simbalovesplants · 3 days
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simbalovesplants · 3 days
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simbalovesplants · 3 days
You give me nice dreams
Steo | Stiles x Theo | ns fw 18 +s mu t
Stiles have been driving in circles for hours. He had just finished tailing the new enemy of the week with Theo.
And Theo did something to him. Something sexual. At least for Stiles, it is sexual.
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Stiles pulled up to their house and ran straight up to his room. His dad is not home which is good. Because he needed that. He knew he was gonna jerk off so bad right now. Theo made him horny.
Theo fucking gorgeous Raeken. His sworn enemy. Well now, not really anymore. The pack decided to work together with Theo. And Theo said he won't force himself into the pack anymore, he just wants to live.
"Fuck you, Theo!" Stiles muttered as he kicked off his shoes and unzipped his pants. He let out a moan as he dipped his hand in his boxers. He was fully hard.
Stiles laid down on his bed, reached for his lube, slicked up and started stroking himself. "That little shit chimera! Fuck you, Theo."
Stiles has a kink; to be held down hard -completely dominated. He likes ties, cuffs and a little bit of strangling. And shutting him up. Something over his mouth. Just like what Theo did to him earlier that night.
They were tailing a suspected human host of another type of nogitsune. He was with Theo. And Theo covered his mouth with his hand so that the human will not notice them. To be fair, Stiles was mouthing off a little bit that time.
And Stiles got hot there and then. He wanted to protest, he wanted to take Theo's hand off his mouth but Theo wrapped his other arm around his waist; keeping his arms pinned to his sides. Theo was behind him - left hand covering his mouth and right arm around him.
Theo then pulled them behind a thick post to hide from their enemy. Hugging Stiles very close, pinning him against the chimera's body. The very warm and muscular body. Because the movement was so sudden, Stiles bumped his behind on Theo's front. He felt Theo's crotch on his butt.
Stiles let out a moan as he remembered how that felt like. It felt big. "Mn, fuck." Stiles arched his back and reached for his entrance. "Theo... fuck me." Stiles said as he started pushing in digits into himself. Imagining Theo topping him.
Stroking and 2 digits in, Stiles came hard, shooting all over himself.
"Ugh... fuck. Theo. That little shit." Stiles cursed as he cleaned after himself. He hated Theo. He made it very clear the first time the chimera arrived. But it was also very clear that he finds Theo to be gorgeous. Very much so. It's a love hate kind of thing for Stiles.
Stiles went to sleep that night and still, Theo, did not leave him alone. Theo gave him a very dirty and hot dream.
"Stiles!" Scott raised his voice a little. Shaking Stiles away from his thoughts, or rather, his staring at Theo.
"W-What, dude? What?" Stiles jumped a little bit.
"Were you... staring at Theo?" Scott looked over at Theo, who was busy teaching Corey some fighting moves.
"I wasn't!"
Scott did not buy it. He knew Stiles had a crush on Theo when they were little kids. And to be very frank, Theo grew up really well. Really hot. "That shirt fits him good." Scott baited.
"Oh, yeah. That maroon shirt that hugged his biceps, chest, and waist so well." Stiles took the bait.
"Right, you weren't staring." Scott teased.
"Oh... uhm..." Stiles tried to find a way out.
"It's alright, Stiles. Can't blame you... but... just a little tip." Scott whispered to him. "Calm down. I could smell you getting horny."
Stiles straightened up. "Do you think Theo noticed?"
"Nah, we're too far. Besides he's busy with Corey. So, as I was saying..." Scott continued what he was talking about a while ago about their enemy. Luckily, they captured it immediately.
Everything was going well for Beacon Hills. For Stiles, not so much. For Theo had been teasing him the past few days. He slipped one time. He was staring at Theo's body while the pack was training. He got horny and started thinking about touching that sexy body. He didn't notice Theo was walking close to him. Theo smelled his chemo signal. Ever since then, Theo had been teasing Stiles.
Looking at him. Biting and licking his lips at him. Sexual innuendos every time they talk. Theo taking his shirt off more often in Stiles's presence. Teasing non-stop.
"Do you wanna ride me?" Theo asked with a grin.
"W-What?" Stiles blinked really fast at Theo's question.
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"Sorry, I mean, do you wanna ride with me?" Theo corrected. They were to pick up Liam from the preserve.
"Oh. Uhm, yeah. Sure."
They walked towards Theo's pickup. With another teasing from Theo. The chimera asked Stiles to get his keys for him. Making the excuse of: he was holding a box so he couldn't get it himself.
The key was clipped to his pants. In front. Near his crotch. Stiles saw immediately that Theo was again teasing him. He gulped and carefully took the keys off the belt loop. Careful not to accidentally touch Theo's bulge. All while Theo was watching him intensely.
Truth be told, Stiles wanted to. He wanted to touch and play it off as an accidental touching. But he couldn't. He wasn't that brave. He was horny, yes, but he's not confident to get Theo. He wasn't even sure if Theo is equally attracted to him or if Theo was just toying with him. Just having a laugh out of getting a reaction from him.
Theo scoffed and asked Stiles to open the truck for him. "Would you be a dear and start the truck for me, Stiles baby?" Theo asked.
Stiles was to snap back a sarcastic retort but Theo was headed to the back of the truck to drop the box.
'Baby? Ugh!' Stiles thought. '...It doesn't sound so bad though.' Stiles reconsidered. As he started the truck and then transferred to the passenger seat, waiting for Theo to come hop in.
Theo opened the door on his side, surprising Stiles. Theo touched his legs and spread them apart. "H-Hey!" Stiles panicked.
Then Theo slowly bent down over... Stiles cursed in his mind. But he blushed. Hard. Theo was getting closer and closer to his lap.
'Is Theo gonna give me a blowjob? Holy shit!' Stiles thought as he gulped and closed his eyes. He waited for a hand to unzip his pants. But nothing came.
"Sorry, I was looking for something under your seat." Theo pulled out a keyring.
"Oh..." Stiles said, disappointment thick from him.
"You smell disappointed, Stiles. Why?" Theo winked at him.
"No, I'm not. Let's just go." Stiles closed his legs and looked away from Theo. Disappointed and embarrassed. And pissed off.
Theo smirked before walking around to get in the driver's seat. He drove to the preserve without any hitch, he doesn't wanna tease Stiles anymore tonight, he doesn't wanna piss him off any further. That's not what he wants. He wants Stiles to get so riled up. So horny, that he'd come to him all needy and ask for it so bad.
But maybe, just maybe, a hand on Stiles's thigh ain't so bad, right? Theo thought as he did so. Making Stiles jerk a little bit in his seat. "What are you doing, Theo?"
"Calming you down. You seem upset." Theo said as softly and with as big of a puppy eyes he could muster.
Stiles narrowed his eyes. He was so frustrated he couldn't tell if Theo was genuine or acting. Theo could control his everything; heartbeat, chemosignal, everything. "Well, okay." Stiles just shrugged it off and let Theo's hand stay on his thigh.
Theo inhaled and smelled how aroused Stiles is that moment. He peeked at him for a second and licked his lips. He's gonna push Stiles over the edge.
Theo slid his hand upwards, towards Stiles's crotch. Stiles tensed up. Theo didn't stop. He kept sliding his hand upwards until it rested on Stiles' crotch. He heard the very much audible gulp from Stiles and that very soft and very low whimper. Theo smiled to himself. This is gonna be fun.
Theo likes Stiles just as much. But he wanted to make Stiles like him. Want him. He was ecstatic when he noticed how Stiles started lusting after him. That hastened heartbeat. That heady aroused scent. How Stiles would hold his breath when he takes his shirt off during combat training. He loves how Stiles reacts to him. He wanted to make Stiles's lust reach it's peak because he knows that would make their first sex, out of many for sure, to be extremely pleasurable.
Theo started palming Stiles through his pants. Stiles let out a moan. "T-Theo... fuck." He should be shoving Theo's hand away but he didn't. And he doesn't want to. He's been dreaming of this for days now. Along with some other things, or rather, acts with Theo.
Theo never talked but kept stroking Stiles through his pants. And Stiles started breathing heavily and grabbed onto that handle by the window; grinding his hips against Theo's hand. "Theo, fuck!"
"What's the matter Stiles?" Theo feigned innocence. Well, it seems like you're relax now." Then Theo pulled his hand away.
"What the shit?!? Theo?" Stiles was frustrated.
"... Pull over." Stiles was furious and red.
"Why?" Theo kept playing.
"Goddammit! Pull over!"
Theo chuckled and pulled over. He looked back at Stiles who was red out of anger and frustration. And have watery eyes. Theo panicked a little bit, thinking he's gonna make Stiles cry.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" Stiles licked his lips and ruffled his hair. "Will you stop doing that?!? Stop teasing me! If you wanna fuck, just fuck me already!!!" Stiles said, a little tear escaped to the corner of his eye and he quickly wiped it away.
"Oh, Stiles." Theo leaned over. "I'm sorry, baby... do you want me to? Fuck you? Right here? Right now?"
Stiles just sniffed and nodded.
"I want you to say it." Theo stared intensely at Stiles, eyes glowing gold.
"Theo... fuck me. Now." Stiles said; voice shaking and heartbeat racing.
"...Fuck! You have no idea how long I've wanted you to say that to me." Theo wasted no more time and moved to Stiles's seat. He straddled Stiles and reached over his seat, adjusting the back rest way down. And started claiming Stiles for himself.
Theo kissed Stiles. Hard. And Stiles was more than willing to kiss back. Stiles was so glad that Theo's such a hard top right now. Just the way he wants it.
Theo then unzipped his pants and positioned himself on Stiles face. "Suck it." Theo demanded. Stiles propped himself on his elbows and stared at Theo's dick for a while. It looks so much better than he imagined. But does it taste better? Only one way to find out. Stiles just opened his mouth and Theo shoved his dick in it. And Stiles started giving Theo head. Good good head. And it does taste better.
Stiles never really paid much attention to how and when did Theo got him completely naked, and on his knees and elbows. Pretty tough to do on a car seat. But there he was, being fucked, pounded, and dominated by Theo.
Theo slapped Stiles's butt really hard until its red and then steadied himself holding onto Stiles's hips as he plunged in and out of Stiles, over and over. And he smiled as he heard that Stiles is still talkative during sex. But he reduced Stiles's vocabulary to only: mmn, ahh, ooh, fuck, shit, so good, Theo. Stiles just differs the order of those words to make "sentences".
A few more pumps and Stiles came all over himself and the seat. Theo kept pumping to get his own release. And when he did finish, he slumped back onto Stiles, knocking them both down on the seat.
"That... was... so good. You feel so good, Stiles." Theo whispered on Stiles's ear.
"Yeah. Ohmygod. Best. Ever."
Theo smirked with a little huff. "And only one." Theo licked and sucked on Stiles's neck. "I'm the only one who gets to fuck you from now on." he then squeezed Stiles's butt.
"Mnn, yeah. No complaints here." Stiles leaned his neck a little to give Theo a better access. "Are you marking me?"
"Just giving you a hickey. I'll mark you later. Right now, we still have to pick up Liam." Theo said, as he pulled away from Stiles.
"No need. I'm already here." Liam said out of nowhere.
Stiles panicked and immediately covered his very naked self. He rolled the window down and saw Liam by the tree near the truck.
Liam waved at them, evident blush on his cheeks.
"Hey, kid." Theo said as he slipped back onto the driver's seat and into his pants.
"L-Liam?!? Why are you- were you there this whole- how long have you been there?" Stiles said, scrambling to get dressed.
Liam scratched the back of his head. "Long enough. I tried looking for you and ended up here. And saw. And heard. And smell-"
"Okay! Stop, baby wolf. No word about this to anyone, okay? No one. We will tell the others, some other day." Stiles raised his index finger to Liam to drive his point harder.
"Okay." Liam said, making a cross my heart gesture. "So, uhm, how long have you been together?"
"Well... we're not yet officia-"
"We got together just tonight. I'm marking him later. So you better get on here so I could proceed to that." Theo said matter of factly.
Liam's jaw dropped. "Wow, Stiles. Sex on the first day?"
"More like first hour, Liam." Theo corrected him.
Stiles just shook his head at Liam and Theo.
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Theo just laughed and started the engine. Liam walked over to the back of the truck. "I'll just stay out back here. Don't wanna touch something sticky in there."
"Liam!!!" Stiles scolded Liam.
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Theo just started laughing out loud as they drove back to the pack house. Excited to claim Stiles as mate later.
-+-+-+ ( complete ) +-+-+-
thank you. more on my master list here
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simbalovesplants · 3 days
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simbalovesplants · 3 days
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simbalovesplants · 3 days
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Here it is. This was requested by @thatguytj11
I hope I did it justice lol
here it below if prefer but be warned. there is smut, more smut, and smut. Zero plot.
Sigefrid walked towards the barn where they were keeping the princess, Aethelflaed. He had waited for Erik to come back to the hall after seeing to Aethelflaed's needs of a meal and a bath. He had heard the men grumble and talk.
They were all convinced that Erik was bedding the princess.
And they all wanted their turn.
Sigefrid, himself, also believed that perhaps Erik was bedding the princess. But he was not going to confront his brother without the proof.
Hence why he was headed towards the barn.
He needed to know for sure.
He opened the door to the barn and walked in. He stopped when he heard the moans. He slowly walked closer and closer. The doors to where Aethelflaed were kept was closed. But Sigefrid could see in from the crack.
He moved closer to it and peaked inside.
His eyes went wide and his cock grew hard as he watched Aethelflaed on top of Erik. She tossed her hair over her shoulder as she moved her hips up and down her hands pressed against Erik's chest.
“You are beautiful,” he heard Erik whisper to her.
Aethelflaed smiled and Sigefrid groaned. She was beautiful. She was even more beautiful, naked taking pleasure from his brother. He bit his bottom lip as Aethelflaed took Erik's hands and moved them from her hips up to her breasts. She pressed them there and smiled.
“I want you to touch me,” she said softly.
Sigefrid pulled himself away from the crack. He pressed himself against the wall of the barn. He opened his trousers with one hand, making quicker work of them than he ever had in the past. He spit in his hand and slid his hand inside and began to stroke his cock. He closed his eyes and listened to the sounds coming from the room behind him.
Aethelflaed's moans and sighs. Erik's soft grunts.
Sigefrid stroked himself wondering what it would feel like to have Aethelflaed do it. He was sure her hands were soft and delicate.
“Princess,” he grunted softly as he stroked himself, running his thumb over his tip and jerking himself harder and faster.
“Erik,” Aethelflaed moaned.
“That's it, Aethelflaed.” he heard Erik say, his brother's voice filled with want and desire. “Come on my cock. That's it, take what you need from me.”
Sigefrid tried to hold on but he could feel the pull in his balls and lower stomach. He stroked faster and harder and came all over his hand and in his trousers. He closed his eyes and cursed. He heard Aethelflaed come undone behind the closed doors. Sigefrid tucked himself back in his trousers more and did them up.
He walked out of the barn before Erik caught him.
A plan, or rather, offer began to form in his mind. He smirked.
Oh, this will be fun.
Sigefrid did not waste any time. The next morning, when most of the men were still drunk, passed out, or sleeping, he waited for Erik in the hall.
He smirks as he sees his brother enter the hall. He walks over to Erik and grabbed his arm tugging him from the hall.
“What-,” Erik started.
“We need to have a discussion,” Sigefrid stated softly.
Erik raised his eyebrow but said nothing. Sigefrid pulled him around the side of the hall and Erik leaned against the outside wall and crossed his arms on his chest.
“What is this great discussion we need to have?” he asked.
“It is about the princess,” Sigefrid said, “and you humping her.”
He saw his brother eye him. Immediately, Erik pulled his mask up that he used with their men when he did not wish them to know what he was thinking.
“I do not-,” Erik started.
“Brother, stop,” Sigefrid said his voice soft and soothing. He pressed a hand to Erik's chest. “I heard the two of you. And I can understand why you wish to hump her. She is a prize.”
Erik eyed him. “Is that all you have to say?” he asked.
Sigefrid smiled. His brother knew him and knew him well. “No, that is not all I have to say,” he stepped closer to Erik. “I wish to have one night with her.”
“No,” Erik quickly answered.
Sigefrid shook his head and tsked his brother. “You did not let me finish,” he muttered.
“I do not have to let you finish,” Erik said. “I know the lady will never go for it.”
“Not even if after I decide to let her go,” Sigefrid said. “With you as well, if you wish?”
Erik was quiet. Sigefrid eyed his brother. He could see that Erik was considering it. “You swear it?” Erik asked.
Sigefrid smirked. “Would I ever lie to you, brother?”
“Yes,” Erik answered without hesitation.
Sigefrid chuckled and shook his head. He grabbed Erik by the shoulders. “I am not lying about this. One night is all I ask. You can even join us if you wish.”
“You were not going to have her without me being there,” Erik said.
Sigefrid smirked. “So, I will have her then?”
Erik rolled his eyes and walked away. Sigefrid smiled though. He knew his brother. Erik was going to give into him. He rubbed his hands together and had a little spring in his step as he walked.
He would get what he wanted. He always did.
Aethelflaed paced. She walked past Erik towards the end of the room and turned and walked all the way back. He let her.
She did not know why she had agreed to this. No, do not lie to yourself. You know why you agreed. The thought of being with Erik and being free of everything. You cannot say no to an offer like that.
“You do not have to do this,” Erik told her softly as she turned to pace back. She stopped in front of him. “When he gets here, I can tell him you changed your mind.”
She looked at Erik's blue eyes. So caring, so filled with love.
And for her.
She reached out and pressed a hand to his chest. She stepped closer to him and leaned in. She smiled against his lips as he kissed her softly and gently.
“I can handle your brother as long as I know you are beside me,” she whispered as she pressed another kiss to his lips.
She smiled as Erik deepened the kiss. One kiss lead to another and another. She felt his hands on her hips pulling her closer to him. She sighed into his mouth when she felt his cock, hard against her. She pressed herself against him. She jumped when she heard the door open behind her.
“Don't start anything without me,” Sigefrid said as he walked into the room.
Aethelflaed turned in Erik's arms. She felt his hands grip her sides more and he pulled her so her back pressed against his chest. She eyed Sigefrid as she felt Erik kiss her neck. Sigefrid smiled. He pulled off his tunic and she realized he had left off his sword hand. His stump was covered with just a leather cup glove of sorts so she did not see the scar.
“Do you like what you see?” he asked as he stepped closer to her.
She eyed his muscular chest and his dark chest hair. He smiled and she felt herself get wet. She had never been attracted to Sigefrid before, she had been more scared of him. But now, she could see his appeal. She sighed as Erik ran his hands up and placed them on her breasts. She saw Sigefrid's dark eyes watch as his brother's hands kneaded her breasts and pinched her nipples through her nightdress.
“I hope you like my hand as much as you like my brother's,” he growled.
“Should we take this off?” Erik whispered in her ear. She closed her eyes as he tugged at her nightdress.
She opened her eyes and looked at Sigefrid. She saw the hunger in his eyes. Desire pooled in her stomach. She had never been looked at like that. Aethelred looked at her like she was beneath him, Erik looked at her like she was a precious jewel to be cherished and loved.
Sigefrid looked at her like he wanted to ravish her and take her roughly and thoroughly. All the stories her lady maids and her mother had whispered to each other that Aethelflaed had heard growing up. About how Danes were monsters and would throw women down and take them in the dirt while covered in blood and mud.
Instead of being scared and terrified, Aethelflaed found herself being turned on. She wanted to know what it would feel like to be taken like a common woman.
She wanted to be ravished and used.
“I see that look, princess,” Sigefrid said as he stepped closer to her. She felt his fingers under her chin as he tilted her head back to look at him. “You want me to take you, don't you?” he asked as he leaned closer.
Aethelflaed nodded. She felt Erik's fingers undoing her nightdress and she let him. Sigefrid leaned in closer and rubbed his nose against hers.
“No, princess, I need to hear you say you want me to hump you. I need the words. My cock is aching to be buried in you, but you get nothing until I hear you say what you want,” he whispered.
Aethelflaed whimpered and Sigefrid smiled. She sighed as he kissed her nose and her cheeks. He was being surprisingly tender. She moaned when Erik's hands landed on her bare breasts. She felt Sigefrid's finger and thumb pinch her chin gently. She looked him in the eyes.
“Well?” he asked smirking.
She licked her lips. “I want you to hump me,” she said softly.
She felt Erik smile into her neck. Sigefrid laughed. He pressed his hand to her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear.
“Is that all you want, princess?” he asked. “Just my cock in your cunt thrusting into you, using you liek you were a common whore?”
“Sigefrid,” Erik warned.
“It's all right,” Aethelflaed whispered as she pressed her hand over his, “I do not mind his foul language.”
“See, brother? She does not mind,” Sigefrid goaded him. “Now, princess, I asked you a question.”
“I,” Aethelflaed felt herself blushing. “I have come to like when Erik,” she swallowed and found herself too embarrassed to continue.
“You like when my brother what, my pretty princess?” Sigefrid said. His hand moved from her cheek to her nightdress. Erik had finished undoing the buttons, so when Sigefrid grabbed the nightdress and tugged, it fell down exposing her breasts. Erik helped her pull her arms out of it and pulled it the rest of the way off her body so that it pooled around her feet.
Aethelflaed gasped as Sigefrid reached forward and took one of her nipples in his hand. He pinched it and twisted it. The pain mixed with pleasure. He wore a smug smirk on his face as if he knew exactly what he was doing to her.
“I like when Erik sticks his face in my cunt,” she answered her voice getting shaky as she rubbed her legs together.
Sigefrid laughed. He let go of her nipple and moved his hand lower, his fingers dancing along her skin. She moaned when he cupped her cunt, rubbing his palm against it.
“Oh,” he said smirking, again with a smug look on his face, “our little princess is wet, Erik. It would seem she enjoys my foul language,” he laughed.
Aethelflaed bit her bottom lip and whimpered. “Please,” she begged as she jerked her hips, rubbing her cunt more against Sigefrid's hand.
“Please what?” Sigefrid asked as he leaned closer. He finally pressed his lips to kiss her. His kiss was all passion. It was raw and messy and powerful. He claimed her lips and pushed his tongue into her mouth to stroke hers.
She moaned into his mouth and grabbed his arms to stay upright. She could fee Erik's hard cock against her ass but it was Sigefrid's cock she ached to have buried inside of her. She moaned and whimpered when he pushed two fingers into her. Erik usually went slowly starting with one, but not Sigefrid. He pushed two blunt fingers into her, forcing her to take them. She did; stretching and aching for more. He crooked them a certain way and bit her bottom lip tugging on it.
“You want me to hump you,” he growled. “You want my cock inside of you, owning you,” he added.
“Yes,” she moaned as he let go of her lip.
He laughed. “Erik, put her on the bed,” he said.
“Are you sure?” Erik whispered to Aethelflaed.
She nodded as Sigefrid slipped his fingers from her. She already felt empty. Erik wrapped his arms around her waist and helped her to the bed. She watched as Sigefrid pulled off his boots and began to undo his trousers. Erik kicked her nightdress aside. Aethelflaed sat on the side of bed and watched as Sigefrid pulled down his trousers. His cock sprang up and Aethelflaed's mouth went dry.
Sigefrid's cock was thicker and longer than Erik's. It was beautiful though and her cunt throbbed to be impaled on it. She turned when Erik chuckled. She blushed but he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips.
“It is all right to like what you see,” he told her softly. “There is no shame in it.”
She reached up and stroked his cheek. “Aethelred did not,” she shook her head, “nevermind.”
“No, tell us what that shit for brains thought,” Sigefrid said. He walked over to them, kicking away his pants, “there is no need to hold anything back.”
Aethelflaed watched as Sigefrid fell to his knees in front of her. He placed his hand on her thigh and pushed it gently. She opened her legs wide watching as he moved more in between them. He turned and kissed her inner thigh. She yelped when he bit down, biting her skin hard enough to draw blood.
“Sigefrid,” Erik warned.
“What?” Sigefrid said as he pulled away from the bite. Aethelflaed felt him lick it after. “A little love bite never hurt anyone,” he turned and looked at Aethelflaed, “you were saying,” he went one as he placed his mouth back over the bite and began to lick and suck on the skin.
Aethelflaed closed her eyes and sighed. “Aethelred told me it was unseemly for a wife to look at her husband's cock,” she whimpered as she felt the leather of the cap on Sigefrid's stump on her other thigh. “He only ever liked to hump me from behind with my head buried in the sheets. 'Bitches who need to be bred, should be bred the right way' he would tell me.”
She felt Sigefrid growl against her skin. He moved his mouth from her thigh and rested his cheek against it. She watched as he looked up at her, anger swirling in his dark eyes.
“Your husband was a shit,” he said firmly. “His cock was so tiny he probably could not take you any other way,” he added.
“He never made her come either,” Erik added. Aethelflaed turned and looked at him as his fingers brushed her hair aside. “She did not know what a climax was until I buried my face in her cunt.”
Aethelflaed watched as Sigefrid reached up and let his fingers run up and down the folds of her cunt, playing with her slickness. He sighed and moved his face closer. She felt his breath on her folds as he sighed. She whimpered and jumped a bit when she felt his warm tongue lick and tap that little bud of pleasure. His dark eyes never left hers.
“Our poor little princess' cunt was neglected as was her pleasure bud,” he whispered, his warm breath hitting her cunt and causing her to get wetter with need. “It must have been the will of the gods' you were there at the camp and we took you,” he added. Aethelflaed moaned when his tongue licked her folds once than again. He pressed his tongue on her pleasure bud, lapping against it over and over. She could feel the pleasure building. He stopped and rubbed his nose against it gently. “The gods wanted your perfect little cunt to be ruined by the Thurgilson brothers,” he said, his voice low and full of desire. She whimpered as she felt his finger run along her entrance, teasing her by barely slipping in before pulling out and rubbing against her folds. “It needs to be stretched and filled to the brim,” he sighed, “do not worry, princess, we will make you climax over and over and over. You will come so many times you will beg us to stop.”
Her breath hitched in her chest. “You promise?” she whimpered.
Sigefrid laughed. Erik did as well. Sigefrid looked at Erik. “Our little princess continues to be a surprise,” he hummed and turned to press a soft kiss to her other thigh. She saw the look he gave Erik. “I will bury my face in her cunt, make sure her breasts aren't neglected,” he said.
“I promise, brother,” Erik said as he pulled off his tunic, “it will be my pleasure.”
Aethelflaed barely had time to take a breath before Sigefrid's face was pressed into her cunt and Erik's mouth fell on one of her nipples. She reached out and grabbed his braided hair with one hand while the other gripped the furs.
She moaned and closed her eyes as she felt Sigefrid slid his tongue into her, licking and sucking up her juices. She pressed her hips against his face and he rubbed his nose against her pleasure bud in return. Over and over. Erik's mouth sucked and nipped at her nipple while he moved his hand to knead her other breast. There seemed to be an unspoken agreement between the brothers and their tongues since it seemed they worked in sync with each other. Erik's tongue would lick and swirl around her nipple as Sigefrid's did the same inside of her.
The pleasure was nothing she had felt before as it washed over her. Her mind did not know where to focus on; Erik's mouth or Sigefrid's. She moaned and gave herself over to the pleasure. She felt Sigefrid's nose rub her pleasure bud harder. She gasped as her legs began to tremble. Erik moved his mouth, switching with his hand and taking her other nipple into his mouth. The nipple he left was sensitive and she hissed as he placed his hand on it and kneaded her breast. She could feel herself tittering on the brink of falling into the pleasure completely. She was almost there.
Sigefrid seemed to sense it. He pulled his tongue from her entrance and slid two fingers into her. He moved his mouth and sucked hard on her pleasure bud. That was all it took.
Aethelflaed could not stop the loud moan of pleasure that fell from her lips as she fell into pleasure. She clenched around Sigefrid's fingers as her body trembled. She tugged on Erik's hair but he would not stop sucking on her nipple. Sigefrid also did not stop sucking on her pleasure bud. He crooked his fingers inside of her and pressed them deep into her wall. He began stroking it and it was like liquid fire on an already burning inferno.
“I can't,” she cried out as she felt tears roll down her cheeks. She bucked her hips up and Sigefrid pressed his stump down on her mound and hips holding her down. He sucked harder on her nub and his fingers pressed deeper into her. He added another finger and she ached as he stretched her more.
“Shh,” Erik whispered as he finally lifted his mouth from her nipple. He moved his lips and kissed the valley of skin between her breasts, his tongue gently tracing circles in her skin. He placed his hands on her breasts, cupping them as his thumbs flicked her sensitive nipples. “It's all right,” he whispered into her skin.
She cried and opened her eyes. She looked down at him. “I,” she arched her back as she felt the pleasure flood her again and her body trembled. She moaned and cried as she came again. “I can't, not again,” she began to sob as Sigefrid's tongue lapped against her pleasure nub. She whimpered as she felt his fingers began to move in and out of her as they scissored her, stretching her even more.
“Do you want us to stop?” Erik asked seriously as he moved so his face hovered above hers. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Say the word and I will tell Sigefrid to stop,” he whispered against her lips.
Aethelflaed kissed him back. She pushed him away then so she could breathe. She whimpered as more tears rolled down her cheeks. She let out a sigh of relief as Sigefrid finally pulled his mouth from her pleasure nub. She felt his mouth kiss up onto her mound. His fingers stayed buried inside of her though, pressing every so often into that spot that caused pleasure to roll over her like a fire burning along a log.
She could feel the pleasure beginning to consume her.
“Stop already?” Sigefrid asked as he placed a hot messy open mouthed kiss right below her belly button. “But I haven't speared you yet with my cock,” he said as he licked her skin to her belly button.
“That does not matter,” Erik said. Aethelflaed's blue eyes looked into his. “If you cannot handle anymore, I will stop him,” he whispered again. “Are you all right to continue?” he asked.
Aethelflaed blinked. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a slow breath. She did not wish to stop. No, she wanted to have his cock as much as he wanted her cunt. She opened her eyes and looked at Erik.
“I am all right,” she whispered.
“Are you sure?” Erik asked.
She nodded. “Yes, I don't want to stop,” she added.
“You heard her,” Sigefrid said. “Now let me hump her,” he answered.
Aethelflaed laughed a bit. She watched, with half opened eyes, as Erik moved. She felt Sigefrid pull his fingers from her as he stood. She looked down and saw him place his cock on her mound. She swallowed as she saw how far it reached; almost to her belly button. She looked up and saw Sigefrid smirk at her.
“I am going to ruin you for anyone else,” he said. He looked over at Erik. “Even for my brother here,” he teased as he shoved him.
Aethelflaed heard Erik huff and roll his eyes. She turned and ran her hand down his bare chest. “Take them off,” she whispered to him as she pulled at his trousers.
Sigefrid laughed. “Princess, my perfect little princess,” he said as he slowly moved back, his cock moving along her skin, “you will not be able to take him after you've had me. You will be too tired,” he laughed.
Aethelflaed moaned as she felt Sigefrid move his cock and rub its tip up and down her folds. She sucked in a breath as she felt his tip move along her entrance, barely slipping in before he pulled out. She looked at him.
“I have another hole,” she answered.
She smiled as Sigefrid laughed. It was a loud bellowing laugh that seemed to take him by surprise. She smiled as reached out. She took hold of his stump. She held it close to her chest, in between her breasts. She slowly undid the leather ties and pulled it off. She saw Sigefrid watching her. She tossed it aside.
“I want to feel all of you against me,” she said.
“Oh, princess,” he said laughing, “I think I am falling for you,” he added.
Before Aethelflaed could answer, Sigefrid pushed his cock tip into her. She moaned and arched her back as she felt herself stretch wide to fit him. His cock rubbed against her walls, stretching her in ways Erik and Aethelred never had. She felt Erik climb off the bed and the sounds of his boots and trousers hitting the ground but she focused on Sigefrid and his cock.
“Oh,” she breathed out as she felt Sigefrid push deeper and deeper into her.
“Oh, princess, you are still so tight,” he groaned as his hand gripped her hip. She knew she would have bruises. She moaned and hissed as he rubbed his stump along her sensitive nipples. “Your husband's cock must be so small and tiny for you to still be so tight,” he added.
“I know,” Erik answered. “I have had her over and over,” he added. “Her cunt never seems to stretch out.”
“Hmm, princess,” Sigefrid moaned as he thrusted into her, filling her completely. Aethelflaed gasped as she felt how deep he was inside of her. She looked down and whimpered as she saw the bulge outline of his cock in her lower abdomen. “I fear we will not be returning you to your father,” he answered as he ran his stump down along her body. He pressed it down on the bulge. “My cock is already in love with your cunt.”
She breathed out. Her breath turned into a low moan as Sigefrid dragged his cock from her. He smirked at her as she reached out and grabbed his stump. He snapped his hips and thrusted into her hard and fast. She whimpered as tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt Erik's hands then, back on her breasts playing with her sensitive nipples. She barely had time to breathe before Sigefrid was dragging his cock from her again and thrusting back into her.
“Yes, that's it,” Sigefrid rasps as he dragged his cock from her again and thrusted into her. She moved a bit on the bed, Erik moved closer to hold her closer to Sigefrid, who began pounding into her over and over.
Aethelflaed moaned and closed her eyes. She clenched around Sigefrid's cock and felt his cock twitch. He kept pressing down on the bulge over and over and it added to her pleasure. She grabbed Erik's hand from her breast and moved it down to her mound. He seemed to know exactly what she needed. He ran his fingers lower and began to rub her nub. The sound that came from her mouth then was a sound she had never heard before. It was a mix between a moan and a whimper.
“I do love that sound,” Sigefrid said as he continued to thrust into her.
With Sigefrid's powerful, hard thrusts and Erik rubbing and flicking her nub, it did not take long for Aethelflaed to shatter again. She sobbed, actually sobbed, as her whole body shook. She closed her eyes, tears rolling unchecked from them. She dug her nails into Sigefrid's stump and the back of Erik's hand. She whimpered and sobbed as she saw white lights behind her eyelids. She heard Sigefrid chuckle as he dragged his cock from her.
“Help her up on her hands and knees,” Sigefrid told Erik. “I need to show her how one humps from behind. And make her come one more time.”
“Sigefrid,” Erik said his voice filled with caution and worry.
“Come now, brother, she is fine,” Sigefrid said. Aethelflaed huffed out a breath and nodded; or at least she hoped she nodded. “Plus, in that position, she can take you in her mouth.”
“He's,” she paused and took a slow deep breath, “right,” she finished. She began to roll over. She felt Erik's hands on her. She turned and grabbed his beard and tugged it bringing his face closer to hers. She kissed him and he kissed her back. She pulled away and looked at him. “I can take it,” she whispered to him.
He nodded. “All right,” he said. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips. “Let me know if it's too much.”
She nodded. She pulled away from him and slowly rolled over. She closed her eyes. She could take another round.
Just one more time, she thought to herself.
Sigefrid watched as Aethelflaed moved on her hands and knees in front of him. His cock twitched as he saw her wet cunt in front of him. He looked up when he saw the look Erik gave him. He smirked and shrugged.
“You should see the view, brother,” Sigefrid answered as he stepped closer to her. He took his cock in hand and rubbed it up and down her folds again. His eyes watched as she clenched her cunt around nothing and whimpered. “It is fucking beautiful,” he answered as he pressed his tip into her.
“The view I have is also beautiful,” Erik said.
Sigefrid moved slowly, which was against how he usually humped, as he watched Erik move his cock closer to Aethelflaed's mouth. He saw Aethelflaed reach out and take Erik's cock in hand and stroke it. Sigefrid moaned, not caring who heard, as his princess' tight cunt sucked him in further and further in as he moved slowly pushing into her. His own cock twitched as he watched his brother's cock get taken into Aethelflaed's mouth.
“After I have filled you, later, my princess, you will take me into your mouth,” he grunted as he thrusted filling her completely. He held still for a moment when she choked on his brother's cock. He smirked and slapped her ass. “You just need practice in taking cocks in your mouth,” he grabbed her ass cheek and pulled it gently, giving him a view of her puckered hole. He reached out with his stump and ran it down her ass cheeks smiling as she shuddered. “And maybe one day, you can have both of us in your two holes here,” he added.
“Sigefrid,” Erik snapped at him. “She is not a common whore.”
“No, she isn't,” Sigefrid answered. He held her ass cheek tightly as he pulled his cock out of her, missing the feeling of her tight warmth around him. He pulled his cock out until his tip was barely inside of her and slammed back into her. He smiled as his thrust pushed her forward and she took Erik's cock deeper into her mouth. He did it again and again. He felt her clench around him. He looked up at Erik. “She may not be a common whore, but she is enjoying being used like one.”
Aethelflaed muttered something but it was choked off by Erik's cock in her mouth. Sigefrid pounded into her, using her over and over, thrusting into her without a pause. He looked down and watched as her folds stretched around his cock. They were puffy and swollen with need and when he dragged his cock from her, they sucked him back in as if her cunt ached and needed his cock to fill her.
“Aethelflaed,” Erik moaned.
“Are you close to coming, brother?” Sigefrid said as he felt the pull in his own balls and lower stomach. He was also close. But he would not come until he made her come one more time. He wanted to fill her as he felt her clench hard around him.
“I am,” Erik moaned. Sigefrid watched as he grabbed Aethelflaed's hair and pulled it up behind her head. He tugged her head back and Sigefrid watched as Aethelflaed pulled her mouth from Erik's cock, a spit trail still connecting them. “My angel princess, do you want to swallow my seed?” he asked.
Sigefrid snorted. “How nice of you to ask,” he teased.
Erik used his other hand and wiped some sweat from his chest. He flung it at Sigefrid. Sigefrid laughed. He thrusted into Aethelflaed harder. He moved his stump so it was under her and ran it along her stomach. He felt her tremble as he moved it lower. He pressed it against her pleasure nub and felt her move her hips so that her nub rubbed against it. It also meant that she pushed back against his thrusts.
“Yes,” she moaned as she moved her hand pulling Erik's cock back to her mouth. “I want your seed, my love,” she told his brother.
Sigefrid groaned and pressed his stump more against her pleasure nub as he continued to pound into her. He felt his own body begin to tremble as his felt his climax coming. He held off feeling Aethelflaed's own body begin to shake more and her cunt clenched around his cock over and over. She was so close. He knew he could hold off until she came.
He watched as Erik shoved his cock into Aethelflaed's mouth. He saw Erik's body shook and he felt Aethelflaed's cunt clench hard around his cock as she swallowed his brother's seed. He heard Aethelflaed's moans, whimpers, and half sobs as she sucked his brother dry. He thrusted into her harder over and over. She choked and let go of Erik's cock. Erik pulled his cock away ad Sigefrid grunted and moaned as Aethelflaed cried out again.
Her whole body shook violently almost and she went limp. She fell forward and Sigefrid saw her drool; it was white, which meant it held not only her spit but Erik's seed. He continued to thrust into her cunt, hard and fast as he rubbed her nub quickly. Even though she was passed out from the pleasure, her cunt clenched so violently around his cock, Sigefrid couldn't stop himself; he came.
He roared as he spilled his seed deep inside of Alfred's daughter. His body shook and trembled like he had never felt before. He felt her body shudder again and she moaned as she came to. Sigefrid held himself still wanting his seed to go deep into her womb. He stopped rubbing her nub and ran his hand along her spine.
“Such a good princess,” he whispered. “You are truly showing us some Saxon hospitality by taking our seed in your belly from your mouth and in your womb from your cunt,” he leaned down and licked her spine. She whimpered as the action pressed his cock, which was still half hard deeper in her. “You enjoyed it, didn't you? Us filling you from both ends?”
“Yes,” she breathed out so softly. “I did.”
Sigefrid laughed and kissed down her spine. He felt his cock go completely limp as he finished filling her. He slowly pulled his cock from her, smiling with pride as she whimpered and hissed. The moment his cock was completely out of her, she slumped over to her side. Sigefrid pulled her leg and rolled her back over to her back. He saw Erik lean forward and whispered to her as he pressed soft kisses on her face and stroked her hair.
Sigefrid's eyes took her in. The smear of his brother's seed on her lips and chin, the sweat that glistened her body, her red pebbled nipples, and finally, her puffy lower lips that were smeared with her wetness and his seed. He watched, his cock twitching and aching to stuff her again, as his seed dripped from her and fell on the furs.
“No more,” Erik said as he turned and saw the look in his eyes. “Brother, no more,” he said again.
Sigefrid huffed and held his arms up. “I was not going to take her,” he said. He smirked. “Not yet anyway,” he added with a wink.
“Sleep,” Aethelflaed muttered.
“We will, princess,” Erik answered. “After I wash you.”
Sigefrid moved and laid on the bed beside Aethelflaed. He smirked as she rolled over and snuggled close to him. He stroked her hair and rubbed his stump along her back. He looked up and watched as Erik came back with a cloth and some water. He began to wash between her legs and her body from juices, sweat, and their seed.
“We had a deal,” Erik told him in Danish.
Sigefrid nodded. “We did,” was all he answered.
He looked down at Aethelflaed as she muttered and sighed against his shoulder. Yes, they had a deal. But now that Sigefrid had had the princess, he was beginning to think they were not going to give her back. And...
He was also thinking that if Erik was going to run away with Aethelflaed, Sigefrid was going to join them.
After all, a good brother shared his wealth with his brother.
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