shyoft · 5 years
Don’t look at things you know will make you angry. Don’t read the comment sections. Don’t look at the blogs of people who add dumb comments to posts to confirm that they’re dumb all the time. Don’t read old conversations you had with people you don’t talk to anymore. Go look at pictures of kittens or something instead. Protect yourself from negativity in every way you can.
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shyoft · 5 years
open and raw communication with your partner may be uncomfortable and feel so ugly and vulnerable but it solves soo many problems in the end
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shyoft · 5 years
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shyoft · 5 years
it sucks being a suuuUuUUuper observant person bc i notice every little thing in every action & i literally get sad over the smallest things
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shyoft · 5 years
People constantly prove why I shouldn’t open my heart to anyone lmao
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shyoft · 5 years
“Sometimes I regret being nice, apologizing when I didn’t do anything wrong, and for making unworthy people a priority in my life.”
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shyoft · 5 years
“All relationships have one law: never make the one you love feel alone, especially when you are there.”
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shyoft · 5 years
i’ve had a good heart for all the wrong people
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shyoft · 5 years
Stay away from people who only “give” when you “give” first.
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shyoft · 5 years
wouldnt it be cool to just like not feel nervous about everything all the time
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shyoft · 5 years
I’m slowly drifting apart from everyone
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shyoft · 6 years
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shyoft · 6 years
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shyoft · 6 years
how come no one talks about those days where your mental health just crashes down randomly and you start feeling ashamed of yourself because you were doing so good and now you feel like a complete failure because you can’t figure out where you went wrong.
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shyoft · 6 years
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shyoft · 6 years
*scrolls far back into my blog* oh yes…i was suffering quite vigorously here
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shyoft · 6 years
“I think part of the reason why we hold so tight is because we fear something so great won’t happen twice”
— unknown (via hatin)
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