silverxwarrior ¡ 4 years
ooc; This is probably like the third or fourth time I’ve tried writing this message. To be honest, I’ve lost all of my desire to write in an indie rp setting. Not really from my own experiences but from those who I love and a few people that I’m friends with. I feel like so much has changed in the rpc since I started on Tumblr many years ago. And while it’s unavoidable, I got so stressed about my portrayals and how other people would perceive them/if they were good enough or not, etc. And honestly, that’s no way to write and no way to continue trying or feeling pressured or like I’m forcing myself to write. Now, like I said, my time spent with Stiles or my other few muses floating around was fun and I’m thankful to everyone who wrote with me, whether we frequently did stuff or not. I did enjoy my time spent here and the stories we created. But, for now and the unforeseeable future, I don’t plan on returning. I’m sorry if that disappoints some of you, but i also have to do what’s best for me too. Anyways, I wish you all the best and thanks for the fun times we shared. (:
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
If you couldn’t comment on any of the starter calls that I posted last night for all of my girls, I apologize! I didn’t realize I had to change my settings, but they should be all good now! ♡
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
Like this post for a random starter from Allison! Please specify which muse if you’re a mumu!
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
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Every Allison Scene:

3.16 Illuminated
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
Her arching her back just encouraged him to keep brushing his fingers against her underwear. He could tell she was enjoying all this very much and her moans were something that his ears enjoyed hearing. “An adult movie?” He countered, his eyebrows furrowing together briefly. “I barely know how to use a laptop/ Do you really think I would have the skills to make a movie?” He pressed a kiss to her lips, silencing her for a moment. “Not that I would mind spending more time with you because I actually enjoy all the moments we do have together. Especially ones like this.”
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”You know, they still have those good, old fashioned cameras that you can record with.” Allison mumbled, though her words didn’t leave her in the most focused nature due to Derek teasing her. She could barely think straight anymore at this point and it took all of her self control to not slam him down on the bed and ravage him right then and there. Okay, he was larger and stronger than her, but the brunette was a huntress herself and she wasn’t weak like most people thought - she had a decent amount of strength in that tiny body of hers. Allison soon trailed her fingertips over Derek’s sides, touching his warm skin while scattering a series of kisses across his jawline. “Speaking of using things and skills though... I’d say you know exactly how to use those hands of yours. You definitely have plenty of skills there.”
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
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THE REACTION is one he might have expected years ago, back when the Argents still hated him and his family, back when his father was still filled with equal amounts anger and fear. He was under the impression that the Argents had changed. His pack had been amicable with Chris Argent and it was Ben’s understanding that the hunter and arms dealer worked closely with Scott McCall and his friends. So why was Allison dead set on killing him ? And how was she even here ? He wondered how long she had been back for, he wondered what it was that brought her back. That type of magic, that type of situation did not come without a price. Ben knew that, he had studied it, researched it his entire life. He was taught that the first method of protecting himself wasn’t through claws but through knowledge. So many supernatural creatures could be beat with a good plan, it was why hunters managed to succeed. Relying on brute strength alone was a surefire way to end up dead and that was something Ben had no intentions of doing tonight. ❝ i don’t know what’s happening or how you’re here or why you want me dead, but listen to me, this isn’t the answer. i haven’t hurt anyone, you know that. i’ve never taken a life and if that means anything to you at all, you’ll back off just a little, until i can somehow prove myself to you. ❞ He puts his hands up gently, ❝ i don’t want to fight with you, allison. ❞
”I don’t know that. I haven’t been around you to keep tabs on you.” Allison hissed, eyes narrowing because she now felt like he was trying to sweet talk her. “You’re what we call the bad guy. I don’t trust you.” she added, her tone of voice filled even more with venom while keeping her weapon right in Ben’s face. Why was he acting like they were friends? Or like they were on good terms? There was nothing amicable about their relationship as far as Allison was concerned, but the look on his face to see her alive again was one that she couldn’t help but relish in. So many people thought her to be dead and the second they saw her before them in a very much alive and kicking sort of state only fueled her fire more. She didn’t know how or why she was back and had gotten a second chance, but to rise again after everyone thought her end had come never ceased to make her feel good. “The only reason you don’t wanna fight with me is because you know I’ll kick your ass and you’ll lose.”
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
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Every Allison Scene:
3.14 More Bad Than Good
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
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Every Allisaac Scene 8/? (requested by @danarenee101)
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
So weekends tend to get a bit distracting for me, which is why I’m online less during those. I just have to do some stuff and then I’ll be here to get to my replies. If I’ve missed your reply by mistake somehow, please let me know because I don’t want anyone to feel ignored. If you wanna plot with Allison, then come and slide into my dms so we can do all the things! ♡
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
[ 📲 - Allison ] Yeah, always do.
[ 📲- Allison ] I’ll be here.
End of text.
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
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Every Allison Scene:

3.13 Anchors
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
Roleplay blogs aren’t just about cliques and it shouldn’t be about who you’ve known the longest either. Well it should be but also- there are a lot of shy cinnamon rolls out there waiting for you. But they don’t know that you can vibe with them right off the bat if they’d only send in a meme or a starter or something!
So reblog if you’re the type of blog that is open to NEW friendships even if you are already connected to old ones. New friendships mean new experiences and more people to talk about your muses together. This is a clique free blog despite the people who love sending me in asks and there’s much love for them but I’ve also got love waiting for you if only you’d send that one message. 
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
♛ → plotted starter for @silverxwarrior 
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GROUND shifts beneath him, loose dirt being thrown up in the air as he runs harder, faster, quicker, have to stay alive have to stay alive have to- a shot fires. It just narrowly misses him and Ben doesn’t think it’s by any means a warning. Hunters - they always seemed to shoot first and ask questions later. It had been a long time since hunters had spilled blood in Beacon Hills, ever since the McCall Pack formed things had changed, they were still changing, even all these years later. It was as if things were in a constant state of rebirth, getting better with every year that passed, getting safer. Ben did everything he could to help, sometimes that meant getting directly involved, other times that meant convincing his father to see from a different point of view. But none of that changed the fact that someone was trying to kill him. Getting behind cover, bones crack quietly as he rolls his shoulder, shifting from beast to man - something he could have done in his sleep. It’s only once the forest is quiet that he steps out from behind the tree, eyes widening upon seeing a weapon pointed at him, a few inches from his face.
That’s not what shocks him. What shocks him is who is holding the weapon. Eyes widen, mouth falling open, as he takes a few short breaths, confirming that this is real and that the person in front of him isn’t some type of an illusion to trick him. Such a thing would be well within the realms of magic. But the woman that stands before him is real and he knows it, she’s aged. When he looks into her eyes there’s so many questions he can feel bubbling up to the surface. Instead of shouting all of them out at once, he settles on two. ❝ allison ?! you’re alive ? ❞
Her breathing was heavy, chest rising and falling rapidly with every step that she took while running after the werewolf that Allison had set her sights on. The full moon was beaming brightly above her, illuminating her slender form as the huntress passed a never ending series of trees by. Her father had told her many things about her life prior to her death and how full moons were dangerous, yet it was also the most effective event when it came to taking out werewolves. And here she was, all by herself, chasing after a werewolf that she wanted to take down with her trademark bow and arrow. However, she knew that she needed to be fast as dawn was approaching and the sun would soon rise, meaning that the werewolf in question would turn back into a human. The brown haired female wanted to prevent that, so she picked up her pace, no matter how out of breath it would make her. Allison needed to push through and keep her eyes on the prize, the rest didn’t matter as long as she’d be able to get this done. Once the werewolf began to hide behind a large tree, she knew her time was up and that she was too late. The sun was already starting to shine through in the distance and as Allison came to a halt, she grumbled softly to herself. Darn, she’d failed, regardless of the fact that she’d been patrolling and hunting for hours and literally all night. Eyes lifted to the tree when spotting a male form rounding it, her weapon at the ready in an instant. An arrow was quickly pulled from her quiver, tugging it back against the string of the bow and pointing it at the person who appeared before her. To say that she was shocked to see who it was would be an understatement - she knew this guy. Though Allison didn’t have any good things to say about Ben and she wouldn’t stand down or lower her weapon just because he was surprised to see her alive. Chestnut eyes narrowed in response, her breathing slowly but surely coming back down, like her heartbeat. Still, her guard was very much up. “And sadly, you are too.”
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
[ 📱- Allisawr ]  I know you do.
[ 📱- Allisawr ]  But that doesn’t mean I won’t worry about you.
[ 📱 — Malia ] I’ll be okay.
[ 📱 — Malia ] You just take care of yourself, alright?
[ 📱 — Malia ] I’ll see you soon.
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silverxwarrior ¡ 5 years
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Happy 35th birthday to the most beautiful sunshine, Crystal Marie Reed (02.06.1985)! ⇢ I can play the damsel in distress and run and cry all day. Doing that once or twice is fun, but it’s not what interests me most as a performer.
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