I pulled up to the apartments. The man payed me with a large tip and got out of the cab. As he opened the door to apartment 7, I saw the guy with the briefcase greet him and shake his hand with a big smile on his face. I headed back into the sleepless city, hopefully headed for another customer with big secrets and deep pockets.
Written by: Sage short-horror-hits
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
I just started a youtube channel where I’ll be doing narrations! Please check it out and subscribe 😀
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
What if the human race created some sort of artificial intelligence that grew too smart and we felt could be a threat to mankind…. wouldn’t we destroy it?
So what if one day the human race grew smart enough to be able to fully comprehend the universe and had the knowledge of everything? Would we be considered a threat and destroyed by whatever created us?
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
Me narrating Down by the River
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
Grave Digger
My job is simple, I’m a grave digger. I dig graves. It may not seem like the best job in the world but someones got to do it. I’ve been employed here for about 5 years now. The cemetery I work for is pretty large and I’ve dug about 1/3 of the graves in it. Before me there was 12 others who each took a turn at the job, but they all quit. Apparently they weren’t making enough money since it’s not a steady job. You see, we only get paid if a hole needs to be dug. Everyone before me worked a second job and still barley made it by. I, on the other hand, do quite well. I’m never strapped for cash. Business is booming. A lot more holes need to be dug these days, I make damn sure of that.
Written by: Sage short-horror-hits
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
The Haunted Cemetery
Everyone know’s ghosts don’t exist, right? Well in my town a lot of people are pretty sure they do. There’s a huge cemetery right off the freeway in a woodsy area that everyone claims has been haunted for decades. Now, I don’t believe in ghosts, but there have been a number of strange disappearances in the graveyard that can’t be explained. Ever since the first three people went missing, it’s become a cool thing among the kids at my local high school to see if they can spend a night in the cemetery and find a ghost. Most of the people who do it leave the next morning unharmed and having seen nothing. I walk around there with a few of my friends every once and a while, and we don’t see anything weird. But at least twice a year it would be reported that a few kids went missing after talking about taking the challenge.
Recently they put a tall fence, with barbed wire at the top, around the perimeter and a gate that would only be opened from sunrise to sunset. This was supposed to keep people out at night, but kids were still finding there way in. Those that were skinny enough, were able to pull the chain locked gate apart enough to slip through. Someone cut a hole through the fence somewhere, so everyone else entered through there.
Tonight, two snobby freshmen girls wanted to prove to everyone that they weren’t afraid of ghosts, so they slipped through the gate after dark to spend the night. Just like everyone else, they walked around for a few hours taunting demons and joking about how stupid everyone was who believed the grounds to be haunted. They kicked in a few old tombstones until they crumbled, they made fun of some of the deceased names, and they took a few pictures while posing dead. Then they decided they wanted to see if they could get into a mausoleum. They strolled up to it and managed to pry the door of the tomb open. They stepped in…
“I can’t see anything….” one of them said.
“Turn on the flashlight idiot.” The other chimed in.
As she turned the flashlight on, they took a few steps farther in to examine the caskets of the deceased. Once they were far enough in, I ran in behind them pulling the door shut. They both screamed at the top of their lungs, but one thing I’ve learned over the years is that the walls of these mausoleum’s are sound proof. I flipped open a casket and grabbed one of the girls as the putrid smell of the dead body filled the air around us. I stuffed her in with the decomposing body and maggots. I slammed the casket shut and locked it. The other girl was trying to open the door to get out, but it was no use. I had a couple of friends holding it shut from the outside. I flipped open another casket and approached her.
“Please let me go! I swear I’ll never come back! I swear!” She bellowed out.
“Shut up! I watched you kick down gravestones and mock the dead all night. You really shouldn’t make fun of people until you try living in there shoes.” I grabbed her and dragged her to where she would spend the rest of her life. I shoved her in the casket with the corpse. She tried to fight, but I was much stronger than her. I slammed it shut and locked it.
Without a word I exited the mausoleum and my two friends and I headed back to our homes. I looked at my tombstone that one of the girls had kicked down and let out a sigh. I stuck my hands into the dirt and pulled my way back into my casket, feeling the dirt pass through my bones. Like I said, there’s no such thing as…. ghosts.
Written by: Sage short-horror-hits
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
Me narrating Down by the River
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
The Cave
“Come on honey, we’ll be safe in here.” I reassured my daughter as we made our way into the cave. “The storm won’t last long, then we’ll be on our way.” She still looked petrified.
Since my wife and I got divorced, every weekend I get my daughter from Friday night until Sunday night. And she never seems to have much fun with me, so this weekend I decided to take her camping. It was going well until this brutal storm started out of no where. Sheets of rain were pouring down, it seemed to be lightening right over us, and the wind was so strong it blew our tent away. So the only thing I could think to do was bring her to this cave for shelter.
She was terrified to be in here, I could tell. She was afraid that there might be some dangerous animals deeper in, and to be honest I was too. But I had to keep her feeling secure so I didn’t let my fear show.
“Daddy, are you sure there’s nothing else in here?” She asked.
“Absolutely sweetheart.”
“But how do you know?” She questioned, staring into the darkness of the cave.
“Hey!” I shouted. “Anything there!”
It echoed back…. “Hey anyone there….hey anyone there…..
We listened for a moment.
“See,” I said. “Nothing but us.”
She began to smile in relief. “I like the echo,” she said with a giggle. “Hello!” She hollered into the darkness.
The echo rolled back…… “hello….hello….
I had to smile, at least she was kind of having fun.
“See, no storm can keep us down.” I gave her a pat on the head. “Were alive and having fun!” I belted out waiting for the echo.
It echoed back…… “Not for long!….”
Written By: Sage short-horror-hits
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short-horror-hits · 7 years
The confident surgeon narration
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