sincerecaptain · 1 year
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"Enjoying the sun too, Haru?" It was a nice day, with a nice breeze, and the sun was nice and warm on his skin. It really was relaxing. He shifted a little to run his fingers through the other's hair.
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He's kind of just laying stretched out in the grass, relaxing, enjoying the sun.
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sincerecaptain · 1 year
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He's kind of just laying stretched out in the grass, relaxing, enjoying the sun.
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
If it seems I only rp with a few people & nobody else, it’s because they are the most frequent and loyal partners. The difference between them and you, is that they engage with me and our muses, and are equally invested in our verses and ships as I am with theirs. It has nothing to do with “elitism” or me being “a scary rp partner in a clique.” If you are a chill mun, our muses mesh, and you’re bold enough to respond back to me when I write with you or send you stuff, you’re in. Much of the rpc seems to think only rp’ing with 2-4 people makes you scum or some kind of snob, but I assure you, I rp with who is willing to talk to me and stick with my muses. If you’re busy sitting on your side of the computer screen, coming up with fake scenarios in your head that I’m some kind of scary beast that will eat you alive for daring to send me a meme or ask for a plot– you’re doing yourself a disservice. I rp with people that engage and want to be a part of things. It’s that easy!!!!
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
Handy dandy chart to tell the difference if you don’t know:
Playful flirting.
Flirting that goes “nowhere,” since the muse uses their prowess to trap and trick.
Their muse saying they want/like your muse.
Their muse complimenting and coming onto your muse.
Getting rejected from advances, and BOTH muses reacting IC.
Muses that use terms of endearment like: “honey”, “baby”, “sweetie”, “kitten”, “darling”…
A sexual or flirtatious muse being sexual or flirtatious with everyone/your muse.
Any N.SFW character being N.SFW.
Communication. IE: Their mun tells you in PMs they’re 100% ok with your muse not returning feelings/attraction, and asking you to tell them when to stop.
Nonstop romantic/sexualized attention from their muse even when you told their mun: “NO.”
Telling the mun that their muse is dating/is family of their muse when you don’t even know each other, let alone never asking permission.
Hardcore Fanon or Canon shippers that believe because THEY ship “the thing,” you better too, or else no one will rp with you, so you give in ( even if you don’t ship it ) just to have rps.
Spreading foul rumors and lies about the mun who won’t ship with you in order to ruin their reputation and cancel them in the rpc because: “if I can’t have them, no one will.” 
Muns that project through their muse onto you as if it’s your responsibility to satisfy their weird personal fantasies, or else.
Sending creepy, sexual anons even though the mun never answers them, and has tried blocking you.
When a muse flirts back, and acts as if they want the romantic advances of the other muse—then suddenly the mun posts passive-aggressive ooc posts on their dash about being uncomfortable with X and Z, shaming you publicly.
Dropping a ship out of nowhere, then coming back later because the mun is bored and wants the ship after all, but then drops it all over again.
Muns that don’t communicate in general; you can’t accuse people of forcing anything unless you post in your rules, or tell your partner you don’t approve of the interaction. NO ONE here is a mind-reader! 
It’s your own responsibility to set clear, verbal boundaries.
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
     Normalize deleting asks role players no longer feel. 
     Normalize authors needing to clear their space.
     Normalize a role player’s fluctuating interest in topics. 
     If you send me an ask, and I don’t respond to it/delete it, please don’t take it personal. Sometimes I reblog ask memes, feeling them right in that very moment, and I lose track of time and lose interest. It’s not me saying that I’m losing interest in you, but the topic I wanted in that exact moment. Some asks I might hoard for months, others might get deleted. And this needs to be normalized.
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
OC-Friendly is not just tolerating OCs
You're not OC friendly if you hold OCs to far higher standards than canon muses.
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
@musedbykitten​  From here
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He’d learned how to stitch up wounds a long time ago, although he had once thought that when his brother stopped getting into fights, he wouldn’t need to do this again. Of course, that didn’t seem to be the case. 
He didn’t really blame Haru, but he still hated seeing him end up in such a state, and so he couldn’t help the look on his face, the worry, with bits of sadness in it. And his hands shook just slightly, at least until he started stitching up the worst of the cuts, not saying anything else at the moment because he was focused on what he was doing.
He was very afraid though, in this case. This was the worst state he’d ever seen Haru in, but he had a feeling it wasn’t his fault. Even though it was true, Black especially could have a temper, there was at least some sort of rationality to it. This didn’t seem like that though. “If you keep coughing up blood, I am going to take you to a hospital, no matter what.” His voice was quiet, and worried sounding. “If you’re still coughing like that in an hour, we’re going, okay?”
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
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“Hm…” He thought for a moment, squeezing Hikaru’s waist. “Clothes shopping. And I might decide to trade out my piercings for better ones. I want something with skulls.”
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The clothing suggestion didn’t surprise him. Though he was slightly surprised at the comment that he might change his piercings. Although his reasonings were just like him. “Yeah? I think they would suit you. You know, I might get one too. Do you think I’d look good with one?” They were nearly there now.
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
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“I want to try a few. I know what your favorite is, but I’m still not sure ‘bout mine. I also want to pick up strawberry milk while we’re out. I’m cravin’ it.”
He leaned back against his boyfriend.
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He was craving something hmm? Well they could absolutely get some while they were out. There was a really good tea shop Hikaru knew of too, that had a lot of different options and combinations, so that might be a good stop. “I think both of those sound like great ideas.”
He hummed a little, pleased, as they headed towards their destination. “Anywhere else you want to go besides a tea shop?”
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
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“All right,” he nodded and went to run a brush through his hair, nitpicking at his piercings for a moment before heading toward the door.
“…” He was silent for a moment. “…I think…I want to try a new flavor of tea.”
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Hikaru was back a moment later, wallet and keys in his pocket, and having fixed his own hair. He slipped an arm around Haru’s waist and leaned against him as they left, and he smiled at him.
“A new tea flavor huh? We can do that. Any ideas? Or do you want to just try a few and see what ones you like?” Luckily the mall was a short walk away, so it wouldn’t take long to get there.
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
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“The mall sounds good,” Akito knew better than to come near them now and well…he doubted that he was going to do any damage with his other self, not when Hikaru was with him.
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Yeah. Hikaru was pretty confident in his ability to handle Black, and Grey too. Although there was the small thing of his band getting more popular recently, so there was a chance he would be recognized. But honestly, he didn’t especially mind at the moment, and he had no intention of hiding Haru anyway so.. 
“Okay. Let me grab my stuff and we can go.” 
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
i mean this in the nicest way possible you guys but you NEED to take better care of yourselves online. getting severely anxious about mass quantities of horrible things you cant change every single day is normal considering the internet’s ability to educate on worldwide issues, it shows that you have empathy and that you truly do care. but relentless knowledge of constant suffering on this scale is NOT something humans are psychologically equipped to handle. it’s okay to shut off. it’s okay to just take a break and enjoy yourself for a while in your own localized space
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
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“Sure, we can do that. Where to?”
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“I’m not picky at the moment, so you can decide what you’re in the mood for. We can always go somewhere that has everything as far as food, maybe shopping and stuff.. The mall maybe?”
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
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“Hey, Haru--” A small pause, waiting until he had his boyfriend’s attention. 
“Lets go out on an actual date.”
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
"Stop using your disability as an excuse!"
And you should, the short of it.
The long of it?
People, neurotypical and neurodivergent alike, calling out (other) disabled people for using their disability as an excuse in different scenarios.
- These are some examples I've had happen to me, people I know personally, or reliable (or as reliable as you can get online) internet persons. -
"Stop using your disability as an excuse!" When you turn down plans that will be sensory overloading.
"Stop using your disability as an excuse!" When you need something explained to you multiple times or in different ways because of auditory or comprehension issues.
"Stop using your disability as an excuse!" When you have trouble finding or holding down a solid, well paying job.
"Stop using your disability as an excuse!" When you struggle to do things that neurotypical or other people with your disability don't struggle to do.
It's not using our disability as an excuse. It's you seeing, and to a certain extent being "affected" by, a small (or maybe large) portion of how we cope, function, and live with our disability.
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
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I feel like I’m the only one who feels this way, because it’s praised so much as being such a ‘great solution’ for RPers with anxiety, but the whole softblocking trend that has popped up recently just ends up making me more anxious. If it was encouraged and pushed properly, it might be a better solution, but it kind of perpetuates the idea that there is only ONE type of anxiety, and it solves all of the issues and helps eliminate anxiety, when it’s really not a one size fits all fix like it tries to come across.
I totally get how it can and does help people with anxiety and difficulty with saying ‘no’ if they don’t feel like roleplaying, but it gets pushed so much it ends up turning more into straight up ghosting which can be extremely emotionally damaging to others with anxiety. Especially for someone like me, who is both autistic and has anxiety/depression, it has actually caused my anxiety to get so much worse, because people pretend to like me, and then without warning just softblock me without giving me any explanation. I know people don’t owe me one, and everyone is 100% entitled to make their RP experience one that feels comfortable for them, but it mostly just makes me upset because it completely glosses over that it can actually be extremely hurtful, just as much as it can be helpful. I’ve even seen lots of AGGRESSIVE posts about people having every right to softblock you without any explanation and saying stuff like how other people have NO RIGHT to be upset if they do, and like a lot of trends started with good intentions, it’s starting to become toxic, especially in certain fandoms and when pushed in aggressive ways like that.
I like and appreciate what it is meant to do, but we also need to acknowledge that it’s not a perfect solution, and that it can become a toxic thing if it’s not dealt with properly. Also we need to acknowledge that there are more than one type anxiety, that this new softblock trend might actually cause more harm to than it helps.
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sincerecaptain · 3 years
give your autistic characters emotional range, you cowards.
not to b autistic about it or anything but i’ve noticed that the rpc is mostly peopled by allistics.
i’ve also noticed that when characters are autistic, they usually seem to be of a certain type: ‘Cold,’ Quiet, Likes Numbers, What Are Feelings Does Not Compute Error 404. furthermore, that seems to be just about the only criteria needed to meet in order to headcanon a character as autistic. even furthermore, seeing those characters over and over as the only representation of autism is uhhhhhhh kind of boring and largely rooted in autism through the allistic eye, ie negatively. this Autistic Character Mould people are putting ocs and canons alike into needs to be broken up and diversified. here’s how.
first of all, you, the presumably allistic writer and / or character, need to heed these four ( 4 ) factors before i continue:
while those kinds of autistic people, ie the quiet ones ones that like numbers and not people do exist, autism is called a spectrum and with good reason. more importantly, autism does not exist in a vacuum. an autistic person may have all of those traits, a few of them, or none at all.
also, those traits are not solely autistic ones. a person can like numbers and not people, have issues expressing emotions and keep to themselves and be allistic.
cold unfeeling autistic characters are usually written with very little or no insight into the neurological condition itself, which makes for a shit portrayal. this post should not be your only character building source for autism. as you should with every other foray into a subject you’re unfamiliar with, for the love of the GODS, do ya gotdamn research.
if you have a Gasping Need to make your Cold Unfeeling Machine character autistic or conversely, make your autistic a Cold Unfeeling Machine, do it, i suppose ( sarcasm, ) but think about where your decision for making them autistic comes from and why you want to do it.
but queen morgaine, how am i going to write my autistic character then? fear not, reader, here is a list of lesser-recognised autistic things you can and are encouraged to apply to your autistic character to make for a more realistic, nuanced, and overall more human and less robotic portrayal. 
allistics are allowed and encouraged to reblog.
Keep reading
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