silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Hello! Just here to say hi and wish you a good day :)
Thankyou so much! I hope you have an amazing day xx
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Hey! You’ve been MIA for a while now, everything alright?
Yeah, thanks for checking up! I have exams now but i'll sure try to be more active after that. I've already got some things saved in my drafts, just need to check the grammar. But i'm fine!
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Why am I inactive?
Hey y'all, i've been getting asks about if i'm still gonna post and if i'm okay and all that, so instead of answering all of them i thought i'd just post this (i'll delete this post later).
First of all, I wanna thank all of you who keep sending me such kind messages! I've only had this blog for a little over a week and the love i've been getting is insane.
Secondly, I am working on a few requests, but it's taking me a little longer because i haven't really been well this week. I've been very stressed over school and as much as I love writing for you guys, school unfortunately goes first!
I'll be getting to all of your requests, so don't worry! It might just take a while. I hope you guys understand!
I'll be back with a new post as soon as possible. Thanks to all of you xx
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Face reveal?
Hahah I'm afraid I don't have enough followers for that yet. Maybe I'll do a face reveal at 300 or 400 followers? But if you really want to see my face you can send me a message and get my instagram :))
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Hello! I hope you’re having a wonderful day because you deserve it, love
Thank you so much! You too :))
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Could you do a one shot with Thor where he’s talking to Rocket about what he has left to fight for (in infinity War) and he talks about (reader) and after the battle is over he’s panicking looking for her?
Posted it! Thanks for your request :))
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
"Only Her" - Thor Odinson Oneshot
Request: Could you do a one shot with Thor where he’s talking to Rocket about what he has left to fight for (in infinity War) and he talks about (reader) and after the battle is over he’s panicking looking for her?
Summary: basically what's in the request^^ :)
Author's note: I alologise in advance if the scenes aren't entirely like in the movie! It's still in the cinema and i've only seen it twice so I can't exactly remember anything because I was too shooketh. I might remake this when the movie is out, though! Let me know what you guys want. ALSO I DIDN'T REMEMBER WHAT MANTIS SAID WITH BACON so i made up a name oops.
Word count: Infinity War spoilers!
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"So he killed your brother?" Rocket asked as he walked to Thor, referring to Thanos. The rest of the Guardians stood around them, watching as they spoke. Peter Quill in particular didn't look very amused to have Thor here.
"He did.. Thanos invaded our ship with a few of his people and killed my people. He got the infinity stone and killed my brother and my best friend.." Thor started. "But my brother's been dead a couple times. He's always found a way back, you know?" Thor looked up at the Guardians with a forced smile. "I just think this time he might be gone for good.." He looked down again and nodded to himself, his eyes tearing up slightly. When no one spoke, he continued; "I'm 1500 years old, and I've defeated double the enemies. Thanos is just one of those people, maybe a little bit stronger. I'm only alive because fate wants me to be. It wants me to defeat Thanos, and if I can't then I'll die trying."
"Yeah, you don't look like you've got anything left to worry about." Drax said, crossing his arms. Thor stayed silent for awhile. "I do.. I have one person left, and I need to do this for her. I want her to live on a safe planet.." He then said. "Is she from Earth?" Gamora asked, Thor nodded. "Yes, she is. I met her the first time I got there, she's an Avenger.. I work with her." He then said. "What is an Avenger?" Rocket asked. "They safe people on earth. They're earth's mightiest heroes." Thor answered. "Like Teddy Bacon?" Mantis asked with her soft sweet voice. Thor looked up at her in thought as he said "I don't know, he might be on the team. I haven't been there in awhile." He sighed as he continued; "I just can't let Thanos win. I can't afford letting him kill her, so we have to kill him first. She's the only one I can still lose." He said before walking off, to the Guardians' pod. "I could lose alot.. Me, personally, I could lose alot.." Rocket mumbled to himself before following Thor.
Thor watched in shock as he looked at what was happening. Thanos had snapped his fingers about two minutes ago, and Thor didn't fully realise what that'd mean until now. First, Bucky collapsed and vanished into ashes. To follow were Wanda, Sam, T'Challa.. Thor didn't even want to think about what was happening in the rest of the world right now. He didn't wanna think about how many of his friends would've died. Then Thor got a clear moment, and it hit him like a truck. He felt his breath hitch and his heartbeat speeding up. "Y/N.." he mumbled to himself.
"Y/N!" Thor yelled, running through the forest ontop of the small mountain where he'd just tried to kill Thanos. He had to find you. He had to know you were still alive. His sudden yelling made Steve look up, and he stood up. "Thor, don't," He started. "Those beasts might still be down there. It's not safe to go." Thor looked at him, his chest heaving up and down. "Then go with me." He said. "I have to know where she is, if she's still alive. Go with me." He almost begged. Steve seemed to have an error, he'd never thought he'd see Thor this vulnerable. What happend when Thor wasn't here? What happend to him that made him like this?
Steve and Thor ran down the mountain together, both calling for Y/N. On their way they passed Okoye, who was still in shock from what she'd just seen, Rocket who had the same, and Natasha who looked just as overwhelmed. "You guys haven't seen Y/N?" Nat asked. "No," Steve said. "We think she might still be down there somewhere." He looked at the battlefield, which had become alot smaller. The beasts looked like they were retreating. "She's not." Bruce said as he joined them, he came from down the mountain. "I was there, and I looked for you guys. I would've seen her if she was." Bruce looked over the group, trying to accept the loss of his many of his friends. "What do you mean? She has to be," Natasha said. "She has to be." Banner shook his head at her. "I-I'm sorry.. I could've missed her but-- but I had no idea what was going on."
Before Natasha could say anything, Thor shouted Y/N's name again. "Y/N!" He walked away from the group. "Y/N! Are you here?!" He kept shouting, his voice sounding stressed out. "Y/N!" He kept shouting as he rushed further down the mountain, zigzagging through the woods to make sure not to miss you.
He stopped yelling and looked at the trees infront of him a bit lost, his chest was heaving and his arms were loosely hanging from his side. Was this it? Had he lost the last thing he wanted to keep fighting for? "Thor.." Steve walked up from behind him. He looked devastated as well, which made sense. He'd just lost his very best friend. Thor didn't look at him, he couldn't. He was lost for words as well as for deeds. "I think it's over, I'm sorry. I think she's gone.." Steve continued as he frowned pitiful. Thor looked down at the ground and let his axe slip from his grip. It felt like the world was turning around him, and he had trouble keeping his tears in.
He closed his eyes as he heard Y/N call his name. It sounded muted, as if coming from afar. He was imagining, wasn't he? He looked up as he heard it again, and saw that he apperantly wasn't the only one who did. Steve looked around with his jaw dropped slightly. Thor looked up and listened for Y/N, to make sure his mind wasn't fooling him. "Thor!" Y/N's voice sounded closer, and Thor seemed to wake up. "Y/N!" He yelled as he started to move again, faster than before, eyes filled with hope.
And there she was, coming from behind a few trees. Thor didn't think about anything else and ran towords her, picking her up and holding her close to him. He put her down again and saw that tears were streaming down her face even though she was trying not to cry. Thor looked at her to see if she was wounded; apart from a few cuts and bruises she seemed to be fine. "I-I thought you were dead.." She said, her hands were shaking as she layed them on his arms. "There were people down there, and they vanished. Out of nowhere. I thought you were gone too.. Was it him? Did Thanos do it?" "Yes," Thor nodded. "Yes he did." He pulled Y/N closer to him again and placed a kiss on her forehead before embracing her gently. She hugged him back tightly. "But we're okay. And we will finish this fight together." He then said.
"I love you, Thor."
"I love you, Y/N."
I hope y'all enjoyed this!
Please send in your requests, I write for all MCU characters!
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
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I just really needed to post the screenshots I made bc ugh look he's a god (also the yawn is adorable fight me)
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Hi honey! Just letting you know that you're absolutely amazing and that I love your work more than words can express! You're doing incredible love.
Awh thank you so much! No lie, you just made my day so much better! Please send me a message if you want! Xx
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
"Someone To Rely On" - a Peter Parker Oneshot
Request: Heya, I'm not sure if you have any request rules or what not but I was wondering if I could request a Peter parker x reader based on your 'how they'd hug you' preferences? I was reading it and thought it would be really adorable as a oneshot x thank you! :3
Summary: Peter made a promise to Y/N to let her know he was alright after he'd been on his Spidey duty. After time passes and Y/N hasn't got any word from him, she starts to get worried.
Author's note: The original post got deleted so I had to rewrite this. I'm not super proud of it because I was too mad to do it properly, but I still kinda enjoyed writing this so I hope you enjoy reading this as well :)
Warnings: none
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You turned off the light in your room after you'd turned on the nightlight on your nightstand. You walked over to your bed and tilted up the covers, getting underneath them as you checked your phone again. You were waiting for Peter, your boyfriend, to let you know he was okay. He knew you usually got to bed around 11, so that's when he'd normally text you. He'd made a promise to try and be back in his room around 11 so you would have nothing to worry about.
Yet here you sat in your bed, looking at the conversation between you and Peter, and that text was nowhere to be found. You'd give him a little more time, you told yourself. It wasn't that late yet after all.
You turned off your nightlight as you layed down, your mom would start complaining to you about how you'd get sleep deprived when she saw your nightlight was still on late at night. You texted Peter again, saying just his name. You could keep repeating everything you already said, but you knew it wasn't any use.
You checked your phone for what felt like the hundreth time, and you kept looking at your screen which was set on the conversation betweem you and Peter. Your eyes trailed between the time and the last text you sent him, to see if the word 'Read' had appeared underneath it. You checked the time again, which now said 00:34.
It was so late, and Peter still hadn't replied to your text. No reply, no call, no nothing. He hadn't even read your text, which could sometimes be enough. You layed your phone on your belly and brought your hands to your face, laying them ontop of it.
What if something had happend this time? He'd shown up at your window with a few cuts and bruises at your window before, nothing you couldn't handle. What if something really went wrong? What if he tried to stop a robbery and he got shot? What if he didn't pay attention and got hit by a car? Got taken hostage? Forgot to shoot his webs and fell down a building?
You kept your eyes closed as you could feel an unpleasant tingling feeling in your chest. It felt like a pressure, your heart was beating faster. you felt like screaming, you were so worried.
You kept checking your phone, but your eyes started to get heavy. You wanted to stay awake, you had to. You wanted to know he was safe and okay. But no matter how much you wanted to, your tiredness was stronger. Sleep took over as you layed your hand with your phone in it next to you, falling into a light sleep.
Not long after a figure appeared to your window, masked and sticking to the building. It was Peter. He pulled off his mask, causing strands of hair to fly in all places they shouldn't be at. He looked through your window, where he could see you had fallen asleep. He looked at you doubtfully, he knew you would be mad at him. A guilty look spread on his face as he grabbed his phone, scrolling through all the texts you had sent him. He looks at you again and knocks on the window softly, even though he knew you wouldn't lock your window if you were expecting him.
You woke up as you heard the knock, your heart fluttering slightly. You knew it was Peter, but you were too tired and too mad at him to react. You kept laying still. You could hear him lift up your window as it creaked softly, and he got in. He closed the window again, and the sounds stopped. Peter was looking at you in doubt. What if you didn't want him here, what if he'd really crossed the line now?
Peter gathered himself again as he walked to a chair in the corner of your room. You always layed fresh clothes for Peter there, in case he needed them. He pulled off his suit and put on a shirt, he wouldn't really need the pants since he'd be sleeping anyways.
He walked over to your bed and lifted up the sheets, laying down next to you. He moved over and layed down against you. He layed his arm around you carefully, making you the little spoon. You felt him lean his forehead against your back and he sighed soft, you could feel your anger slip away almost immediately. How could anyone stay mad at Peter Parker? But you couldn't let him keep doing this to you.
"You're late again.." You whispered. He tilted his head up slightly, not expecting you to still be awake. "I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you up.." He mumbled. "Oh, don't worry, I wasn't asleep for very long. I was waiting for someone to text me back to let me know he was okay." You said, a soft anger in your voice. Peter was silent for a few seconds. You took that as an opportunity to turn around to your other side to face him.
"This is not cool, Peter," You started, looking him in the eyes. "I understand you're busy as Spider-Man, but we made a deal. I don't think you realise how dangerous it can be, Peter. Ofcourse, being Spider-Man is cool, you get a kick out of it and I completely understand. You safe alot of people, and that's amazing. But you can't forget yourself, Peter. I want you to think about May, Ned, Mj and me. Do you have any idea what we would--.. I don't know what I'd do if something happend to you.." You whispered the last sentence almost inaudible, and you broke eye contact.
Peter looked at you with a guilty frown. He hated that he had dissapointed you. He hated seeing like this, and knowing how much you cared and worried for his safety, only to mess it all up. He could hit himself, he felt so bad. "I do think about you. I always think about you, but sometimes I just forget.. I'm sorry.."
You sighed and took his hand, bringing it close to your face. "Please don't let this happen again.." You muttered as you planted a kiss on his hand, and Peter couldn't help but half-smile soft. "I'll text you," He said. "Everynight at 11." He looked at you as he now placed a kiss on your hand. You smiled. "Everynight at 11."
Peter layed on his back, you had placed your head ontop of his chest as you were asleep with one leg over his waist. Peter pulled you closer to himself carefully, placing a kiss ontop of your head. He sighed relieved, when you two even had the smallest fight it could give him alot of stress. He looked at you with a smile, he knew he had to keep his promise. He had to keep his promise for you, and he would.
I hoped you enjoyed this, thanks for your request!
Please send in your requests, I write for all MCU characters!
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Could you do another preference of how they’d kiss you, same characters?
I posted it, thanks for your request!
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Avengers: How they'd kiss you
Avengers preference: How they'd kiss you
- Wanda Maximoff
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Almost everything in your relationship with Wanda was passionate. There weren't much conditions or rules on you two dating, but Wanda just wanted it to be real. She really loved you, and she wanted everything to last as long as possible. When she kissed you she'd like to do it slow and gently, to make sure she didn't rush you into anything.
- Natasha Romanoff
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Natasha didn't really have much time alone with you because of all the missions she went on. She didn't often show affection towords you, but that didn't mean that she didn't love you. She did, and you knew that. So sometimes, when she was free for a couple of days, you would set up an amazing date and you'd hope it would lead into a make-out sesh.
- Gamora
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Gamora could have quite alot of stress because of her daddy issues (sorry) so sometimes she just really needed to get her mind off that. Luckily she had you, who never failed to make her happy. You'd Always be happy to help het out, even if that just meant making out for awhile.
- Loki Laufeyson
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Loki could sometimes feel very posessive over you, so when he hadn't seen you for awhile he really felt like something was missing. When he'd see you again he'd be very excited, but we all know he'd play it off cool with a Cheeky smirk on his face. Later that night when you two could finally be alone, he started kissing you. He sure had his ways to show how much he missed you ;)
- Bucky Barnes
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Even though Bucky might not Always be there when you are in need for affection, that guy was passionate. His manners kind of got stuck in the 40's, so he really knew how to treat a girl. As he kissed you he would tell you how much you meant to him, and that even though he could be a dick sometimes he'd never trade you for anything else.
- Steve Rogers
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Whenever Steve was home he'd Always be close to you. He'd help you with the groceries, he'd walk with you as you brought a cup of milk to the neighbours and he'd even show up at your work sometimes. He'd also really like to be romantic, so he gave you alot of 'unexpected' kisses. They usually didn't last very long, because you would be in the middle of doing something. You didn't mind it, though. You enjoyed everything you got from him.
- Thor Odinson
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Thor wasn't really into much PDA, so the most kisses would take place during the pillowtalks you had every night. You either layed snuggled upto him or he hovered above you while having an arm around you, and as you two chatted he'd sometimes peck you on your forehead, your nose or on your lips.
- Peter Parker
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Okay let's face it, Peter could be very shy and careful, but you're both teenagers who have needs just like every other teenager. Peter liked to kiss you, and he'd sneak a kiss whenever he could. Whenever May wasn't home, though, something else would happen. You could be doing homework in the livingroom or watching tv as you started kissing. It'd start of slow and sweet, but you'd know you both wanted more so it wouldn't take long before you were making out on the couch.
- Pietro Maximoff
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Pietro probably was one of the sweetest boyfriends you could imagine, but one of his favorite things was being Cheeky and making you crazy for him. He'd like to walk upto yu from behind, swirl you around and snog you. He'd also like to kiss your neck as you were cooking or doing something else, leaving light marks.
Thanks for your request, I hope you liked it!
Please keep requesting, I write for all MCU characters!
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Heya, I'm not sure if you have any request rules or what not but I was wondering if I could request a Peter parker x reader based on your 'how they'd hug you' preferences? I was reading it and thought it would be really adorable as a oneshot x thank you! :3
Sure! I love your request. I'm currently working on another preference post, so I'll message you when I posted it!I love your profile picture ;) thanks for your request
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Avengers: How they'd hug you
Avengers Preference: how they'd hug you
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Loki wouldn't really like any PDA at day, but he'd still find it important to show his admiration towords you. This was how he'd like to do it: At night he'd listen to you talk about your day while looking at you with the most admiring look on his face.
- Wanda Maximoff
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Wanda just really likes the feeling of being held. Sometimes the things she'd been through and the people she had lost could take a toll on her, so you holding her would make her calm and would make her feel at peace.
-Bucky Barnes
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Bucky would like having you in 'control', even if that meant just holding you. He'd love to have you in his arms, feeling your warmth and hearing your calm breaths.
- Steve Rogers
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Steve would love to hear you gasp or chuckle as he hugged you by surprise, so most of the time he hugged you he did it coming from behind you. You could either be cooking, cleaning or just standing somewhere when you could feel Steve's strong, warm arms wrapping around your shoulders.
-Peter Parker
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Peter would often show up to your bedroom window late, after he's been on his spidey duty. You'd let him in and he'd change, carefully getting in bed with you. Both too tired to speak, you just layed close to eachother as you fell asleep. Laying close, feeling eachother's warmth, that would be enough for you two.
- Thor
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Since Thor was way taller than you, he would love to take you by your hand and just pull you close to him. Ofcourse you loved it when he did that, you'd never met someone that huggable.
- Gamora
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Gamora wouldn't really be a fan of alot of affection, just sometimes a small peck on her cheeks when she needed comfort. However, as you two were walking around on a spaceship or another planet, it would make her chuckle when you wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Maybe she'd make a sassy comment, but you knew she secretly loved it.
- Natasha Romanoff
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Natasha would sometimes find it difficult to share her affection, since she was told to not show any of it when she was trained to be Black Widow in Russia. She would however like to have you close to her, so she'd sometimes hug you gently when she needed it. You knew she had trouble with it, so you respected that from her.
- Pietro Maximoff
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Pietro would be a bit of a goof, so he'd like to surprise you by speeding into the room (and ofcourse slowing down a bit to not kill you) before running into you and lifting you up for a tickly hug.
I hope you enjoyed this! I'm aware that some characters are missing, so if you'd like me to make a part 2 then let me know!
Please keep requesting, I write for all MCU characters! Thankyou!
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Hi! I love your blog, but please consider not tagging characters that aren't directly relevant to the post; a lot of less popular characters have tags that are almost entirely about the really popular characters.
Thankyou! I'm sorry, I'm just doing it so people can find it easier. I know almost all blogs do it, so I thought it'd be okay. I'm sorry
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silverhawkspidey · 6 years
Dating Bucky Would Include
Dating Bucky Barnes would include:
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- Okay first of all, let's not think about Infinity War. This is in the two-year gap between Civil War and Infinity War.
-Also look at the gif, you would MELT whenever he'd smile at you like that.
-Let's start off at the basics, we all know how traumatised the poor guy must have been after everything he's been through, and all his years at HYDRA.
-So he needed a little more care when he had nightmares or panick attacks, but you didn't mind.
-Him being the big spoon, but also secretly loving to be the little spoon.
-He'd feel so safe with you
-And you with him
-He'd often tell you stories about the 40's, how his relationship with Steve was and whatever was going on at that time.
-He'd love to hear you laugh when he told you about what Steve used to be like, so he tended to exaggerate his stories a little bit
-Tbh when Steve found out he was lowkey so offended
-"You told Y/N people kept assuming I was a girl?"
-"She loves it!"
-"Yeah, well, I don't."
- He wouldn't like to talk about it, but you also loved it when he told you stories about his time with HYDRA
- Ofcourse, it was horrible, but something in his way of telling almost made you believe that you were there with him.
- Bucky HATES Spider-Man
- Like, hating is an understatement
- He wouldn't think of him as an enemy, but he'd annoy him so much.
-"So the fact that he shoots silly-strings out of his wrists and that he's flexible makes him a superhero? Wish it was that easy."
- Bucky wouldn't really take you on alot of dates, but having take-out infront of the telivision while watching movies was good enough for you
- Tbh, Bucky would love to have a bath with you
- Maybe also a little bit for what came after that :)))
- While we're on the subject, sex was different all the time
- He'd be very dominant, though
- After you were finished he'd always ask if you were okay, and if he didn't hurt you
- Bucky could get agressive quite quickly
- So you really had to be careful with talking to other guys
- One time in a pub another guy layed his hand on your leg, and he payed by Bucky breaking his nose.
- That would mean you being kicked and banned out of that pub
- "That was my favorite pub.."
- "Don't worry, Y/N, it's not the only pub. Actually, let's just go home.
- He'd get really annoyed when you played with his hair and tried to put it up in some way, but it sometimes would help him fall asleep.
Hope you liked this!
Please keep sending in requests! I write for all MCU characters.
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