sinclairkling · 1 year
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Strawberry Brownies
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sinclairkling · 2 years
“It concentrated me…to the exclusion of everything else. It was like a drug. The world has just become so inhuman. Everyone’s plugged in. Blindingly inarticulate, obsessed with money, their careers. Stupidly, arrogantly content. I can’t talk to them. I fight them. I wanna destroy them, even. I crave interaction. I crave it. But you just can’t anymore. They pull their devices out for every little thing to reinforce their petty, convenient notions. To decide where they are going to shop, what they’re gonna eat, what movies they’re gonna watch, everything they ingest. Because what is left? Oh my God. It’s like this is all a game and I haven’t been told what the rules are. Or even worse, if I had, I am ill-equipped to follow them. All I can do is provoke. I become spiteful. I’m just as bad as they are. They? I’m worse. I fucking hate myself for it. I am so fucking lonely. Why is the world so base? Why is it so insensitive? Why is it so selfish? Why am I? I’m not for this world.”
— Kristen Stewart as Sophie in “Anesthesia”
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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since it’s pride month, throwback to this beautiful cover and this wholesome interaction between two icons
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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Summer Milky Way at Wannamal, Western Australia
Nikon d810a - 50mm - ISO 5000 - f/2.8 - Foreground: 4 x 20 seconds - 
Sky: 16 x 30 seconds - iOptron SkyTracker - Hoya Red Intensifier filter
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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sinclairkling · 2 years
Cultivating an Alluring and Intriguing Aura:
Proverbs 18:2
A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.
Proverbs 29:11
A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.
Proverbs 18:7
A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul.
Always say what is necessary, never speak more than the occasion demands, be mindful of the things you say, and always take a moment to think before you speak. These are all attributes that have been revered as belonging to people of high character throughout history and cultures. The truth is that a lack of control in the way in which we express ourselves taints our image and makes us appear foolish in front of other people, it may lead us to lose opportunities because people in positions of power are not interested in relating with people who lack self-control.
It is important that you become highly mindful of the spaces and the people you are with and adjust your degree of comfort with the topics you decide to engage in and the ways in which you discuss them with others. Knowing your audience will make you appear more tact, proficient, and well-educated when speaking with them and others will revere you on higher grounds.
Once you've established the sort of audience you will be engaging with, remember to only hold opinions and speak on things that you have researched and have proficiency on. Few things are more embarrassing than hearing a highly-opinionated person speak on things they know very little about, and frankly, it is very unpleasant to be around those people. Showcasing your ignorance in public can taint your image in the eyes of others very deeply, so know when it's appropriate to give an opinion and make sure it's an educated one.
Lastly, never overshare, especially in regards to your personal life. This circles back to knowing your audience and therefore how comfortable you can feel around them. Details about your personal life should be kept secret in formal settings, and especially, in work settings. Not only does oversharing about your personal endeavors can make people lose respect for you, but it also can put you in vulnerable and compromising positions that others can take advantage of. By knowing crucial and sensitive information about you, hostile people may try to sabotage you.
Speak only when necessary, make sure what you say has substance and can edify and elevate a conversation, only share details of your personal life with close confidants (close friends, family, romantic partners, mentors, etc.), and ensure that the way in which you communicate is eloquent and refined, smart and successful people will be drawn to you as a result of portraying security, education, and wisdom in the way that you communicate. Your words have power, make sure you leverage that power to mold your character in positive ways.
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sinclairkling · 2 years
Building Your LinkedIn Profile 
From the Top:
Professional “Headline”: After your name, this is the first line viewers see. Go beyond simply putting “student.” (Examples: Marketing Intern, X University College Junior or X University Graduate Student Seeking Digital Advertising Positions or Junior Environmental Studies Major at X College).
Photo: This is the first image a viewer will have of you. Be mindful of how you want to project yourself and be sure that it is appropriate for the audience.
LinkedIn URL: Claim your personalized URL and consider including the public URL at the top of your resume, just under your name with your email and phone number.
Summary: Highlight your key work experiences and accomplishments. Include specialties and skills. Keep it concise, specific and keyword rich.
Sample Summary:
As a student, I have devoted my studies to ______, and am seeking employment in the following areas: _______ and _____ . My work as a _____ and ______ complemented my academic coursework at X University and allowed me to develop an understanding of ________. I am excited to apply my strengths in _______ and ________ to the field of ________.
Experience: Include experiences relevant to your career goals. Give a brief description of each position, the dates you worked and the name of the organization, similar to what you have on your resume.
Education: Include, in reverse chronological order, X University and any other schools or programs.
Additional Sections & Information: Add additional sections to your profile, or incorporate this information in your education, experience or summary sections, such as languages, volunteer experiences, courses, certifications, publications, honors & awards, groups and associations, interests, skills and expertise.
Applications: LinkedIn Applications enable you to enrich your profile, such as Creative Portfolio Display, Blog Link, WordPress, Company Buzz.
LinkedIn Groups: Join groups that are of interest to you and you will receive periodic emails and be able to engage with others in the group.
Populate your profile with connections: First search for people you know and send them an invitation to connect. Be sure to customize your invitation as most people won’t accept a generic invitation. Keep in mind online networking does not replace in-person relationship building.
LinkedIn Checklist
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sinclairkling · 2 years
“Someone somewhere is searching for you in every person they meet.”
— Unknown
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sinclairkling · 2 years
non-physical compliments that feel like a hug:
“I appreciate having you in my life”
“you make me feel comfortable to be myself”
“your kindness and care for others is beautiful”
“I love the way your mind works, it’s refreshing”
“your such a great listener, thanks for being here”
“your vulnerability and honesty is empowering”
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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Upper Peninsula of Michigan | guth.co
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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Stardust Orion
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sinclairkling · 2 years
My happy place, luscious green, river rocks and fallen trees.
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creekside paradise | instagram
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sinclairkling · 2 years
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